This RCA connector allows you to connect an external audio speakers to play the sound live or recorded. In DR-N8 /
16 models this output is also available, but is included in the audio cable supplied.
4 Audio Input Connectors (AUDIO IN)
The DR VCRs include one audio input for each camera to record audio along with the video. In the model DR-N4 I audo The DR VCRs include one audio input for each camera to record audio along with the video. In the model DR-N4 I audo The DR VCRs include one audio input for each camera to record audio along with the video. In the model DR-N4 I audo
the inputs are composed of 4 RCA connectors and serve to connect the audio inputs from the cameras or from external
microphones. In the model DR-N8, for reasons of space, the RCA connectors for audio are not directly placed on the microphones. In the model DR-N8, for reasons of space, the RCA connectors for audio are not directly placed on the microphones. In the model DR-N8, for reasons of space, the RCA connectors for audio are not directly placed on the
DVR but are on a cable supplied separately to connect to the D-SUB connector labeled Audio. This cable also allows
you to connect an external speaker to play back the recorded audio (AUDIO OUT). In the model DR-N16 They are you to connect an external speaker to play back the recorded audio (AUDIO OUT). In the model DR-N16 They are you to connect an external speaker to play back the recorded audio (AUDIO OUT). In the model DR-N16 They are
supplied separately to the well 2 adapters and cables are located on the DVR 2 D-SUB ports. The AUDIO IN port 1-8
allows to connect the microphones from 1 to 8 and the speaker output. The AUDIO 9-16 allows you to connect
microphones of the remaining cameras.
5 Video Input Connectors (1-16)
Connect cameras to these BNC connectors. If the cable has RCA connectors use special adapters RCA / BNC
6 main video output connector (MAIN OUT)
BNC connector for connecting the analog type main external monitor. It display all the windows even if the video signal
is absent and provides access to the programming menu.
7 Ethernet RJ45 socket
10/100 Ethernet connection for remote access from a PC.
8 VGA connector
VGA connector for connecting a computer to type PC monitor. And 'possible to directly connect a monitor with a VGA
cable. This replica output exactly the analog BNC output named MAIN. The DR series VCRs support maximum
1440x900 resolution in 4: 3 and 16: 9 If you have set an unsupported resolution on your monitor so there is precluded
the display can restore the 800x600 VGA resolution by pressing the ESC + 2 keyboard and 2 + ESC
Terminal block 9 inputs / alarm outputs and serial ports
This terminal allows you to connect different types of devices.
ALARM INPUTS - As alarm inputs are intended sensors or external contacts capable of generating alarm and start ALARM INPUTS - As alarm inputs are intended sensors or external contacts capable of generating alarm and start
recording ( ALARM IN).recording ( ALARM IN).
ALARM OUTPUT - The alarm outputs allow to connect external devices, such as acoustic, flashing alarms, lighting, etc. ALARM OUTPUT - The alarm outputs allow to connect external devices, such as acoustic, flashing alarms, lighting, etc.
to operate in case of alarm ( ALARM OUT).to operate in case of alarm ( ALARM OUT).
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PORT RS485 - The serial port is used to send commands to motorized speed dome cameras ( RS485).PORT RS485 - The serial port is used to send commands to motorized speed dome cameras ( RS485).PORT RS485 - The serial port is used to send commands to motorized speed dome cameras ( RS485).
10 ON / OFF
switching on and off switch.
11 Power connector
Connect the power supply 12VDC.
12 Cooling Fan
Fan for the cooling of the hard disk.
13 HDMI Video output (DR-N16 only)
The only DR-N16 model includes another type of HDMI video output to connect a TV-like monitor.
2.3 Remote Control
The remote is a standard accessory with the DVR to facilitate the user. You can perform all the functions with the
remote control at a distance instead of going to select the front panel. The effective distance is about 10 meters
without any obstacle.
The DR-N keyboard also has only the essential buttons for operation, while several additional functions are only
available using the mouse or remote control.
Below a picture of the remote control whose design can be different depending on the model.
Most of the buttons on the remote replication the keys on the DVR keyboard. There are also the following
3/4/5/11 - Moving - Motion arrows in all directions 3/4/5/11 - Moving - Motion arrows in all directions
6 - Menu / ESC - Press to open the programming menu and to exit 6 - Menu / ESC - Press to open the programming menu and to exit 6 - Menu / ESC - Press to open the programming menu and to exit 6 - Menu / ESC - Press to open the programming menu and to exit
) To search for movies, play, and pause
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7 - Log in - Press to log-in and log-out 7 - Log in - Press to log-in and log-out 7 - Log in - Press to log-in and log-out 7 - Log in - Press to log-in and log-out
Any other buttons on the remote control other than those described have no application of these models.
) Fast backward playback
) fast forward
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3. Installation
3.1 Basic Connections
Before turning on the VCR is necessary to arrange the connections with the peripheral units which we explain
•Connect cameras
The cameras are connected to the BNC Video IN (channel 1 ... 16). If the cable you have available has RCA
connectors you must use a RE-BNCRCA1 adapter. The inputs support a standard analog video signal 1
Vp-p 75 Ohm.
•Connect the main monitor
A classic CRT or LCD monitor or a TV can be connected to the MAIN OUT with BNC attack. It 'also possible
to connect a PC to the VGA monitor. In DR-N16 model it is also possible to connect a TV monitor to the
HDMI output.
Without monitor the DVR can run but you can not control it.
•hard disk installation
Because the DVR is capable of recording, you need to install the hard drive inside the equipment. Before
installation make sure the hard drive is the SATA type 3.5 " Then install the hard disk as follows: installation make sure the hard drive is the SATA type 3.5 " Then install the hard disk as follows: installation make sure the hard drive is the SATA type 3.5 " Then install the hard disk as follows:
1. Turn off the appliance open the VCR by removing the 1. Turn off the appliance open the VCR by removing the
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superior protection by unscrewing the lateral fixing screws.
2. Attach the hard disk unit in its seat by means of the screws 2. Attach the hard disk unit in its seat by means of the screws
3. Connect the red SATA cable for data and power cable between hard drive and motherboard.
4. Close the device with the lid by screwing the screws. 4. Close the device with the lid by screwing the screws.
The DR-N16 VCR also features a front drawer in which you can, if necessary, install a second hard drive
removed from the front.
CAUTION: Before you start recording you must perform physical formatting of the hard drive CAUTION: Before you start recording you must perform physical formatting of the hard drive
according to the instructions below in section 6.
•feeder Connection
Connect the power supply 220VAC / 12VDC supplied to the rear connector 12VDC
3.2 Other connesioni
•audio Inputs
Camera equipped with separate microphone or microphones can be connected to the VCR through the
AUDIO IN inputs. The inputs support standard analog audio 2Vp-p 600 Ohm. Use microphones active type.
•audio Outputs
You can connect speakers, headphones or other external audio equipment such as a TV audio inputs and
monitor. This way you can hear the sound from the microphone inputs and during playback.
The connection to the VCR network takes place via the outlet of the rear RJ45 network. Before using the
LAN connection set parameters
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network in the DVR setup menu.
•USB 2.0
If the user wants to use USB 2.0 devices to save audio / video recordings, you can connect the device to the
VCR through the appropriate rear USB port. You can connect USB flash drives, USB Hard Disk and DVD
A second USB port is provided to connect the supplied mouse. The control with the mouse is much easier
and faster than by keyboard or remote control and for this reason in this manual will generally rifermento to
commands with the mouse.
•CALL OUT (only in DR-N16)
E 'can connect a second TV monitor for surveillance through the CALL OUT output. Depending on the
programming this monitor only displays the full screen images of the cameras when they occur alarm events
(alarm or motion) or the images of all cameras sequentially. It allows control of the programming menu.
•Alarm inputs
Terminals 1-4 (DR-N4 / 8) and 1-16 (DR-N16) - Allow to connect external alarm sensors that can enable
logging and generate alarm actions. Connect the contact between the alarm terminals (1 ... 16) and common
terminals G present in the terminal. In programming it is possible to define whether to consider the contacts
as Normally Open (NO) or normally closed (NC).
•Alarm output
The DVR feature 1 relay alarm output for external alarm devices. What can be activated following the rilavati
of alarm events from the DVR. In this case the output is a clean contact Normally Open (NO) consists of 2
terminals denominated NO and COM ..
•PTZ Cameras
The VCR is capable of controlling motorized speed dome cameras via RS485 serial line. The RS485 BUS
part from the terminals A and B of the video recorder to be connected to RS485 terminals A and B of the
cameras according to the directions provided by the manufacturer of the camera (some cameras reported +/-
instead of A / B). The communication settings (protocol, speed, etc. of the bus) is operating in RS485
configuration menu of the DVR and must be consistent with the commands accepted by the cameras used.
The DR series DVR support PelcoD protocol used by DSE speed dome cameras, and various other
protocols from other manufacturers ..
For convenience we report the image of the rear terminal blocks
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Model DR-N4 / 8
DR-N16 Model
3.3 Language Selection
The DR VCRs are provided with the default setting of English. This manual is for convenience to the instructions
in Italian, so as a preliminary step necessary to set the Italian language in the configuration options. The
procedure is as follows:
• Turn on your DVR
Press the ON / OFF button and wait until the startup is completed
• Press MENU
Enter the corresponding administrator password. Factory ( Admin: Enter the corresponding administrator password. Factory ( Admin:
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• Login
• Press MENU
Select the SYSTEM menu with the arrow keys or the mouse and go to the item LANGUAGE
• Choose the language ITALIAN
Select the Italian language
• SAVE Menu
Select the SAVE menu after which the option SAVE AND EXIT
After that the VCR will be presented in Italian.
WARNING - If the configuration menu does not appear on the screen to see the next paragraph.
3.4 Selection of the screen displaying the menu
The DR-N4 video recorders and DR-N8 show the programming menu only on a video output or BNC or VGA, not
If you have connected only one monitor and see not appear the programming menu by pressing the MENU
button it is very likely have to switch the main screen.
To move the menu display from one monitor to press in sequence ESC ESC + 1 + on the keyboard.To move the menu display from one monitor to press in sequence ESC ESC + 1 + on the keyboard.To move the menu display from one monitor to press in sequence ESC ESC + 1 + on the keyboard.
Each press of this sequence, the menu moves from the VGA to BNC and vice versa.
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4. Before ignition and basic operations 4. Before ignition and basic operations
4.1 Information on the live video
Turn on the DVR and wait for the completion of the start-up. If the hard disk is not installed, the buzzer will signal and a
message appears on the screen.
Before you can perform any operation on the DVR you have to login with the Log In procedure. Press the right mouse Before you can perform any operation on the DVR you have to login with the Log In procedure. Press the right mouse
button or the ESC button on the keyboard, or even the LOGIN button with the padlock on the remote control: the login
window will appear.
WARNING - If the configuration menu does not appear on the screen to see the previous section and
press ESC + 1 + ESC.
The default password is as follows.
Admin: 888888 User:
You can use these settings unchanged to use the system for the first time and become familiar with the system, only to
change them in the configuration.
If the user had forgotten administrator password, there is a hardware reset procedure to see later.
You can enter up to 7 users: an administrator and six users with different levels of fully configurable access.
To turn off your DVR, press the POWER button icon in the menu bar, enter the password to turn off, then bring back
the ON / OFF switch to OFF.
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The main screen shown on the monitor after booting the system is the multi-vision camera as shown above. You can
view other options by pressing the split screen multi-image button (
keyboard or remote control. It 'also possible to bring only one camera in full screen by pressing the corresponding
channel button or by double clicking on the image with the mouse. Another double-click brings to Multivision.
In the vision of a single camera in full screen it is possible to carry out the digital zoom of a detail drawing the interest In the vision of a single camera in full screen it is possible to carry out the digital zoom of a detail drawing the interest In the vision of a single camera in full screen it is possible to carry out the digital zoom of a detail drawing the interest
frame with the mouse while holding down the left mouse button.
) on the
Pressing the ESC button on the keyboard or the right mouse button, or even the MENU button on the remote control,
will appear at the lower screen bar system information, which is as follows:
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Alarm inputs State Hard Disk Network Date Now
State of alarm outputs
In the lower left of the screen appear icons regarding the status of inputs and alarm outputs, when activated turns red.
The display changes depending on the DVR model. Starting at the top left are all the icons of the alarm inputs. The
latest series of icons representing the alarm outputs.
Afterwards you have the right information to the hard drive The following indication
It indicates the percentage of registered disk space. If it is active
the option to overwrite and the DVR are overwriting older files icon appears
. If the HDD is faulty or not recognized by the DVR Hard Disk icon
turns red
A indication Hard Disk left is the icon that is for the network connection. If the network icon is blue
remote clients.
remote (maximum 24). If the network icon is gray
connected to a network. On the right we finally find information about the current date and time.
Status information of each camera
Each view window can appear in the top right icon that indicates the current status:
the camera has detected a movement "motion detection" •the camera has detected a movement "motion detection" •
the camera is in a normal scheduled recording •the camera is in a normal scheduled recording •
the camera is recording activated by "motion detection" •the camera is recording activated by "motion detection" •
the camera is recording triggered by an alarm •the camera is recording triggered by an alarm •
the camera and manual recording •the camera and manual recording •
it indicates that the network connections
indicates the number of channels that are connection object
It means that no client is
4.2 Toolbar
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On the main screen, press ENTER, or the key twice ESC or the right mouse button to display the toolbar shown above. On the main screen, press ENTER, or the key twice ESC or the right mouse button to display the toolbar shown above. On the main screen, press ENTER, or the key twice ESC or the right mouse button to display the toolbar shown above. On the main screen, press ENTER, or the key twice ESC or the right mouse button to display the toolbar shown above. On the main screen, press ENTER, or the key twice ESC or the right mouse button to display the toolbar shown above.
The depicted icons represent the following commands:
•Hide Toolbar
•Take the Next Page toolbar
•System configuration (see below)
•manual recording
•Search recorded video and backup
•PTZ control (speed dome cameras)
•Tacita alarm. Pressing the button displays the window with
alarm information
•Fast playback - If we press this icon we have the
chance to see the last period of recording made (from 10 seconds to 60 seconds earlier) or quickly search images
according to date and time.
•DVR Shutdown
• Multivision Management - Allows you to choose how many cameras
simultaneously view: one, 4, 6, 9, 16 cameras
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•To adjust the screen display according to the monitor you
is using, you will see a call POSITION adjustment window.
In this window you can reduce or increase the size of a
screen in portrait
move the display screen at the top, bottom, left, right
. The button It allows to center and expand the
can the display screen.
•Step MENU from BNC VGA output. These DVRs allow
display control menu output only choice is VGA and BNC. If you are connected all 2 types of monitors, pressing this
button you can move on the screen display (VGA to BNC and vice versa). The same result can also be achieved by
pressing on the keyboard keys in sequence '' ESC '' '' CH1 '' '' ESC ''. This key combination is essential if you have a single pressing on the keyboard keys in sequence '' ESC '' '' CH1 '' '' ESC ''. This key combination is essential if you have a single pressing on the keyboard keys in sequence '' ESC '' '' CH1 '' '' ESC ''. This key combination is essential if you have a single pressing on the keyboard keys in sequence '' ESC '' '' CH1 '' '' ESC ''. This key combination is essential if you have a single pressing on the keyboard keys in sequence '' ESC '' '' CH1 '' '' ESC ''. This key combination is essential if you have a single pressing on the keyboard keys in sequence '' ESC '' '' CH1 '' '' ESC ''. This key combination is essential if you have a single pressing on the keyboard keys in sequence '' ESC '' '' CH1 '' '' ESC ''. This key combination is essential if you have a single
•To enable or disable the sound
and horizontally . It is also possible
•Freeze - This option allows you to freeze
the screen image during live viewing
• PIP - Allows viewing of two cameras, a full screen
and the other in a smaller window that you can move to your liking.
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In the small window (PIP) you can see a camera at will. To switch from one camera to another is just click on the pane.
• 2X PIP - As above with 2 PIP windows. Allows viewing of three
cameras, a full screen and the other two smaller windows.
4.3 Formatting the hard disk 4.3 Formatting the hard disk
The first operation to be performed after making the LOGIN is the FORMATTING OF THE HARD DISK to be able to
proceed with registration.
Make the LOGIN as ADMINISTRATOR then enter the SYSTEM CONFIGURATION that in the tool bar is well Make the LOGIN as ADMINISTRATOR then enter the SYSTEM CONFIGURATION that in the tool bar is well
After that enter the section called MANAGEMENT menu, then click the HDD MANAGEMENT voice
It will appear on a window screen that lists the hard disk installed in the DVR indicating the reference, the total
capacity, available space and HDD status. capacity, available space and HDD status.
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To format FORMAT click on the button, then click on OK in the window that will indicate FORMAT COMPLETED. By
this time the DVR is ready to record.
4.4 registration 4.4 registration
There are two ways to control the recording of the DVR DR series: Manual Record and Schedule Record. Programmed There are two ways to control the recording of the DVR DR series: Manual Record and Schedule Record. Programmed There are two ways to control the recording of the DVR DR series: Manual Record and Schedule Record. Programmed
recording allows you to determine the operation of the DVR during the week at various times of the day. Manual
recording allows you to manually start recording in case you need to be sure to record the current images regardless of
the programmed settings. For this manual recording has priority over schedule recording.
In addition to these two methods there is the possibility of recording in response to an alarm generated by an external
input or by motion detection.
Click the MANUAL RECORDING button in the toolbar and in the next window, choose which cameras enable
immediate recording. The recorded files
in manual recording are defined REGISTRATION
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It 'also possible to start the manual recording with the REC button on the remote. To stop manual recording, press the
REC button
E 'can program the DVR so that depending on the time and day of week registers in the preferred mode.
On the toolbar, choose the first icon on the left CONFIGURATION, then RECORDING, SELECT then press CAMERA
At the top it is shown the camera which is being programmed, if you want to edit it is necessary to cancel and select
another one. And 'the ALL option available for
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programs all cameras in the same way. The table shows the x-axis the hours of the day and ordered the weekdays.
Below there are the subscription options available:
WHITE: No registration
BLUE: Normal Continuous Recording
GREEN: Recording only on motion detection RED: Registration only upon activation of the external
alarm input YELLOW: Recording on motion detection and alarm input
Select one of the options in the lower register and then click on a weekly grid to program the DVR.
Note that in order to effectively use the recording with motion detection, you must set the detection masks in the setup
menu VIDEO (see below). To use the alarm inputs need to configure the ALARM section (see below)
4.5 Playback 4.5 Playback
To review the recorded footage choose the search button in the toolbar
In the search window must stipulate the date the subject of research in the boxes at the top, then click the cameras of
interest. With the left mouse button
+ 51 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.