DSC WLS900 User Manual

Table of Contents
WLS900 Wireless Security System
1 Introduction 2 2 Using the Keypad 3 3 Arming the System 4
3A - Arming Levels; 4 3B - Arming the System in the Away Mode 4 3C - Improper Arming Warning 4 3D - Arming the System in the Home Mode 5
4 Disarming the System 6
4A - Disarming the System During the Entry Delay 6 4B - Disarming the System from Away Mode or Home Mode 6 4C - Disarming the System with Alarms In Memory 6 4D - Alarm Memory and Alarm History 7 4E - Quick Exit Feature 7
5 System Status Messages 8
5A - System In Use 8 5B - Communications Successful 8 5C - Communications Cancelled 8 5D - Fire Troubles 8 5E - Sensor Faults 9 5F - Tamper Faults 9 5G - System Not Ready 9 5H - No Response From Controller 9 5I - System Ready 1 0 5J - Alarms in Memory 10 5K - Bypassed Zones 10
5L - Trouble Present 10 5M - Trouble Conditions 11 5N - Sensor Low Battery 11
6 Bypassing Zones 12 7 Master Code Functions 13
7A - Setting the Date and Time 13 7B - Door Chime 14 7C - Changing Access Codes 14 7D - Replacing System Components 1 5 7E - Alarm History 16 7F - Walk Testing Your System 16
8 Sounder Functions 18 9 Replacing Batteries 19
9A - Tips for Buying Batteries 19 9B - Required Batteries 19 9C - Door or Window Sensor 20 9D - Sounder 20 9E - Motion Detector 20 9F - Keypad 21 9G - Smoke Detector 21 9H - After Installing New Batteries 21
10 Fire Safety in the Home 22
Household Fire Safety 22 Family Escape Planning 22
11 System Overview 23 Warning 24 Limited Warranty
Inside rear cover
Your installing company is,
Name: ______________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________ Phone:______________________________________________________________
Your monitoring station is,
Name: ______________________________________________________________ Phone:


Congratulations on your selection of the DSC WLS900 Wireless Security System. The WLS900 Wireless Security System has been designed to provide you with a dependable and flexible security system that is easy to operate and maintain. The system uses radio signals to link its components together. Wireless technology allows for great flexibility in locating the system’s components; only the controller and the sounders need to be located where they can be plugged into an electrical outlet.
Each of the system’s components is designed to perform a specific function within the security system. The Keypad is the part of the system you will be using the most; it is used to arm and disarm the system, and to display messages about system operation. The keypad screen displays messages in plain language to tell you what the system is doing, and to guide you through system operation.
The Controller contains the electronics that control the security system. When an alarm is generated, the controller will activate the Sounder and will, if programmed to do so, contact your monitoring station to report the alarm. The controller can be located anywhere a telephone line connection and an electrical outlet is available. Along with its electrical transformer, the controller also has a rechargeable backup battery that will operate the system should there be a power failure.
The Sounder is used to alert you when an alarm has occurred. The sounder is also used to indicate with various sounds that certain system activities are being performed. The sounder should be located centrally so that it may be heard clearly when it is activated. The sounder requires an electrical outlet for its transformer.
Motion detectors are designed to detect the movements of an intruder. Motion detectors will generate an alarm if they detect motion when the system is armed. Care should be taken not to block the view of your motion detectors. If you can't see them they can't see the intrudor. Your installer will tell you where motion detectors have been installed and what areas they protect.
Door or Window Sensors are used to indicate when a door has been opened. If a door or window sensor is activated when the system is armed, an alarm will sound. A sensor can also be set by your installer to have “entry/exit delays”. These delays allow time for you to activate a sensor when entering or leaving the premises without causing an alarm. Your installer will tell you where door or window sensors have been installed, and which sensors have these delays.
Smoke Detectors sound an alarm when smoke from a fire is detected. The fire detection part of your security system is designed to provide you with an early warning of a possibly dangerous situation; your installer will explain to you how your fire detection system works and how it should be maintained. For
more information write to the information about life safety devices and where they should be located.
One Batterymarch Park, Quincy MA 02269One Batterymarch Park, Quincy MA 02269
One Batterymarch Park, Quincy MA 02269, to request more
One Batterymarch Park, Quincy MA 02269One Batterymarch Park, Quincy MA 02269
Test Your System Regularly
To ensure that your system continues to function as intended, it is important that you test your system regularly. Refer to “Walk Testing Your System” in the Master Codes section of this manual, and read and follow the instructions carefully. If your system does not function properly or if you have any questions about testing your system, call your installer for service or assistance.
Important Notice
A security system cannot prevent emergencies. It is only intended to alert you of an emergency situation. Security systems are generally very reliable but they may not work under all conditions and they are not a substitute for prudent security practices or life and property insurance. Your security system should be installed and serviced by qualified security professionals who should inform you of the level of protection that has been provided, and instruct you on system operations.


The Keypad is designed to make your system easy to use. Messages describing system status and operation are displayed on the Keypad screen in plain language, an easy to follow menu will guide you through all aspects of system operation. Operating the system is as easy as answering “Yes” or “No” to the questions presented on the Keypad’s screen.
The Keypad’s Inactive State
When the keypad is not being used, it will be in an inactive state to conserve its batteries. When inactive, the screen will be blank. Note that the keypad will automatically return to its inactive state after 30 seconds if no keys are pressed. To wake up the keypad and begin to operating the system, press the key and then enter your personal Access Code.
Adjusting the Keypad Screen Contrast
With the keypad in its inactive state, press displayed, you may adjust the contrast of the screen display by pressing and holding the or Keys. Press and hold to increase the contrast, and
to decrease the contrast. When adjusted as desired, enter your personal
Access Code.
Using the Keys
The keys on the Keypad are used as described below:
Number Keys
Arrow Keys
Key The Key is used to cancel an incorrect entry. For example, if you make a mistake while entering
Key To activate a Fire Alarm*, press and hold the Key for 2 seconds; this will activate
Key To activate an Auxiliary Alarm*, press and hold the Key for 2 seconds; this will
Key To activate a Panic Alarm*, press and hold the Key for 2 seconds. If programmed
to and are used to enter Access Codes to arm and disarm the system. The Number
Keys are also used to change Access Codes and set the Date and Time.
and are used to answer “Yes” and “No” to questions displayed on the Keypad, and to display or select system options and functions. Use answer “No”. The Arrow Keys are also used to move from one screen to another; moving from one screen to another is called “scrolling”. Use the next screen, use the
your Access Code, press
Key is also used to return to the beginning of a list of Menus. While scrolling through
The a list of options, press the
a loud pulsing or loud steady alarm (your installer will inform you of how the alarm will sound). To silence an Key alarm, enter your Access Code. If programmed by your installer, the alarm will be reported to your monitoring station.
activate a silent alarm (the Sounder will not be activated). If programmed by your installer, the alarm will be reported to your monitoring station. When the alarm has been reported to the monitoring station, the Sounder will sound several beeps.
by your installer, this will send a report to your monitoring station. This alarm may be programmed as a silent alarm; your installer will inform you of whether or not the Sounder
will be activated when the Access Code.
Key to select the option displayed on the screen.
to clear the mistake, and then enter your Access Code again.
Key to return to the beginning of the list.
Key is pressed. To silence a Key alarm, enter your
*May not be programmed if keypads are in a public place.
. When this message is
to answer “Yes”, and to
Key to “scroll” forward to the


3A - Arming Levels;

The system is designed for simple and easy arming. “Disarmed” - When the system is “Disarmed”, it is still providing protection with,
1.keypad emergency buttons, P, A, or F,
2.smoke or fire detection devices,
3.possibly 24-hour sensors for special cabinets, closets, drawers, etc.
“Home” - When the system is armed to “Home”, it allows you to move around freely without
concerns but touching specific doors or windows may cause the system to sound.
“Away” - When the system is armed to “Away”, all protection is “Active”.
You cannot bypass smoke or fire devices.
Your system may be set up by your installer to arm in a mode other than the Away Mode or the Home Mode. If this is the case, your installer will provide instructions on how to arm your system, and how your system functions while armed.
3B - Arming the System in the Away Mode
The Keypad will normally be in an inactive state to conserve its batteries. Press
Enter your personal Access Code using the Number Keys. As each digit of the code is entered, an “X” will appear on the Keypad screen. If a mistake is made while entering the Access Code, press the mistake and re-enter the Code.
and the Keypad will wake up.
Key to clear the
If the system is ready to be armed, this message will be displayed for a few seconds, then the next message will be displayed. If the system is not ready to be armed the keypad will alert you of any conditions. See Section 5 of this manual for further discriptions.
To arm the system in the Away Mode, press the -YES Key when this message is displayed. If the system is armed in Away Mode, all zones will
be active when the system is armed.
When the message will be displayed for a few seconds. With 30 seconds remaining in the Exit Delay, the Sounder will begin to “beep” once every second. During the last 10 seconds of the Exit Delay, the Sounder will “beep” twice every second. At the end of the Exit Delay, the Sounder will be silenced and the system will be armed.

3C - Improper Arming Warning

If a loud error tone sounds when you arm the system, re-enter your personal Access Code to silence the system. Check the keypad to see if a sensor, has been left open. Close the zone, and then re-arm the system.
-YES Key is pressed, the Exit Delay will begin and this
The Improper Arming is designed to prevent false alarms by warning you when your system has been improperly armed. If a Zone, such as Door or Window Sensor, is left open when the system is armed, an error tone will sound. The error tone will sound for the duration of the Entry Delay time. If the system is not disarmed before the Delay expires, an alarm will be reported to your monitoring station.
3D - Arming the System in the Home Mode
The Keypad will normally be in an inactive state to conserve its batteries. Press and the Keypad will wake up.
Enter your personal Access Code using the Number Keys. As each digit of the code is entered, an “X” will appear on the Keypad screen. If a mistake is made while entering your personal Access Code, press the Key to clear the mistake and re-enter the Code again.
If the system is ready to be armed, this message will be displayed for a few seconds. After a few seconds, the next message will be displayed. If the system is, “
not ready to be armednot ready to be armed
not ready to be armed”, or if there are conditions on the system
not ready to be armednot ready to be armed of which you should be aware, other messages may be displayed; refer to Section 5 of this manual for further discriptions.
To arm the system in the Away Mode, press the
- YES Key when this message is displayed. To display the next message or to arm the system in the Home Mode, press the -NO Key.
To arm the system in the Home Mode, press the
- YES Key when this message is displayed. If the system is armed in Home Mode, only some
of the sensors in your system will be active when the system becomes armed. This option is designed to allow you to remain on the premises while
the system is armed. Zones that cover the interior of the premises will not cause an alarm if activated, but zones that cover most entry points, such as windows and doors, will sound an alarm if they are activated. Your installer will tell you which zones are automatically bypassed when the system is armed in the “
Home ModeHome Mode
Home Mode”. When this message is displayed, press the
Home ModeHome Mode YES Key to arm the system in the Home Mode. If you want to bypass zones, press the -NO Key.
When the
- YES Key is pressed to arm the system in the “
Home ModeHome Mode
Home Mode”,
Home ModeHome Mode this message may be displayed. To arm the system and enable the Entry Delay, press the - YES Key. With the Entry Delay turned on, activating an Entry/Exit Zone will start the Entry Delay. When the Entry Delay begins, a personal Access Code must be entered to disarm the system. To arm the system with the Entry Delay turned off, press the
-NO Key. With the Entry
Delay off, activating an entry zone will sound an alarm immediately. When the - YES or -NO Keys are pressed, the Exit Delay will begin
and this message will be displayed for a few seconds. With 30 seconds remaining in the Exit Delay, the Sounder will begin to “beep” once every second. During the last 10 seconds of the Exit Delay, the Sounder will “beep” twice every second. At the end of the Exit Delay, the Sounder will be silenced and the system will be armed. If you have not left the building, you must disarm and then re-arm the system.


If the system is in alarm when you arrive, do not enter the premises; an intruder may beIf the system is in alarm when you arrive, do not enter the premises; an intruder may be
If the system is in alarm when you arrive, do not enter the premises; an intruder may be
If the system is in alarm when you arrive, do not enter the premises; an intruder may beIf the system is in alarm when you arrive, do not enter the premises; an intruder may be present or a fire condition may exist. Go to a neighbor and contact the authorities frompresent or a fire condition may exist. Go to a neighbor and contact the authorities from
present or a fire condition may exist. Go to a neighbor and contact the authorities from
present or a fire condition may exist. Go to a neighbor and contact the authorities frompresent or a fire condition may exist. Go to a neighbor and contact the authorities from there. Only if you are absolutely certain that no danger exists should you proceed withthere. Only if you are absolutely certain that no danger exists should you proceed with
there. Only if you are absolutely certain that no danger exists should you proceed with
there. Only if you are absolutely certain that no danger exists should you proceed withthere. Only if you are absolutely certain that no danger exists should you proceed with disarming the system and entering the premises.disarming the system and entering the premises.
disarming the system and entering the premises.
disarming the system and entering the premises.disarming the system and entering the premises.
4A - Disarming the System During the Entry Delay
Enter the premises through your designated Entry/Exit door. The Sounder will start a steady tone to indicate that the Entry Delay has started. An alarm will sound if you do not disarm the system before the Entry Delay expires. The Keypad will be in its inactive state. Press and the Keypad will display the next message.
Enter your personal Access Code using the Number Keys. As each digit of the code is entered, an “X” will appear on the Keypad screen. If a mistake is made while entering your personal Access Code, press the the mistake and re-enter the Code.
When your personal Access Code is entered, this message will be displayed to indicate that the system is disarmed and no alarms occurred while the system was armed. After a few seconds, the Keypad will return to its inactive state.
4B - Disarming the System from Away Mode or Home Mode
When your personal Access Code is entered, the Keypad will display a message similar to this to indicate the system is armed in either the Away or Home Modes. In this example, the system is armed in the “Home Mode”. This message will be displayed for a few seconds.
Key to clear
If the system was armed with the Entry Delay shut off, this message will be displayed for a few seconds. After a few seconds, the next message will be displayed.
After indicating which Mode the system is in, the Keypad will ask if you wish to disarm the system. Press the
If no alarms occurred while the system was armed, the Keypad will display this message to indicate that the system is disarmed. After a few seconds, the Keypad will return to its inactive state.
4C - Disarming the System with Alarms In Memory
This message will be displayed if an alarm occurred while the system was armed. This message will be displayed for a few seconds, then the next message will be displayed.
If there are alarms in memory, this message will be displayed. Press the NO Key to return the Keypad to its inactive state, or press the to view the Zones in Alarm Memory. When viewing Alarm Memory, use the
-YES Key to scroll through the list of zones that went into alarm.
-YES Key to disarm the system.
-YES Key
When scrolling through the Alarm Memory Display, the screen will display messages like the one shown here. The Zone that went into alarm will be displayed, along with a message asking if you would like to view the next item in the list. Press the press the
-NO Key to return the Keypad to its inactive state. When the last
Zone in Alarm Memory has been displayed, pressing either the
-YES Key to view the next Zone in Alarm Memory, or
-YES or
-NO Key will return the Keypad to its inactive state.

4D - Alarm Memory and Alarm History

Alarm Memory provides a record of Zones that went into alarm during the time the system was armed. The next time you arm the system, the Alarm Memory will be cleared and the events in Alarm Memory will be recorded in Alarm History. Any old events in Alarm History will be cleared when Alarm Memory is recorded as Alarm History.
Alarm History retains a record of Zones that appeared in Alarm Memory. When Alarm Memory is cleared, Alarm History will record the Zones that had been displayed as Alarm Memory. You can refer to Alarm Memory and Alarm History to determine if certain Zones repetitively sound alarms. Refer to “Viewing Alarm History” in the System Status Messages, Section 5J of this manual for information on viewing Alarm History.
When Alarm Memory and Alarm History are viewed, the Keypad will display the Zone Labels for the zones that went into alarm. The example here shows Zone 1 went into alarm. Press the
-YES Key to view other zones that went
into alarm.
Alarms activated by pressing the , or Keys on the Keypad will be indicated with messages similar to the one shown here.

4E - Quick Exit Feature

The Quick Exit feature is designed to allow you to exit the premises without sounding an alarm while the system is armed. This feature must be enabled by your installer before it may be used. Your installer will tell you if this feature has been enabled on your system.
With the system armed, enter your personal Access Code. The Keypad will display a message similar to the one shown here.
When the Keypad displays this message, press the press the
-NO Key, the next message will be displayed.
-NO Key. When you
Press the -YES Key to activate the Quick Exit feature. When Quick Exit is activated, you will be allowed up to two minutes to exit the premises. During the two minute period, you may exit the premises through the designated Entry/Exit door.
You may activate the Entry/Exit Zone only once; re-entering will start the Entry Delay.


When arming your system, certain messages may be displayed on the Keypad after your personal Access Code has been entered. These messages are designed to inform you of conditions that may affect system operation. Messages will only appear if the conditions they indicate are present.

5A - System In Use

While two Keypads may be installed on your system, only one Keypad may be used at a time. If one Keypad is presently being used, this message will be displayed if a key is pressed on the other Keypad.

5B - Communications Successful

This message will be displayed when a personal Access Code is entered after the Controller has successfully communicated with the monitoring station. For example, if a personal Access Code is entered after an alarm has occurred and been reported to the monitoring station, this message will be displayed to indicate that the alarm has been reported.

5C - Communications Cancelled

Zones on your system may be programmed with a “ reporting delayreporting delay
reporting delay“ to cancel false alarms before they are reported to your
reporting delayreporting delay monitoring station. Refer to the System Overview inside rear cover for more information. Your installer will indicate which Sensors, if any, have an Alarm Reporting Delay.
To cancel a false alarm, enter your personal Access Code when the alarm sounds. For example, if a sensor is accidentally activated, you can cancel the report to the monitoring station by entering your Access Code. The message shown here will be displayed.
The Communications Cancelled message will also be displayed when you disarm the system after an Improper Arming Warning has sounded.

5D - Fire Troubles

This message will only be displayed if problems with a Fire Sensor are detected. “ running low, or that the detector may require service.
This message will be displayed, and then the next message will scroll onto the display.
Press the indicated to ensure that their batteries are installed properly.
If you require assistance, or if Fire Troubles occur often, contact your installer immediately.If you require assistance, or if Fire Troubles occur often, contact your installer immediately.
If you require assistance, or if Fire Troubles occur often, contact your installer immediately.
If you require assistance, or if Fire Troubles occur often, contact your installer immediately.If you require assistance, or if Fire Troubles occur often, contact your installer immediately.
A Fire TroubleA Fire Trouble
A Fire Trouble” may mean that a Fire Detector’s batteries are
A Fire TroubleA Fire Trouble
-YES Key to view the list of Fire Troubles. Check the sensors

5E - Sensor Faults

This message will only be displayed if “
Sensor FaultsSensor Faults
Sensor Faults” are detected. A
Sensor FaultsSensor Faults Sensor Fault may mean that a Sensor’s batteries are running low, or that the Sensor is unable to communicate with the Controller. This message will be displayed before scrolling to the next message.
Press the
-YES Key to view the list of “
Sensor FaultsSensor Faults
Sensor Faults”. Use the -YES
Sensor FaultsSensor Faults Key to scroll through the list of Sensor Faults. Check the Sensors indicated to ensure that their batteries are installed properly. If you require assistance, or if Sensor Faults occur often, contact your installer.

5F - Tamper Faults

This message will only be displayed if the system detects a Tamper condition. An open Tamper condition may indicate that a component has been removed from its normal location, or has been interfered with. This message will be displayed before scrolling to the next message.
Press the
-YES Key to view the list of “
Tamper FaultsTamper Faults
Tamper Faults”. Use the -YES
Tamper FaultsTamper Faults Key to scroll through the list of Tamper Faults. When finished viewing the list of Tamper Faults, press the -NO Key. Check the components indicated to ensure that they are mounted properly. If you require assistance, contact your installer.

5G - System Not Ready

This message will only appear if the system is not ready to be armed because one or more zones are open. A zone is “open”, if, for example, a protected Door or Window is improperly secured. Zones will be indicated as “open” if they have a Tamper or Sensor Fault. Refer to the Tamper Fault in Section 5F or Sensor Fault in Section 5E for information on viewing these conditions. This message will be displayed automatically.
Press the
-YES Key to view the list of Open Zones; press the -YES Key again to scroll through the list of Open Zones. When finished reviewing the list, press the
-NO Key to return to the “View Open Zones Y/N?” message.
With this message displayed, press the -NO Key to display the next message.
To bypass zones, press the zones, press the
-NO Key. For instructions on bypassing zones, refer to
-YES Key. To continue without bypassing
Bypassing Zones, Section 6.

5H - No Response From Controller

This message will be displayed if the Keypad is unable to communicate with the Controller. This message will be displayed and, then the Keypad will return to its inactive state. If the Keypad displays this message often:
•ensure the Controller’s adaptor is properly connected and plugged in
• ensure the Keypad’s batteries are not reporting “Low Battery” and are
properly installed
•if you require assistance, contact your installer.
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