Warning: This manual contains informationon limitations regarding product use and function and inform-
ationon the limitationsas tothe liability of themanufacturer. Theentire manualshouldbe carefullyread.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents2
WARNING: Installerplease read carefully3
Model Information4
Panel Mounting4
EN50131-1 InstallationRequirements4
Technical Specifications, Ratings and Compatibility5
Pre Installation Configuration5
Communicator InstallationConfiguration6
Installing Communicator in Panel6
InitialPanel Programming8
Communicator Status LEDs9
Communicator Troubleshooting10
Ethernet Programming Options11
Ethernet Cellular Programming Worksheets22
Regulatory Information26
WARNING: Installer please read
Note to Installers
The warningson th ispa geco ntainvital information. Asth eon lyindividual in contact with systemusers, itisth einstaller’sresponsibilityto bring each item in this
warning to the atte ntion ofa llusers ofthissystem.
System Failures
Thissystemh asbe en carefullyde signed to be ase ffectiveaspo ssible.Th erea re
circumstances, however, involving fire, burglary, orot hert ypes ofemergencies
whe re it mayn otp rovide protection. Anya larmsystemo fan ytype maybe compromised deliberat elyo rmayfa ilto ope rate asexpe cted for avariety of reasons.
Some, but not all,o fth erea sons maybe:
Acc ess by Intruders
Intrud ersmayente rthrou gh anu nprotecte daccesspoint, circumvent asensing
device, evade detection bymoving through an area of insufficient coverage ,disconne ct awarning device, orinterfe re withor prevent the proper opera tion of the
Component Failure
Although every effort has been made to make thissystemas reliable asp ossible,
the systemmayf ailto function asinte nded due to the failure ofa compone nt.
Comprom ise of Radio Frequency (Wirele ss) Device s
Signalsmay not reach the receiveru nder allcircumstancesw hich could include
metal objectsplaced on or near the radio path ord eliberate jamming oro therinadvertent radio signa linterferen ce.
Criminal Knowledge
Thissystemcontains securityf eatures whichw erekno wnto be effectiveat the
timeo fmanufacture. It ispossiblef orpe rsons withcriminal intent to develop technique swhich redu ce the effectiveness oft hese features. It isimportan tthat the
securitysystemb ereviewed periodicallyto ensu re that itsfea turesremain effectivea ndt hat itisupd ated orre placedif itisf ound that itd oesn otp rovide the protection expected .
Failure of R eplaceable Batter ies
Thissystem’swirelesstran smitters have been designe dto provide severalyea rs
of batte rylife unde rnormalconditions. The expected batterylife isa function of
the device environment, usage, and type. Ambient conditions sucha shigh humidity,h igh orlow tempera tures,o rlarge temperatu refluctua tions mayredu ce the
expecte dbattery life. While each transmitting device hasa low batte rymonitor
which iden tifieswh en the batteries need to be replaced, thismonitor mayfailto
ope rate as expected. Reg ular testing and mainten ance willkeep the systemin
goo do perating condition.
Inadequate Installation
Asecurity systemmust be installed properlyin order to provide adeq uate protection. Everyinstallation should be evaluated by asecurityprofessionalto
ensure tha talla ccesspo ints and areas arecovered. Locksand latcheson window sand doo rsmustb esecure and op erate asinten ded. Windows, doors,
walls,ceilingsa nd other building materialsmust beof sufficient strength and construction toprovide the level ofp rotection expected. Areevaluation mustbe do ne
during and afte ran yconstruction activity.An evaluation by the fire and/o rpolice
dep artment ishigh lyrecommende dif thisserviceisa vailable.
Inadequate Testing
Mostp roblemsthat wou ld prevent an alarmsystemfrom operating as inten ded
can be found by regular testing and maintenance. The complete systemsho uld
be tested wee klyan dimmediate lyaf tera brea k-in,a nattempted break-in,a fire,
a storm,an earthqua ke, an accident, oran ykind ofcon struction activityinside or
outside the premises.Th ete sting should include allsensing devices,keypa ds,
consoles, alarmindicating devices,an da nyoth erop erational devicestha tare
part of the system.
Insufficie nt Time
There mayb ecircumstances when the systemwillop erate asinte nded, yet the
occupan tswillnot be prote cted froman emergency due to theirinab ilityt o
respon dto the warn ings in atimelymann er.If the systemisremotelymonitored,
the respon se mayn ot occur in timeto pro tectth eo ccupantso rtheirbelon gings.
Motion Dete ctor s
Motion detecto rscan onlydet ectmotion within the designated are asas shown in
their respectiveinstallation instructions.Th eycann otd iscriminate betw een
intrude rsa ndintende do ccupan ts. Motion dete ctorsdo not provide volumetric
area prote ction. They have multiplebeamso fde tection and motion can onlybe
dete cted in unobstructed areascovered bythese beams. Theycannot detect
motion whicho ccursbe hind walls,ceilings, floor, closed doors,glass partitions,
glassd oorsor window s. Anytype of tampering whethe rintent ional orunintent ional sucha smasking, painting, or spraying of anymat erialo nth elenses,mirrors,windowsor any other part of the detection system willimpairitsp rope r
ope ration.
Passive infrared motion detecto rso perate bysen sing change sintemperatu re.
However theiref fectiveness canb ereduced whe nth ea mbient temperatu re
rises near orab oveb odytemperatu re orif there are intentionalor uninten tiona l
sources ofh eat in orne arth ed etection area. Some of these heat sourcescould
be hea ters,radiat ors, stoves, barbecues, fireplaces, sunlight, steam vents,lighting and soo n.
Power Failure
Con trolunits, intrusion dete ctors, smoke detectors and many other security
devicesre quirean ad equate po wersup plyfor proper opera tion. If ad eviceo perates fromb atteries,it ispossible forth ebatteries to fail.Even ift heb atterieshave
not failed, they must be charge d,in goo dcondition and installed correctly.If a
device operate sonlyb yAC power, any interrup tion, howe ver brief, willrende r
that de vice inop erativewh ileit does not have power. Power interruptions of any
length are ofte na ccompanied byvoltage fluctuationswh ichmay damage electronic equipment sucha sa securitysystem.After a power interruption has
occurred, immediatelycon duct acomplete systemtest to ensure that the system
ope rates asintende d.
Security and Insurance
Reg ardlessof itscapa bilities,an alarmsystemisn ota substitute forp rope rtyo rlife
insurance. Analarmsystema lsois not asub stitute for property owners, renters, or
othe roccupa ntsto act pruden tlyto prevent or minimize the harmfulef fectsof an
emergen cysituat ion.
Smoke D ete ctor s
Smoked etectorst hat area pa rt oft hissystemmay not prope rlyalert occupant sof
a fire fora nu mber of reason s, some ofw hich follow. The smoke detecto rsmay
have bee nimproperly installed orpo sitione d.Smoke may not be ablet orea ch the
smoked etectors, such aswh en the fire isin ach imney,w allsor roofs, oron the
othe rside ofclosed doo rs.Smoke detecto rsmay not detect smoke fromfires on
ano ther levelof the residence or building.
Everyfire isdiffe rent in the amoun tof smokep roduced and the rate of burning.
Smoked etectorscan not sense alltype sof fireseq uallywe ll.Smoke detectors may
not provide timelywa rning of fires caused by carelessness orsafe tyhazardssuch
as smoking inb ed, violent explosions, escaping gas, improper storage of flammable materials,o verloade de lectricalcircuits,children playing with matches, or
Even ift hesmoke detecto rope ratesa sintend ed, there may be circumstances
whe nth ereis insufficient warning to allow alloccupan tsto escape intime to avoid
injuryor death.
Telephone Lines
If telepho nelines are used tot ransmitalarms,t heymay be out ofse rvice orbu sy
for certainp eriods of time. Also an intrude rmaycut the telephon eline ord efeat its
ope ration by more soph isticated means whichmaybe difficultt odetect.
Warning De vices
Warning devicessuch assirens, bells, horns, orstrobesmayno twa rn peopleo r
waken someone sleeping ift here isan interven ing wallor door. If warning devices
are located on a differen tlevel ofthe residence orp remise, then itis lesslikelythat
the occupants willbe alerted or awakene d.Aud ible warning devicesmayb e
interfere dwith by other noisesou rces such asstereo s, radios,te levisions, airconditioners, other appliances, or passing traffic.Aud ible warning devices, however
loud, maynot be heard bya he aring-impaired person.
This installation manual shall be used in conjunction with the control panel. All safety instructions specified within that manual
shall be observed. The control panel is referenced as the “panel” throughout this document. This installation guide provides
the basicwiring, programming and troubleshooting information.Use this guide in conjunction with the Installation Manual available online from the DSCwebsite at www.dsc.com.
The Ethernet communicator is a fixed, wall-mounted unit, and shall be installed in the location specified in these instructions.The equipment enclosure must be fully assembled and closed, with all the necessary screws/tabs, and secured to a wall
before operation. Internal wiring must be routed in a manner that prevents:
l Excessive strain on wire and on terminal connections,
l Interference between power limited and non power limited wiring,
l Loosening of terminal connections,or
l Damage ofconductor insulation.
WARNING: Never installthis equipment duringa lightning storm!
Safety Information
The installer mustinstruct the systemuser on each of the following:
l Do notattemptto service this product. Opening or removing coversmay expose the user to dangerous voltagesor other
l Any servicing shall be referred to service personsonly.
l Use authorized accessories only with this equipment.
l Do notstayclose to the equipment during device operation.
Model Information
This manual covers the following model of alarm communicator: TL280 and TL280R.References to model TL280(R) throughout this manual applies to all specified models unless stated differently.Models ending in “R” include a built-in RS-232 interface for connecting to local third partyapplications.
The TL280 (R) is an Ethernet alarm communicator that sends alarm communication to Sur-Gard System I- IP, II, III (SGDRL3IP),IV (SG-DRL4IP), and 5 (SG-DRL5IP) central station receiversthrough Ethernet/Internet.
The TL280(R) supports integration over IP and is available with licensed 3rd partyproduct solutions.Specific programming for
the related programming sections is to be provided by the 3rd party. A current list of compatible 3rd party solutions can be
found at www.dsc.com.
The communicator can be used aseither a backup or primarycommunicator. The communicator supports Internet Protocol (IP)
transmission ofpanel and communicator eventsover Internet.
Panel Mounting
The TL280 communicator is compatible with HS2016, HS2032, HS2064, and HS2128 panels.
l 128-bit AES encryption via Ethernet/Internet(NISTvalidation certificatenumber 2645).
l Ethernet LAN/WAN 10/100 BASE-T.
l Individual Internet periodic testtransmission.
l Integrated call routing.
l Visual Verification (requires Sur-Gard System 5 Receiver)
l Remote firmware upgrade capability of the communicator and panel firmware viaInternet.
l Panel remote uploading/downloading support via Internet.
l PC-LINK connection.
l SIA and ContactID (CID) formatssupported.
l Trouble display LEDs.
l Supervision heartbeats sent via Internet.
l Third partyintegration over cellular/IP. The product supports third partyapplication via serial (R-models only) and Eth-
ernet. Refer to third-partyapplication documentation for more information.
EN50131-1 Installation Requirements
For EN50131-1 compliant installations,the following programming options shall be setas described.
Supervision Heartbeat (required for ATS4 and ATS5):
[851][004] setto 0087h (135s heartbeat).
NOTE: The compatible receiver at ARC location shall have supervision window programmed for 1800s (ATS4) or 180s (ATS
[851][005] options 1 and 3 shall be enabled
Testtransmission (required for ATS3):
[851] System testoptions [026] and [027] shall be enabled (FF)for the communication pathsavailable.
[851][124] and [125] shall be programmed with time ofday for test transmission and 1440 minutes(24h) for testtransmission cycle
module in remote cabinet installations. In remote cabinet installations, the
PCL-422 module located with the communicator ispowered by either an
HSM2204 or an HSM2300. Refer to the PCL-422 installation instructions
for details.
Table 2: Compatible Receivers and Panels
l Sur-Gard SystemI-IP Receiver,version 1.13+
l Sur-Gard SystemIIReceiver,version 2.10+
l Sur-Gard SG-DRL3-IP,version 2.30+ (for Sur-Gard System IIIReceiver)
l Sur-Gard SG-DRL4-IP version 1.20+ (for Sur-Gard SystemIV Receiver)
l Sur-Gard SG-DRL5-IP version 1.00+ (for Sur-Gard System5 Receiver)
l HS2016
l HS2032
l HS2064
l HS2128
NOTE: Enter [*][8][Installer Code][900] atkeypad to viewthe panel version number.
Pre Installation Configuration
The communicator uses 128 Bit AES encryption. Encryption can only be enabled from the monitoring station receiver. Each
receiver (Ethernet 1 and 2) can independentlyhave encryption enabled or disabled. When encryption is enabled, the central
station will configure the device to encrypt communicationsthe next time the communicator module performs a communication
to that receiver.
NOTE: Packets will start being encrypted only after the nextevent issent to that receiver, or ifthe unit is restarted.
Communicator Installation Configuration
Mounting Holes
Mounting Plate
Stand Off
This Ethernet communicator shall be installed byservice persons only(service person is defined asa person having the appropriate technical training and experience necessary to be aware of hazards to which that person may be exposed to in performing a task and can also take measures to minimize the risks to that person or other persons). The Communicator shall be
installed and used within an environmentthat providesthe pollution degree max2, overvoltages category II,in non-hazardous,
indoor locations only. This manual shall be used with the installation manual of the panel which is connected to the communicator.All instructions specified within the panel manual must be observed.
All the local rules imposed by local electrical codesshall be observed and respected during installation.
Installing the Ethernet Cable
A Category5 (CAT 5) Ethernet cable must be run from a source with Internet connectivity to the communicator module, inside
the panel. The communicator end of the cable mustbe terminated with an RJ45 plug, which will connectto the communicator’s
RJ45 jack after the communicator isinstalled. All requirementsfor installation ofCAT5 Ethernet cable mustbe observed for correct operation ofthe communicator, including, but not limited to,the following:
l Do NOT strip offcable sheathing more than required for proper termination.
l Do NOT kink/knot cable.
l Do NOT crush cable with cable ties.
l Do NOT untwistCAT5 pairsmore than ½in. (1.2cm).
l Do NOT splice cable.
l Do NOT bend cable atright angles or make anyother sharp bends.
NOTE: CAT5 specification requires that any cable bend must have a minimum 2 in. (5 cm) bend radius. Maximum length of
CAT 5 cable is 328 ft.(100 m).
Running the RS-232 Cable (R models only)
When installing the communicator for use with 3rd party applications an RS-232 cable must be connected between the 3rd
party device and the communicator module.
NOTE: Maximum cable length for RS-232 cable is 8 ft.(2.4 m).
Please refer to the installation manual for the 3rd party device for wiring instructions.
Installing Communicator in Panel
Installing Communicator with HS2016, HS2032, HS2064, and HS2128 Panel
To assemble supplied mounting bracket,perform the following: (See Figure 1).
a. Remove the 4 white plasticstandoffs from the bag provided with the communicator kit.
b. Insert the 4 standoffsthrough the back of the mounting bracket,into the holes at eachcorner.
c. Placethe bracketon a flat,solid surface. Hold the communicator component side up and orient the 4 holes on the
communicator with the 4 standoffsprotruding from the bracket.Push the communicator firmlyand evenly ontothe
standoffs until it is securely attached to the mounting bracket.
d. Remove the panel front cover.
e. Remove and discard the circular knockout located in the top-right section of the panel.
2. Install the Communicator into the panel:
a. Attach one end ofthe PC-LINK cable to the panel PCLINK_2 header on the panel (red wire goeson the right-hand
pin of the panel PCLINK_2 header (see Figure 3)).
b. Insert the assembled communicator intothe panel.
Figure 1: Communicator Mounting Bracket
PC-Link cable connector
GSM Radio
Input Ratings:
+10.8V ~ +12.5 VDC
DSC Panel min. power requirements:
- 16.5 VAC 40 VA transformer;
- 12 VDC 7Ah battery
Jumper pins 4 and 5
to reset.
From NID
Use only CAT5 Supervised
Network Link
Maximum cable length
100 m (328 ft)
To 3rd party device
Locate the screw hole on the right side wall ofthe panel. See Figure 2 "screw".Line up the assembled com-
municator with the right side wall ofthe panel and, using the screw provided, secure the mounting bracket to the
Attach the other end of the PC-LINK cable to the communicator (red wire goes on the right-hand pin of the com-municatorPC-LINK header (See Figure 3)).
Figure 2: HS2016/2032/2064/2128 Control Panel
WARNING! - Modules are power limited. Do not route any wiring over the circuit board. Maintain at least 1in. (25.4mm)
separation between circuit board and wiring. A minimum of ¼ in. (7mm) separation must be maintained at all points
between non-power limited wiring and power limited wiring.
To electrically connect the communicator to the panel, performthe following steps(See Figure 3).
a. Disconnect both AC power and battery connections from the panel, and disconnect telephone line.
Figure 3: Communicator Wiring Diagram
4. Install the RS-232 connections (Rmodels only).Ifusing the communicator with a 3rd party device, wire the connections
as per the table below.Maximum cable length for RS-232 cable is 8 ft.(2.4 m).
NOTE: Please refer to the installation manual for the 3rd party device for wiring instructions.
Table 3: RS-232 Connections
3rd Party Device Communicator
Install Network Cable
1. Route the CAT5 Ethernet cable through backof the panel and plug it into the communicator’s RJ45 jack.
2. Perform the following stepsfor initial power on of the panel with communicator installed:
a. Reconnectthe AC power, telephone line, and battery+ connector to the panel.
(The communicator and panel will power up together).
b. Observe that the communicator’s red and yellow LEDsare flashing together while itinitializes.The red and yellow
LEDs will continue to flash until the communicator has successfully communicated to all programmed receivers. If this
is the first time the communicator hasbeen powered up, the module will not be able to initiate communication untilit
has been programmed.
NOTE: Initialization maytake several minutes to complete. Red and yellow LEDswill flash together during initialization. Do not
continue to nextstep until the red and yellow LEDs have stopped flashing. (If onlythe yellowLED is flashing, there is a
communicator trouble). Correct trouble indicated by flashes on yellow LED before continuing. (for troubleshooting
assistance see Table 6 ).
3. Mount the panel in location.
Initial Panel Programming
Keypad Data Display
NOTE: Programming locationsare accessible via the keypad.
Section-Toggle Options: The number is displayed when toggle is ON,the number is notdisplayed when toggle is OFF.
(e.g.,toggle options displays:[--3--6--]. Options3 and 6 are ON,all othersare OFF).Pressing keys 1through 8 will alternately turn the toggle ON and OFF.
HEX/DecimalData: Values that are provided with two defaults,separated bya “/” character,use the format:hexadecimal
followed bydecimal equivalent (e.g.,default [0BF5/3061]). Hexadecimal numbersare shown, with all leading zeros,to the
full field length defined for the number.
Entering HEX values at keypad
To enter HEX values atthe keypad, press the * key before entering the HEX value. (e.g., to enter “C” at the keypad, press[*][3])
Entering ASCII Characters at keypad
1. Press [*]and use scroll buttons [<][>]to display “ASCIIEntry”on the LCDscreen.
2. Press [*]to selectASCIIentry mode.
3. Use the [<] [>]scroll keysto displaythe desired character and press[*] to save and exitASCII.
4. Repeat the steps above to enter another ASCIIcharacter.
HS2016/2032/2064/2128 Initial Programming
Please refer to the panel manual for details. Perform the following steps to ensure that the communicator and the panel work
together as intended. These sections must be programmed at the panel keypad. Enter [*][8][Installer Code][Section Number].
Record anyvalues that are modified fromtheir default,in the appropriate worksheetsfor the panel or communicator.
In panel section [377] ‘Communication Variables’, subsection [002] ‘Communication Delays’, sub-subsection [1] ‘Communication Delay’, program 060 (seconds).
In panel section [382] ‘Communicator Option 3’ set option [5] ON.
NOTE: If this option isOFF, the yellow status LED on the communicator will indicate‘Panel Supervision Trouble’ (2 flashes)
and the unitcan not be programmed via the PC-LINK cable.
NOTE: Account number in communicator section [851][021] automatically syncs with panel system account number in section
[310][000] ‘Account Code’.
In panel sections[300] subsections [001] to [004], program the subsection with 02 to 06.
Table 4: Communicator Path Programming
02Auto Routing
03Ethernet 1
04Ethernet 2
NOTE: Refer to panel manual for additional information
In panel section [350] ‘Communication Formats’,program the communication formatas:CID(03) or SIA FSK (04).
In panel sections[311] - [318] ‘Partition Call Directions’,program the call direction options for the system.
In panel section [401] ‘DLS/SA Options’,set toggle option [2]‘User Enable DLS’ to ONin order to performpanel DLS ses-
sion through cellular or Ethernet.
NOTE: Before leaving the premises, the installer should verify all programmed communications paths. See programming
Communicator Troubles displayed on a HS2016/2032/2064/2128
The communication trouble is the only trouble thatwill appear on the keypad Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) when encountered
by a communicator installed in a HS2016/2032/2064/2128. For more information about the trouble on the communicator module refer to the panel eventbuffer or by accessing *2 to viewthe individual trouble types.Log entrywill showFault or Restore for
each ofthe following events:
l Alt comm SIM lockTrouble/Restore
l Alt. comm Cellular Trouble/Restore
l Alt. comm Ethernet Trouble/Restore
l Alt. comm Fault/Restore
l Alt comm Receiver (1-4) Absent/Restore
l Alt comm Receiver (1-4) Supervision Trouble/Restore
l Alt comm Receiver (1-4) FTC Trouble/Restore
NOTE: When Panel displays“Alternate Fault”, communicator programming is not accessible via the keypad.
Communicator Status LEDs
The communicator has 2 on-board LED indicators:a yellow trouble LED and ared network connection statusLED.
Yellow Trouble LED
This yellow LED will flash to indicate a trouble on the unit. The number of flashes indicates the type of trouble. See the table
below for the coded flashes and the conditionswhich will activate the trouble statusLED.
Table 5: Yellow Trouble StatusLED
# of
# of
2Panel Supervision Trouble8Receiver Supervision Trouble
4Not Applicable9FTCTrouble
5Not Applicable10Not Applicable
6Ethernet Trouble12Module Configuration Trouble
7Receiver Not Available Trouble
NOTE: Only the highestpriority trouble (2 flashes is the highest priority trouble) is indicated. When this trouble isrestored, the
next highest trouble will indicate, if present. This will continue until all troubles have been cleared (yellow LED is not
The following paragraphs describe the conditions associated with the trouble indicated:
Panel Supervision Trouble (2 Flashes)
This trouble will be indicated when communication between the communicator module and the panel fails. Ifthe module can
not communicatewith the panel (e.g., loss of power to the panel) the communicator will send the ‘Panel Absent Trouble Event’
message to the central station receiver. When communication returns, a ‘Panel Absent Restore Event’ is sent by the communicator to the central station receiver. The reporting codes are ET0001 for trouble and ER0001 for restore. The panel
absent event always uses the primary receiver account code when communicating to the central station.
NOTE: The panel supervision trouble/restore are internally generated events bythe communicator. Trouble is generated if the
communicator misses6 polls. Trouble is restored on receipt of first poll from the panel.
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