DSC SG-PC-LC2 User Manual

NOTE: Due to high volume reproduction of this manual, screen shots of the software included are not high quality. For clearer images, print manual internally (available on enclosed CD-ROM).
Software Package
User Manual
Version 1.00
MINIMUM ................................................................................ 1
ECOMMENDED COMPUTER CONFIGURATION ............................... 1
UMBER OF LINE CARDS SUPPORTED......................................... 1
LOG IN / LOG OUT .................................................................. 2
Administration Log In .................................................... 2
User Management ........................................................ 2
User Log In ................................................................... 2
Changing Password ...................................................... 3
RAFFIC SCREEN..................................................................... 3
ONFIGURATION ...................................................................... 4
Communications ........................................................... 4
Access .......................................................................... 4
Miscellaneous ............................................................... 4
ATA BASE ............................................................................ 5
Database Navigation Icons ........................................... 5
First Record ............................................................... 5
Previous Record ........................................................ 5
Next Record............................................................... 5
Last Record ............................................................... 5
Insert Record ............................................................. 5
Delete Record............................................................ 5
Edit Record ................................................................ 5
Post Record ............................................................... 5
Cancel Edit ................................................................ 5
Reports ...................................................................... 5
Edit Database ............................................................... 5
Alarms........................................................................ 5
Notification Contacts .................................................. 6
Countries ................................................................... 6
States/Provinces ........................................................ 6
Actions ....................................................................... 7
Responses................................................................. 7
How to Attach an Action to a Response ................ 7
How to Link the Actions ......................................... 7
Classes/Types ........................................................... 8
Account Type ......................................................... 8
How to add an Account Class................................ 8
ACCOUNT SET-UP (METHOD A) .......................................... 8
Address Tab .............................................................. 8
Client Contacts Tab ................................................... 8
Additional Information Tab......................................... 9
Installation Tab .......................................................... 9
Comments Tab .......................................................... 9
Schedules Tab......................................................... 1 0
Opening................................................................ 10
Closing ................................................................. 1 0
Test ...................................................................... 10
Alarm Set-up ........................................................ 10
Exceptions ........................................................... 10
Test On/Off Box....................................................... 1 0
CCOUNT SET-UP (METHOD B) ........................................ 10
DETAILED REPORTS ......................................................... 11
USTOMER REPORTS....................................................... 11
This document is designed to help the user to understand the functionality of The Reporter, the approach to performing operations and the sequence to follow when using The Reporter. This user manual is based on the first revision of the software that is packaged with it. This manual may be used for the future software revisions but does not guarantee the coverage of all the features and functionality of the future software releases.
read and followed.
contain screen shots of The Reporter to better express and outline the instructions to the user.
It is very critical that this manual be
All the sections outlined in the manual
- Alarm Priorities, by number and color
- Custom defined alarm priorities
- Custom defined alarm definitions
- Ability for user to edit, add or remove alarms from the data base
- Inter-linked contacts and responses
- Ability to add, remove and edit account information
- History generated
- Auto logging provided
- Visual and audio annunciation for new alarms
- 500 accounts per PC Receiver card installed
- SG-PCLC2 supervision
- Multiple format support (see Appendix A)
- Time and date stamped on all of the received and processed alarms
- Log file created for activity
- For use with SG-PCLC2 only
- Multiple alarm acknowledgement
- Alarms and alarm restoral linking
The following is the required equipment and specifications of the system:
• IBM compatible PC
• Reporter Installation CD
• SG-PCLC2 Installed
• Windows 9X/NT operating system
• Pentium II, 233MHz processor (or better)
• 64 MB RAM (or higher)
• 1024X768 pixels, 16 bit color video card (or better)
• SVGA monitor
• Mouse
• Windows compatible sound card
• Keyboard
NOTE: The Reporter is specifically designed for use with Windows 9X/NT operating systems. It will not run under windows emulators (Wine, VM ware, OS booter and others).
The Reporter will support the maximum PC-LC2 configuration per PC, which is 4 PC LC2’s per PC (8 lines). Each line has a 250-account support, for 2000 accounts when in maximum configuration. The Reporter automatically calculates the number of accounts based on the number of PC-LC2 line cards installed in a PC.
To set up The Reporter software in Windows 95/98/NT:
1. Insert the CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
2. Go into your CD-ROM drive. Double-click on "The Reporter Demo Software" folder. Find the "SETUP.EXE" icon and double-click on it to start The Reporter installation.
3. Follow the instructions shown on your screen. A message is displayed when SETUP is complete. When entering The Reporter software, it will ask you for a login and password. Enter as follows: LOGIN: supervisor PASSWORD: cafelatte
4.NOTE: Once you are in the "User Management" screen,
you MUST add yourself a new User and Password since the default password automatically expires upon first login.
• Windows 9X/NT operating system
• Multimedia PC, Pentium 166MHz
• 32 MB RAM
• 800x600 pixels, 16 bit color video card
• SVGA monitor
• Mouse
• Windows compatible sound card
• Keyboard
NOTE: Due to high volume reproduction of this manual, screen shots of the software included
are not high quality. For clearer images, print manual internally (available on enclosed CD-ROM).
This section contains the General Functions of The Reporter.
The Reporter supports two different operator levels, administrator and “user”. An Administrator has full access to The Reporter functions where as the User’s access is limited to “acknowledgement” functionality.
Note: The Reporter is designed so that only one instance of the application can be running on one machine at a time.
When The Reporter is started, the screen shown above is displayed with SG Security Communications information. Point your mouse pointer to the CD (animation will be displayed). Click on it to get into the log in prompt.
In this screen enter your new password and re-enter the password to confirm it. The password must be at least 3 characters long. Once you have entered your password twice for confirmation, the “submit” icon will be activated. Press on the submit button for approval of your new password.
If your new password is a duplicate of the original password that was supplied to you by your administrator the screen shown above will be displayed. Please select another password in this case.
Note: To select a unique password, select a password having alphanumeric characters.
If the password you typed was unique then the screen will read “password successfully changed”.
User Management
Administrator Log In
If you are an administrator and logging on for the first time after installation, type supervisor as your log in name and cafelatte as the password in the appropriate locations in the screen below.
Once you have entered your provided log in name and your password, the “submit” button is activated. Click on the submit button. On the same screen you will be notified that there is a need for change of your password.
As noticed on the screen the text in Red notifies the expiration of your password.
This feature is only available to the operator with administrative access. The user management is a feature that allows the administrator to add new operators, edit existing operators, or delete operators. The user management function can be accessed from the file menu.
In this screen, the administrator can add new operators, edit the existing ones and delete operators that should no longer have access to The Reporter.
User Log In
If you are a user and logging in for the first time, type your provided login name and password in the appropriate locations, as shown in the screen below.
Once you have entered your provided log in name and your password, the “submit” button is activated. Click on the submit button. On the same screen you will be notified that there is a need for change of your password.
Changing Password
As noticed on this image the text in Red notifies the expiration of your password.
In this screen enter your new password and re-enter the password to confirm it. The password must be at least 3 characters long. Once you have entered your password twice for confirmation, the “submit” icon will be activated. Press on the submit button for approval of your new password.
If your new password is a duplicate of the original password that was supplied to you by your administrator the screen shown above will be displayed. Please select another password in this case.
Note: To select a unique password, select a password having alphanumeric characters.
Changing passwords is one of the very important functions that an operator should perform. This is done for security purposes. To change your log in password, go to the “change password” in the file menu.
When “change password” from the File menu is selected, the screen shown is displayed. In this screen, the password can be changed.
Note: At the bottom of the screen, “password not changed” will be shown until password is typed again for confirmation and the “submit” button is pressed. If a particular password that you have typed is not changed then type another one and submit it.
The traffic screen is the main screen of The Reporter, and is the first displayed upon log in. The main function of the traffic screen is to display all the alarms received in priority/ chronological order.
Information seen on the traffic screen from left to right is:
Time/Date Priority Account Number
Alarm Event • Partition • Zone
Alarm Definition • Open/Close • Ack’d
If the password you typed was unique then the screen will read “password successfully changed”.
The above screen shows several alarms of different priorities. This screen also shows full access to functionality as operator is logged on as administrator.
The above screen shows several alarms of various priorities. This screen shows limited accessibility as operator is logged on as a user only.
Note that several icons are no longer accessible.
The Reporter has configuration settings to set custom parameters per receiver connected. This version of The Reporter is compatible only with the PC-LC2 receiver.
From the traffic screen, the administrator can access this screen by pressing the Configuration icon, shown above.
This screen allows operator to customize three types of settings:
The access tab consists of:
Password Expire Period - Allows administrator to pre-set the duration that a password is valid. 40 days is the default.
Number of Pending Alarms Before Warning - The Reporter will notify the operator that there are a certain number of pending alarms (un-acked) on the traffic screen. This allows admisitrator to set the number of alarms pending before The Reporter will prompt the operator. By default, this is set to 50 un-acknowledged alarms.
Auto-Logout Delay - The Reporter will automatically log out if sitting dormant for the period set here. This allows the administrator to set the period (in minutes). This is defaulted to 15 minutes, the maximum duration is 99 minutes.
No Auto-Logout - This check box allows administrator to decide not to allow for The Reporter to auto-logout, this is the default setting.
The communication tab consists of:
Receiver Type - the receiver that is being used.
Port - the port to which the receiver is connected.
Baud Rate - the baud rate of the receiver’s output.
Databits - the number of databits of the receiver’s output.
Parity - the type of parity of the receiver’s output.
The Miscellaneous tab consists of the “Bring to the Front Mode”:
Windows 95 Compatible - In this mode, The Reporter will become the active application (brought to the front) each time there is a new alarm received.
Windows 98/NT Compatible - In this mode, The Reporter ICON on the tool bar will flash when a new alarm is received.
NOTE: In order for this to operate properly, the tool bar must not be on “auto hide.”
This section in The Reporter contains the database, which stores the generic alarm definitions library, contacts, actions, countries, states, responses, and class/types. Upon initial installation there will be data only in the fields listed below.
- Alarm
- Countries
- States
- Classes/Types. All the fields in the database can be edited at the discretion
of the administrator(s).
Database Navigation Icons
There are nine navigation icons globally used throughout The Reporter database screens.
First Record
This icon returns operator to the first record in the database. This icon becomes deactivated when viewing the very first record in the database.
Previous Record
This icon takes operator from current record to the previous record in the database. This icon becomes deactivated when the operator attempts to access the previous record from the first record in the database.
Cancel Edit
This icon is used to cancel the edit or addition of a new record in the database. If any field has been changed accidentally, this icon can be pressed to cancel the changes made and return the record to its previous state.
This icon is used to print the database in current view on your windows default printer. This icon is available on almost all the screens of The Reporter database, so you can print out all the necesary information.
It is necessary to update/edit the database for customization of information used in The Reporter. There are seven different sections to the database, and each are described in detail.
Next Record
This icon takes operator to the next record in the database. This icon becomes deactivated when operator attempts to access the next record from the last record in the file.
Last Record
This icon brings operator to the last record in the database. This icon becomes deactivated once the last record has been reached.
Insert Record
This icon is used to insert new records in the database. Use this icon to enter a new account, or enter any other record in the database. This icon becomes deactivated once pressed and becomes active when either cancel button is pressed or post record is pressed. When inserting a record, all other icons except “post” and “cancel” become deactivated.
Delete Record
This icon will delete the record that is currently being viewed. The record will be permanently removed from the database.
Edit Record
Use this icon when there is a need to change one of the fields in the database.
Post Record
This icon is used to save new record entries, and save changes made to existing entries.
This is the default database for all the alarms received. When The Reporter receives an alarm, the definitions and priorities are taken from this table. It is recommended not to change the default definitions of the alarms unless necessary. If an addition to an alarm library is required then follow the very simple process outlined below:
Press the “+” icon, note that a blank row is created.
Click the mouse pointer in the “protocol” column. You can
either type in the protocol id of the alarm being added or select one by clicking down on the arrow and selecting from one already listed. E.g. for Contact ID the protocol id is 5.
Once the protocol id has been selected, click in alarm type column and type the new alarm.
Next, click in alarm “Alarm Definition” section and type in the alarm definition that is to appear on the traffic screen. It is recommended to type the standard (accepted) definition if an update is made to the alarm library.
The priority of the alarm is to be entered next. Click in the “priority column” and either type in the default priority of the alarm (0 to 9) or select by clicking the down arrow that is shown in the priority column.
When completed, click on the “check mark” (post) to save the latest changes and/or additions to the alarm database.
Notification Contacts
This is the field where all of the necessary contact information is entered. These entities require notification when acknowledging alarms.
NOTE: “Generic” type contacts are entered here, such as fire and police departments.
To add a contact, follow the steps listed below:
Press “+” sign at the bottom of the screen (a blank form is provided)
Enter the name of a person or organization to be contacted in case of an alarm
Enter their phone number in the “home phone” field
Enter the fax number of the person or the organization in
the “fax” field
Enter the business phone number of the person or organization in the “business phone field” (optional)
Enter the pager phone number of the person or organization in the “pager” field (optional)
Enter the email address of the contact in the “email” field
Enter the Passcode in the “passcode field.” The passcode
is used to identify that the correct person has been reached.
When completed, click on the “check mark” (post) to save the latest changes and/or additions to the contact database.
In this section, any country of the world can be added to the list if not already present in the database.
Follow these steps to add a country to the database.
Press “+” sign at the bottom of the screen (a blank line is provided)
In the column “country,” type the name of the country and press enter
Click with your mouse in the “administrative division” and double click on the right side of the column, note that a down arrow appears. Click on the down arrow and select one of the provided selections e.g. Province, region, state or territory
Click on the “postal code name” column and type in the name of the postal code e.g. Postal code, or zip code
When completed, click on the “check mark” (post) to save the latest changes and/or additions to the contact database.
This section is used to enter the names of States/Provinces in conjunction with the country in which it is located. This is used to enter a State/Province that is not already present in the database.
Follow the steps below to add a new State/Province:
Press “+” sign at the bottom of the screen (a blank line is provided)
Type in the name of the state/province/territory or region and press “enter.”
Enter the two-character abbreviation in the “abbr” field if used (optional)
Click in the “country” column to select from a country in the list (these countries are the same as entered in the “countries” screen.
When completed, click on the “check mark” (post) to save the latest changes and/or additions to the contact database.
Actions are a very important part of the acknowledgement process. This screen enables the operator to customize the actions per account.
To add an action, follow the steps below:
Press “+” icon at the bottom of the data base screen (a blank line will be provided)
Click in the “ description” column, and either choose an action from the list, or enter a new one.
Next, click in the “contact name” field. Select from a contact in the list (these contacts are the same as those entered in the contact field). Notice that when you select a contact, the number automatically appears in the business telephone column.
A business number can also be chosen by clicking in the “business phone” column. Notice that entering a number in this field will automatically select the contact associated with the number.
When completed, click on the “check mark” (post) to save the latest changes and/or additions to the contact database.
The responses are interrelated to the actions and they are used when acknowledging the alarms. In order for the responses to be useable, they have to be entered properly and assigned to the alarm accounts at the time of account set up. They can also be assigned to the account’s alarms later by editing the account. Different responses can be assigned to different alarms within an account.
To add a new response, follow the steps below:
Press “+” icon at the bottom of the data base screen (a blank line will be provided)
Enter a label for the response
When completed, click on the “check mark” (post) to save
the latest changes and/or additions to the contact database.
How to attach an Action to a Response
Follow steps listed below to attach actions to a response:
Highlight a response to which an action is to be attached.
Press “+ “ icon within the action section of the response tab
(a blank line will be provided). Note that you may not be able to type in this row because it pulls up the actions list added in the action tab.
Double click in the blank row for the drop down menu and select one of the available actions that were previously entered in the actions tab. If the action is to be a “required” action, click the “required” field, and a checkmark will appear. Repeat for all actions to be added to the response.
When completed, click on the “check mark” (post) to save the latest changes and/or additions to the contact database.
How to link the Actions
Follow steps below to link the actions:
Actions can be put into order by dragging the pointer to the actions up and down. Point the record pointer to the action and drag with your mouse pointer to the position desired. (Actions must be “next” to each other in order to be linked).
You can link multiple actions together as well, except that all actions being linked must be marked “required”.
Simply click and hold the mouse pointer in the link column and drag it to the action that you wish to link it with.
Note: when acknowledging the signal that this response is assigned to, only the first of the linked actions would be active. The subsequent linked actions will remain inactive unless the previous one has failed. Therefore, if you have multiple contacts (in actions) that require contact in the event of an alarm, then do not link these actions together.
• Once the above information is verified and entered properly,
click the “done” button.
Account Type
The account type (Account Type Name field) contains information on the type of building in which the account is found.
To add an account type, follow the steps listed below:
Click in the “Account Type Name” column with your mouse pointer
Press the “+” icon to add a new Account Type Name (a blank row is provided)
Type the name of the Account Type in the blank space that is created.
When completed, click on the “check mark” (post) to save the latest changes and/or additions to the contact database.
How to add an Account Class
The account class (Account Class Name field) contains information on the type of account monitored.
To add an account class, follow the steps listed below:
Click in the “Account Class” with your mouse pointer
Press the “+” icon at the bottom of the screen to add
Account class (a blank row is provided)
Type in the name of the Account Class in the blank space that is created
When completed, click on the “check mark” (post) to save the latest changes and/or additions to the contact database.
To add a new account, follow the process outlined in the following sections.
Before you add a new account make sure the country and the province/state is in the database (This country and province/ state are the fields of which the new account number is about to be added).
Address Tab
Press “+” icon at the bottom of the account section (a blank
account form will be provided)
Enter account number of the account in the “number” field. Note that this must be a unique number.
Enter the name of the subscriber in the “name field.”
Enter the telephone number (with area code) of the subscriber
in the “phone” field.
Enter the fax number (with area code) of the subscriber in the “fax” field.
Enter the class type of the account in the “class” field by choosing from the list.
Enter the account type in the “type” field by choosing from the list.
Enter the complete address of the customer in the “address” field.
Client Contacts Tab
This is the account database where the monitored accounts are setup. Note that the top portion is the account database, and the lower portion is the traffic or activity. There is a maximum of 500 accounts per PC-LC2 for up to 2000 accounts with 4 PC-LC2’s installed.
The following fields are located with in the account set-up screen:
Account information (all fields with an asterik “*” are mandatory and must be filled in)
Address Contacts Installation information
Comments fields • Schedules • Additional information
NOTE: Accounts can only be set-up by Administrator.
This screen is for the entry of the contacts for the account. They differ from the notification contacts in that they are specific to the account, not generic. Also, note that a “Notification Contact” can be one or more of the client contacts. A maximum of 5 contacts are allowed for each account.
NOTE: The left most section containing account number, telephone number and other information is for the entire account, and is not part of each tab. This information is entered only once.
Press “+” icon at the bottom of the account section (a blank
account form will be provided)
Enter account number of the contact in the “number” field. Note that this must be a unique number.
Enter the name of the contact in the “name field.”
Enter the telephone number (with area code) of the contact
in the “phone” field.
Enter the fax number (with area code) of the contact in the “fax” field.
Enter the pager number (with area code) of the contact in the “pager” field.
Enter the email address of the contact in the “email” field.
Additional Information Tab
Installation Tab
Information regarding the installation of the system is contained here.
Enter the type of control panel in the “control panel type” field.
Enter the location of the control panel in the “control panel location” field.
Enter the zone types (either wireless or hardwired) in the “wireless/hardwire” zones field.
Enter the location of the control panel transformer in the “transformer location” field.
Enter the telephone number of the control panel in the “panel phone number” field. Note that if this field is left blank, it will be updated with the received Caller ID from the PCLC2 (if caller ID enabled). If there is a number entered here, and caller ID is received from the PC LC2, then The Reporter will compare the two. If they are not the same, a “Caller ID mismatch” message will appear.
Enter the name of the Installer in the “installer name” field.
Enter the date of installation in the “date of installation”
This field contains more information on the location of the customer.
Enter the nearest major or “known” intersection in the “major intersection” field.
If there is any type of landmark near the subscriber’s location, enter this in the “landmark” field.
If there are any special conditions surrounding the account, enter this/these in the “special conditions” field. These can be things such as, wheelchair bound individual living there, hearing impaired residents, pets, etc.
Comments Tab
This field is complementary to the “special condition” providing additional information on the account. This field could also be considered optional but as mentioned above any additional information could prove to be very critical and beneficial at the end.
This section has no pre-defined structure, simply enter any other relevant notes on the account in this section.
Schedules Tab
The Reporter allows for three different schedule types: Opening, Closing, and test. These signals will be auto-logged and auto­acked, as they are priority 0 alarms. They will become active alarms that require some response only if there is an error in the schedule.
Enter the normal opening time expected from the account
in the “time” field.
Enter the window in which receiving the opening is acceptable. If the opening signal is received too early, an alarm is generated on the traffic screen indicating the opening was received too early. If the opening signal is received too late, an alarm is generated on the traffic screen indicating the opening was received too late. As long as the opening is received within the window, no action is necessary from the operator.
Enter the normal closing time expected from the account in
the “time” field.
Enter the window in which receiving the closing is acceptable. If the closing signal is received too early, an alarm is generated
on the traffic screen indicating the closing was received too early. If the closing signal is received too late, an alarm is generated
on the traffic screen indicating the closing was received too late. As long as the closing is received within the window, no action is necessary from the operator.
Enter the normal time the test signal is expected from the
account in the “time” field.
Enter the window in which receiving the test signal is acceptable.
If the test signal is not received within this window, a message will be generated on the traffic screen indicating the test signal has failed. As long as the test signal is received within the window, no action is necessary from the operator.
Alarm Setup
This allows you to customize the alarm definitions, zone definition and assign a particular response on that event for the operator to process this specific event for that particular customer.
Follow the outlined instructions below to setup custom alarms:
Click "+" (the add record icon)
Note that a blank row is created with a default parity of "5"
You can type in the priority column, or double-click to pick one of the other priorities besides "0" if you wish.
Now type in the alarm code that you wish to customize (type
it in
Define this alarm in the alarm definition column.
Type in the zone, if any, that will be received.
Define the zone that was just entered.
Now click in the partition column and enter a partition number,
if any, that will be received with the alarm code.
If you wish to assign a response to this alarm, double click in the response column and select from one you have already entered.
If the response you wish to assign is not in the list, then you can create the response in the database edit section later, and then return to this section of The Reporter to assign the newly created response.
the way you will receive it on your traffic screen).
NOTE: If no response is assigned, the standard acknowledgement will be used.
Once the alarm is set, this alarm definition will take precedence
over the default definition and will be displayed on the traffic screen every time this alarm is received from this particular account.
Multiple alarms from the same account should be acknowledged once if they have the same response assigned.
The Reporter allows for “exceptions” to the schedule. Exceptions are used for such things as Holidays.
Press “+” to enter a new schedule. (A calendar appears)
Click the appropriate month and day from the calendar
Use the “annual event” checkbox to indicate whether the
exception is to recur each year. If the exception is for the current year only, then do not enable the checkmark in this box. Note that the year will appear next to the month and day in the Holidays list.
Test On/Off Box
The Reporter enables the operator to place the account on test. The “test on/off” checkbox is used for this. When the account is in “test mode” all alarms received for the account code are auto-logged/auto-acked, and require no response from the operator.
The second method of adding a new account is not as simple but by following this method, you can be sure that all the account digits are entered properly and the messages are acknowledged with the right account number. This process of adding a new account is carried out at the time of installation of the security panels.
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