Dräger P4000 Instruction Manual

5695031 Edition 04 – January 2019 (Edition 01 – March 2014) en
Instruction manual P4000
Dräger MSI GmbH Rohrstraße 32 D - 58093 Hagen
Tel.: 0049 - 2331 / 9584 - 0 Fax: 0049 - 2331 / 9584 - 29 e-mail: info@draeger-msi.de
Instruction manual Dräger P4000
1. Information ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Warning signs ............................................................................................................. 3
1.2 For your safety ............................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Safety instructions and warnings ................................................................................ 4
1.4 Bluetooth ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Disclaimer ................................................................................................................... 5
1.6 Maintenance and servicing ......................................................................................... 5
1.7 Disposal ...................................................................................................................... 5
2. Application ....................................................................................................................... 6
3. The instrument ................................................................................................................. 7
4. Operation of the instrument ............................................................................................. 8
4.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Switch ON / OFF ......................................................................................................... 8
4.3 Buttons ........................................................................................................................ 9
4.4 Input .......................................................................................................................... 10
4.5 Integrated instruction manual .................................................................................... 10
4.6 Start a measurement ................................................................................................ 11
4.7 Result display............................................................................................................ 11
4.8 Documentation menu ................................................................................................ 11
5. Main menu ..................................................................................................................... 12
6. Auswahl und Eingabe von Kundendaten ....................................................................... 12
7. Pressure measurements ................................................................................................ 13
8. Performance of tightness and stress tests ..................................................................... 14
9. General tightness test .................................................................................................... 15
10. Gas pipe tests .............................................................................................................. 16
10.1 General Information ................................................................................................ 16
10.2 Selection of gas pipe test ........................................................................................ 16
10.3 Tightness test according to DVGW TRGI 2008 worksheet G 600........................... 16
10.4 Stress test according to DVGW TRGI 2008 worksheet G 600 ................................ 17
10.4.1 Pipings with operating pressures up to and including 100 mbar ....................... 17
10.4.2 Pipings with operating pressures over 100 mbar up to and including 1 bar ...... 18
11. Liquid gas pipe tests .................................................................................................... 19
11.1 General information ................................................................................................ 19
11.2 Auswahl der Flüssiggasleitungsprüfung .................................................................. 19
11.3 Tightness test according to DVFG TRF 2012 ......................................................... 19
11.4 Strength test according to DVFG TRF 2012 ........................................................... 20
12. Water pipe checks ....................................................................................................... 20
12.1 General Information ................................................................................................ 20
12.2 Selection of drinking-water installation test ............................................................. 21
12.3 Tightness test with air ............................................................................................. 21
12.4 Stress test with air up to DN 50 3 bar and up to DN 100 1 bar ............................... 22
12.5 Tightness test with water for crimped connections (untight if not crimped) ............. 22
12.6 Tightness test with water for metal-, multi-layer composite- and PVC pipings ........ 23
12.7 Tightness test with water for PP, PE, PE-X- and PB pipes, and with these combined
pipings ............................................................................................................................ 23
13. Checklists .................................................................................................................... 24
14. Data storage ................................................................................................................ 24
14.1 Store measurements ............................................................................................... 24
14.2 Data storage functions ............................................................................................ 25
Instruction manual Dräger P4000
14.3 Data storage information ......................................................................................... 25
14.4 Display stored measurements ................................................................................ 25
14.5 Inspector table ........................................................................................................ 26
14.6 Delete measurement data ....................................................................................... 26
15. Device information ....................................................................................................... 27
16. Adjustments ................................................................................................................. 27
16.1 Date and time.......................................................................................................... 27
16.2 Key beep ................................................................................................................. 28
16.3 MSI infrared printer ................................................................................................. 28
16.4 Display lighting ........................................................................................................ 28
16.5 Overlaying of the integrated help function ............................................................... 28
16.6 Automatic daylight saving time................................................................................ 28
16.7 Printer footer text .................................................................................................... 28
16.8 Language ................................................................................................................ 28
17. Warning notes and error messages ............................................................................. 29
18. Power supply ............................................................................................................... 30
18.1 General information about the power supply .......................................................... 30
18.2 Battery charging ...................................................................................................... 30
19. Technical data ............................................................................................................. 31
19.1 General technical data ............................................................................................ 31
19.2 Technical Data Pressure Measurements ................................................................ 31
20. Care and maintenance ................................................................................................. 32
21. Consumables and accessories .................................................................................... 32
22. PC measurement data management ........................................................................... 32
Instruction manual Dräger P4000
1. Information
The manufacturer of this product, Dräger MSI GmbH, is referred to as Dräger MSI in the following. The displays shown in this manual are examples!
1.1 Warning signs
Symbol Text
Warning Indication of a potential dangerous situation. Avoiding this warning can lead to death or severe injuries.
Caution Indication of a potential dangerous situation. Avoiding this warning can lead to injuries or damages to the product or the environment. Can also be used as a warning against improper use.
Information Additional information regarding the use of the product.
1.2 For your safety
Please read these operating instructions and those for the corresponding products
carefully before using the product.
The operating instructions must be strictly followed. The user must completely under-
stand the instructions and follow them precisely. This product may only be used in compliance with the designated use.
Do not dispose of the operating instructions. Ensure safekeeping and proper use by
the users.
Only trained and competent personnel are permitted to use this product. Observe local and national guidelines pertaining to this product. Maintenance work may only be conducted by Dräger MSI or by qualified personnel
trained by Dräger MSI- Otherwise the responsibility for the proper functioning of the product after maintenance and for the validity of approvals is rejected by Dräger MSI.
Only use original Dräger parts and accessories for maintenance work. Otherwise the
proper use of the product can be compromised.
Do not use defective or incomplete products. Do not modify the product in any way.
Instruction manual Dräger P4000
1.3 Safety instructions and warnings
Do not operate the product if there is damage to the housing, power supply or supply
lines. Mark the product, to protect it against further use.
Do not conduct any measurements, which could lead to contact with uninsulated, hot
Only use the product appropriately and as intended and within the parameters spec-
ified in the technical specifications. The improper use of this product can result in death, severe injuries or the destruction or damage of the product.
Do not use this product in environments exposed to explosion hazards. This product is equipped with a magnetic holder. The magnetic field can be hazard-
ous to the health of persons with pacemakers.
Do not open rechargeable batteries or batteries and do not throw them into fire.
Store this product in a place at room temperature without exposure to solvents, plas-
ticizers agents, emissions or combustible materials.
Only use this product in closed and dry rooms. Protect it against rain and moisture. Independent modifications to the product can lead to malfunctions and are prohibited
for safety reasons. Dräger MSI otherwise refuses the responsibility for the proper functioning of the product after modification and for the validity of the certifications.
This product is equipped with a magnetic holder. The magnetic field can damage
other products. Keep a safe distance from other products (e.g. mobiles, computers, monitors, credit cards, memory cards, etc.).
1.4 Bluetooth
Changes or modifications not specifically approved by the responsible admissions office can lead to the revocation of the operating license. Devices transmitting in the same ISM radio band, e.g. mobiles, WLAN, microwaves, etc, can destroy data trans-
Among others, the use of radio communication is prohibited in aircraft and hospitals.
Instruction manual Dräger P4000
1.5 Disclaimer
Dräger MSI does not assume any liability or warranty for damages or consequential damage arising from non-compliance with technical regulations, instructions and rec-
ommendations. Dräger MSI and the sales companies are not liable for costs or dam­ages resulting from the use of the product by the user or third parties, especially in the case of improper use of the product. Neither Dräger MSI nor the sales companies are liable for the incorrect use of the product.
1.6 Maintenance and servicing
To ensure proper functioning and measurement accuracy, service specialists trained
by the Dräger MSI GmbH should conduct calibration and adjustment annually.
The device can be cleaned with a damp, not wet, cloth. Do not use any chemical cleaning agents. Please make sure that the device connections are not clogged or dirty.
1.7 Disposal
The EU-wide directives for the disposal of electrical and electronic equipment apply.
Please observe the applicable local environmental regulations for disposal or return
the product to Dräger MSI or your national dealer for disposal. Defective rechargea­ble batteries are considered hazardous waste and must be brought to the designated col­lection points for disposal.
Instruction manual Dräger P4000
2. Application
The Dräger P4000 is an electronic measuring instrument, to measure pressure at air, gas or water filled pipings and containers.
It is not suitable for continuous operation or as a safety or alarm device.
All tests and measurements can be documented through print outs or storage.
Every use of a Dräger P4000 requires the exact knowledge and compliance of this
instruction manual, the corresponding norms and standards, the applicable legal provisions, and the regulations and rules for health and safety at work.
The instrument is only destinated for the applications, as described in this instruction man­ual.
Before each measurement make sure that the instrument and the accessories are in
a perfect condition. Provisional sealing plugs (rubber plugs) of pressurized pipings that are used over an operating pressure of 0.5 bar represent an increased safety risk.
Only use a 5 V DC / 1 A USB power supply unit, to always fully charge the Dräger
FG7000 via the USB port. Incomplete charging affects the charging capacity of the battery in the long run.
The shown display screen shots in this instruction manual are examples!
Pressure tests with water may only be carried out with the external pressure sensor
EP250. The internal pressure sensor and the external pressure sensor EP35 can be damaged by tests with water.
Instruction manual Dräger P4000
3. The instrument
The Dräger P4000 allows to perform versatile pressure and tightness tests at air, gas or water filled pipings and containers.
All tests and measurements can be documented by printing them out or by storing them in the data storage.
USB interface
Illuminated colour display Charge control indicator, with touchscreen IR transmitter
Charge control indicator + IR transmitter USB interface
External sensor
(-)mbar sensor (+) mbar sensor
Instruction manual Dräger P4000
4. Operation of the instrument
4.1 General
The Dräger P4000 is operated by a touchscreen display. You can execute the touch and wipe functions on the screen via your finger or a plastic stylus. Inappropriate are ballpoint pens, pencils, metal pens and suchlike.
The display is a resistive touchscreen and so you have to apply more pressure to operate it, than you may know it from modern Smartphones with a capacitive touchscreen.
Menus and lists can be moved upwards and downwards by up and down moving ges-tures (wiping). Menus and list positions are marked by tapping. The selected position can be activated by tapping the 'SELECT' button or by tapping it again.
4.2 Switch ON / OFF
Switch ON: Touch the display for 1 second until it is illuminated.
Battery symbol
The start screen displays device type, software version, date and time and the serial num­ber. The battery symbol indicates the state of charge. Via tapping the 'OK' button, the main menu will appear. If the button won't be tapped within 5 seconds after switching ON the instrument, it will switch OFF automatically.
Switch OFF: Choose in the main menu 'OFF' or hold the touch screen tapped for at least 5 seconds from any menu option.
Instruction manual Dräger P4000
4.3 Buttons
Menu = opens a context menu for selection and editing of facility data
Select = activates the marked position
OK = confirms a selection
Ready = continues to the next step after an action
Continue = continues to the next step of a function
Cancel = ends a function, moves to the main menu
>> = scrolls forwards, displays diagram
<< = scrolls backwards, displays statistical data
Zero = adjusts the zero point of the pressure sensor
Start = starts the measurement
Stop = stops the measurement
New = prepares a new measurement
Docu = moves to the documentation menu
Back = moves from the documentation menu to the result display
Customer = moves from the documentation menu to the facility selection
Print = prints out the test result via the IR transmitter
Store = stores the test result in the data storage
End = moves from the documentation menu to the main menu
Finish = ends the measurement time prematurely
Input = opens the editing function for printer texts
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