Step 1: Keys and Display - MiTime
RF Packs: T710R, T720R, T720M, T740R, T 740M
Single Channel: MiTime T710R Dual Channel: MiTime T720R, T720M Multi Channel: MiTime T740R, T740M
Step 2: Home Screens
What is a programmer?
... an explanation for householders
Programmers allow you to set ‘On’ and ‘Off ’ time
periods. Some models switc h the central heating and
domestic hot water on and off at the same tim e, while
others allow the domestic hot wate r and heating to
come on and go off at different time s.
Set the ‘On’ and ‘Off’ time per iods to suit your own
lifestyle. On some progr ammers you must also set
whether you want the heating and hot water to run
continuously, run under the chosen ‘On’ and ‘Of f’
heating periods, or be permanen tly off.
The time on the programmer must be corre ct. Some
types have to be adjusted in spring and aut umn at the
changes between Greenwi ch Mean Time and British
Summer Time.
You may be able to temporarily adjust the heating
programme, for example, ‘Override ’, ‘Advance’ or
‘Boost’. These are explained in the manuf acturer’s
instructio ns.
The heating will not work if the room thermos tat has
switched the heating of f. Also, if you have a hot-water
cylinder, the water heating
will not work if the cylinder
thermostat detec ts that the
hot water has reached the
correct temperat ure.
What is a room thermostat?
... an explanation for householders
A room thermostat simply sw itches the heating
system on and off as necess ary. It works by sensing
the air temperature, switchin g on the heating when
the air temperature falls below the ther mostat setting,
and switching it off once this set temp erature has
been reached.
Turning a room thermostat to a higher sett ing will not
make the room heat up any faster. How quickly the
room heats up depends on the design of the heating
system, for example, the size of boiler and radiato rs.
Neither does the sett ing affect how quickly the room
cools down. Turning a room thermostat to a lower
setting will result in the room being con trolled at a
lower temperature, and saves energy.
The heating system will not work if a time swi tch or
programmer has switched it of f.
The way to set and use your room thermostat is to
find the lowest temperature set ting that you are
comfortable wit h, and then leave it alone to do its job.
The best way to do this is to set the room thermosta t
to a low temperature – say 18ºC – and then turn it up
by one degree each day until you are comfortabl e
with the temperature. You won’t have to adjust the
thermostat fur ther. Any adjustment above this settin g
will waste energy and cost you more money.
If your heating system is a boiler with radiators, there
will usually be only one room thermostat to control the
whole house. But you can have different temperatures
in individual rooms by installing thermostatic radiator
valves (TRVs) on individual radiators. If you don’t
have TRVs, you should choose a temperature that is
reasonable for the whole house. If you do have TRVs,
you can choose a slightly higher setting to make sure
that even the coldest room is comfortable, then prevent
any overheating in other rooms by adjusting the TRVs.
Room thermostat s need a free flow of air to sense
the temperature, so they must not be covered by
curtains or blocked by furni ture. Nearby electric
fires, televisions, wall or table lamps may preven t the
thermostat from wor king properly.
What is a cylinder thermostat?
... an explanation for householders
A cylinder thermost at switches on and off the heat
supply from the boiler to the hot-water cyl inder. It
works by sensing the temperature of the wat er inside
the cylinder, switching on the water heatin g when the
temperature falls below the ther mostat setting, and
switching it off once this set temp erature has been
Turning a cylinder thermostat to a higher set ting will
not make the water heat up any faster. How quickly the
water heats up depends on the design of the heati ng
system, for example, the size of boiler and the heat
exchanger inside the cylinder.
The water heating will not work if a time switch or
programmer has switched it of f. And the cylinder
thermostat will not alway s switch the boiler off,
because the boiler sometim es needs to heat the
Cylinder thermostat s are usually fitted between one
quarter and one third of the way up the cylinder. The
cylinder thermos tat will have a temperature scale
marked on it, and it should be set at between 60C and
65C, then left to do its job. This tempera ture is high
enough to kill off harmful bac teria in the water, but
raising the temperature of the sto red hot water any
higher will result in wasted energy and incre ase the
risk of scalding.
If you have a boiler control thermosta t, it should
always be set to a higher temperature than that of the
cylinder thermos tat. In most boilers, a single boiler
thermostat cont rols the temperature of water sent
to both the cylinder and radiators , although in some
there are two separate boiler ther mostats.
MiTimeTM Programmer Series
RF Packs
Single Channel: MiTime T710R
Dual Channel: MiTime T720R, T720M
Multi Channel: MiTime T740R, T740M
Customer Service Tel: 0845 130 5522
Customer Service Fax: 0845 130 0622
Technical Helpline: 0845 130 7722
EU Design Regs:- 002180638-1/2/3
User Guide 06490193001 Iss F
Zone = Heating
Current status: the pro gramme is On
until 12:00 am
Link to zone details, see Step 3.
Link to Settings
See further details in Step 6.
Zone = Hot Water
Current status: the progr amme is
Off until 12:00 am
Link to zone details, see Step 3.
Press Select ( ) to view or edit zonePress Select ( ) to change mode Press Select ( ) to view or edit zone
Zone = Heating
Current status: the pro gramme is On
until 12:00 am
Link to zone details, see Step 3.
Link to Settings
See further details in Step 6.
Zone = Hot Water
Current status: the progr amme is Off until
12:00 am. Link to zone details, see Step 3.
Zone = Zone 3
Current status: the progr amme is Always Off
Link to zone details, see Step 3.
Step 3: Zone Details
(not Single Channel)
Link to Settings
See further details in Step 6.
Now: describes the current s tatus,
e.g. programme is On until 12:00 am.
Link to Programme timetable - see
further details in Step 4.
Temp: describes the current stat us
of the zone temperature, e.g.
Temperature in zone is 21.0C and the
setpoint is 21.5C
Link to modify the zone temperatu re.
Current mode: Auto
Options: see table in Step 3.
Temp: describes the current stat us of the
zone temperature, e.g. Temperature in
zone is 21.0C and the setpoint is 21.5C.
Link to modify the zone temperatu re.
Press Select ( ) to change mode
Link to Programme timetable
See further detail in Step 4.
Home key: Press to go back
to the home screen at any
Back key: Press to return to
the previous screen
Help text to prompt for
next action. It relates to the
highlighted line
Arrow keys: Press to move
the highlight on screen, and
to change field values
Advance key: Press from
the home or zone details
screens to advance to the
next on or off period
+hr key: Press from the
home or zone details
screens to add up to 3 hours
to the current period
Select key: Press to selec t highlighted
options, and to open and save editor screens
This icon used
throughout these
instructio ns refers
to this button
LED: Illuminates when any
zone is scheduled to be ON
See help in product menu for quick
button descript ion.
: Indicates an RF transmission issue or
Service warning.
: Indicates that holiday is enabled
Home screen, depending on
model - see Step 2
Zone = Heating
Current mode: Auto
Options: see table below.
Now: describes the current status, e.g. programme
is On until 12:00 am. Link to Programme timetable
- see further details in Step 4.