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Model Description:
The Horizon Models 642VES, 642VFD, and 642VFD-Plus are continuous-duty, electronically
controlled, variable-speed, laboratory centrifuges equipped with a lid safety interlock system.
They offer the user control over many parameters, including variable runtime, speed control, and
deceleration. The exclusive horizontal rotor allows for quick and easy sample loading and complete
horizontal separation. Samples can be viewed safely through the transparent lid. Entry into the
centrifuge is restricted during operation by the safety interlock system.
The centrifuge is controlled in the following manner depending on the model:
642VES: Controlled by five electronic push buttons and a backlit display, for easily controlling
centrifugation parameters. Up to nine commonly used settings can be saved and recalled at
the touch of a button.
642VFD-Plus:Controlled by two electronic push-button timers that have been preset for ten (10)
minutes at 3,800 RPM and five (5) minutes at 1,800 RPM, for precise spin times and
ease of use.
642VFD: Controlled by one electronic push-button timer that has been preset for ten (10)
minutes at 3,800 RPM, for precise spin times and ease of use.
WARNING: Use universal precautions when
handling laboratory specimens. All human
specimens of blood, blood compounds, or
bodily uids are potentially biohazardous and
may contain Hepatitis B virus, Hepatitis C
virus, Human immunodeciency virus or other
disease causing agents. For the safety of both
the operator and service personnel, care should
be taken when handling substances that are
known to be toxic, radioactive, or contaminated
with pathogenic microorganisms when using
this centrifuge. When Risk Group II materials
are used (as identied in the World Health
Organization “Laboratory Bio-Safety Manual”)
the use of a Bio-Seal should be employed. More
than one level of protection must be provided in
the case of materials of a higher group. The use
of ammable or explosive materials as well as
those materials which chemically react vigorously
is prohibited. Any use of the equipment in a
manner not specied in these instructions may
impair the level of protection provided by the
Table of Contents
Model Description 2
Supplied Equipment 2
Features ........................................... pg. 3
Specifications 3
Setup Location and Procedure 4
Front Panel Controls 5
Operation ......................................... pg. 7
Rotor Removal and Installation 7
Care and Maintenance 8
Cleaning and Disinfecting ................ pg. 8
Troubleshooting 9
Safety ............................................... pg. 10
Calibration and Ground Testing 10
Replacement Parts 11
Available Accessories ...................... pg. 11
Supplied Equipment*:
The following items come standard with each Horizon 642VES, 642VFD, and 642VFD-Plus
1. One (1) Six-Carrier Horizontal Rotor
2. Six (6) 75mm-100mm Carriers
3. One (1) Operator’s Manual
4. One (1) Line Cord
Intended Use
General purpose laboratory centrifuge for sample separation.
The use of any line cord other that what is supplied by the manufacturer may not carry an adequate
rating and is therefore prohibited.
*The rotor and rotor accessories are rated for rotational frequency of 5,500 RPM.
p/n 7786067*
p/n 7713079*
p/n 03-0-0002-0096
p/n 7760006 (North America)
p/n 7760005 (Europe)