Droidworx VM Series, VM4, VM 8, VM 6, VMX3 Build Manual

- S e r i e S B u i l d M a n u a l
Droidworx l t d n e w Z e a l a n d
C o n t e n t S
3 Flight operation and safety 4 Operation and Safety 6 Pre-Flight Safety Check 7 Do’s and Dont’s 8 Assembly overview 9 Required Tools 10 Assembly Overview 15 Assembly Instructions 16 Part 1: Landing Gear Assembly 21 Part 2: Center Plate and Boom Assembly Instructions 22 VM(X)4 29 VM 6 32 VM 8 36 VMX3 39 Part 3: Engine Mount Assembly 43 Part 4: Crash Cage Assembly 47 Part 5: Dome Cover Assembly
F l i g h t o p e r a t i o n a n d S a F e t y
o p e r a t i o n a n d S a F e t y
This is a quick guide for those new to Multi-Rotor craft oering
some basic safety and operational procedures...and are
recommended standard operating procedures for those piloting
Droidworx or any multi-rotor craft.
Please read the instructions for the relevant Flight Control
electronics before proceeding. Go to the web site of your ight
control system and make yourself well acquainted with the correct
procedure for the electronics installation and software operation.
Caution: never connect and start the engines for the rst time with
the propellers attached....and always balance your propellers;
unbalanced propellers can cause excessive vibration which may
lead to material fatigue.
Note: check the orientation of the ight controller you are using
(which way is front) and also the engine assignment conguration;
for instance which is engine 1,2,3 etc. and check also that your
propellers, clockwise and counter clockwise, are also installed
correctly before your rst ight.
Before the rst ight hand test your craft – arm and calibrate your
electronics, hold the craft with both hands by the landing gear
skids above your head with the front facing away from, and to
the front of you, make sure you are well clear of obstructions and
other people. You may need the assistance of another person
for this test. Raise the throttle to around 25% and gently move
the craft around the axis’ roll (tipping the craft left and right) and
feel for a steady and smooth resistance to your movements, do
the same for pitch (tipping the craft forward and backward) and
also yaw, rotating the craft clockwise and anti-clockwise whilst
keeping it horizontal. If the craft oers smooth resistance to your
movements it will y correctly.
Your rst test ight should be in an open eld in low or zero wind.
A sports eld (not currently in use) is a good option; choose a site
with short or mown grass. Do not takeo from dry dusty sites.
Make sure any onlookers or spectators do not gather about you…
if so ask them to move away from you in a perimeter not less than
50m (150 feet) diameter around you.
Make sure that you have fully charged your transmitter and
onboard battery packs. Make sure that the antenna of your Radio
(TX) is up and correctly positioned; make sure the receiver (RX) for
your craft is well positioned within the craft and secured and that
the antenna is facing downward and to the back of your craft and
not touching any part of the craft.
Place the craft on level ground and turn on your transmitter –
check that you have the correct model selected on your TX.
Set the transmitter timer to about 80% of the known ight duration.
ask them to stand well clear of you until you have landed.
Connect the battery to your crafts FC inputs and wait for the
engine controller beeps to stop.
Stand about 4m away from your craft and behind the craft with the
craft facing directly away from you.
Check the 50m ight safety perimeter you have established, also
checking behind you for children running in to see what you are
Survey the area; look for obstacles that you might not have seen
previously, like power-lines and overhead wires.
Never y your craft near a controlled aerodrome or in controlled
Check the weather conditions, the wind speed and direction. Do not
y in gusty strong wind at any time. Always try and y the craft with
the wind at your back so the craft will drift directly away from you.
Always keep your eyes on the craft when in ight – if people approach
you inside your safety perimeter to talk to you or to ask questions
whilst you are ying the craft do not engage in the conversation and
Re-check your perimeter and raise the throttle slowly and check to
see if the craft wants to tilt to one direction or another; sometimes
you may need to adjust the trim on your TX to get a level ight,
however most times the craft will y perfectly rst time if you have
installed the electronics and the software has been set correctly—
check with the Flight Control manufacturer for standard or beginner
settings for the craft.
Take os are sometimes easier with a short burst of power to lift the
craft o the ground.
Hold the craft in a controlled hover directly in front of you about 2-3m
o the ground away from “ground eect” prop wash. When you have
mastered this hover position you can then move on to rolling the craft
gently from side to side and forward and backward. Make sure that
you always stand behind the craft, this makes for easy orientation of
the ight controls.
Repeat this exercise several times before you take the craft any
Always y the craft well away from people and / or property. Always
check for children nearby.
p r e - F l i g h t S a F e t y C h e C k
Thoroughly check the craft before every ight…
Check to see if any wires have come o
Check for loose bolts on the assembly
Check that the battery’s are secure
Check the battery voltage, and if you have more than one battery, check your spares too
Check the propellers for marks and nicks
Check the propeller nuts or bolts, make sure they are tight
Check the engine mounts and the bolts and nuts for tightness
Check the Transmitter battery voltage; never y the craft with a low voltage reading on your transmitter
(check with the manufacturer of your equipment for minimum and maximum voltage readings).
Check that the transmitter antenna is not damaged.
Check that the craft receiver module is well connected and that the antenna’s are properly positioned.
Take a good look over the craft from all sides to make sure that nothing appears unusual or out of place.
Check your ight perimeter.
Check for power-lines and overhead obstacles.
Assess the weather conditions, wind direction and speed. An anemometer (hand held wind speed meter) is a good tool
to have, otherwise use some dry grass or a tissue, throwing in the air to gauge the wind direction.
Do not y in gusty and turbulent conditions.
Set your transmitter timer to 80% of the known battery duration.
Droidworx NZ Limited disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and tness for a particular purpose. Droidworx NZ
Limited does not assume any lyability, whether direct or indirect, from the use of the
VM-Series Craft. Droidworx NZ Limited shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, punitive, contingent or consequential damages to persons or property caused by the VM-Series
craft. In no event shall Droidworx NZ Limited be liable for personal injury up to and including death.
d o S a n d d o n t S :
Never y in strong wind – the operational safe wind speed for these craft is about 10-15 KPH.
In the event of a crash or a hard landing, always check the craft for damage before taking o again. In this instance, you must also
check that you do not have dirt or grit in the engines; this can cause an engine or engines to overheat and fail in ight resulting in an
out of control craft and serious damage or injury to the craft , other people and their property.
Your launch eld should preferably be open and at with short grass. If it is necessary to take o in a eld which only has long grass,
manually atten a 1.5m diameter take o perimeter with your feet.
Always have a ight plan – visualize your ight path and check again for obstacles.
Never y the craft out of direct line of sight and always keep your eyes on the craft whilst it is in the air.
Never y the craft above 400 feet in height (the length of a football eld).
Never y near people – A 50m (150 ft) perimeter around and above people is a recommended minimum and operational law in
most countries.
Always set your transmitter timer before each ight to about 80% of the known ight duration for the battery pack’s you have installed in the craft.
Never turn your transmitter o in ight.
First person view ights are against the law in some countries – check the relevant aviation safety authority in your country before ying FPV.
Always have a “spotter” with if you do y FPV.
Never let friends y your craft unless they are well schooled in the discipline.
Never y under the inuence of any substance or alcohol. Whilst there is a minimum blood alcohol level allowed for driving an
automobile in most countries, the law for pilots in command of ying craft around the globe is universal…there is a zero limit tolerance.
Always turn your transmitter on before connecting the battery to the craft...and always disconnect the battery from the craft before
turning your transmitter o.
a S S e M B l y o v e r v i e w
r e q u i r e d t o o l S
M4 7mm Hex Driver
3mm Phillips Head Driver
M3 2.5mm Hex Screw Driver
M3 6mm Hex Driver
M4 3mm Hex Screw Driver
a S S e M B l y i n S t r u C t i o n S
part 1: landing gear aSSeMBly
landing gear aSSeMBly
Product Code Product Code
Gear Rail Bracing Plate
Gear Rail Isolator Pad
Landing Gear Plate
LG Skid End Cap
POV Mount Side Plate
POV Mount Bottom Plate
Gear Rail Bracket
Gear Rail Tube
Landing Gear Skid
Socket Head Cap Screw M3x8mm
Socket Head Cap Screw M3x12mm
Nyloc Nut M3 SS
Parts + SparesParts + Spares
12 (1)
2 (1)
2 (1)
Velcro Strap
Battery Strap
Battery Mounting Plate
Nylon washer M3
Spacer M3x2mm Nylon
Rubber grommet 9.5mm
14 (2)
Fit the four rubber grommets to the poly­composite gear rail brackets as shown.
Fit the four rubber grommets to the
carbon-bre battery plates then feed the
battery strap through the slots and loop.
Slide the battery plates onto the gear rail tubes as show below.
POV Mounting Side Plates
Fit the four rubber grommets to the pov mount side plates.
Slide the POV mounting plates onto the gear rail tubes in front of the battery plates.
Adjust the distance between them to t the POV mount bottom plate (g 1)
Lastly slide the gear rail brackets onto the gear rail
tubes ensuring the tabs face inwards and are at the top.
Fit the M3 x 12mm screw through the landing gear plate and add 2 of the nylon spacers.
g 1
Pass the M3 x 12mm screw through the landing gear bracket you set up earlier and secure with the M3 nyloc nut. This part shouldn’t be fully tightened until after the landing gear
assembly has been tted to the craft.
Attach the four M3 x 8mm screws through the landing gear plates into the threaded ends of the gear rail tubes; place a nylon washer under all of the screws. Try not to over tighten,
just make rm contact.
NOTE: When tightening
each screw make sure you secure the opposite end. Failure to do so may damage the bond causing the inner tube to spin. There is no functional or structural disadvantage if this were to happen - just secure both ends whilst tightening.
Repeat steps 4 and 5 with the second landing gear plate so your setup looks like this.
The remaining gear rail tubes can now be attached as landing gear brace tubes with M3x8mm screws. Place two on each side at your desired spacing.
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