Drive Medical SSP118FASF User Manual

Hand Grip
garantía limitada
por 3 años
©2006 Medical Depot, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Drive es marca registrada de medical depot, Inc.
Port Washington NY 11050 USA Hecho en China
Su producto marca Drive está garantizado de no tener defectos en los materiales y la fabri- cación por tres años desde la compra por el consumidor original.
Este aparato fue construido de acuerdo a estándares rigurosos y cuidadosamente inspeccionado previo a su envío. Estos 3 años de Garantía Limitada son una expresión de nuestra confianza en los materiales y la fabricación de nuestros productos y nuestra segu
ridad para el consumidor dada por años de servicios confiables. En el caso de un defecto cubierto por esta garantía, repararemos o reemplazaremos el aparato, de acu
erdo a nuestra opinión. Esta garantía no cubre fallas del aparato debidas a mal uso o negligencia por parte del propietario, o por el uso y desgaste normales. Esta garantía no se extiende a los componentes no durables, tales como los accesorios de goma, rueditas y mangos que están sujetos a desgaste normal y necesitan reemplazo periódico. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta acerca de su aparato Drive o esta garantía, por favor contacte a un repre
sentante autorizado de Drive.
Your Drive brand product is warranted to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for three years of the original consumer purchaser.
This device was built to exacting standards and carefully inspected prior to shipment. This 3 year Limited Warranty is an expression of our confi­dence in the materials and workmanship of our products and our assurance to the consumer of years of dependable service.
In the event of a defect covered by this war­ranty, we will, at our option, repair or replace the device.
This warranty does not cover device failure due to owner misuse or negligence, or normal wear and tear. The warranty does not extend to non­durable components, such as rubber accessories, casters, and grips, which are subject to normal wear and need periodic replacement.
If you have a question about your Drive device or this warranty, please contact an authorized Drive dealer.
3 year limited
© 2006 Medical Depot, Inc. All rights reserved.
Drive is a trademark of Medical Depot, Inc.
Port Washington N.Y. 11050 USA Made in China
© 2006 Medical Depot, Inc. Tous droits réservés.
Drive est une marque de commerce de Medical Depot, Inc.
Port Washington, NY 11050 USA Fabriqué en Chine
Votre produit de marque Drive est garanti exempt de tout faut et vice de fabrication pour une durée de 3 ans à partir de la date dachat. Cet appareil a été construit selon des normes rigou- reuses et soigneusement inspecté avant son emballage. Cette garantie limitée de 3 ans refte notre confiance dans les matériaux et la fabrication de notre produit. Pour nos clients elle est lassurance dun service fiable pour de nombreuses années Dans léventualité dun faut couvert par cette garan- tie, nous réparerons ou remplacerons le matériel fectueux, à notre discrétion. Cette garantie ne sapplique pas à des problèmes causés par une mauvaise utilisation de lappareil ou la négligence, et dans les limites dune usure normale du produit. Elle ne sétend pas également aux éléments à durée de vie limitée tels que les accessoires en caou- tchouc, les roulettes et les poignées, qui sont sujets à une utilisation fréquente et ont besoin dêtre rempla- cés périodiquement. Pour toute autre question relative à votre appareil Drive ou cette garantie, voyez avec un revendeur agréé de notre compagnie.
garantie limitée
de 3 ans
Back Upholstery
Rear Wheel
Armrest Pad
Side Panel
Seat Upholstery
Stability - Wheelchair is designed to be safe and stable as long as center of gravity is maintained while going about normal activities. Care must be taken while performing activities that shift your center of gravity in the chair. Never reach so far that require you to shift in the seat or bend over out of the chair. When you have to reach for objects that require you to lean, be certain front casters are pointing in a forward position that extends the wheel base and will stabilize the chair.
Ramps - Be sure of your own capabilities, limitations and strength before attempting to go up a ramp. Correct techniques on ramp negotiation should be shown to you by a qualified professional. Assistance is recommended when going up or down inclines greater than 10o. If you must stop on an incline, avoid sudden, abrupt movement when you resume movement. Because of backward angle of the chair, sudden abrupt movement could cause instability. Attempting to use the wheel lock brakes could result in accidental locking, tipping to one side, or cause a sudden stop. Avoid changing direction when going down an incline, as this could result in instability of tipping over.
Cap Hub
Rear Wheel
Caster Fork
Caster Front
SSP218DDA-SF Shown
For use with all
Silver Sport Wheelchairs
silver sport wheelchair
EU Authorized Representative Drive International, LLC Globe Lane - Stockport DUKINFIELD SK16 4RE, GB
Please read this manual carefully to insure safe usage and
understanding of maintenance instructions.
Congratulations on your purchase of a Drive wheelchair. Drive wheelchairs are a product of quality engineering and are manufactured to meet our own highly rigid specifications and will surpass all your expectations.
Use and Safety
WHEEL LOCKS - Engage both wheel locks before getting
in or out of chair, leaning forward in chair, or while in an elevator or wheelchair lift. Proper adjustment of wheel lock is at least 1/8” when locked. Locks are engaged by pushing handle completely forward. Adjustments to locks are made by loosening or tightening nut on the carriage bolt. Embed lock shoe at least 1/8” by sliding clamp toward rear wheel while handle is engaged in locked position. Tighten nut and bolt to secure in position. Test for correct locking action before actual use.
TIRES - Solid rubber tires need minimal maintenance, but
should be cleaned occasionally with a damp cloth. Replace if tires become severely worn or cracking appears.
FRONTCASTERS - Casters should be checked periodically
and lubricated occasionally. Lubricate by removing fork and greasing caster stem bearings. Lubricate wheel bearings by removing wheel from fork. Reassemble fork and wheel by tightening nuts until no play remains, but wheels roll freely. If nut is too loose, caster will shimmy, if too tight, chair will be hard to steer.
Release lock by pushing on the front rigging lever. Swing­away foot rest /leg rest out and sideways. Lift to remove.
adjusting length of foot rests or leg rests, user should be sitting in wheelchair with feet on the foot plates. Loosen bolt on the clamp around support assembly. Raise or lower foot plate to desired position that will provide maximum support of thighs. Front rigging should not be so low that it causes uncomfortable pressure to thighs at front of seat upholstery. Footrest should not be lower than 2-1/2” from the ground to ensure clearance.
leg rest assembly to desired position. Release leg rest assembly and it will automatically lock into place. To lower, push out on leg rest lever and lower foot plate to desired position.
WHEELS - Large rear wheels should be inspected at
least once a month to ensure proper tightness. If wheel wobbles or is loose, release lock nut and tighten axle bolt slightly. Test for proper tightness by learning chair to one side and spin adjusted wheel.
GENERALCARE - Wipe chrome parts with a clean, soft
cloth at least once a week. All metal parts can be cleaned with auto wax or similar poducts. If exposed to moisture, dry immediately. Do not use an abrasive cleanser that will scratch the finish.
TOOPENCHAIR- Open wheelchair by tilting to one side
and pushing down on seat rail until fully opened.
TOCLOSE/FOLDCHAIR - First fold foot plates to vertical
position. Grab seat with both hands at front and back edge and lift. Or, tilt chair to one side and lift up on seat rail.
REMOVABLEARMS - Remove arms by depressing spring
button and lifting arms out of front and rear sockets.
Do not attempt to adjust or operate wheelchair without reading carefully all instructions in this manual.
This wheelchair has not been approved as a seat that can be used within vehicles of any kind. Always transfer wheelchair user to a vehicle manufacturers approved seat and use safety restraints available.
Do not operate this wheelchair on roadways, streets or any surfaces with vehicular traffic.
Do not attempt to operate on inclines 10% or greater without proper assistance.
Be sure to completely engage wheel locks when getting in and out of wheelchair or when in elevator or wheelchair lift.
Wheelchair should be on a smooth, stable and level area with wheel locks engaged before transferring user in or out of wheelchair.
Do not adjust foot rests any lower than 2-1/2” from floor.
When getting in or out of wheelchair, do not stand on or apply weight to foot rests.
Before reaching or leaning forward, rotate casters to front of the wheelchair engage wheel locks to help prevent wheelchair from tipping over.
Do not lean over or apply weight to the top of wheelchair back. This can cause wheelchair to tip over. When trying to extend arms over back, only reach as far as your arm can extend without having to alter your seating position.
DO NOT stand on wheelchair.
DO NOT use wheel locks to slow your descent down an incline.
Abruptly changing directions while going down an incline could cause instability or possible tipping over.