Drive Medical Celestia 18250 Instruction Manual

CPAP with Heated Humidifier
Instruction Manual
Model No.: 18250 Please read the instruction m anual before use.
Important Safeguards…………………..…………….….… . ….1
2. Product Description……………….…...…………….…..4
3. Installation.………………………………….…...….…….6
4. Operation ……………….............................…………..9
6. Troubleshooting ……….…..…….…………….………...15
7. Techn ical Specification .………..…….….………..……… 17
8. Note, Caution and Warn ing Statements……………….…. 18 APPENDIX A: EMC Information……………………………20
1. THIS DEVICE IS NOT INTENDED FOR LIFE SUPPORT. It may stop operating due to power
interrupti on but no hazards to patient.
2. This device should n ot be used with oxygen.
3. This device should not be us ed in the vicinity of a flammable an esthetic mixture in combination with
oxygen or air and nitrous oxide.
4. The airflow fo r b r e a thing gene r a t ed by this device may be as much as 7°C (12 .6°F) higher than the room temperature. This device SHOULD NOT be us ed if the r o o m tem p eratu re is warm er than 3 5 °C (95 °F) to prevent the airflow temperature from exceeding 40°C (104°F) and causing irritation to your airway.
5. If this device overh eats, it w ill stop operatin g and show “Err or Me ssage 0 02” on th e display. Af ter cooling dow n to prop er temperature, the device can restart again.
6. This machine should be us ed only with masks (and connectors) recommended by the manufa c tur e r , or by your phy s ician o r respiratory therapist. A mask sh o uld n o t b e u sed u n les s the CPAP mach ine is tu rned on and operating prope rly. The vent holes associated with the mask should never b e blocked for proper exhaling purpose.
7. At low CPAP pressure, some exhaled gas may remain in the mask and be re-breathed.
U.S. Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a licensed physician.
DANGER -To reduce the risk of electrocution:
1. Always unplug t his product immediately after using.
2. Do not use while bathing.
3. Do not place or store pr oduct where it can fall or be pull ed into a tub or sink.
4. Do not place in or drop into water or other liquid.
5. Do not reach for a product that has fallen into water. Unplug immediately.
6. Do not re ach into the wate r or other liquids, if product f alls into water or othe r liquids. Unplug it immediately.
WARNING -To reduce the risk of burns, electrocution, fire or injury to persons:
1. This product should never be left unattended when plugged in.
2. Close supervision is necessary when this product is used by, on, or near children or invalids.
3. Us e this product only for its intended use as descr ibed in this manual, do not use att achments not recommended by the manufacturer.
4. N ev er ope r ate this prod uct i f it has a dam ag ed cor d o r plug , if it is not working prop erl y, if it ha s bee n dropp ed o r d a ma g ed , o r d ropp ed in to w at e r. R etu rn the p rod uc t to a s er v ic e c e nt e r fo r e x amin a tion a nd repair.
5. Keep the cord away from heated surfaces.
6. Never block the air openings of this product or place it on a soft surface, such as a bed or couch, where their openings may be blocked. Keep the air opening free of lint, hair, and other similar particles.
7. Never drop or insert any object into any opening or hose.
8. Follow the national requirement to dispose unit.
9. Recommended operating atmospheric condition is above sea level up to 8000 fee t, if goes higher than 8000 feet, re-calibration is then required.
10. Do not operate the device before mask and water chamber insta lled.
11. Disconnect the wate r ch ambe r from the devic e when not in use, water e ntering the device m ay r esult in
electr ic shock hazard or damage.
12. Do not use if water comes in contact with the device or enters the tubing.
13. This device is not for use with patients whose supraglottic airways have been bypassed.
14. Do not use this device on the floor.
15. Do not cover blanket or clo thes on t he device.
16. Do not remove w ater c hamb er while humidifier is heating. Do not touch the heater plate for 30 minutes
after the device is disconnected from the mains.
1. Intro du ction
This manual should be used for initial set up of the system and saved for reference purpose.
1.1 General Information
Obstruc tive Sleep Apne a (OSA ) is a condition that a n intermitted and r epetitive o bstruction of the upper respiratory tra ct causes a complete (apne a) or pa rtial (hypopnea) block of bre athing airflow during sleep. The syndrome varies depe nding on th e degree o f relaxation of the tongue and soft palate muscl e.
The mos t commo n tre atm en t fo r OS A is Continuous Positive Airw ay Pr essu re (C PAP). CPAP devic es can deliver a constant air pressu re into your uppe r air way via a nasal mask. This constant air pressure can keep yo ur airway open during sl eep, therefore prevents the OSA.
This device is a mic ro-processo r controlled continuous positive air way pressure devi ce. It features the illuminated , menu -driv en LCD display, u nivers al pow er supply, an d r amp time adjustmen t. The ramp time adjustment and ultra quiet operation ensure you to fall asleep comfortably while air pressu re slo wly build up to tr eatment l evel. Th e use r c omplianc e mete r re cor ds the to tal system’s operating time for physician’s reference.
EMC Warnin g Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for medical devices to the IEC 60601-1-2:2004. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interf er enc e in a typ ical med ical installation. This equipme nt gene ra tes, uses an d c an radi ate rad io frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to other devices in the vicinity. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occu r in a p artic ular installa tion. I f this equ ipment do es c aus e h ar mful inte rf e re n ce to othe r devices, which ca n be d ete rmined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving device.
- Increase the se paration between the equipment.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the other device(s) are connected.
- Consult the manufacturer or field service technician for help.
This system has been tested and compliance to the following volunteer standards: FDA
1.2 Intended Use
This devic e is intend ed to provid e continuo us positive airw ay pr essure (CPAP) for th e tre atment o f adult Obstru ctive Sleep Apn ea (OSA ). Th e integ rate d h eat ed hu midifier is d esigne d to inc re ase the humidity of the ai r f ro m the CPAP ther e by r e lie ving the symptoms of a d ry n ose and th ro at th at s ome people may experience.
NOTE: Equipment not suitable for use in the pre sen c e o f a fla mma ble anesthe tic mix tur e with air or with oxygen or nitrous oxide.
2. Pro du c t Description
Components including: (1) Main CPAP device with integrated heated humidifier (2) Detachable power cord (3) User manual (4) Flexible air tubing with 1.8 m length (5) Full face or nasal mask and headgear straps (Optional, Always use CE certified and 510(k)
cleared mask for CPAP)
(6) Carrying bag (optional) (7) USB cable and E asy Complianc e CD (Optional)
Note 1: ONLY for Physician or Technician to download data. Patient should not use this
Note 2: Only applicable for devices with USB port. CAUTION – Patient should not connect the device to the personal computer for data
downloading. This may cause the CPAP system fai lure
Air Filter
USB Connector
Power Switch
UP Button
DOWN Button
LCD Display
Water Chamber: The wat er ch amber con tains the water fo r humidification. Its remova ble
base plate allows itself ease for cleaning.
Fill Line: Symbol indicates the maximum lev el of water that water chambe r can
Baffler: The baffler can prevent water spillage due to improper shaking. Heater Plate: Warms the water in the water chamber. Heater Plate Switch: When the switch is pressed against the water chamber, the heater plate will
start to work.
Control Knob: This control knob, graduated from 1 to 6, is used to adjust the h eating
tem perature of the heater plate from 30°C to 60°C.
Power On Indicator
(Green LED):
When lit, this indicates the humidifier is turned on and ready for operation.
Heater On In dicator
(Yellow LED):
When lit, this indicates the heater is turned on.
Inlet Port with Silicon Connector:
Connect to the outlet port of the CPAP device.
Ou tlet port: Connect the flexible tubing here. Water Chambe r Slider: Lock and unlock the water chamb e r
Outlet Port
Power ON Indicator
Heater ON Indicator
Control Knob
Power Socket
Water Chamber
Fill Line
Heater Plate
Heater Plate Switch
Inlet Port
Baffler (Inside Wate r Chamber)
3. Installation
3.1 Unpac king
To secure its contents inside, the device and accessories are bundled in a paper packaged box. Unpack this box by removing the device and its accessory and checking for any damage, which may have occurred during sh ipping. If there are damages, please contact your dea ler immediately.
3.2 Setting Up
1) Place the device on a flat surface and at a lower level than your sleeping position.
2) Connect the power cord to the device and plug into main electrical outlet. Turn on the device by pressing the ON/OFF s w itch on the left side of the device
Once the device is turned on, it is in ready to operate position (“STANDBY” sign appears in LCD display)
NOTE: The plug is also served to disconnect the device.
3) Connect one end o f th e ai r tubing firmly to the air outlet on the back o f the device . As shown in the left figure.
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