Integra et Selectis
Thank you and congratulations for buying a Drive Devilbiss
Healthcare France chair. Understanding well and maintaining
regularly the chair will prolong its service life. That is the reason
why we recommend reading this user and maintenance manual
to better know the chair performances and qualities.
Warning: Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare France oers a wide range
of chairs and equipment. The product, functions and accessories
appropriateness should always be checked by a healthcare professional and a service provider.
The shell seats are products intended for patients who are
unable to remain seated without support.
The patients using a shell chair should be accompanied by a
caregiver when they handle the chair, especially they are equipped
with the seating base, and generally, when sitting down in the
chair and when leaving the chair.
1.1 - Target users.....................................................................................p 2
1.2 - Indications......................................................................................p 2
1.3 - Contraindications..........................................................................p 2
1.4 - Reuse...............................................................................................p 2
8.1 - Main procedures...........................................................................p 6
8.2 - Accessories...................................................................................p 6
8.3 - Storage...........................................................................................p 6
8.4 - Chair service life and end of life..............................................p 6
8.5 - Warranty conditions....................................................................p 7
9.1 - General presentation...................................................................p 7
9.2 - General terminology...................................................................p 7
9.3 - Options...........................................................................................p 8
10.1 - Seat depth (only on M version)................................................p 9
10.2 - Seat height...................................................................................p 9
10.3 - Standard or ergonomic headrest...........................................p 9
10.4 - Side shelf......................................................................................p 9
10.5 - Seating pad..................................................................................p 9
10.6 - Shell tilting..................................................................................p 10
10.7 - Transfer aid.................................................................................p 10
10.8 - Footrest plate adjustment......................................................p 10
10.9 - 3-point pelvic belt and harness............................................p 11
10.10 - Braking of the wheelbase.....................................................p 11
10.11 - Braking the institution leg......................................................p 11
10.12 - Lap shelf.....................................................................................p 11
10.13 - Battery operation.....................................................................p 11
2.1 - Meaning of the symbols..............................................................p 3
2.2 - Controls before any use.............................................................p 3
2.3 - Outdoors use................................................................................p 3
2.4 - Prohibited use..............................................................................p 3
2.5 - Surface temperature...................................................................p 3
2.6 - Environment..................................................................................p 3
2.7 - Safety with electrical components...........................................p 3
3.1 - Carrying and lifting........................................................................p 4
3.2 - Transport in a vehicle..................................................................p 4
3.3 - Pinching risks................................................................................p4
3.4 - Accessories and options............................................................p 4
3.5 - Positioning.....................................................................................p 4
3.6 - General safety rules....................................................................p 4
3.7 - Precautions relative to electromagnetic compatibility........p 4
4 - DELIVERY AND COMMISSIONING........................................p 4
5.1 - Seat belt..........................................................................................p 4
5.2 - For maximum stability.................................................................p 5
5.3 - Driving indoors.............................................................................p 5
5.4 - Clearing an obstacle...................................................................p 5
5.5 - Leaning forward...........................................................................p 5
5.6 - Leaning backward.......................................................................p 5
5.7 - Transferring....................................................................................p 5
6.1 - Use and storage conditions........................................................p 5
6.2 - Regular maintenance..................................................................p 5
6.3 - Cleaning.........................................................................................p 5
1.1) Target users
Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare France chairs are manufactured and
tested in our factory. Choosing, adapting, and adjusting the chairs
should be performed by a healthcare professional according to the
user’s pathology and needs. The use, security, and maintenance instructions should be explained to the user by healthcare professionals
or medical device distributors, who should also make sure the user
understands those instructions.
1.2) Indications
Integra and Selectis are multiversion shell seats for
institutions. They suit users with reduced autonomy.
Integra and Selectis chairs particularly suit adults. They are
easy-to-manoeuvre chairs, which can be used indoors and outdoors,
but exclusively on good quality grounds, such as terraces or domestic
routes out of road use. Thanks to various options, such as ergonomic
headrest, legrest, and so on, the chairs can be adapted to various
1.3) Contraindications
Only healthcare professionals are allowed to prescribe this chair, recommend the options and adjustments to comply so as to comply
with the expected result. This chair is not suitable for children or users
whose weight is less than 40 kg. The user should have the physical
and mental capacities necessary for him/her, and his/her family, to
safely use the chair.
7.1 - Disinfecting......................................................................................p 6
1.4) Reuse
Integra et Selectis
In case another user will reuse this chair, this latter should be cleaned,
disinfected, and totally revised by an approved engineering centre.
Then, a healthcare professional will appropriately adjust and adapt
the chair to the new user.
It is important to check the original labels are present on the chair, to
train the new user and to give him/her the user guide.
Please read carefully for your own safety:
l Do not use as a passenger seat in a vehicle, even if
it is equipped and strapped.
l Never go onto an escalator.
l Do not fasten the seatbelt of the patient when using
the Transfer in standing position function.
l Never sit on the legrest, the backrest or the armrests.
l Do not smoke when sitting in the chair.
l Always respect the mentioned maximum user weight.
l Always make sure there is no obstacle likely to
prevent the chair from moving.
l Always lock the brakes when you go into or out
from the seat.
l The footrest (option) should always touch the floor
when the chair is in trendelenburg (tilted forwards).
2.1) Meaning of the symbols
Product variants:
setup configuration/
seat width/
upholstery colours/
Seat depth
Month/Year of
Trade name
of the device
Serial number
of the device
2.2) Controls before any use
Before any use, the user or the accompanying person should
check the chair properly works.
Never use the chair if a fastening component is loosened, if a
wheel or a chair part has abnormal play or if the upholstery elements are torn or undone.
2.3) Outdoors use
The chair can be used outdoors, provided that the use is limited
to terraces, interior courtyards, and private roads; and the user
should be always accompanied by someone who should take
into account the road and weather conditions. In case of important
ramps, slopes, kerbs, or superelevations, the chair may tip over.
When moving, the chair should be slightly tilted backward in order to obtain maximum stability and to reduce driving eorts.
Operating weight in security
Caution: hazard!
Carefully read the user manual
Device compliant to directive 93/42 EEC
Manufacturer of the device
Serial number
The information plate is glued on the tube under the shell seat
2.4) Prohibited use
The chair should not be used to carry heavy objects or for any
other use than maintaining a person whose weight does not
exceed the maximum permissible weight. Never use the chair
when it is not in good condition.
2.5) Surface temperature
If the chair is exposed to a heat source, such as a heater or the
sunrays, either directly or through a windowpane, the temperature
of the upholstery, and metallic and plastic parts may be very high
and burn the user. Those elements should be cooled before
using the chair.
2.6) Environment
It is important to take into account the environment in which the
chair is used. Always check door widths and doorsteps are compatible with the chair dimensions; watch out nearby stairs and
protruding objects hanging from walls or from edges, and that
could fall or hurt the user in the chair.
2.7) Safety with electrical components
l Unplug the outlet when the chair is not used.
l Check the power supply or remote control cord is not pinched
or trapped into the mechanism underneath the chair or underneath the wheels.
l See chapter 10.12.
Integra et Selectis
The footrest (option) should always touch the floor when
the chair is in trendelenburg (tilted forwards).
3.1) Carrying and lifting
It is totally forbidden to lift the chair when the user is seating
on. To lift the chair alone, exclusively use the fixed frame parts.
Never use the legrest.
3.2) Transport in a vehicle
Integra and Selectis chairs should never be used as a
passenger seat in a vehicle, even if it is equipped and strapped.
If the chair is to be transported in a vehicle, it is preferable to
anchor it with straps in order to secure it and remove the posible
accessories (shelf, etc.).
CAUTION: the weight of the chair or of some parts may be
so heavy, that it may be necessary to be helped for lifting.
3.3) Pinching risks
There may be some pinching risks when handling the chair or
the accessories. The healthcare professional should warn the
user against those risks.
3.4) Accessories and options
Thanks to the dierent options, such as the ergonomic headrest,
and some other devices, listed in this manual, the healthcare
professional can adapt the chair to the user’s needs. In no case
should some other devices or options be associated to the chair
before being sure they are compatible. Only the accessories provided by Drive DeVilviss Healthcare france should be used.
3.5) Positioning
(pressure of the human body onto the soft tissues)
Some users suer from pathologies favouring bedsores when
they are seating for long whiles. It is the healthcare professional’s
responsibility to prescribe a chair equipped with equipment
necessary to relieve the support points, such as a pressure-relief
CAUTION: After use, always re-tension the seating pad
3.6) General safety rules
Always lock the brakes when the user goes into or out from the chair.
Never go onto an escalator.
Do not smoke when sitting in the chair.
may aect the seat behaviour. Should the case arise, please
contact the distributor.
l The presence of long distance transmitters and receivers, such
as diusion transmitters (TV and radio antenna towers), amateur
radio stations and other devices may lead to malfunctioning. In
case of doubt, do not use the electric shell seat anymore until the
problem is solved.
l Using the electric shell seat may lead to malfunctioning of
some sensitive equipment. In case of doubt, do not use the shell
seat anymore until the problem is solved.
The chair is delivered according to the prescription sheet. Any
modification totally binds the healthcare professional.
All Drive DeVillbiss Healthcare France chairs are controlled in
our factory and specially packaged for transport.
Before unpacking the chair, check the box has not been damaged,
then make sure all the accessories and options are present, including
the use instructions and the service warranty book. The accompanying documentation should imperatively be given to the user
so as he/she understands the chair use and warranty conditions.
After commissioning the chair, the healthcare professional or an
authorised person will perform the adjustments specific to the
user. It is the professional’s responsibility to give the security and
use instructions to the user, as well as the warnings described
in this manual. The professional should also make sure the user
understood these instructions.
The packaging boxes and the dierent protective elements of
the chair should be sent to an approved waste treatment centre.
This chapter describes some techniques to optimally use the
chair. Moreover, these techniques may be useful to overcome
everyday-life obstacles.
General and hygiene recommendations: The chair should be
regularly cleaned according to the recommendations described
in the following pages, and it should never be used if there any
doubt about its proper performance.
5.1) Seat belt
When the user has diculties to be seating or may lose his/her
balance, the seat belt should be used. A healthcare professional should install and adjust the seat belt. It is important not to
tighten too much the belt and to adjust it according to the circumstances.
The belt fastens in front by fitting it tightly around the patient.
The seat belt is adjusted by adjusting the strap length thanks to
a loop; opening and closing are possible thanks to two buckles
(male and female), one of which has a locking system.
3.7) Precautions relative to electromagnetic
The seat was designed to meet the international electromagnetic
compatibility requirements.
However, appliances producing significant electromagnetic fields
Note: there is also an optional harness which harmonizes with
the seat belt.