Drive DeVilbiss AGF-6X2 Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual
AGF-6X2 Digital EMS
Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare
99 Seaview Boulevard
Port Washington, NY 11050
Tel: 877- 224-0946
1. Introduction .......................................................... 2
2. Caut ions ................................................................ 3
3. War nings ............................................................... 4
4. Contr aindic atio ns ................................................ 4
5. Advers e React ions .............................................. 4
6. Gener al Descript ion ............................................. 5
7. Constructi on ......................................................... 6
8. Technical Specif icatio ns ...................................... 8
9. Replaceme nt Parts .............................................. 10
10. Ac cesso r ies ......................................................... 10
11. G raphic Sy mbols .................................................. 11
12. Op erat ing Instructions ........................................ 12
13. Att achment o f E lectrode Lead Wires ................. 12
14. Lea d Wire Maint enance ....................................... 13
15. E lectr ode Options ................................................ 13
16. E lectr ode Placement ........................................... 13
17. T ips f or Skin Care ................................................ 14
18. Applic ation of Reusable self adhes ive
ele ct rodes ............................................................ 15
19. Adjust ing the Contro ls ........................................ 16
20. Ba tter y Inform ation .............................................. 22
21. M aintenanc e, Transportat ion, and Storage of
TENS Device.......................................................... 24
22. S afety- Technical Contr ols ................................... 24
23. M alf unctions ......................................................... 25
24. C onformity to Sa fety Standar ds ......................... 25
25. W arranty ................................................................ 26
Manuf act urer ........................................................ 26
26. Ap pendix ............................................................... 27
Chapter Contents Page
Elec tri cal Musc le Sti mula tion is a n inter nationally acc epted and pro ven wa y of t reat ing mu sc ul ar injur ies . I t w ork s b y sendin g electroni c pulses to the muscle needing treatment; this causes th e mus cle to exerci se pass ively.
It is a product derived from the squ are waveform, origi nally invented by Joh n Farad ay in 18 31. Th rough the squar e wave pat tern it is able
to work directly on muscle motor neurons. The AGF-6X2 Digital EMS has l ow fr eque ncy and th is in c onjunction wi th the square wave p att ern allow s d ir
ect work o n mu sc le g roupings . T his is being widely us ed in hosp itals and s ports clin ics for the treatment of mu scular injuries and for the r e-educati on of paralyzed musc les, to pr event atr ophy in aff ected muscl es an d improving mu scl e tone and bl ood c ircu lation.
1. Relaxati on of mus cle spas ms
2. Preven tion or retar dation of dis use atrop hy
3. Incr easing local blood circ ulation
4. Mus cle re-ed ucat ion
5. Immediat e pos t-sur gical s timul ation of c alf muscl es to prevent
venous thr ombos is
6. Maintaining or i ncreasi ng r ange of motion
The EMS un its s end comf ortable impul ses th roug h the s kin th at st imul ate t he n erves i n t he t reatme nt area. W hen th e mus cle receives this si gnal it contrac ts as i f the brai n has s ent the s ignal its elf . A s the
sig nal s tren gth in cre ases , t he musc le f lexes as in physical exercise. T hen when the pulse ceases, the mus cle relaxes and t he c ycl e st arts over agai n, ( St im ulat ion , C ont rac tio n and Relaxation.) Powered muscle stimulators should only be us ed under medi cal s upervi sio n fo r adj unc tive ther apy f or th e tre atmen t of medical diseas es and c onditions .
Read instruction manual bef ore operation. Be s ure to comply with all “CAUT IONS” and “W ARNINGS” i n the manual. Failure to f ollow instructions ca n c aus e har m to us er or device.
Chapter 2: CAUTIONS
1. Federal law (USA) rest rict s t his devic e t o s ale by or on the order of a physic ian
2. Safety of powered muscle s timulators for use during pregnancy has not b een establi shed.
3. Caution should be used for patients with suspected or diagnosed heart problem s.
4. Caution should be used for patients with suspected or diagnosed epile psy .
5. Cauti on s hould be used in the pre senc e of the following: a. Wh en t here is a ten dency to hemorrh age f ollowing ac ute
traum a or f racture;
b. Followin g r ecent s ur
gica l p roc edures wh en musc l
cont racti on m ay di srupt the healin g pr oces s; c. Over the menst ruatin g or pregnan t uterus ; and d. Over ar eas of the skin which lack normal s ensation.
6. Some p atients may experi ence skin irritation or hypers ensi tivity due to th e electri cal s timulation or electric al cond uctive medium. The irritation can usually be redu ced by usi ng an altern ate conduc tive medium, o r alt ernate elect rode p lacemen t.
7. Elect rode plac ement and s timulat ion s etting s s houl
d be b ased
on th e gui dance of the p rescr ibing practi tion
8. Powered muscl e st imul ators shoul d be kept out of the r each of child ren.
9. Powered mu scle stimulat ors should b e used only with the leads and electr odes recommen ded for use by the m anuf actur er.
10.Port able p owered muscl e s timul ators shou ld not be used while driving , operating mac hiner y, or duri ng any ac tivity in which involunt ary muscle c ontr action s m ay put the user at undue risk of injury .
hapter 3 : WARNINGS
1. The long-term effec ts of c hron ic el ectri cal stimu lation are un kno wn.
2. Stimulat ion sh ould n ot be applied over t he carotid sinus nerves, parti cular ly i n pat ients wit h a known sens itivity to the carotid sinu s ref lex.
3. Stimulation shoul d not be applied over the neck or mouth. Severe spasm of t he laryngeal and ph aryngeal muscles may occ ur and the contr acti ons may be str ong enough to clos e t he ai rway or cause diff iculty in breat hing.
4. Stimulation should not b e applied tran sthor acically in that t
introduction of elect
rical c urrent int o the heart may cause card iac
arrh ythmia s.
5. Stimulation should not be applied transcer ebrally.
6. Stimulatio n s hould not be appl ied over swollen, i nfec ted, or inflamed areas or sk in eruptions, e.g., phlebitis, t hrombophlebitis, varic ose vein s, etc .
7. Stimulati on s hould n ot be applied over, or in proximity to, canc erou s lesi ons .
Powered mus cle sti mulat ors sh ould not be used on patients wit h card iac demand pacem akers.
Skin irrit ation and burns b eneath the elec trodes h ave been reported with the use of powered mu scle stimulators. If skin irritat ion occu rs, disc onti nue use and c ons ult your ph ysic ian.
The EMS is a battery oper ated puls e generator that sends elect ric al impu lses throu gh electrodes to the body and reac hes the u nder lyi ng n erves or mus cl e gro up. T he d evic e is provided with two c ontrollab le output channe ls, each indepen dent of each other. An electrod e pair can b e c onnec ted to eac h ou tput chan nel.
elec tro nic s of th e EMS c reate elec tri cal impul ses whos e In tens ity, Pulse W idth, Puls e Rate, Contr acti on, Relaxation an d Ramp ma y b e alter ed wit h the sw itc hes. Pr es
tt ons a r e ve ry ea sy to us e and th e pan el c ove r p reven ts accident al c hanges in the s etting. .
AGF-6X2 Digital
AGF-6X2 Digital
17 A lte rn ate( A) The s timulation of the CH2 will occur after
the 1st c ontraction of CH1 is c ompleted. In this m ode, the s etting of ON T ime should be no less than two ti mes of t he “Ramp” time. The OFF Time should be equal or more than the ON T ime. ON TIME Ramp up + R amp down OFF TIME ON TIME
Compl ianc e Met er
The ac cumu lated t reatment tim e can be recorded. Total recorded time is 999 hours.
19 O peratin g Temperature:0°~40°C
Condition Relative Humidty:30%~ 75%
Atmosph ere Pres sure : 700H pa~1060H pa
20 Toleranc e There may be a +/-10% t ol
eranc e of all setti ngs and +/- 20 % t oleranc e of outp ut of intens ity.
The technical specifi cation details of
are as foll ows:
MECHANISM TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 01 C hannel Dual, isolat ed between chann els 02 P ulse Amplitud e Adjust able 0- 100 mA into 5 00 ohm load
each channel .
03 O utput Voltage Adjust able 0-50 V, Max outp ut 50 V peak to
peak in to 50 0ohm load eac h c hannel. 04 W ave Form Asymmet ric al r ectang ular biphasic pul se. 05 P ower Su ppl y One 9 Volt Battery, t ype 6 F22 06 S ize 10.1cm( L) x 6.4cm(W ) x 2.5cm( H) 07 W eight 140 grams (batt ery i nclu ded)
08 On Time Adju stable, 2~90
secon ds , 1 Sec./ st ep
09 O ff Time Adju stable, 0~90 secon ds , 1 Sec./ s tep
10 Ramp Time Adjustable, 1~8 second s, 1 Sec ./ step, T he
“On” time will increas e and decrease in
the setti ng value. 11 P ulse Rate Adjus table, 2~150 H z , 1Hz / step 12 Pu lse Width Adjus table, 50~300µs , 10 µs / st ep 13 T imer Adju stable, 15, 30 , 45, 60 minu tes or
14 O utput Mode Cons tant ,Synch ronou s, A lter nate 15 C onstant (C) C onstant sti mulation bas ed on setting
value. Only pulse width , pulse rate and
timer ar e adj
ustable in this mode. “Const ant” is equal t o the “N ormal” mode of a TENS uni
16 S ync hron ous (S ) St imulati on of bot h c hannels occu rs
synchronous ly. The “ ON” time i ncluding “Ramp U p” and “R amp Down” t ime. Theref ore, th e sett ing of ON T ime s hould be no less than two ti mes of t he “Ramp” time in this mode. ON TIME Ramp up + Ramp down
AGF-6X2 Digital
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