TurboDryers are high-performance airmovers for speed-drying of building structures and contents.
They are designed for a bal ance of static pressure and airflow, as well as durability and ease of use.
Read And Save These Instructions
Safety Information
Keep Children Away: Do not allow children to play with or
around the unit, which could resul t in injury. Be sure the un it
is inaccessible to children when not attended .
Keep Unit Grounded: Always operate the unit with a
grounding plug and a grounded electrical outlet. A grounding
plug is an essential safety feature that helps reduce the risk
of shock or fire.
Protect Power Cord from Damage: Never operate a unit
with a damaged power cord, as this may lead to elec trical or
fire hazards. If the power supply cord is damaged, it must be
replaced by a cord of the same type and amperage rating.
Extension Cords: Extension cords must be grounded and
able to deliver the appropriate voltage to the unit.
When Using Outdoors: When using outdoors, connect o nly
to an outlet provided with a Ground Fault Interrupting (GFI)
device, and do not use an ext ension cord, to reduce t he risk
of electrical shock. Do not expose to rain.
Do Not Use Speed Control Device : To reduce the risk of
fire or electric shock, do not use TurboDryers with a solidstate speed control device.
Handle With Care: Do not drop or throw the unit. Rough
treatment can damage the comp onents or wiring and crea te
a hazardous condition.
Run on Stable Surface: Always operate the unit on a
stable, level surface, like t he floor or a strong counter, so it
cannot fall and cause injury.
Secure During Transport: When transporting in a vehicle,
secure the unit to prevent sliding and possible injury to
vehicle occupants.
Keep Out of Water: Never operate the unit in pooled or
standing water, as this may create a risk of injury from
electrical shock. Do not store or operate outdoors. If electrical wiring or components become wet, thoroughly dry them
before using the unit.
Keep Air Intakes Clear: Do not clog or block air intakes, as
may occur if operated to close to draperies or similar
materials. This may cause the unit to overheat and result in a
fire or electrical hazard.
Keep Out Dust and Dirt: Do not allow dust, dirt, or other
particles to be drawn into the air intakes. Dirt in the motor
can cause it to overheat, resulting in a fire or electrical
hazard. If the motor gets dirty, clean it using an air hose.
Allow Repair Only by Qualified Person: Do not attempt to
disassemble or repair the unit if you are not qualified to do
so. You may handle some maintenance and tr oublesho oting,
but make sure that more complex problems are handled b y
an authorized service technician. For information about
authorized repair, call Dri-Eaz at (360) 757-7776.
TurboDryer airmovers are designed to blow air across wet
surfaces for speed drying. They are especially good for
drying floors because they create a flat ribbon of air. Highvolume airflow will increase the rate of evaporation, help
prevent mould growth, and reduce the risk of additional
moisture damage. Moving air will improve evapor ation by removing a boundary layer of saturated air that ha ngs near wet
surfaces. TurboDryers whisk away this moist air and r eplace
it with dryer air.
Positioning TurboDryers
When drying in a building, place at least one TurboDryer per
room, or one for every 200 square feet. Place as many as
needed for maximum airflow across all wet areas of the floor.
Ensure that all wet surfaces receive good airflo w. Open interior doors to maintain good air circulation. Doors may need to
be braced to prevent them from blowing shut.
Control the Humidity
Using TurboDryers to speed the rate of evaporation in a
building usually causes the humidity to rise immediately.
When this occurs, the air movement becomes less effective
and the rate of drying slo ws. It is vital that TurboDryers be
used with adequate dehumidificatio n. To help control mould
07-00213 B 9-00 Copyright 2000, Dri-Eaz Products, Inc.
growth, keep indoor humidity below 60% Rh. If possible,
maintain indoor humidity below 45% Rh. This may require
the use of DrizAir Refrigerant Dehumidifiers. Even lower
humidity (25-40% Rh) will speed the drying of dense
materials such as lumber, and is possible with Dri-Eaz
Desiccant Dehumidifiers.
To improve drying, close off the area being dried from the
rest of structure. Regulate the heating or air conditioning
system at 68-80°F (20-27°C). When dehumidifiers are not
available, run exhaust fans in the at tic, kitc hen and bathroo m
to remove some humidity. If outdoor air is very dry, open
some windows or doors at least slightly. Use a thermohygrometer such as the DHT200 or DHT600 to determine
the relative humidity.
grounded and that all safety precautions are taken.
Always turn off the power before performing maintenance
procedures. All the service procedures below are to be
executed with the unit unplugged. Perform before each use
or as needed.
for damage at regular intervals. Periodically, remove the
housing and inspect internal wi ring for bare wires, insecure
fasteners, and discoloration. Remove and repair any damaged wiring as needed. Failure to do so may lead to
electrical shock or a fire hazard.
: Inspect the electrical cord
Check if Materials are Dry
Monitor the moisture condition of wet materials with moisture
meters like the HydroSensor, Moisture Counter, and Moisture Pro. To check how completely materials have dried out,
compare your readings to readings you take on similar
materials you know are dry.
Cooling & Ventilation
Over-heated rooms can be cooled with high-vo lume airflow
from a TurboDryer. Place the airmov er on the floor or other
flat surface and direct the air from co oler areas or the outdoors. Use the kickstand or the 4 5-90 degree tilt feature to
elevate the snout and ci rculate cool air throughout th e room.
1. Plug in to a standard outlet with the correct voltage and
amperage for the unit. Set the switch at the desired
speed. Check for proper operation before leavin g the unit
2. Do not move or carry the TurboDryer when it is running.
TurboDryers are designed to operate on a 230V/50 Hz
electrical connection. Make sure that the electrical outlet is
other materials from the air inlet side-screen s. A buildup will
reduce the airflow and may cause the motor to overheat and
become a fire hazard.
and water. Bring back the origin al shine with a vinyl cleaner
and polish like those used on automobile plastics.
and make sure they are properly installed. Listen to the unit
for abnormal sounds. Repair or replace components as
Periodic Maintenance (as needed)
Make sure unit is unplugged and the wheel has stopped.
Remove four screws to remove each side screen. This will
permit access to motor and wheel for cleaning.
to remove lint and dust from blower wheel, motor and side
electrical components, do not use a hose or pressure washer
to clean a TurboDryer. If electrical components do become
wet, dry them immediately.
Dryers are permanently lubricated. Do not oil.
: Clean off any accumulated lint or
: Clean the housing with mild deter gent
: Evaluate exterior components
: Use compressed air or a vacuum
: To prevent damage to
: The bearings on all Dri-Eaz Turbo-
07-00213 B 2
FILL OUT WARRANTY CARD: Please stop before proceeding and fill out the warranty card.
INSPECT ON ARRIVAL: When your Dri-Eaz product arrives,
check immediately for signs of shipping damage. If you
notice damage, save the shipping car ton for claim purp oses,
and immediately report the problem to your supplier and the
shipping company. Also, save the carton for shipping in case
your product ever needs repair at a remote location .
Dri-Eaz promises, to the original purchaser, to perform
the following as needed to correct defects in materials
and workmanship:
1 Year on Parts and Labour: Cover parts and labour costs for
the repair of a Dri-Eaz Airmover, Dehumidifier, Instrument,
Accessory, and other product except Marke ting Products, for
a period of one year from the dat e of purchase.
90 Days on Shipping: Cover s hip pin g costs for the repair of a
Dri-Eaz Airmover, Dehumidifier, Instrument, Accessory, or
other product except Marketing Products, b oth to and from
the Service Center, for a period of 90 da ys from the date of
LIMITATIONS: This warranty shall not extend to any products showing effects of misuse, accident damage, disassembly, alteration, lack of proper maintenance, corrosiv e chemicals, improper voltage, unauthorized repairs, use of other
than genuine parts and materials, fire, flood, normal wear
and tear, or any other causes be yond Dri-Eaz Produc ts' control. The warranty obligation extends only to the repairs or
replacement of parts found, upon Dri-Eaz Products' examination, to be defective. The foregoing constitutes the entire
warranty and no other warranty, liability, contingency or
responsibility, direct, indirect, consequential or in any way
connected with the sale or operation of products is expressed or implied.
TO RECEIVE WARRANTY SERVICE : You must write or call
for an RMA (Return Material Authorization). You must have
the serial number available. The Dri-Eaz Service Department
must authorize all costs, including carriage, for any Service
Centers worldwide. Please direct questions to an authorized
distributor, or to Dri-Eaz at (360) 757-7776, extension 238.
RPM 800 - 1,075 rpm 700 - 900 - 1,075 rpm 650 - 900 - 1,350 rpm 2,850 rpm
Static Pressure 3.8 cm, 1.5" 3.8 cm, 1.5" 5.8 cm, 2.3" 5.6 cm, 2.2 in
Power, 230 Volts 4.7 amps 4.7 amps 4.2 amps 2.2 amps
Carpet Clamp Kit Available Yes No N/A
Kickstand Yes Yes Yes N/A
Positions 3 4 2 1
Wheel 9.5" x 9.5"
Height, Width, Length 20", 15", 20"
Use Weight 13 kg, 28 lb 13 kg, 28 lb 19 kg, 42 lb 15 kg, 33 lb
Ship Weight 16 kg, 35 lb 16 kg, 35 lb 22 kg, 49 lb 19 kg, 41 lb
Motor Rating .4 hp .4 hp .75 hp 1.0 hp
Overheating Cutoffs Dual Thermal Protectors Dual Thermal Protectors Dual Thermal Protectors Dual Thermal Protectors
Safety Listings CE CE CE CE
Warranty 1 Year Limited 1 Year Limited 1 Year Limited 1 Year Limited
Specifications are subject to change without notice. Some values are approximate.
1530 - 2050 cmh
600 cmh
24 x 24 cm
44, 50 cm
800 - 1000 - 1200 cfm
1350 - 1700 - 2050 cmh
2,700 cfm
4,600 cmh
9.5" x 9.5"
24 x 24 cm
20", 15", 20"
50, 44, 50 cm
1,850 cfm (high)
140 cmh (high)
4,900 cfm
8,300 cmh
10.5" x 10.5"
27 x 27 cm
21 x 19 x 22 in.
53 x 48 x 56 cm
3,600 cmh
2,120 cfm
Axial fan-blade
19", 15",18"
48, 38, 46 cm.
In COLUMN 3, the technic ian in the field can handle "FS" or Field Solutions. Others solutions should be handled by a repair technician – an
"AST" or Authorized Service Technician.
WARNING: Execute all the service procedures below only with power turned off, i.e. unplugged.
Motor won't run
Motor runs but wheel turns
erratically or scrapes
Unit vibrates excessively
Blower wheel has lost balance AST Balance or replace blower whe el
Bent motor shaft AST Replace motor
or the Dri-Eaz Service Department at (360) 757-7776
No power to machine FS Plug in the unit; check circuit breaker or fuse
Switch not turned on FS Turn on the switch
Blower wheel jammed FS Remove material jamming wheel
Intake or exhaust blocked FS Turn machine off and allow to cool, then remove blockage
Switch is broken AST Call distributor or Dri-Eaz for replacement switch
Loose wiring AST Check wiring and tighten as needed
Severe jolt has caused motor mount to
bend and wheel to rub
Severe jolt caused motor to slip out of
mount and wheel to rub
Accumulation of soil on wheel FS Clean blower wheel
Blower wheel has been bent AST Replace blower wheel
AST Remove motor from housing, then replace or repair bent
motor mount
AST Remove motor from housing, then install motor into mount
Les séchoirs Turbo so nt des circulateurs d 'air de haute performance pour sécher rapide ment structures et contenus de bâtiments.
Ils sont conçus pour un équilibre de courant d'air et de pression statique, et pour une durabilité et facilité d'utilisation.
Lisez et Conservez Ces Instructions
Placez l’unité au sec: L’unité ne doit jamais fonctionner
Directives de sécurité
Tenez les enfants éloignés de l'unité: Les enfants ne
doivent pas jouer avec ou autour de l'unité, car ils pourraient
se blesser. Assurez-vous que l'unité ne soit pas accessible
aux enfants, en l'absence de toute supervision.
L’unité doit toujours être mise à la terre: L’unité doit
toujours fonctionner avec une fiche de mise à la terre et une
prise mise à la terre. La prise de mise à la terre est une
sécurité essentielle qui permet de réduire le risque d’él ectrocution ou d’incendie.
Protégez le câble secteur contre tout endommagement:
L’unité ne doit jamais fonctionner avec un câble secteur
endommagé, pour éviter les risques d’incendie ou liés à
l’électricité. Si le câble secteur est endommagé, il doit être
remplacé par un câble du même type et de même valeur
Rallonges: Les rallonges doivent être mises à la terre et
doivent pouvoir délivrer la tension appropriée à l’unité.
Lors d’une utilisation à l’extérieur: Lors d’une utilisation à
l’extérieur, raccordez uniquement à une prise qui possède un
dispositif d’interruption de défaut à la terre, et n’utilisez pas
de rallonge pour limiter les risques d’électrocution. Ne pas
exposer à la pluie.
N’utilisez pas de dispositif de contrô le de vitesse: Pour
réduire les risques d’incendie ou d’électrocution, n’utilisez
pas les Séchoirs Turbo avec un dispositif de contrôle de
vitesse à semi-conducteurs.
Manipuler avec soin: Ne laissez pas tomber l’unité ou ne la
jetez pas. Un mauvais traitement peut endommager les composants ou les fils et peut créer une condition dangereuse.
Faites fonctionner sur une surface stable: L’unité doit
toujours fonctionner sur une surface stable et à niveau,
comme le sol ou un comptoir solide, de sorte qu’elle ne
puisse pas tomber et blesser quelqu’un.
Fixez pour le transport: Lors du transpor t, fixez l’un ité pour
l’empêcher de glisser et de blesser les occupants du
dans une flaque d’eau, à cause des dangers d’électrocution.
Ne jamais entreposer à l’extérieur. Si un fil ou un composant
électrique est mouillé, il doit être correctement séché av ant
toute utilisation de l’unité.
N’obstruez jamais les arrivées d’air: Ne placez pas l’unité
près de rideaux ou de matières similaires car ils pourraient
obstruer les arrivées d’air et faire surc hauffer l’unité, créant
ainsi un risque d’incendie ou lié à l’électricité.
Empêchez la poussière et la saleté d’entrer: Empêchez
que la poussière, la saleté ou au tres particules ne pénètrent
dans les arrivées d’air. S’il y a de la saleté dans le moteur , il
pourrait surchauffer, créant ainsi un risque d’ince ndi e ou lié à
l’électricité. Si le moteur s’encrasse, nettoyez-le avec un
tuyau d’air comprimé.
Faites seulement réparer par une personne qualifiée:
N’essayez pas de démonter ou de réparer l’unité si vous
n’êtes pas qualifié pour le faire. Vous pourrez effectuer
certains entretiens et dépannages, mais assurez-vous que
les problèmes plus complexes soient réglés par un réparateur agréé. Pour de plus amples informations concer nant les
réparations agrées, veuillez contacter Dri-E az au (360) 757-
Les circulateurs d'air séchoirs Turbo sont conçus pour
sécher rapidement les surfaces mouillées en soufflant de
l'air. Ils sont surtout excellents pour sécher les sols car ils
créent un filet d'air horizontal. Un courant d'air important
augmentera le taux d'évaporation, aidera à e mpêcher que la
moisissure ne se propage, et réduira le risque de dommages
supplémentaires causés par l'humidité . La circulation de l'air
améliorera l'évaporation en e nlevant une couche limite d'air
saturé, qui repose au-dessus de surfaces mouillées. Les
séchoirs Turbo enlèvent rapidement cet air humide et le
remplacent avec de l'air plus sec.
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