07-00213 C 9-00 Copyright 2000, 2005 Dri-Eaz Products, Inc.
Owner’s Manual – Dri-Eaz TurboDryers
230-volt Models
Sahara, Sahara Pro, Sahara Compact, Vortex, Santana SX, Ace
15180 Josh Wilson Road, Burlington, WA USA 98233
Fax US: (360) 757-7950 Phone US: (360) 757-7776 Phone UK: (01908) 611211 www.dri-eaz.eu.com
TurboDryers are high-performance airmovers for speed-drying of building structures and contents.
They are designed for a balance of static pressure and airflow, as well as durability and ease of use.
Read And Save These Instructions
Safety Information
Keep Children Away: Do not allow children to play with or
around the unit, which could resu lt in injury. Be sure t he unit
is inaccessible to children when not attended.
Keep Unit Grounded: Always operate the unit with a
grounding plug and a grounded elect rical outlet. A grounding
plug is an essential safety fe ature that helps reduce the r isk
of shock or fire.
Protect Power Cord from Damage: Never operate a unit
with a damaged power cord, as this may lead t o electrical or
fire hazards. If the power su pply cord is damage d, it must b e
replaced by a cord of the same type and am perage rating.
Extension Cords: Extension cords must be grounded and
able to deliver the appropriate voltage to the unit.
Do Not Use Speed Control Device: To reduce the risk of
fire or electric shock, do not use T urboDryers with a solidstate speed control device.
Handle With Care: Do not drop or throw the unit. Rough
treatment can damage the compon ents or wiring and create
a hazardous condition.
Run on Stable Surface: Always operate the unit on a
stable, level surface, like t he floor or a strong counter, so it
cannot fall and cause injury.
Secure During Transport: W hen transporting in a vehicle,
secure the unit to prevent sliding and possible injury to
vehicle occupants.
Keep Out of Water: Never operate the unit in pooled or
standing water, as this may create a risk of injury from
electrical shock. Do not store or operate outdoors. If electrical wiring or components become wet, tho roughl y dry the m
before using the unit.
Keep Air Intakes Clear: Do not clog or block air intakes, as
may occur if operated to close to draperies or similar
materials. This may cause the unit to over hea t and resul t in a
fire or electrical hazard.
Keep Out Dust and Dirt: Do not allow dust, dirt, or other
particles to be drawn into the air intakes. Dirt in the motor
can cause it to overheat, resulting in a fire or electrical
hazard. If the motor gets dirty, clean it using an air hose.
Allow Repair Only by Qualified Person: Do not attempt to
disassemble or repair the unit if you ar e not qualified to do
so. You may handle some mainte nance an d troubles hooti ng,
but make sure that more comple x problems are handled by
an authorized service technician. For information about
authorized repair, call the Dri-Eaz UK office at (01908)
TurboDryer airmovers are designed to blow air across wet
surfaces for speed drying. They are especially good for
drying floors because they create a flat r ibbon of air. Highvolume airflow will increase the rate of evaporation, help
prevent mould growth, and reduce the risk of additional
moisture damage. Moving air will improve evapor ation by re moving a boundary layer of sat urat ed air tha t hangs near wet
surfaces. TurboDryers whisk a way this moist air and r eplace
it with dryer air.
Positioning TurboDryers
When drying in a building, place at least one TurboDryer per
room, or one f or every 200 square feet. Place as many as
needed for maximum airflow across all wet areas of the floor.
Ensure that all wet surfaces receive g oo d airf low. Open interior doors to maintain good air circulati on. Doors may need t o
be braced to prevent them from blo wing shut.
Control the Humidity
Using TurboDryers to speed the rate of evaporation in a
building usually causes the humidity to rise immediately.
When this occurs, the air mo vement becomes less effective
and the rate of drying slows. It i s vital that TurboDryers be
used with adequate dehumidif ication. To help control mould
growth, keep indoor humidity below 60% Rh. If possible,
maintain indoor humidity below 45% Rh. This may require
the use of DrizAir Refrigerant Dehumidifiers. Even lower
humidity (25-40% Rh) will speed the drying of dense
materials such as lumber, and is possible with Dri-Eaz
Desiccant Dehumidifiers.