The Jet CXV is a high-powered airmover for the speed-drying of building structures and
contents. It is designed for maximum airflow with minimal amp draw, as well as versatility, durability and ease of use.
Read And Save These Instructions
Read and understand manual before operating.
WARNING! Unit must be grounded.
Use indoors only.
Do not operate in standing water.
•If motor or wiring gets wet, allow to dry compIeWybefore using
•Clean with compressed air or vacuum or wipe with adamp cloth. Do not use hose or pressure washer
To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not use
•this airmover with any solid-state speed controldevice
•Insert 3-prong plug on power cord only into outlet withGround Fault Circuit Interrupting device.
•Do not use adaptor
Never cut off third prong
Do not use an extension cord.
WARNING! Unplug unit before opening housing forcleaning or servicing.
•Always operate the unit on a stable, level surface.Turn off unit. Unplug unit before lifting or moving. The
•powerful airflow can make the unit difficult to control.
•Inspect the power cord before use. If cord isdamaged, do not use Replace with a cord of thesame type and amperage rating. Protect cord fromdamage by turning off unit before unplugging. Alwaysgrasp the plug (not pulling on the cord) to unplug.
The unit is designed to operate on a 115V/60 Hzelectrical connection. Make sure that the electricaloutlet is grounded.
Handle the unit carefully. Do not drop, throw, or placeon unstable surface where it could fall. Roughtreatment can damage the unit, and may create ahazardous condition or void the warranty.
Keep children away from unit Be sure unit isinaccessible to children when it is not attended.
The Jet CXV TurboDryer is a high-powered airmover for speeddrying of building structures and contents. It is designed foruse in commercial carpet or hard surface floor cleaning orwater damage restoration, offering maximum airflow withminimal amp draw
•Keep air intakes and grills clear of obstructions anddirt. Reduced airflow can cause motor to overheatKeep away from draperies or other material that couldblock air intakes
•Keep away from open flames and heat sources.Do not use or store where flammable vapors such as
•from gasoline, solvents or thinners may be present.
•Two protective grills: front grill with focused vanes forchanneling high-velocity air
25 HP motor
Three-speed switch — 1.5. 2.0 and 3.0 amps
•GFCI outlet for connecting up to 3 units (9 amps max.)Stackable for storage and transportation
•Designed for use with the Unimover hand truck to transportmultiple units
Air Marketing Group LLC
Engine Speed
Vacuum Pump RPMVacuum Relief ValveWaste Tank Capacity
Console Weight (with waste tank & accessories)
Engine &Vacuum Pump Coupler
3000 rpm (High Speed No Load)
1500 rpm (Idle No Load)
3000 rpm
14 in. HG120 Gallons at shutoff
950 lbs.
170 inch/lbs. 14 ft/lbs.
Use the
Big Gulp
with the
Rover HVE
highvolume extractor for maximum waterextraction from flooded carpet and pad. TheRover's unsurpassed maneuverability andspecial features make extraction more
than ever. The Rover's joystick preciselycontrols separate drive wheels
allow easymaneuvering around the sharpest corners. Itspatent-pending stainless head with custompolymer glide has a self-healing edge thateasily rides over the carpet to maximizeextraction on ALL types of carpet. The unitfolds flat fbr easy transport and storage.
WARNING! Turn off and unplug unit before servicing orclearing obstructions The blade can still rotate when thehousing is unhinged and the unit is on
Before Each UseINSPECT POWER CORD. Inspect power cord for cuts, fraying
or damage; do not use if damaged.Weekly MaintenanceCLEAN COMPONENTS:
the two screws on the unhinged side of the housing that areholding the housing shell together. Carefully lift up housing andrest on hinge. Watch for pinch points when handling housing to
avoid injury.
Order of Separate Parts
Using a socket or nut driver, unscrew
The front grill must be re-installedafter disassembly exactly as originally installed to avoidrisk of injury.
When placing the components back into the unit after cleaning,the motor must be placed back into the unit so that all the texton the electrical housing is upright as well as the cord wrap.NOTICE! If the motor is put back in upside down all thelettering will be upside down and the user won't be able to usethe cord wrap.
CLEAN GRILLS: buildup of lint and dust will reduce the airflow and may causethe motor to overheat and become a fire hazard. If dirty, wipedown the blades with a damp cloth. Clean off any accumulatedli
nt or other materials from the protective grill cover. Use avacuum or a damp cloth to remove lint and dust from motorand grill covers. WARNING! Do not allow water into the motor.
EXTERIOR INSPECTION: Inspect exterior components andmake sure they are properly installed. Listen to the unit forabnormal sounds. Repair or replace components as needed.
Bring back the original shine with a vinyl cleaner/polish likethose used on automobile plastics.
Inspect blades for dirt, dust and debris. A
Clean the housing with a damp cloth.
Proper Re-installment of Components
for damage at regular intervals. Periodically, remove the
housing and inspect internal wiring for bare wires, insecurefasteners, and discoloration. Remove and repair any damagedwiring as needed. Failure to do so may lead to electrical shockor a fire hazard. WARNING! Damaged wiring can causeelectric shock or fire hazard.
MOTOR BEARINGS: are permanently lubricated. Do not oil.
The bearings on all Dri-Eaz airmovers
Inspect the electrical cord
Weight35 lbs (16 kg)
Dimensions (HxD)
25.9.X" x 18.9" (65.8 cm x 48 cm)Amp Draw1.5, 2.0, 3.0 ampsSpeedOperating Positions
Cord LengthConstruction
Specifications are subject to change without noticeSome values may be approximateFOR
3 speed switch2345 VV (.25 HP)
25 ft. (7.62 m)RotomoIrded shellYes
or the Dri-Eaz Service Department at 888-867-3235 or (360}757-7776
Fax (360) 757-7950 Telefono en EE UU. (360) 757-7776
Jet CXV es un extractor de alto rendimiento para of secado rapid° de estructuras y contenidos de edificios. Ha sido disefiado
Lea y entienda este manual antes de operar lamaquina.
el maxim° caudal de aire
of minim°
consumo energetic°, adernas de versatilidad, durabilidad y facilidad de
Lea y guarde estas instrucciones
La unidad debe Para use en intericres solamenteNo opere en agua estancada.Si el motor o las cables se mojan, deje que se sequen
completamente antes de usar.Limpie con aire comprimiclo o un aspirador o utilice un
paha hUmedo. No utilice mangueras ni compresoresde agua.
Para red ucir el riesgo de fuego o descarga electricano utilice este extractor con dispositivas de control develacidad de estada solido.
inserte el enchufe de 3 clavijas del cable dealimentacion en una toma electric,a puesta a tierra.No use un adaptador.
No carte nunca la tercera clavija.No utilice cables de extension.
°star conectada a
•Mantengala lejos de llamas abiertas o fuentescalor.
No la utilice ni lo guarde cerca de vapores inflamables
•coma gasolina, disolventes a diluyentes.
alojamiento para limpiar o realizar trabajos demantenimiento
Opere siempre la unidaci en una superficie estable ynivelada.
Apague y desenchufe la unidad antes de levantarla omoverla. El pctente caudal de aire puede dificultar elcontrol de la unidad.
•Inspeccione el cable de alimentacion antes de usar.Si el cable esta dariado, no util ice la unidad.Reemplace el cable con un cable del mismo tipa yamperaje nominal. Proteja el cable de las danosdesenchufando la unidad antes de descanectarla dela toma. No desenchufe el cable tiranda de el, en sulugar, solo tire del enchufe.
•La unidad ha sido disenada para funcionar con unaconexian electrica de 115 V/60 Hz. AsegUrese de quela toma electrica esta puesta a tierra.
Manipule la unidad con euielado. No la deje caer, tirea Ia eclogue sabre una superficie inestable de la quopudiera caerse. La manipulacion incarrecta puedeocasionar danos a la unidad, ademas de dar lugar acandiciones peligrosas a invalidad la garantia.
Mantengala alejada de las ninos. AsegUrese de quelos nines no tengan acceso a la unidad cuando estefuncianando sin su atencion personal.
Desenchufe la unidad antes de abrir el
Mantenga las entradas do aire y las rejillas libres de
•obstrucciones y suciedad. El caudal de aire reclucidcpuede ocasionar el sabrecalentamiento del motor.Mantenga el extractor lejos de cortinas y (Arcsmateriales que pudieran obstruir las entradas de aire
El Jet CXV TurboDryer es un extractor de alto rendimiento deuso comercial para secar de forma rapida las estructuras y loscontenidos de edificias. Ha side diseriado para facilitar lali
mpieza de alfombras o suelos duros, ofreciencla la maxima
extraccion y con sumo energetic° minima.
Air Marketing Group LLC
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