Dri-Eaz Dragon X2 Programming Manual

Service Questions: Contact Dri-Eaz at (800) 932-3030 Sales Inquiries: Contact Sylvane at (800) 934-9194 or visit sylvane.com
Programming the Dragon X2 The r mostat
The remote thermostat supplied with the Dragon X2 Mobile Furnace provides precise, programmable temperature controls. When properly programmed, the thermostat will cycle the Dragon on and off to maintain precise temperature range in the target area based on the set ti ngs you program. The thermostat can be programmed in either degrees Fahrenheit or Cel sius.
Note that the temperature sensor is located at the end of the cable, and should be placed inside the environment you wish to heat. For best results, pl ace the sensor away from drafts, windows, and any equipment that may produce temperature variations.
1. When the Dragon is plugged in and the ON/OFF switch is turned to the Thermostat position, the
thermostat will display the ambient temperature.
The thermostat shows the current ambient temperature when connected to the Dragon.
2. Press the SET key once to access the Fahrenheit/Celsius select mode. The display will show the
current status, either F for Fahrenheit or C f or Celsius. To switch between the two modes, press either arrow key. Choose either F or C.
Choose either the Fahrenheit (F) or Celsius (C) mode.
3. Press the SET key again to access the set point. The display will blink "S1" and show the current set
Service Questions: Contact Dri-Eaz at (800) 932-3030 Sales Inquiries: Contact Sylvane at (800) 934-9194 or visit sylvane.com
point in degrees. The set point is the maxim um temperature you wish to maintain in the target area. For example, with a set point of 85°F, the Dragon will st op heating when the temperature exceeds
85°F. Use the arrows to choose a set point.
Use the arrows to choose the desired temp erat ur e setpoint
4. Press the SE T key agai n to display the current “setback” or temperature differential setting. The
display will blink "DIF 1" and show the current differential. Press the up or down arrow keys to select a differential. The differential is the number of degrees t he temperature will drop below the set point before the thermostat initiates another heating cycle. In other words, the differential determines the minimum temperature of the target area.
For example, with a set point of 85°F and a different ial of 5°, the Dragon will begin a heating cycle when the temperature of the target area drop s below 80°.
You can select a differential ranger from 1° to 30°.
Use the arrows to select a differential
5. Press the SET key again to access the heating or cool ing programming mode. The display will show
the current mode: either C1 for cooling or H1 for heating. IMPORTANT! Make sure the thermost at is set to H1 for the heating mode. The Dragon will not function properly with the thermostat in cooling mode.
Use the arrow keys to select H1 for the heating m ode.
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