Dispose of used filters according toyour local regulations.
Read and understand manualbefore use.
ght comes on.
Once the boltis loose slidethe latch out-
Loosening the latches
Loosen 318"hex headbolt
t Unwrap the cord wrap completely
Place the HEPA 500 upright (vertical with handle at the top)
2.Plug in to a standard 115 volt outlet. Each HEPA 500 needs 3 amps to operate.
To switch the unit on, locate the control panel and turn the variable speed switchclockwise to start the unit (see "Control Panel'' below). Then selecteither a maximum (500 CFM) or down to a minimum (250 CFM) airflow rate. To
maintain the optimal CFM, consult the IICRC 5520 standards, 10.3.t See
this manual's "Resources' section (pg.5) for how to get an 5520 standards guide.
5.The HEPA 500 is multi-positional. For more information, see "Specialized
Features' on (pg. 4).
The Control Panel
NEPA filter
Variable speed
Auxiliary Outletw/GFCI
Variable Speed Control Note that the MAX setting is located immediately left of the OFF button, and the MINsetting requires an almost 360 degree clockwise turn.
Change LightThe change light illuminates when you need to change the HEPA filter.
The Auxiliary OutletYou can "daisy chain" or interconnect up to 3 NEPA 500's to customize your air filtra-tion needs The unit can conduct a maximum of 12 amps when it is turned off, and 9amps when it is turned on That means you can plug other equipment into the unit,but the amperage is limited
Red Circuit Breaker Switch The primary purpose of the circuit breaker is to protect the machine. It turns the unitoff when more than 12 amps run through the on-unit circuit
Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) The GFCI helps protect the user should it detect a sudden "ground fault,' the GFCIwill interrupt the electric current The GFCI will also trip when a short circuit or anoverload occurs.
When the GFCI "trips, unplug the unit, and look for potential hazards—standingwater, frayed cords, etc—anything that would cause a surge of electrical currentRelocate the unit and plug it into a different outlet. Then push the "reset" button, andcheck to see if it's operating; if so, continue use, if not call a Dri-Eaz TechnicalSpecialist at 800-575-5152.
About the filtersThe NEPA 500 utilizes a 2-stage filtration system designed with the most advancedHEPA filtration technology available. The first stage utilizes a pre-filter (Figure 3), andthe second a HEPA filter (Figure 4). The pre-filter captures larger particles, and theHERA filter captures 99.97% of smaller particles down to 0.3 microns.
For environments with a high volume of aerosolized particles, you can use 2 prefiltersto extend the life of the HEPA filter. See "Maintenance' for how often to replace filters.
Changing filters
With a 3/8" wrench, loosen the 8 latches holding the inlet panel in place. See
Figure 2.
Slide the latches outward, away from the center of the inlet panel.
Remove the inlet panel.Remove used filters and replace.
See "Maintenance" for how often to replace filters.
Air Marketing Group LLC
www.amgair.comEmail: info@amgaircom
regulierement le cordon d'arimentation pour vous assurer qu'ilreste en parfait etat. De temps en temps, retirez le heftier et
inspectez le cAbl age interne afin de detecter la presence de filsdenudes, de fixations desserrees et de deceleration. Retirez etreparez tout cablage enclommage selon les besoins afin deprevenir tout danger de decharge electrique ou d'incendie.ATTENTION ! Un cabl age endammage peut causer unedecharge electrique ou un incendie
ROULEMENTS aU MOTEUR appareils de ventilation qri-Eaz sent lubrifies en permanenceNe pas huiler.
:Les roulements de taus les
F36716 kg
Dimensions (HxP)65,8 cm x 48 cmTension
Positions de
1,5, 2, 3 ASelecteur 3 vitesses
2fonctionnementAlimentation345 W (0,25 CH)
Longueur du cordonConstruction
Les specifications sent sujettes a modification sans avidprealable
Certaines valeurs peuvent etre approximatives.POUR TOUT RENSEIGNEMENT CONCERNANT LES PIECES ET
LES REVISIONS, VEUILLEZ CONTACTER VOTRE qISTRIBUTEURLOCALou le service apres vente Dri-Eaz au 888-867-3235 ou (360)757-7776
should be able to pass through) A tightly sealed containment area will aid in creatingan effective negative pressure. Use a manometer to monitor air pressure Manometersare available at most equipment supply houses
Multi-Positional You can stack and operate up to twoHEPA 500s vertically. The handle ofone unit fits into bottom of another
Duct tape inletto plastic
entire circumfer-encey
Containment (view frominside containment area)
Dri-Eaz Guide to Airscrubbing, call Dri-Eaz at 800-932-3030
•Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC), 360-693-
•NIOSH help line 800-35-NIOSH, for respirator and respirator filter information
the IICRC at 360-693-5675.
Standard and
5675Dri-Eaz website and Virtual Training Center (VTC) at www dri-eaz.comDri-Eaz Education Department, 800-575-5152.
Guide for Professional Mold Remediation.
unit (see Figure 7). You can alsostack them horizontally for space-saving storage, or operate a unitwith its outlet facing upward
Electric Shock Hazard
Unplug unit before performingany maintenance.
Never use a water hose or pres-sure washer to clean electricalcomponents; water could enterthe electrical compartment caus-ing a shock hazard.
Follow cleaning instructions manual.
141 kinclerkarnack Rd. Park Ridge. NJ 07656
Unplug the DefendAir HEPA 500 before performing maintenance.
Before Each
Always wear an appropriate NIOSH-approved respirator and personal protec-tive equipment when removing or replacing filters, or when cleaning theDefendAir HEPA 500
•Inspect the electrical cord for damage. Look for fraying, cuts, etc. Do notuse the unit if you find any Call Dri-Eaz for the nearest Service Center.
•Check your GFCI protection. Plug the unit in and turn it on, depress the red GFCI"Test" button. If it's operating properly the "Reset' button should pop up. (Note:
you'll need to depress the 'reset" button again for operation.)
When using the DefendAir HEPA 500 for water damage restoration:
inspect pre-filter before each use that could restrict airflow through the filter into the unit If any is visible,change out the pre-filter.
•Replace the HEPA filter when the Change Indicator Light comes on
Note: To be assured of true HEPA Oration, change the HEPA filter after
water damage job. or when the indicator light comes on. whichever
When using the DefendAir HERA 500 for remediation:
After every job
Replace both the filters to prevent cross-contamination.
Clean the unit thoroughly (vacuum and damp wipe per
after each job before removing it from the containment area to avoid cross-contamination. Pay particular attention to the area around the air intake. Letthe unit dry before installing clean filters.
IICRC 5520,
TROUBLESHOOTINGFor any problems not listed below, call your local distributor or contact our Service Department toll free at 888-867-