The compact designed USB radio sticks deRFusb-23E00 and deRFusb-13E00 contain a
powerful CORTEX-M3 microcontroller with 256 kBytes High-Speed Flash. Additional flash
memory to store user defined data is provided using the USB radio sticks deRFusb-23E06
and deRFusb-13E06, it is usable as mass storage device.
Depending on the transmission frequency of 2.4 GHz - deRFusb-23E00/06 - or 868/915 MHz
- deRFusb-13E00/06 - the ATMEL low-power transceivers AT86RF231 or alternatively
AT86RF212 are integrated. They provide a complete radio transceiver interface between the
antenna and the microcontroller and an extended functional range such as a 128-Bit AES
hardware engine to assure data security.
The USB radio sticks provide a programming and debugging interface to the user, by default
via USB.
2. Application
The main applications for the USB radio sticks deRFusb-23E00/06 and deRFusb-13E00/06
• 2.4GHz and Sub-GHz range IEEE 802.15.4
• ZigBee® Pro
• ZigBee® RF4CE
• ZigBee® IP
• SP100
• Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)
• industrial and home controlling and monitoring
3. Features
The USB radio sticks deRFusb-23E00 and deRFusb-23E06 offer the following features:
• compact size (in case): 71.0 x 23.0 x 8.7 mm
• USB powered
• 3 free programmable status LEDs
• RF shielding
• Debugging/Programming interfaces: 1 x DBGU (Debug-Unit) or 1 x JTAG with 10 pin
connector mounting option, USB
• Onboard transceiver and chip ceramic antenna 2.4GHz
The block diagram below shows layout and interaction of the main deRFusb-23E00/06 components:
4.5 .. 5.5V
ATSAM3S4BAAT86RF231Chip antenna
2 GByte Flash
Figure 1: block diagram deRFusb-23E00 / 06
The deRFusb-13E00 and deRFusb-13E06 offer the same features like the deRFusb-23E00
/06 except the built-in Sub-GHz transceiver and onboard Sub-GHz chip antenna.
• Onboard transceiver and chip ceramic antenna for Sub-GHz
Layout and interaction of the main deRFusb-13E00/06 components: