Translation of the original
operating instructions

Article no. of this documentation: 1.1020.2B001e
As of: 12.11.2012
DRELLO is used in these operating instructions as abbreviation for
DRELLO Ing. Paul Drewell GmbH & Co. KG.
No part of this publication may be duplicated, transmitted, transcribed,
stored to a memory device, translated into another language or computer
language in any way without prior written permission from DRELLO. Infringement of this copyright can also compromise product support from
DRELLO for this device. DRELLO reserves the right to make changes to
the product described within this manual without advanced notice. The
contents of the manual do not contain any contractual or other obligations
on the part of DRELLO and are not legally binding. This publication was
created with the utmost care. Suggestions for improvement can be submitted to DRELLO.
© DRELLO Ing. Paul Drewell GmbH & Co. KG
Andreas-Bornes-Strasse 46
D-41179 Mönchengladbach
Telephone: +49 - (0)2161 - 909 - 6
Telefax: +49 - (0)2161 - 909 - 700
Email: info@drello.de
Internet: www.drello.de

1 General 5
1.1 Information on these operating instructions 5
1.2 Explanation of symbols 6
1.3 Warnings 7
1.4 Limitation of liability 8
1.5 Spare parts 8
2 Safety 9
2.1 General 9
2.2 Responsibility of the operator 9
2.3 Staff requirements 11
2.3.1 Staff qualifications 11
2.3.2 Unauthorised persons 12
2.3.3 Instruction 12
2.4 Intended use 13
2.5 Device protection 13
2.6 Particular hazards 14
2.6.1 Danger from stroboscopic lig ht flashe s 14
3 Technical specifications 15
4 Description 17
4.1 Description of functions 17
4.2 Device overview 20
4.2.1 Front view 22
4.2.2 View from underneath 22
4.3 Menu structure 23
4.4 Type plate 24
5 Transport, assembly and connection 25
5.1 Scope of supply 25
5.2 Available accessories 27
5.3 Unpacking 27
5.4 Storage 28
5.5 Requirements for the place of use 29
5.6 Mains operation 29
5.7 Connecting an external controller 30

6 Operation 31
6.1 Switching the device ON/OFF 31
6.2 Operating 31
6.2.1 Selecting the operating mode 31
6.3 Further setting options for flash operation (manual control) 33
6.3.1 Setting the flash sequence display 33
6.3.2 Displaying the current flash du ration 33
6.3.3 Setting the "Duration-Auto-Modus" variable flash duration 34
6.3.4 Setting the flash duration "Duration-Fix-Modus" 35
6.4 Further setting options for flash operation (external control) 36
6.4.1 Image shift (PHASE) 36
6.4.2 Setting the slow-motion function 37
7 Maintenance and repair 38
7.1 Maintenance 38
7.2 Changing the batteries 38
7.3 Cleaning 39
7.4 Troubleshooting 39
7.5 Repairs 40
7.6 Disposal 40

1 General
1.1 Information on these operating instructions
These operating instructions contain important instructions on handling the DRELLOSCOP 1020 LED hand-hel d str obo sc ope, hereinafter referred to as the device, during installation, operation,
maintenance and care as well as disposal.
The requirement for safe, proper and economic work on and with
the device is compliance with all spe cif ied safe t y and handlin g instructions.
Compliance helps to avoid danger, minimise repair costs and
downtimes and increase the reliability and the service life of the device.
In addition, local accident prevention regulations and general safety
rules for the location of the device must be complied with.
Read the operating instructions carefully before beginning any
work! They are part of the product and must be kept in the immediate vicinity of the device and be accessible to operating staff at all

1.2 Explanation of symbols
All warnings in these operating instructions are also indicated by a
warning symbol.
The following warning symbols are used throughout these operating instructions:
Symbol Meaning
Danger of electric current
General instructions and useful suggestions on
Note on observing environmen tal regula tio ns
for disposal

1.3 Warnings
The warnings used in these operation instructions are indicated by
signal words that are intended to indicate the extent of the danger.
The warning symbol also indicates the type of danger.
The following warning symbols are used throughout these operating instructions:
Risk of injury!
Consequences of failure to observe...
► Instructions for avoidi ng
A warning of this category indicates a potentially dangerous situation. If the dangerous situation is not avoided, it may lead to serious
injury or even death.
Follow the instructions in this warning to avoid possible danger of
serious injury or even death.
Damage to property by...
Consequences of failure to observe...
► Instructions for avoidi ng
This warning level indicates potential damage to property. If the situation is not avoided, it may lead to damage to property.
Follow the instructions in this warning to avoid material damage.
Descriptive text…
A descriptive text contains additional information that is important
for further processing or for simplifying the procedure step explained.

1.4 Limitation of liability
The manufacturer assumes no liability for damage and operational
faults resulting from:
■ failure to observe these operating instructions,
■ use for other than the intended purpose,
■ deployment of non-trained or insufficiently-trained staff,
■ use of non-approved equipment,
■ faulty connection,
■ previous work that is not part of the scope of supply,
■ failure to use original replacement and acce ssory parts,
■ technical modifications and changes not approv ed by DRELLO,
■ failure to perform prescribed maintenance work.
With the exception of further claims, DRELLO is liable for any errors or omissions within the framework of the warranty obligations
stated in the contract.
Claims for damage are excluded irrespective of the legal basis.
1.5 Spare parts
Danger of injury due to wrong or faulty spare
Incorrect or faulty replacement parts can lead to
damage, malfunction or total breakdown of the
equipment as well endangering the safety.
► Use only the original spare parts of
the manufacturer.

2 Safety
2.1 General
This section provides important instructions on all safety aspects
for optimum protection of staff as well as safe and smooth operation.
Danger from failure to observe the safety instructions!
Failure to observe the safety and handling instructions listed in these operating instructions can lead
to considerable danger.
► Always pay attention to all warnings and instruc-
tions specified here.
2.2 Responsibility of the operator
Since this device is used in the commercial sector, the operator is
subject to the legal requirements for occupational safety.
In addition to the occupational safety instructions in these operating
instructions, the current safety, accident prevention and environmental protection regulations relevant for operation of the device
must be complied with.
The operator must
■ be informed on the current industrial safety r egulation s and c on-
duct risk assessment to determine additional hazards specific to
the device that result from the special work conditions at its lo c ation. These must be implemented in the for m of in structions for
the operation of the device.
■ continually check during the entire per iod of serv ice that all oper-
ating instructions created by hi m comply with current regulations
and to modify them if necessary.
■ clearly regulate and determine the responsi bilitie s of t he staff f or
installation, operation, maintenance and c leaning

■ ensure that all persons handling the dev ice have r ead and un der-
stood these operating instructions. In addit ion, he mu st ensure
that persons are regularly trained and informed on all haz ar ds
when using the device.
■ check that staff observes the oper ating instru ctions a nd is aware
of safety and danger while w orking w ith the dev ice.
■ ensure that these operating instructions and all additional regula-
tions can be accessed by operating and ma intenanc e staff.
■ determine a person responsible for the dev ice and allow him to
reject instructions from third par ties that ar e prejud icial to safety!
■ make the necessary protective equipment av ailab le to staff.
The operator is also responsible that the device is always in perfect
condition and the following therefore applies:
■ The operator must ensure that the cleaning and mai ntenanc e in-
tervals stated in these operating instructions are adhered to.

2.3 Staff requirements
2.3.1 Staff qualifications
Risk of injury due to insufficient qualification!
Improper use can result in considerabl e damag e to
persons or property.
► All activities shall only be performed by qualified
The following qualifications are stated in these operating instructions for various different fields of activities.
■ Instructed person
was instructed by the operator on their assigned responsibilities
and the possible dangers resulting from improper behaviour.
■ Specialist staff
is able to carry out assigned work tasks as well as recognise
and prevent possible dangers based on his/her technical training, knowledge and experience, including knowledge of applicable regulations.
Only those staff members are permitted who can be expected to reliably perform their task. Those staff members whose responsiveness is affected by substances such as medication shall not be
Allow staff to be trained or instructed and/or persons undergoing
general training to work on the device only under the constant supervision of an experienced person!
Observe age and occupational-specific reg ulations
at the location of the device when selecting staff.

2.3.2 Unauthorised persons
Danger for and resulting from unauthorised
Unauthorised persons who do not fulfil the requirements are not familiar with the dangers at the work
► Do not permit unauthorised persons to be in the
vicinity of the work area.
► In case of doubt, approach the persons and
instruct them to leave the work area.
► Do not continue with work while the unauthor-
ised person is in the vicinity of the work area.
2.3.3 Instruction
Staff must be regularly instructed by the operator.
In order to keep track and protocol all instruction
sessions, participating members of staff are required to acknowledge with their signature.