Dream Link 771010000DL, 771020000DL User instructions

Red Sumo
Inflatable Part
NOTE: These two pieces Sumo somtimes “POP OFF it’s base. It will easily POP Back ON.
Red controller
Blue controller
Blue Sumo
Inflatable Part
Battery cover
Sumo BottomSumo Bottom Sumo Bottom
Use the screw driver, remove the battery box cover and fill the 6F22 9V Battery.
Battery installation:
Use the screw
Battery cover
driver, remove the battery box cover and fill 4 x 1.5V AA” R06 Batteries.
Battery cover
Remote Control BottomRemote Control Bottom
Movement: Forward Forward Left Forward Right
Note: Use on different surfaces may effect the units performance.
A bout is won by forcing the opponent out of the inner circle or by throwing him in the DOHYO. To lose the match it is not necessary to fall in the circle or to be pushed completely out. The rikishi who touches the ground with any part of his body, his knee or even the tip of his finger or his top-knot, loses the match. Or he need only put one toe or his heel over the straw bales marking the circle.
The toeing-the-mark ritual that precedes the start of every bout in sumo.
This device compl ies with Par t 15 of the FCC Rules. Op erat ion is s ubje ct t o the followi ng t wo c ondi tion s: ( 1) t his device ma y no t ca use harm ful inte rference, and (2) this device must acce pt a ny i nter fere nce received, inc ludi ng i nter fere nce that may caus e un desi red oper atio n.
Caut ion: To preve nt b urst ing, do not use a hig h pr essu re p ump such as an air co mpre ssor. Do n ot o ver infl ate
Atte ntion:
1. D o not use veh icle in mud, wat er, sn ow, or san d.
2.Do not play wit h ve hicl e in the str eet.
3.Do not crash ve hicl e in to a ny o bjec t at high speeds
4.Wh en the vehicl e sl ows down ins tall new or freshly c harg ed b atte ries .
5. C lean the vehi cle with a d amp pape r to welafter oper atin g.( Do not use any chem ical s to wip e off car.
6.Do not leave ve hicl e in dir ect sunl ight for lengthy peri ods.
7.Ra dio interfern ce c an c ause you r ca r to react strang ely.
8.An other vehicle ope rati ng o n th e sa me f requency can disr upt your c ontrolling th e ve hicl e.
9.CB ’s ce llul ar t elep hones, tw o wa y ra dios , an d ot her transmitting devi ces, a nd high tensi on w ires may cau se w ith operation.
10. Your veh icle can sometimes ca use inte rfer ence wit h te levision or e ven radi o
Do n ot m ix o ld a nd n ew b atte ries . Do not mix alk alin e, stan dard (ca rbon zin c) o r re char geab le (nic kel- cadm ium) bat teri es. Rech arge able bat teri es a re n ot r ecom mend ed. Due to s mall par ts, batt erie s sh ould be repl aced by adul t. Batt erie s mu st b e in sert ed w ith corr ect pola rity. Non- rech arge able bat teri es c anno t be rec harg ed. Only bat teri es o f th e sa me o r eq uiva lent typ e as reco mmen ded can be u sed. Exha uste d ba tter ies must be remo ved from the toy. The supp ly t ermi nals mus t no t be sho rt-c ircu ited . For best res ults use alk alin e ba tter ies.
WARNING : Chan ges or m odif icat ions to this uni t no t ex pres sly appr oved by the part y re spon sibl e fo r co mpli ance coul d vo id t he u ser' s au thor ity to o pera te t he e quip ment .
reception. Move to anot her area if you notice th is o ccur renc e.