Operation and Installation Manual
Accumulation Tank
NAD 250 v 1
Družstevní závody Dražice-strojírna s.r.o.
(Works Cooperative - Dražice – Machine Plant, Ltd.)
Dražice 69
294 71 Benátky nad Jizerou
Tel.: 326 370 911, fax: 326 370 980

1. Description
Accumulation tanks serve accumulation of excessive heat from its source. The source may be a
solid fuel boiler, heat pump, solar collectors, fireplace inserts, etc.
The NAD type tanks serve storage of heat in the heating system only. Incorporation of an
accumulation tank in the heating system with a solid fuel boiler allows an ideal run of a boiler at
favourable temperature during the boiler operation. The main benefit lies in the period of optimum
operation (i.e. with maximum efficiency) when the excessive unconsumed heat accumulates in the
The tanks are made of a steel plate and tested by 0.9 MPa overpressure, without any inner surface
treatment. The tank is insulated with polyurethane CFCs-free insulation of 42 mm thickness with
perfect thermally insulating properties. The outer shell is made of steel sheet provided with a powder
Installation principles
The NAD accumulation tank is designed as stationary for vertical fitting to a fixed floor.
The tanks are not designed for accumulation of HSW – hot service water.
2. Designing the size and connection of ACCU tank to the heating system
An ideal size of the accumulation tank is designed by a design engineer, or a person sufficiently
qualified to design heating systems.
Product assembly must be implemented by an authorised person (confirmed in the warranty
3. General Technical Parameters
Max temperature of heating water in
the tank (°C)