Step 2a: Wiring - wallplate
! DO NOT use a surface mounting box as the
wallplate is no t desig ned for this pur pose.
Step 1 Continued...
Option 1: Fitting a new wallplate
The ideal locat ion should have reasonable
lighting, good access, no condensation, no
extremes of temperature and a suppor ting surface
that fully cover s the back of the unit. Position with
70mm clear ance to the right, 25mm above and
sufficient room to access the securing screws
underneath. Fix, with terminals at the top, either
direc t to a flat wall using wall plugs and No. 6 x
1” (25mm) woodscrews, or on a flush mount ing
single conduit box type UA1 (BS4662) using M3.5
x 14 bolts. Now fit the Wiser Heat Hub
onto the
wallplate and tighten the securing screws. Check
the 3A fuse, and switch on the mains.
Option 2: Using an existing industry standa rd
Loosen the securing sc rews on the old controller/
programmer and unplug it. Check that there is
70mm clear ance to the right of the wallplate and
25mm above it. Check the wiring diagr am for
your product model to compare ter minals and,
if necessar y, change the wiring of the wallplate
to suit. Now fit the Wiser Hea t Hub
onto the
wallplate and tighten the securing screws.
Check the 3A fuse, and switch on the mains.
One Channel:
WT714R and WV714R
fused 3A
Link for
230V output
One channel only: Note that the output contac ts
are voltage-free, so power nee ds to be put on to
Terminal 1 either by link ing from Terminal L or from
a separate supply with a 3A fuse.
Note: If there is an exis ting wired thermostat
connec ted via the wallplate, this must be
disconnected, i.e. remove the thermostat wires
from the wallplate.
Note: Ensure the Heat HubR is installed in a
position wit h WiFi coverage.
Make sure mains input has a 3 amp fuse.
CAUTION! Before ins tallation, make sure the main s supply is switched off!
Save this guide for future reference.
If you are replacing an existing con troller/
programmer and don’t need to make any wiring
change s that ’s great news. All you need to do is
remove the old product and fit your new Wiser Heat
to the exis ting wallplate.
If you are fit ting a new system or require re-wiring
please contact an installer.
Phone: 0333 6000 622
Website: wiser.draytoncontrols.co.uk
E-mail: customer.care@draytoncontrols.co.uk
Inst aller Guide 06490238001 IssD
Wiser Thermostat Kit 1
Wiser Thermostat Kit 2
Wiser Thermostat Kit 3
Wiser Multi-zone Kit 1
Wiser Multi-zone Kit 2
Do not at tempt to install this product if you are
not familiar with how to in sta ll mains-powered
electrical appliances.
Always switch off the main s before removing
a controller an d never fit it to a live wallplate.
Step 1:
Mounting the wallplate

Step 2a: Wiring - wallplate
Existing OpenTherm installation
1. Remove the OpenTher m cabl es from th e exist ing
controller or thermostat.
2. Remove the OpenTherm module from the rear of
the Wise r Heat Hub
3. Wire in the OpenTherm cables into t he OpenTher m
module. I t does not ma tter which way the cables
are wired.
4. Replace the OpenTherm module into the Heat Hub
5. Wire L & N on the wallp late fro m a separa te supply
with a 3A fus e.
6. Mount th e Hub
on the wallplate.
Re-wi ring to Op enTherm from st andar d installa tion
Any motor ised valves need to be discon nected and
set to open. Then follow steps 2-5 above to wire in
the OpenTherm.
If your boiler supports
OpenTherm, please follow the
instructions under this step.
One Channel:
WT714R and WV714R
Two Channel:
WT724R and WV724R
Three Channel:
fused 3A
One channel only: Note that the out put contacts
are voltage-f ree, so power needs to be put on to
Terminal 1 either by linking from Terminal L or from
a separa te suppl y with a 3A fuse.
Note: If there is an exis ting wired thermost at
connec ted via the wallplate, this must be
disconnected, i.e. remove the thermos tat wires
from the wallplat e.
Note: After wiring, fit the Wiser Heat HubR onto
the wallplate and tighten th e secur ing scre ws.
Check th e 3A fuse and s witch on the mains .
Note: The heating an d hot water button overr ide
stat es are not sh own in the ap p. These act as a
fall back stat e in the event that other controls are
Make sure mains input has a 3 amp fuse.
CAUTION! Before ins tallation, make sure the mains s upply i s switched of f!
Important: For comp atibility with comb i boiler s
and conven tional boilers with hot wa ter cylinder s
please consult t he digit al user guide found on
Step 3: Testing the system
Heating and Hot Water buttons
WV724R , WT724R & WT734R only)
Pressi ng & holdin g the Hot Wate r but ton for >3s will
turn on the Hot Water for 1 hour. In this st ate the hot
water will be regula ted by a cylinder th ermos tat or
the boiler. When the Hot Water overr ide is active, the
Hot Water LED will flash green. To turn of f the override
press th e Hot Water bu tton again. Thi s will put the hot
water bac k under s yste m contro l. Depending on the
syst em set tings the hot water may stay on which will
be indic ated by a solid green LED.
Tip: This feature can be used to ‘ test’ an installation
prior to adding any dev ices.
Step 2b:
Wiring – boiler with
OpenTherm interface
Three channel only: Make a note of which circ uit
is connec ted to CH1 and CH3 respectively as this
information is needed later, during commissioning,
when room t hermo sta ts are added to the sy stem.

Note: The heating and hot water but ton over ride
states are not shown in the app. These act as a
fall back state in the event that other controls are
Step 3: Testing the system
Heating and Hot Water buttons
Heating override buttonHot Water override button
WV724R , WT724R & WT734R only)
Pressing & holding the Hea ting button for >3s
will turn on the heating for 2 hours. In this st ate
the boiler will self-regulate i ts temperature. When
the Heat ing over ride is active, the Heating LED
will flash green. To turn of f the override press the
Heating but ton again. This will put the heating
back under sys tem control. Depending on the
system set tings the heating may st ay on which
will be indicated by a solid green LED.
Pressing & holding the Hot Water but ton for >3s will
turn on the Hot Water for 1 hour. In this s tate the hot
water will be regulated by a cylinder therm ost at or
the boiler. When the Hot Water over ride is active, the
Hot Water LED will flash green. To turn of f the override
press the Hot Water button again. This will put the hot
water back under s ystem control. Depending on the
system set tings the hot water may stay on which will
be indic ated by a solid green LED.
Tip: This feature c an be used to ‘tes t’ an installation
prior to adding any devices.

Step 2a: Wiring - wallplate
! DO NOT use a sur face mountin g box as the
wallpl ate is not designe d for this purpo se.
Step 1 Continued...
Option 1: Fitting a new wallpl ate
The ideal location shoul d have reaso nable
lightin g, good access, no condens ation, no
extre mes of temperature and a suppo rting surf ace
that fully covers the back of the unit. Pos ition with
70mm clear ance to the right, 25mm above and
suffi cient room to acces s the securing screws
undern eath. Fix, with te rminal s at the top, either
direc t to a flat wall u sing wall plugs and No. 6 x
1” (25mm) woodscre ws, or on a flush mounting
single co nduit box type UA1 (BS4662) us ing M3.5
x 14 bolts. Now fi t the Wis er Heat Hub
onto the
wallpla te and tigh ten the securing screws. C heck
the 3A fuse, and switch on the mains.
Option 2: Using an existing indus try stand ard
Loosen t he secur ing screws on the old controller/
progra mmer and unplug it. C heck tha t there is
70mm clear ance to the right of the wallplat e and
25mm above it . Check the wiring di agram fo r
your produ ct model to compa re termin als and,
if neces sary, change the wiring of th e wallpl ate
to suit. Now fit the Wiser Heat Hu b
onto the
wallpla te and tigh ten the securing screws.
Check th e 3A fuse, and s witch on the mains.
One Channel:
WT714R and WV714R
Two Channel:
WT724R and WV724R
fused 3A
Link for
230V output
One channel only: Note that the out put contacts
are voltage-f ree, so power needs to be put on to
Terminal 1 either by linking from Terminal L or from
a separa te suppl y with a 3A fus e.
Note: If there is an exis ting wired thermost at
connec ted via the wallplate, this mu st be
disconnect ed, i.e. remove the ther mostat wires
from the wa llplate.
Note: Ensure the Heat HubR is installed in a
position with W iFi coverage.
Make sure mains input has a 3 amp f use.
CAUTION! Befo re installat ion, make sure the ma ins supply is switched off!
Save this guide for fu ture reference.
If you are replacing an ex isting controller/
progra mmer and do n’t need to make any wirin g
change s that ’s great news. All you need to do is
remove the old product and fit your new Wis er Heat
to the exis ting wallplate.
If you are fit ting a new system or require re-wir ing
please contac t an installer.
Phone: 0333 6000 622
Website: wiser.draytoncontrols.co.uk
E-mail: customer.care@draytoncontrols.co.uk
Inst aller Gui de 06490238 001 IssD
Wiser Thermostat Kit 1
Wiser Thermostat Kit 2
Wiser Thermostat Kit 3
Wiser Multi-zone Kit 1
Wiser Multi-zone Kit 2
Do not at tempt to i nsta ll this produc t if you are
not fami liar with how to ins tall mains-p owered
electrical appliances.
Always switc h off th e mains be fore removing
a contro ller and n ever fit it to a li ve wallplate.
Connection Charts
Always switc h off th e mains be fore
removi ng the Wiser Heat H ub
– and
never fit it to a live wallp late!
Make the wir ing connections, as sho wn in the
connec tion chart s, for the appropr iate sys tem. For
surf ace wiring, snap ou t the cable entr y strip on the
bott om edge of th e wallpl ate. The Wiser Heat H ub
double -insulated and ne eds no earth connect ion, but
an eart hing continuit y (loop) terminal is prov ided for
Note: If there is an exis ting wired thermost at, it must be
comple tely dis connec ted, i.e. remove the thermostat
wires fro m the wir ing centre - a link must be inser ted
between the ter minals where the th ermos tat common
and call fo r heat wire s are loc ated in the wiring ce ntre.
Arrowe d numb ers rel ate to the junct ion box.
* Consult boile r handbo ok for details of pump
overrun wiring .
Afte r wiring, clip on the unit and tigh ten the securing
screws . Check the mains in put has a 3A fuse, and swi tch
on the mains.
LS = Live Sup ply
LR = Live Return
Wiser He at Hub
Wiser He at Hub
3 Zone system: Model WT734R
Wiser He at Hub
Single Zone CombiBoiler: Model WT714R, WV714R
Wiser He at Hub
Twinzone system: Model WT724R, WV724R
Biflo system: Model WT724R, WV724R
Step 1:
Mounting the wallplate