Drayton P710R Installation Manual

MiStat Programmable
Room Thermostat
Model: P710R
Custo mer Servic e Tel: 0845 130 5522 Custo mer Servic e Fax: 0845 130 0622 Technical Helpline: 0845 130 7722 Website: www.dray toncontrols.co.uk E-mail: customer.care@invensys.com
EU Design Re gs:- 002180638-1/2/3 Installation Guide 06490189001 Iss E
The electronic room thermostat MiStat P can be used for temperature control together with:
• Boilers
• Oil and gas w arm water heati ng
• Actua tors of fl oor heating s ystems or radi ators
• Circulating pumps
• Heat pumps
A MiStat R re ceiver is requir ed for operatio n.
Note: To ensure a properly working heating syste m, the menu items i n the Installe r settings have to be se t according to the n eeds of the heating s ystem, see s tep 5.
The radi o receiver may be in stalled onl y by a competent elect rician in compl iance with the ci rcuit diagram enclos ed in the top housin g cover or in complia nce with the se instruc tions. The cu rrent safet y regulations must be o bserved.
In order to a chieve protec tion class II, a dequate installation measures must be taken.
This rad io receiver, which ca n be installe d separately, is design ed exclusively f or temperatur e control in dry and clos ed rooms and sta ndard environme nts. This elect ronic device wa s created accord ing EN60730-1, it operates according working principle 1C.
Step 1: Mounting the Wall-plate
Inst allation mus t only be carrie d out by a qualifi ed electrician or heating engineer.
Make sure m ains input has a 3 a mp fuse.
! CAUTION! Before installation, make sure the mains su pply is switc hed off!
Option 2: Using an existing wall-plate
Loosen t he securing sc rews on the old rece iver and unplu g it. Check that t here’s 20mm clearan ce to the right of th e wall-plate an d 25mm above it . Check the wirin g diagram for your produc t model to compar e terminals and, i f necess ary, change the w iring of the wall -plate to suit. No w plug the MiStat R u nit into the wall-p late and tighten t he securing sc rews.
Check th e 3A fuse, and swit ch on the mains.
Option 1: Fitting a new wall-plate
The ideal l ocation is clo se to the boiler or c entral heating s ystem. For th e best perfo rmance inst all in an open sp ace, at least 30 cm distance f rom any metal ob jects incl uding wall boxes an d the boiler housing . It is recommend ed that the MiSta t R is mounted o n the wall neares t the fi nal loc ation of the MiSta t P room unit and not l ess than 30cm from the b oiler side panel .
Loosen t he securing sc rews, remove the wa llplate and, if sur face wiring i s to be used, snap ou t the cabl e entry str ip on the botto m edge of the wallpla te with a pair of plie rs. Fix the wallp late, termina ls at the top, eithe r direct onto th e fl at wall usin g wall plugs and no 6 x1” wood s crews or on a plas tic fl ush mou nting single con duit box using M3.5 x 14 sc rews. Check tha t there’s 20mm clearan ce to the right of th e wall-plate an d 25mm above it . Complete the wir ing to the MiStat R wallpla te in accordance wi th the wiring dia gram in step 2, to c omply with cur rent IEE regulat ions. Place the M iStat R onto the wa llplate and tight en the securing screws.
Check th e 3A fuse, and swit ch on the mains.
Warning: Installi ng the MiStat R too c lose to the metal si de panel or mains c ables may inter fere with the r adio signal.
! DO NOT use a sur face mounting box
Step 2: Wiring
This product is double insulated and does not require an e arth connec tion. The MiSt at R should be wired to t he boiler or cent ral heating wir ing using the c orrect ty pe of cable or fl ex. The MiStat R should be w ired to replace ha rd wired room or progra mmable thermo stats, as s hown on the system or boiler wiring diagrams.
Always check other manufacturers instructions for compatibility.
N L 1 2 3
230V AC 50Hz Fused 3A
or call for
Call for
Volt free contacts
Combi boiler basic wiring layout
Zone control basic wiring layout
MiStat R
N L 1 2 3
L ­ N -
Radio signals
to MiStat R - no wiring
230V AC fused 3A,
External controls connections
N L 1 2 3
MiStat R
MiStat R
Switched live from wiring centre
Motorised valve
To boiler and/or pump
Radio signals
to MiStat R - no wiring
230V AC fused 3A
N L 1 2 3
L - N -
Radio signals
to MiStat R - no wiring
230V AC fused 3A,
External controls connections
Step 3: Signal Strength
The MiSt at Programmabl e Room thermos tat is pre­bound to th e MiStat receiv er in the facto ry so they jus t need to be p ositioned in th e best place for w ireless communication.
To help with thi s there is a built in Si gnal strengt h indica tor as shown below (s ee also Step 5 Inst aller settings).
It is reco mmended that th e signal streng th is ‘Good’ or ‘Very Good’ to ensure ongoing communication is maintained.
If ‘Poor’ is displayed, look for a better location. If ‘No Sig nal’ is displayed , try connec ting again wit h the room un it in a differe nt position.
Note: If not bound, t he bind screen wil l be visible.
For commissioning see Step 6
Client Invensys File Name 7378 Drayton Instruction Manual Update 06490189001
Artworker -
Proof Stage
Finished Size 280x 297mm
Creative Director Mike Lane Artwork % 100%
Modification Date 20/04/15 11:59AM Bleed 3mm
Technical Data
Step 5: Installer Settings
Step 5: Installer Settings (continued)
Feature: Description: Factory Pre-Set:
Installer settings
! CAUTION! These set tings shoul d only be set- up by a qualifi ed person. Th ey can infl uenc e safety an d the
proper functioning of the system. Zone settings Customise the MiStat according to personal requirements Rename zone To rename an exi sting zone Heating Minimum temp It will no t be possible t o set a lower tem perature 5°C Maximum temp It will no t be possible t o set a higher te mperature 30°C Backlight Av ailable opti ons are: On wit h timeout, A lways Off On with t imeout Powersave To reduce pow er use when not b eing adjust ed. Availabl e options are: Pa rtial
display w ith key data, n o display unti l button pr ess.
Partial display
Temp. offset Adjust t he displaye d temperatu re to persona l needs 0.0°C Screen lock Enable or d isable the lo ck in the room un it.
To Lock: Ente r a 3 digit code fo r protecti on
To Unlock: En ter the 3 digit c ode
Disabled Maste r Code 401
RF binding Bind the remo te thermos tat to the rec eiver. Pre-bound System settings Customise the MiStat according to system requirements Contro l type Selec t TPI, TP or On /Off TPI Cycle rat e (only when
Contro l type is TPI or T P)
Selec t 6 (Gas) cph (cycle s per hour), 12 (Elec tric) cph or 3 (Oil) c ph 6 cph
Min on/of f (only when Contro l type is On/of f)
Selec t 1 to 30 minutes ( The minimum d uration for t he relay to be On or O ff) 5 min.
Hysteresis (only when Contro l type is On/of f)
Selec t Off, 0.1 to 5° (Off = N o temperat ure hystere sis, even on ver y low temp.
change s, the relay wil l switch over a ccording to Mi n On/Off ti me)
Frost protection Enable or d isable the Fro st protec tion in the MiS tat unit. (Temp erature = 5°C) Disabled Valve protection The ou tput will be ac tivated f or the speci fi ed tim e (in minutes). Th is will happen
weekly, re lated to the la st actua tion of the out put. Selec t 0 to 10 minutes .
0 minute s (Off)
Optimum/Delayed start Available options are: Off, Optimum, Delayed Off System r eset Will reset a ll setting s to factor y pre-se ts View product information Vie w the produc t details, e. g. Part numbe r, Firmware revi sion etc.
Signal strength Info rms about th e current sig nal streng th, see step 3 . Service settings To help comply w ith regulat ion 36 of the Gas s afety [Ins tallati on & Use] regulat ions 1998. On expi ry of
the warn ing period, t he alarm soun ds, star ting at midd ay and contin uing until a bu tton is pre ssed. This is
repeat ed daily until t he servi ce functi on is reset. To ent er these set tings a cod e is request ed. Si stat us Enable or disable Service mode Disabled Si type Selec t between , Reduced comf ort, Swit ched off & No e ffect (war nings only) Reduced Comfor t Reduced comfort duration S et the durat ion for the redu ced comfor t settin g (0 to 60mins.) 15 min. Si due date S et the date th e next boiler s ervice is d ue Toda y Warning s tart Se t the number of da ys for the on- screen ser vice due warn ing (0 to 60 days) 30 days Boost status Enable or disable Service Boost Disabled No. of boos ts Se t the number of B oosts to be a vailable af ter serv ice is due (1 to 99) 10 Audible alarm Enable or disable Service Alarm Enabled Installer tel. Enter the Installer telephone number if required Set password Set pa ssword to res trict ac cess to the Se rvice set tings 0000
Step 6: Commissioning
Note: Only needed i f not already bou nd, ie if
replacing either the MiStat thermostat or the MiStat receiver.
1. Turn on pow er for the receive r. The red LE D will come on.
If LED is gr een or Off, th e device is alrea dy bound, no further action needed here (If a
separate programmer/Timer is fi tted, ensure that it is s witched on)
2. Push the bu tton for >5 Secon ds and the LED will fl ash red – yellow – gree n --- -red – yell ow ­green…
3. Enter binding mode on the corresponding MiStat ro om unit, see Step 5: In staller set tings Important: It is es sential, that t he binding is carried out between the corresponding room unit and t he receiver
4. The poss ible results a re as follows;
Bind OK’ wi ll be indicated o n the MiStat room unit i f binding was succ essful. After a f ew seconds the Si gnal strengt h will be indica ted on both the MiSt at room unit and t he MiStat re ceiver, see below.
2. ‘ Bind Failed ’ will be displaye d if unsuccessful.
3. If ‘Poor’ s ignal is displaye d, look for a bet ter location.
4. If ‘No Sign al’ is displayed, t ry connec ting again wit h the room unit in a di fferent pos ition.
MiStat Ro om Unit
MiStat Receiver
Immediately after binding, these signals will indicate the signal quality for 1 minute.
• t hree green fl a shes = Very good si gnal
• do uble amber fl a shes = Good sign al
• si ngle red fl as hes = Poor signal
• s teady red = No sign al
To check the wireless connection
A green LED o n the receiver wil l indicate a good R F connection.
From the Ho me screen, selec t Settings, then Inst aller settings as shown.
From here you c an edit the assign ed zones, rename t hem if require d and adjust the Se rvice settings.
If using t he Service fea ture, remembe r to set the Password when complete.
Step 4: Mounting Options
Once the b est positi on has been iden tifi ed , the MiStat should be fi xed to the wall usin g the wall bracket a s shown.
Care sho uld be taken to moun t the thermos tat in a positi on which is not sub ject to direc t sunlight or draughts. Preferably it should be mounted on an inside wall abou t 1.2m (4ft) above the fl oor in a po sition where it can re spond to room temp erature but aw ay from the direc t infl uence o f radiators or ot her appliance s giving off hea t.
NB. MiSta t can also be pos itioned usin g the table stand included.
It has to be p laced in a locati on where it will be a ble to control the room temperature.
Installer Notes:
Customise the controller according to application requirements (from installer only)
MiStat P 721R & MiStat R111M
Supply voltage MiStat P: 2 x A A 1,5V alkalin e
batteries MiStat R : 230V
Switch rating MiStat R: 2(1)A 230V a .c.
Ambient temperature
Operat ing: 0°C to 45°C; Storag e: –20°C to 55°C;
Battery life MiStat P: 2 year s (typicall y)
Temperature range
5°C to 30°C
Temperature resolution
0.5 °C, di splay and set ting
Control accuracy <0.6°C a t 4°/hour
Wiring MiStat R : Fixed wirin g only, to comply
with cur rent IEE regu lations (BS7671) MiStat P: N o wiring requ ired
Mounting MiStat R : Industr y standard w allplate
MiStat P: Wa ll bracket or t able stand
Radio frequency 868.3MHz (Bi-directional
Radio signal range 30m ty pically. The r ange may be
affected by the composition / density and numbe r of walls bet ween the MiStat P a nd MiStat R
Pollution degree 2
Software class A
Rated impulse voltage
MiStat R : 2.5kV
Ball pressure test temperature
MiStat R : 75°C
Energy Class IV = 2% ( According to EU 811/2013,
812/ 2013, 8 13/2013 , 814/ 2013)
Relevant EC Directives:
2006/95/ EC Low Voltage D irective 2004/108/EC Electromagnetic Compatibility Direct ive 1995/5/EC R&TTE Directive 2006/66/EC Battery Directive 2011/65/EU RoHS Direc tive
Applied Standards:
EN60730 -1; EN60730-2-7; EN6 0730-2-9 ETSI EN 30 0 220-3; ET SI EN 301 489-3
User Code:
Client Invensys File Name 7378 Drayton Instruction Manual Update 06490189001
Artworker -
Proof Stage
Finished Size 280x 297mm
Creative Director Mike Lane Artwork % 100%
Modification Date 20/04/15 11:59AM Bleed 3mm