Drayton MiStat N110R, MiStat R111M User Manual

Client Invensys File Name 7406 Drayton Update M iStat N 064901910 01 IssF
Artworker -
Proof Stage
Finished Size A3 297x420mm
Creative Director M ike Lane Artwork % 100%
Modification Date 18/05/15 9:36AM Bleed 3mm
... an explanation for householders
A room thermo stat simply s witches the he ating system on an d off as neces sary. It works by s ensing the air temper ature, switch ing on the heatin g when the air temper ature falls bel ow the thermos tat sett ing, and switchi ng it off once th is set temperat ure has been reached.
Turning a room ther mostat to a high er setting w ill not make the room hea t up any faster. How qui ckly the room heats up d epends on the des ign of the heatin g system, fo r example, the size of b oiler and radia tors.
Neither doe s the settin g affect ho w quickly the room cools down. Turni ng a room thermos tat to a lower setting w ill result in the ro om being contro lled at a lower temperature, and saves energy.
The heating s ystem will not w ork if a time swit ch or programmer h as switched i t off.
The way to set and u se your room ther mostat is to fi nd the lowes t temperatu re setting tha t you are comfort able with, and th en leave it alone to d o its job. The best way t o do this is to set the ro om thermost at to a low tempera ture – say 18ºC – and th en turn it up by one degree ea ch day until you are co mfortable with the temp erature. You won’t hav e to adjust the thermost at furthe r. Any adjustment a bove this sett ing will waste en ergy and cost yo u more money.
If your heatin g system is a boil er with radiato rs, there will usually b e only one room ther mostat to con trol the whole house. But you can have different temperatures in individual rooms by installing thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs) on i ndividual radi ators. If you don ’t have TRVs, you sho uld choose a temp erature that is reasonable f or the whole hous e. If you do have TRVs, you can choos e a slightly highe r setting to ma ke sure that even the coldest room is comfortable, then prevent any over heating in othe r rooms by adjust ing the TRVs.
Room thermo stats need a f ree fl ow of air to sen se the tempera ture, so they mus t not be covered by curtain s or blocked by fur niture. Nearby e lectric fi res, telev isions, wall or t able lamps may preve nt the thermostat from working properly.
MiStatTM N
Room Thermostat
Model: N110R
Custome r Service Tel: 084 5 130 5522 Custome r Service Fax : 0845 130 0622 Technical Helpline: 0845 130 7722 Website: www.draytoncontr ols.co.uk Email: customer.care@draytoncontrols.co.uk
EU Design Regs:- 0 02180638-1/2/3 User Guide 0649 0191001 Iss F
Symbol in display
Function Description
Comfort setting
Select s the comfort s etting. The p re-set value i s used each time wh en activate d, adjustab le within the use r settings (se e step 3).
Eco setting
Select s the Eco setti ng. The pre-se t value is used eac h time when act ivated, adjustab le in the user set tings (see ste p 3).
Home screen
Indicates t hat the pre-se t temperatur es were changed vi a +/- key
St ep 1: Keys and Display - MiStat
RF Pack: MiStat N110R
Step 2: +hr (Timer)
Press +hr to st art the Time r. The prior used temperatu re and time will be di splayed and the temperature will fl ash.
Press +/- to adj ust +hr tempera ture, then press ( ) t o c o n fi r m .
Press +/- to adj ust +hr period be tween 0 and 23 hour s. Press (
) t o c o n fi r m .
Step 3: Additional User Settings
ID Feature: Description: Factory Pre-Set:
It will not be po ssible to se t a higher temperature
If MAX-TEMP an d MIN-TEMP are s et to the same value, i t will not be pos sible to chang e temperat ure with the +/- keys .
It will not be po ssible to se t a lower temperature
ECO Temperatur e used for ener gy saving per iods e.g. durin g the night ( )
Comfort Temp erature us ed for comfor t periods e.g . during the day ( )
Exit from t he settin gs menu to USER-S
To enter User Settings
Press + & – keys for ap prox. 5 Seconds to enter the settings menu as shown b elow.
Press Selec t (
) to enter the use r
Battery Handling
Batterie s, recharg eable or not , should not be d isposed of into ordin ary house hold waste . Instead, t hey must be recycled properly to protect the environment and cut down the waste of precious resources.
Your local was te managem ent authori ty can sup ply detail s concerning the proper disposal of batteries.
In complian ce with the EU D irective 2 006/66/EC, th e button cell batte ry locate d on the print ed circuit bo ard inside t he product , can be remove d at the end of th e product l ife, by professional personnel only.
Step 4: Changing the Batteries
How do I know when to change the batteries?
When the bat teries sta rt to run low a bat tery icon wi ll fl ash in the dis play to indicate “ low batter y”, during this time the M iStat will func tion normall y. When the batte ry icon alone is s hown in the displa y, the batteri es are completel y exhausted an d the MiStat will cease to func tion (see below). Re -activat e by replacing the batteries.
How to replace the batterie s
Remove the bat tery cover s as shown. Replac e the batteri es with 2 x 1.5V IEC LR6 (A A) Alkaline bat teries ensur ing correct orientation. Replace the battery covers pressing fully home.
Battery Covers: Slide outwards to remove
MiStat Rear
Step 5: Receiver - Key & LED
Lamp colour
Mode Action Key
Green Normal Call for heat
(boiler is fi ring)
Green Flashing
Normal RF
Off Normal No call for hea t
(boiler is not fi r i n g )
Red RF loss
or not bound
No call for hea t Switches
the boiler On
Amber RF los s
or not bound
Call for heat Switches the
boiler Off
LED: See table b elow for detail s
Key: See table b elow for detail s
To set a suitable te mperature for u p to 23 hours, e.g. for short term absence.
Now the timer is r unning. The tim e will be counted down each hour.
Once the time h as elapsed, cont rol returns to t he prior temperature screen.
The Timer ca n be cancelled by p ressing
key or by
setting t he +hr period to 0.
To exit User Sett ings
Press + & – keys for ap prox. 5 seconds to exit.
If there is no key pr essed for 2 minutes, th e system will ex it the menu, any cha nges will be saved.
1 Setting temperature values is restricted
Are Minimum/Maximum temperatures activated? see Homeown er Guide Step 3.
NO SIGNAL is vi sible on the sc reen, no reac tion on key presses any more
Is the receive r powered? (Red s ignal lamp sho uld be visible)
3 LOCKED is displayed
a see Installation Guide Step 5 - LOCK
Current set temperature
Call for heat indication. This fl ame wil l be visible when the heating temperature is below the set tempe rature.
+hr key: Press to s et a suitable temperature for up to 23 hours (se e step 2) .
Select key: Press to open and save editor screens
+ & - keys: Press to chang e the current temperature.
Current room temperature
Current Setting, see table be low
key: Press to toggle between Comfort setting, Eco setting and Home (Room thermostat only). See table bel ow.
Customize the controller according to personal requirements.
4 Is the batte ry symbol v isible?
a Replac e batterie s, see Homeo wner Guide Ste p 4.
STARTING is vis ible on the sc reen, no reac tion on key presses anymore
Is the receive r powered? (Red s ignal lamp sho uld be visible)
WAIT is visible o n the screen, n o reaction o n key presses anymore
Is the receive r powered? (Red s ignal lamp sho uld be visible)
RF transmission indication. The
RF symbol wil l be visible as
Short fl ashes = RF transmis sion
Continuous fl ashing = RF signal
Client Invensys File Name 7406 Drayton Update M iStat N 064901910 01 IssF
Artworker -
Proof Stage
Finished Size A3 297x420mm
Creative Director M ike Lane Artwork % 100%
Modification Date 18/05/15 9:38AM Bleed 3mm
ID Feature: Description: Factory Pre-Set:
5 BACKLIGHT Available opt ions are: On with ti meout (TIMED), A lways Off (OFF ) TIMED
6 OFFSET Adjust displayed temper ature to suit per sonal needs (-5 to 5° C) 0.0°C
7 LOCK Protect MiS tat against un authorised u se. If active, an y key press will show LOC KED for a few Secs .
To lock: Enter your 3 di git code for prote ction. To unlock: Press +& - key for approx. 5 sec . Enter your 3 digit c ode
000 Master cod e 401
8 CTRL-TYPE Confi gure th e control param eters for the sp ecifi c applic ation
9 CTRL-ALG Select TPI , TP or On/Off TPI
CYCL-RATE (only shows w hen CTRL-ALG is TPI or TP)
Select 6 (GAS) c ph (cycles per hou r), 12 (ELECtric) cph or 3 (OIL) cp h 6 cph
HYST (only show s when CTRL-ALG is On /Off) Sele ct OFF, 0.1 to 5°C (OFF = No temperat ure hysteresi s, even on very low t emp. changes, th e
relay will swi tch over accordin g to MIN-OnOF F time)
MIN-OnO FF (only shows when C TRL-ALG is On/O ff) Selec t 1 to 30 minutes ( The minimum dura tion for the relay t o be On or Off) 5 min
DONE To exit CTRL-TYPE sub m enu
10 VALV- PROT The output will be ac tivated for t he specifi ed time (in Minutes). Thi s will happen week ly, related to
the last ac tuation of the o utput. Selec t OFF, 1 to 10 Minutes.
11 WIRELESS To create a radio link w ith the receive r or to view the RF sig nal quality Pre-bound
12 BIND Press (
) key to star t connecting t o the receiver.
NB. “binding” m ust also be ac tivated on the re ceiver, see Step 6 Com missioning
BINDING An RF connec tion to the rece iver will be create d. If success ful, the SIGNAL l evel will be displ ayed.
If unsucces sful, FAILED will b e displayed.
13 SIG-LEVEL Indicate s the quality of t he RF transmis sion
DONE To exit WIRELESS s ub menu
15 PROD-INFO View the prod uct details , e.g. Part number, Fir mware revision e tc. Use (
) key to show the det ails
16 RESET Will reset all set tings to fact ory pre-se ts OFF
DONE Exit from the set tings menu to INS T-S
Step 3: Signal Strength
The MiStat Roo m thermost at is prebound to th e MiStat recei ver in the fact ory so they jus t need to be positio ned in the best p lace for wireles s communica tion. To help with this t here is a built in Signal strength indicator, available in the Installer setting s menu on the MiSta t thermosta t, as shown.
It is recommen ded that the sign al strength i s Good or Very Good to ensure ongoing communication is maintained.
To enter signal strength menu (see step 5 for more detail))
• Press + & - for app rox. 5 secs, th en scroll (+/-) to show INST- S,
• press (
) to enter the installer menu,
• Press +/- until 11 WIRELE SS is shown,
• press ( ) to enter,
• press +/- to show 13 SIG- LEVEL as show n,
• press ( ) to see the current signal s trength.
Step 4: Mounting Options Step 5: Installer Settings
Once the bes t position ha s been identi fi ed, the MiSt at N should be fi xed to the wall using the w all bracket as shown.
Customize the MiStat according to application needs.
NB. MiStat ca n also be positi oned using the ta ble stand included.
Care should b e taken to mount the t hermosta t in a position wh ich is not subjec t to direct su nlight or draughts. Preferably it should be mounted on an inside wall about 1.2m (4f t) above the fl oor in a position where it can respo nd to room temper ature but away fr om the direct infl uence of radiato rs or other appl iances giving off heat.
St ep 1: Mounting the Wall-plate Step 2: Wiring
Install ation must onl y be carried ou t by a qualifi ed electrician or heating engineer.
Make sure mai ns input has a 3 amp f use.
! CAUTION! Before installation, make sure the mains suppl y is switched o ff!
Option 2: Using an existing wall-plate
Loosen the se curing screws o n the old receive r and unplug it . Check that ther e’s 20mm clearance to t he right of the wal l-plate and 25mm above it. Che ck the wiring diag ram for your product mo del to compare ter minals and, if necessar y, change the wir ing of the wall-pl ate to suit. Now plu g the MiStat R unit i nto the wall-plat e and tighten the se curing screw s.
Check the 3A fu se, and switch on t he mains.
Option 1: Fitting a new wall-plate
The ideal loc ation is close to t he boiler or cent ral heating sys tem. For the bes t performa nce install in an open space, a t least 30cm di stance from a ny metal objec ts includin g wall boxes and the b oiler housing. It is r ecommended th at the MiStat R is mounted on th e wall nearest th e fi nal locatio n of the MiStat N ro om unit and not les s than 30cm from the boil er side panel.
Loosen the se curing screws , remove the wallpl ate and, if surf ace wiring is to be u sed, snap out the cable ent ry strip on t he bottom edg e of the wallplate wi th a pair of pliers . Fix the wallplat e, terminals at t he top, either dire ct onto the fl at wall using wall p lugs and no 6 x1” wood screw s or on a plasti c fl ush mounting s ingle conduit b ox using M3.5 x 14 screws . Check that the re’s 20mm clearance to t he right of the wal l-plate and 25mm above it. Com plete the wirin g to the MiStat R wallplate in ac cordance with t he wiring diagr am in step 2, to comp ly with curren t IEE regulation s. Place the MiSt at R onto the wallpl ate and tighten the securing screws.
Check the 3A fu se, and switch on t he mains.
Warning: Installing th e MiStat R too clos e to the metal side pa nel or mains cabl es may interfe re with the rad io signal.
The electronic room thermostat MiStat N can be used for temperature control together with:
• Boilers
• Oil and gas warm wat er heating
• Actuators o f fl oor heating s ystems or radi ators
• Circulating pumps
• Heat pumps
A MiSat R receiv er is required for op eration.
Note: To ensure a properly working heating system, th e menu items in the I nstaller se ttings have to be set acc ording to the need s of the heating sys tem, see step 5 .
Note: To ensure a properly working heating system, the menu item s in Installer s ettings have t o be set according to t he needs of the hea ting system.
There can be ga ps in the ID number ing.
! DO NOT use a surf ace mounting box
This product is double insulated and does not requi re an earth conn ection. The MiStat R sh ould be wired to the boiler or central heating wiring using the correct t ype of cable or fl ex. The MiStat R should be wire d to replace hard wi red room or programmable thermostats, as shown on the s ystem or boile r wiring diagrams.
Always check other manufacturers instructions for compatibility.
N L 1 2 3
230V AC 50Hz Fused 3A
heating satisfied
or call for
Call for
Volt free contacts
Combi boiler basic wiring layout
Zone control basic wiring layout
Note: If not bound, the bi nd screen will be vi sible.
For commissioning see Step 6
Note: Only needed if no t already bound, ie i f replacing either the MiStat thermostat or the MiStat receiver.
To exit Install er Setting s
Press +/- until ‘D ONE’ is shown, the n press ‘Selec t’ or press + & – keys for a pprox. 5 seconds t o exit. If there is no key presse d for 2 Minutes, th e system will ex it the menu, any chang es will be saved.
1. Turn on power for the r eceiver. The red lamp w ill come on. (if gree n lamp is visible, t he device is already boun d, no further a ction neede d here) (If a separate p rogrammer/T imer is fi tte d, ensure that it is swi tched on)
2. P ush the butto n for >5 Seconds and th e LED will fl ash red – yell ow – green --- - red – yellow - green…
3. Enter binding mode on the corresponding MiStat room un it, see Step 5: Ins taller sett ings , it em 11 Important: It is essen tial, that the bin ding is carried out between the corresponding room unit and the re ceiver
4. I f binding is succe ssful, the si gnal strengt h will be indicate d on both the MiSta t room unit and the MiStat re ceiver as follows . If unsuccess ful, FAILED will be dis played. If POOR SI GNAL is displayed, l ook for a bette r location. If N O SIGNAL is dis played, try con necting aga in with the room unit in a d ifferent po sition.
MiStat Room U nit
MiStat Receiver
Immediately after binding, these signals will indicate the signal quality for 1 minute.
• three green fl ashes = Very good si gnal
• double amber fl ashes = Good sign al
• single red fl ashes = Poor signal
• steady red = N o signal
To check the wireless connection
A green lamp on th e receiver will ind icate a good RF connection.
To enter Installer Settings
Press + & – keys for ap prox. 5 Seconds to e nter the setting s menu as shown.
Note: If not bound, the bi nd screen will be vi sible.
For commisioning see Step 6
Technical Data
Step 6: Commissioning
MiStat N110R & MiStat R111M
Supply voltage M iStat N: 2 x AA 1,5V a lkaline
batteries MiStat R: 230V
Switch rating MiStat R: 2(1)A 230V a.c.
Ambient temperature
Operatin g: 0°C to 45°C; Storage: –20° C to 55°C;
Battery life Mi Stat N: 2 years (t ypically)
Temperature range
5°C to 30°C
Temperature resolution
0.5 °C, displ ay and sett ing
Control accuracy <0.6°C at 4°/ho ur
Wiring Mistat R: Fi xed wiring on ly, to comply
with curre nt IEE regulat ions (BS7671) MiStat N: No wir ing require d
Mounting MiStat R: Ind ustry st andard wall plate
MiStat N: Wall br acket or tabl e stand
Radio frequency 868.3 (Bi-directional communication)
Radio signal range 30m typic ally. The rang e may be
affected by the composition / density and number of wa lls betwee n the MiStatN and MiStatR
Pollution degree 2
Software class A
Rated impulse voltage
MiStat R: 2.5k V
Ball pressure test temperature
MiStat R: 75°C
Energy Class IV = 2% (A ccording to EU 811/2013,
812/2 013, 813 /2013, 814/2 013)
Relevant EC Directives:
2006/95/EC Lo w Voltage Dire ctive 2004/108/EC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 1995/5/EC R&TTE Directive 2006/66/EC Battery Directive 2011/65/EU RoHS Direct ive
Applied Standards:
EN60730-1; EN607 30-2-9 ETSI EN 300 220 -3; ETSI EN 301 4 89-3
eg. eg.
eg. eg.
User Code:
MiStat R
N L 1 2 3
L ­ N -
Radio signals
to MiStat R - no wiring
230V AC fused 3A,
External controls connections
N L 1 2 3
MiStat R
MiStat R
Switched live from wiring centre
Motorised valve
To boiler and/or pump
Radio signals
to MiStat R - no wiring
230V AC fused 3A
N L 1 2 3
L - N -
Radio signals
to MiStat R - no wiring
230V AC fused 3A,
Internal boiler
External controls connections
If POOR is displayed, look for a better location. If NO SIGNAL is d isplayed, tr y connecting a gain with the room unit in a d ifferent po sition.
The radio rec eiver may be inst alled only by a co mpetent electri cian in complian ce with the circu it diagram enclosed in t he top housing cove r or in compliance with these i nstruct ions. The curre nt safety reg ulations must be obse rved.
In order to achi eve protectio n class II, adeq uate installation measures must be taken.
This radio rec eiver, which can be in stalled sep arately, is designed exc lusively for te mperature con trol in dry and closed ro oms and standa rd environment s. This electro nic device was crea ted according EN 60730-1, it operates according working principle 1C.
It has to be plac ed in a location wh ere it will be able to control the room temperature.