DRAYTEK Vigor 2700 User Manual

Vigor 2700 Series Firewall Router
User’s Guide
Version: 2.1
Date: 2006/4/29
Copyright 2006 All rights reserved.
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Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss
Preface ...............................................................................................................1
1.1 LED Indicators and Connectors.............................................................................................. 2
1.1.1 Front and Rear View for Vigor2700.................................................................................. 2
1.1.2 Front and Rear View for Vigor2700G............................................................................... 3
1.1.3 Front and Rear View for Vigor2700Gi .............................................................................. 4
1.1.4 Front and Rear View for Vigor2700V (MODULE:2S1L)................................................... 5
1.1.5 Front and Rear View for Vigor2700V (MODULE:2S)....................................................... 6
1.1.6 Front and Rear View for Vigor2700VGi............................................................................ 7
1.1.7 Front and Rear View for Vigor2700VG (MODULE:2S1L) ................................................ 8
1.1.8 Front and Rear View for Vigor2700VG (MODULE:2S) .................................................... 9
1.2 Hardware Installation ............................................................................................................ 10
Configuring Basic Settings ............................................................................11
2.1 Changing Password...............................................................................................................11
2.2 Quick Start Wizard................................................................................................................ 13
2.2.1 Adjusting Protocol/Encapsulation................................................................................... 13
2.2.2 PPPoE/PPPoA................................................................................................................ 14
2.2.3 Bridged IP....................................................................................................................... 16
2.2.4 Routed IP........................................................................................................................17
2.3 Online Status for Each Protocol............................................................................................ 18
2.4 Status Bar.............................................................................................................................. 20
A d v a n c e d We b C o n f i g u r at i o n..................................................................................21
3.1 Internet Access...................................................................................................................... 21
3.1.1 Basics of Internet Protocol (IP) Network......................................................................... 21
3.1.2 PPPoE/PPPoA................................................................................................................ 22
3.1.3 MPoA.............................................................................................................................. 24
3.1.4 Multi-PVCs...................................................................................................................... 27
3.2 LAN ....................................................................................................................................... 29
3.2.1 Basics of LAN ................................................................................................................. 29
3.2.2 General Setup................................................................................................................. 30
3.2.3 Static Route.................................................................................................................... 33
3.2.4 VLAN............................................................................................................................... 36
3.3 NAT ....................................................................................................................................... 37
3.3.1 Port Redirection.............................................................................................................. 37
3.3.2 DMZ Host........................................................................................................................ 39
3.3.3 Open Ports...................................................................................................................... 41
3.3.4 Well-Known Ports List.....................................................................................................43
3.4 Firewall.................................................................................................................................. 43
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
3.4.1 Basics for Firewall........................................................................................................... 43
3.4.2 General Setup................................................................................................................. 46
3.4.3 Filter Setup ..................................................................................................................... 47
3.4.4 IM Blocking ..................................................................................................................... 50
3.4.5 P2P Blocking .................................................................................................................. 51
3.4.6 DoS Defense .................................................................................................................. 52
3.4.7 URL Content Filter.......................................................................................................... 54
3.4.8 Web Content Filter.......................................................................................................... 56
3.5 Applications........................................................................................................................... 57
3.5.1 Dynamic DNS................................................................................................................. 57
3.5.2 Schedule......................................................................................................................... 58
3.5.3 RADIUS.......................................................................................................................... 60
3.5.4 UPnP............................................................................................................................... 60
3.5.5 Quality of Service............................................................................................................ 62
3.5.6 IGMP............................................................................................................................... 67
3.6 VPN and Remote Access...................................................................................................... 69
3.6.1 Remote Access Control.................................................................................................. 69
3.6.2 PPP General Setup ........................................................................................................ 69
3.6.3 IPSec General Setup...................................................................................................... 70
3.6.4 IPSec Peer Identity......................................................................................................... 72
3.6.5 Remote User Profiles......................................................................................................73
3.6.6 LAN to LAN Profiles........................................................................................................ 76
3.6.7 Connection Management................................................................................................ 83
3.7 Certificate Management........................................................................................................ 84
3.7.1 Local Certificate.............................................................................................................. 85
3.7.2 Trusted CA Certificate ....................................................................................................86
3.8 VoIP....................................................................................................................................... 87
3.8.1 DialPlan .......................................................................................................................... 88
3.8.2 SIP Accounts.................................................................................................................. 93
3.8.3 Phone Settings ............................................................................................................... 96
3.8.4 PSTN Setup.................................................................................................................... 99
3.8.5 Status.............................................................................................................................. 99
3.9 ISDN.................................................................................................................................... 101
3.9.1 General Setup............................................................................................................... 101
3.9.2 Dialing to a Single ISP.................................................................................................. 101
3.9.3 Dialing to Dual ISPs...................................................................................................... 103
3.9.4 Virtual TA...................................................................................................................... 103
3.9.5 Call Control................................................................................................................... 107
3.10 Wireless LAN .................................................................................................................... 108
3.10.1 Basic Concept............................................................................................................. 109
3.10.2 General Settings......................................................................................................... 111
3.10.3 Security....................................................................................................................... 112
3.10.4 Access Control............................................................................................................ 113
3.10.5 WDS............................................................................................................................ 114
3.10.6 AP Discovery.............................................................................................................. 117
3.10.7 Station List.................................................................................................................. 118
3.11 System Maintenance..........................................................................................................119
3.11.1 System Status............................................................................................................. 119
3.11.2 Administrator Password.............................................................................................. 120
3.11.3 Configuration Backup ................................................................................................. 120
3.11.4 Syslog/Mail Alert......................................................................................................... 122
3.11.5 Time and Date............................................................................................................ 123
3.11.6 Management............................................................................................................... 124
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
3.11.7 Reboot System........................................................................................................... 125
3.11.8 Firmware Upgrade...................................................................................................... 125
3.12 Diagnostics........................................................................................................................ 126
3.12.1 WAN Connection........................................................................................................ 126
3.12.2 Dial-out Trigger........................................................................................................... 128
3.12.3 Routing Table ............................................................................................................. 128
3.12.4 ARP Cache Table....................................................................................................... 129
3.12.5 DHCP Table................................................................................................................ 129
3.12.6 NAT Active Sessions Table........................................................................................ 130
Application and Examples............................................................................131
4.1 Create a LAN-to-LAN Connection Between Remote Office and Headquarter................... 131
4.2 Create a Remote Dial-in User Connection Between the Teleworker and Headquarter...... 138
4.3 QoS Setting Example.......................................................................................................... 142
4.4 LAN – Created by Using NAT ............................................................................................. 144
4.5 Calling Scenario for VoIP function ...................................................................................... 146
4.5.1 Calling via SIP Sever.................................................................................................... 146
4.5.2 Peer-to-Peer Calling..................................................................................................... 148
4.6 Upgrade Firmware for Y our Router..................................................................................... 149
4.7 Request a Certificate from a CA Server on Windows CA Server........................................ 152
4.8 Request a CA Certificate and Set as Trusted on Windows CA Server............................... 156
Trouble Shooting...........................................................................................159
5.1 Checking If the Hardware Status Is OK or Not....................................................................159
5.2 Checking If the Network Connection Settings on Your Computer Is OK or Not................. 159
5.3 Pinging the Router from Your Computer............................................................................. 162
5.4 Checking If the ISP Settings are OK or Not........................................................................ 164
5.5 Backing to Factory Default Setting If Necessary ................................................................ 165
5.6 Contacting Your Dealer ....................................................................................................... 166
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
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Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
Targeting requirement for residential, SOHO (Small Office and Home Office) and business users, the Vigor270 series is an ADSL2/2+ enabled integrated access device. With downstream speed up to 12Mbps (ADSL2) or 24Mbps (ADSL2+), the Vigor270 series provides exceptional bandwidth for Internet access.
To secure your network, the Vigor router provides an advanced firewall with advanced features, such as Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) to offer network reliability by detecting and prohibiting malicious penetrating packets or DoS attacks, user-configurable web filtering for parental control against network abuse etc.
Vigor 2700 G model is embedded with an 802.11g compliant wireless module which provides wireless LAN access with data rate as much as 54Mbps. As for data privacy of wireless network, the Vigor2700 G model can encode all transmissions data with standard WEP and industrial strength WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i) encryption. Additional features include Wireless Client List and MAC Address Control for maintaining control over user’s authorization in your network, and Hidden SSID for being invisible to outside intruders scanning.
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
11..11 LLEEDD IInnddiiccaattoorrss aanndd CCoonnnneeccttoorrss
11..11..11 FFrroonntt aanndd RReeaarr VViieeww ffoorr VViiggoorr22770000
LED Status Explanation
VPN On The VPN tunnel is launched.
On The QoS function is active. QoS Off The QoS function is inactive.
On The DoS function is enabled. Firewall Blinking When encountered DoS attacks.
On (Green) ADSL is show time. Blinking (Green) The device starts handshaking. Blinking (Orange) The data is transmitting. On The router is powered on. ACT (Activity) Blinking The router is powered on and running properly. Green A normal connection is through its corresponding port. LAN (1, 2, 3, 4) Blinking Ethernet packets are transmitting.
Interface Description
PWR Connecter for a power adapter with 12~15VDC. ON/OFF Power Switch. Factory Reset Restore the default settings.
Usage: Turn on the router (ACT LED is blinking). Press the hole and keep for more than 5 seconds. When you see the ACT LED begins to blink rapidly than usual, release the button. Then the router will restart with the factory default
configuration. ADSL 2+ Connecter for accessing the Internet through ADSL2/2+. LAN 4 – 1 Connecter for local networked devices.
for Annex A
for Annex B
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
11..11..22 FFrroonntt aanndd RReeaarr VViieeww ffoorr VViiggoorr22770000GG
LED Status Explanation
On Wireless access point is ready. Blinking Ethernet packets are transmitting over wireless LAN. Off The WLAN function is inactive. On The QoS function is active. QoS Off The QoS function is inactive.
On The DoS function is enabled. Firewall Blinking When encountered DoS attacks.
On (Green) ADSL is show time. Blinking (Green) The device starts handshaking. Blinking (Orange) The data is transmitting. On The router is powered on. ACT (Activity) Blinking The router is powered on and running properly. Green A normal connection is through its corresponding port. LAN (1, 2, 3, 4) Blinking Ethernet packets are transmitting.
Interface Description
PWR Connecter for a power adapter with 12~15VDC. ON/OFF Power Switch. Factory Reset Restore the default settings.
Usage: Turn on the router (ACT LED is blinking). Press the hole and keep for
more than 5 seconds. When you see the ACT LED begins to blink rapidly than
usual, release the button. Then the router will restart with the factory default
configuration. ADSL 2+ Connecter for accessing the Internet through ADSL2/2+. LAN 4 – 1 Connecter for local networked devices.
for Annex A
for Annex B
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
11..11..33 FFrroonntt aanndd RReeaarr VViieeww ffoorr VViiggoorr22770000GGii
LED Status Explanation
On Wireless access point is ready. Blinking Ethernet packets are transmitting over wireless LAN. Off The WLAN function is inactive. On The QoS function is active. QoS Off The QoS function is inactive.
On The DoS function is enabled. Firewall Blinking When encountered DoS attacks.
On (Green) ADSL is show time. Blinking (Green) The device starts handshaking. Blinking (Orange) The data is transmitting. On The router is powered on. ACT (Activity) Blinking The router is powered on and running properly. Green A normal connection is through its corresponding port. LAN (1, 2, 3, 4) Blinking Ethernet packets are transmitting.
for Annex B
Interface Description
PWR Connecter for a power adapter with 12~15VDC. ON/OFF Power Switch. ISDN Connecter for NT1 (or NT1+) box provided by ISDN service provider. Factory Reset Restore the default settings.
Usage: Turn on the router (ACT LED is blinking). Press the hole and keep for
more than 5 seconds. When you see the ACT LED begins to blink rapidly than
usual, release the button. Then the router will restart with the factory default
configuration. ADSL 2+ Connecter for accessing the Internet through ADSL2/2+. LAN 4 – 1 Connecter for local networked devices.
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
11..11..44 FFrroonntt aanndd RReeaarr VViieeww ffoorr VViiggoorr22770000VV ((MMOODDUULLEE::22S
LED Status Explanation
VPN On The VPN tunnel is launched.
On The phone is off hook (the handset of phone is hanging). Phone 1 & 2
Blinking A phone call is incoming. On (Green) ADSL is show time. Blinking (Green) The device starts handshaking. Blinking (Orange) The data is transmitting. On The router is powered on. ACT (Activity) Blinking The router is powered on and running properly. Green A normal connection is through its corresponding port. LAN (1, 2, 3, 4) Blinking Ethernet packets are transmitting.
Interface Description
PWR Connecter for a power adapter with 12~15VDC. ON/OFF Power Switch. VoIP 1/2 Connecter of analog phone for VoIP communication. Life Connector of analog phone for PSTN life line. Factory Reset Restore the default settings.
Usage: Turn on the router (ACT LED is blinking). Press the hole and keep for
more than 5 seconds. When you see the ACT LED begins to blink rapidly than
usual, release the button. Then the router will restart with the factory default
configuration. ADSL 2+ Connecter for accessing the Internet through ADSL2/2+. LAN 4 – 1 Connecter for local networked devices.
For Annex A
For Annex B
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
11..11..55 FFrroonntt aanndd RReeaarr VViieeww ffoorr VViiggoorr22770000VV ((MMOODDUULLEE::22S
LED Status Explanation
VPN On The VPN tunnel is launched.
On The phone is off hook (the handset of phone is hanging). Phone 1 & 2
Blinking A phone call is incoming. On (Green) ADSL is show time. Blinking (Green) The device starts handshaking. Blinking (Orange) The data is transmitting. On The router is powered on. ACT (Activity) Blinking The router is powered on and running properly. Green A normal connection is through its corresponding port. LAN (1, 2, 3, 4) Blinking Ethernet packets are transmitting.
Interface Description
PWR Connecter for a power adapter with 12~15VDC. ON/OFF Power Switch. VoIP 1/2 Connecter of analog phone for VoIP communication. Factory Reset Restore the default settings.
Usage: Turn on the router (ACT LED is blinking). Press the hole and keep for
more than 5 seconds. When you see the ACT LED begins to blink rapidly than
usual, release the button. Then the router will restart with the factory default
configuration. ADSL 2+ Connecter for accessing the Internet through ADSL2/2+. LAN 4 – 1 Connecter for local networked devices.
For Annex A
For Annex B
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
11..11..66 FFrroonntt aanndd RReeaarr VViieeww ffoorr VViiggoorr22770000VVGGii
LED Status Explanation
On Wireless access point is ready. Blinking Ethernet packets are transmitting over wireless LAN. Off The WLAN function is inactive. On The phone is off hook (the handset of phone is hanging). Phone 1 & 2 Blinking A phone call is incoming. On (Green) ADSL is show time. Blinking (Green) The device starts handshaking. Blinking (Orange) The data is transmitting. On The router is powered on. ACT (Activity) Blinking The router is powered on and running properly. Green A normal connection is through its corresponding port. LAN (1, 2, 3, 4) Blinking Ethernet packets are transmitting.
For Annex B
Interface Description
PWR Connecter for a power adapter with 12~15VDC. ON/OFF Power Switch. VoIP 1/2 Connecter of analog phone for VoIP communication. ISDN Connecter for NT1 (or NT1+) box provided by ISDN service provider. Factory Reset Restore the default settings.
Usage: Turn on the router (ACT LED is blinking). Press the hole and keep for
more than 5 seconds. When you see the ACT LED begins to blink rapidly than
usual, release the button. Then the router will restart with the factory default
configuration. ADSL 2+ Connecter for accessing the Internet through ADSL2/2+. LAN 4 – 1 Connecter for local networked devices.
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
11..11..77 FFrroonntt aanndd RReeaarr VViieeww ffoorr VViiggoorr22770000VVGG ((MMOODDUULLEE::2
LED Status Explanation
On Wireless access point is ready. Blinking Ethernet packets are transmitting over wireless LAN. Off The WLAN function is inactive. On The phone is off hook (the handset of phone is hanging). Phone 1 & 2 Blinking A phone call is incoming. On (Green) ADSL is show time. Blinking (Green) The device starts handshaking. Blinking (Orange) The data is transmitting. On The router is powered on. ACT (Activity) Blinking The router is powered on and running properly. Green A normal connection is through its corresponding port. LAN (1, 2, 3, 4) Blinking Ethernet packets are transmitting.
Interface Description
PWR Connecter for a power adapter with 12~15VDC. ON/OFF Power Switch. VoIP 1/2 Connecter of analog phone for VoIP communication. Life Connector of analog phone for PSTN life line. Factory Reset Restore the default settings.
Usage: Turn on the router (ACT LED is blinking). Press the hole and keep for
more than 5 seconds. When you see the ACT LED begins to blink rapidly than
usual, release the button. Then the router will restart with the factory default
configuration. ADSL 2+ Connecter for accessing the Internet through ADSL2/2+. LAN 4 – 1 Connecter for local networked devices.
For Annex A
For Annex B
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
11..11..88 FFrroonntt aanndd RReeaarr VViieeww ffoorr VViiggoorr22770000VVGG ((MMOODDUULLEE::2
LED Status Explanation
On Wireless access point is ready. Blinking Ethernet packets are transmitting over wireless LAN. Off The WLAN function is inactive. On The phone is off hook (the handset of phone is hanging). Phone 1 & 2 Blinking A phone call is incoming. On (Green) ADSL is show time. Blinking (Green) The device starts handshaking. Blinking (Orange) The data is transmitting. On The router is powered on. ACT (Activity) Blinking The router is powered on and running properly. Green A normal connection is through its corresponding port. LAN (1, 2, 3, 4) Blinking Ethernet packets are transmitting.
Interface Description
PWR Connecter for a power adapter with 12~15VDC. ON/OFF Power Switch. VoIP 1/2 Connecter of analog phone for VoIP communication. Factory Reset Restore the default settings.
Usage: Turn on the router (ACT LED is blinking). Press the hole and keep for
more than 5 seconds. When you see the ACT LED begins to blink rapidly than
usual, release the button. Then the router will restart with the factory default
configuration. ADSL 2+ Connecter for accessing the Internet through ADSL2/2+. LAN 4 – 1 Connecter for local networked devices.
For Annex A
For Annex B
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
11..22 HHaarrddwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
Before starting to configure the router, you have to connect your devices correctly.
1. Connect the DSL interface to the external ADSL splitter with an ADSL line cable.
2. Connect one port of 4-port switch to your computer with a RJ-45 cable. This device
allows you to connect 4 PCs directly.
3. Connect one end of the power cord to the power port of this device. Connect the other
end to the wall outlet of electricity.
4. Power on the router.
5. Check the ACT and ADSL2+, LAN LEDs to assure network connections. (For the detailed information of LED status, please refer to section 1.1.)
Link Data
Land line jack
Splitter or (Microfilter)
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
For use the router properly, it is necessary for you to change the password of web configuration for security and adjust primary basic settings.
This chapter explains how to setup a password for an administrator and how to adjust basic settings for accessing Internet successfully. Be aware that only the administrator can change the router configuration.
22..11 CChhaannggiinngg PPaasssswwoorrdd
To change the password for this device, you have to access into the web browse with default password first.
1. Make sure your computer connects to the router correctly.
Notice: You may either simply set up your computer to get IP dynamically from the router or set up the IP address of the computer to be the same subnet as the default IP address of Vigor router For the detailed information, please refer to the later section - Trouble Shooting of this guide.
2. Open a web browser on your PC and type A pop-up window will
open to ask for username and password. Please type default values (both username and password are Null) on the window for the first time accessing and click OK for next screen.
3. Now, the Main Screen will pop up.
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
4. Go to System Maintenance page and choose Administrator Password.
5. Enter the login password (the default is blank) on the field of Old Password. Type a new
one in the field of New Password and retype it on the field of Retype New Password. Then click OK to continue.
6. Now, the password has been changed. Next time, use the new password to access the
Web Configurator for this router.
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
22..22 QQuuiicckk SSttaarrtt WWiizzaarrdd
If your router can be under an environment with high speed NAT, the configuration provide here can help you to deploy and use the router quickly. The first screen of Quick Start Wizard is entering login password. After typing the password, please click Next.
22..22..11 AAddjjuussttiinngg PPrroottooccooll//EEnnccaappssuullaattiioonn

In the Quick Start Wizard, you can configure the router to access the Internet with different protocol/modes such as PPPoE, PPPoA, Bridged IP, or Routed IP. The router supports the Ethernet WAN interface for Internet access.

Now, you have to select an appropriate WAN connection type for connecting to the Internet through this router according to the settings that your ISP provided.
VPI Stands for Virtual Path Identifier. It is an 8-bit header inside each
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
ATM cell that indicates where the cell should be routed. The ATM, is a method of sending data in small packets of fixed sizes. It is used for transferring data to client computers.
VCI Stands for Virtual Channel Identifier. It is a 16-bit field inside
ATM cell’s header that indicates the cell’s next destination as it travels through the network. A virtual channel is a logical connection between two end devices on the network.
Protocol/Encapsulation Select an IP mode for this WAN interface. There are several
available modes for Internet access such as PPPoE, PPPoA,
Bridged IP and Routed IP.
Fixed IP Click Yes to specify a fixed IP for the router. Otherwise, click No
(Dynamic IP) to allow the router choosing a dynamic IP. If you
choose No, the following IP Address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway will not be changed.
IP Address Assign an IP address for the protocol that you select. Subnet Mask Assign a subnet mask value for the protocol of Routed IP and
Default Gateway Assign an IP address to the gateway for the protocol of Routed IP
Primary DNS Assign an IP address to the primary DNS. Second DNS Assign an IP address to the secondary DNS.
22..22..22 PPPPPPooEE//PPPPPPooAA
PPPoE stands for Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. It relies on two widely accepted standards: PPP and Ethernet. It connects users through an Ethernet to the Internet with a common broadband medium, such as a single DSL line, wireless device or cable modem. All the users over the Ethernet can share a common connection. And the PPPoA stands for Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM. PPPoA uses the PPP dial-up protocol with ATM as the transport.
PPPoE or PPPoA is used for most of DSL modem users. All local users can share one PPPoE or PPPoA connection for accessing the Internet. Your service provider will provide you information about user name, password, and authentication mode.
Bridged IP.
and Bridged IP.
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
If your ISP provides you the PPPoE or PPPoA connection, please select PPPoE or PPPoA for this router. The following page will be shown:
ISP Name Assign a specific name for ISP requirement. User Name Assign a specific valid user name provided by the ISP. Password Assign a valid password provided by the ISP. Confirm Password Retype the password. Always On Check this box to allow the router connecting to Internet forever. Idle Timeout Type in the value (unit is second) as the idle timeout of the connection.
When the time is expired, the internet connection will be dropped immediately.
Click Next for viewing summary of such connection.
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
Click Finish. The online status of this protocol will be shown as below.
22..22..33 BBrriiddggeedd IIPP
Click 1483 Bridged IP as the protocol. Type in all the information that your ISP provides for this protocol.
After finishing the settings in this page, click Next to see the following page.
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
Click Finish. The online status of this protocol will be shown as below.
22..22..44 RRoouutteedd IIPP

Click 1483 Routed IP as the protocol. Type in all the information that your ISP provides for this protocol.

After finishing the settings in this page, click Next to see the following page.
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
Click Finish. The online status of this protocol will be shown as below.
22..33 OOnnlliinnee SSttaattuuss ffoorr EEaacchh PPrroottooccooll
The online status shows the system status, WAN status, ADSL Information and other status related to this router within one page. If you select PPPoE or PPPoA as the protocol, you will find out a button of Dial PPPoE or Dial PPPoE in the Online Status web page.
Online status for PPPoA/PPPoE
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
Online status for Bridge
Online status for Routed IP
Primary DNS Displays the assigned IP address of the primary DNS. Secondary DNS Displays the assigned IP address of the secondary DNS. IP Address (in LAN) Displays the IP address of the LAN interface. TX Packets Displays the total transmitted packets at the LAN interface. RX Packets Displays the total number of received packets at the LAN interface. GW IP Addr: Displays the assigned IP address of the default gateway. IP Address (in WAN) Displays the IP address of the WAN interface. TX Rate Displays the speed of transmitted packets at the WAN interface. RX Rate Displays the speed of received packets at the WAN interface. Up Time Displays the total system uptime of the interface. TX Blocks Displays the total number of transmitted ATM Blocks. RX Blocks Displays the total number of received ATM Blocks. Corrected Blocks Displays the total l number of received ATM Blocks corrupted but
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
Uncorrected Blocks Displays the total number of received ATM Blocks corrupted but
Mode Displays the modulation mode used: G.DMT, G.Lite, or T1.413. State Displays the DSL line status. Up Speed Displays the upstream speed (bits/ second). Down Speed Displays the downstream speed (bits/ second). SNR Margin Displays the value of Signal Noise Ratio Margin (dB). The higher
value has better signal quality.
Loop Att. Displays the value of subscribed Loop Attenuation.
22..44 SSttaattuuss BBaarr
Each time you click OK on the web page for saving the configuration, you can find messages showing the system interaction with you.
Ready indicates the system is ready for you to input settings. Settings Saved means your settings are saved once you click Finish or OK button.
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
After finished basic configuration of the router, you can access Internet with ease. For the people who want to adjust more settings for suiting his/her request, please refer to this chapter for getting detailed information about the advanced configuration of this router. As for other examples of application, please refer to Chapter 4.
33..11 IInntteerrnneett AAcccceessss
33..11..11 BBaassiiccss ooff IInntteerrnneett PPrroottooccooll ((IIPP)) NNeettwwoorrkk
IP means Internet Protocol. Every device in an IP-based Network including routers, print server, and host PCs, needs an IP address to identify its location on the network. To avoid address conflicts, IP addresses are publicly registered with the Network Information Centre (NIC). Having a unique IP address is mandatory for those devices participated in the public network but not in the private TCP/IP local area networks (LANs), such as host PCs under the management of a router since they do not need to be accessed by the public. Hence, the NIC has reserved certain addresses that will never be registered publicly. These are known as private IP addresses, and are listed in the following ranges:
From to From to From to
WWhhaatt aarree PPuubblliicc IIPP AAddddrreessss aanndd PPrriivvaattee IIPP AAddddrreessss
As the router plays a role to manage and further protect its LAN, it interconnects groups of host PCs. Each of them has a private IP address assigned by the built-in DHCP server of the Vigor router. The router itself will also use the default private IP address: to communicate with the local hosts. Meanwhile, Vigor router will communicate with other network devices through a public IP address. When the data flow passing through, the Network Address Translation (NAT) function of the router will dedicate to translate public/private addresses, and the packets will be delivered to the correct host PC in the local area network. Thus, all of the host PCs can share a common Internet connection.
GGeett YYoouurr PPuubblliicc IIPP AAddddrreessss ffrroomm IISSPP
To acquire a public IP address from your ISP for Vigor router as a customer premises equipment, there are three common protocols: Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE), PPPoA and MPoA. Multi-PVC is provided for more advanced setup of the above.
In ADSL deployment, the PPP (Point to Point)-style authentication and authorization is required for bridging customer premises equipment (CPE). Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) connects a network of hosts via an access device to a remote access concentrator or aggregation concentrator. This implementation provides users with significant ease of use. Meanwhile it provides access control, billing, and type of service according to user requirement.
When a router begins to connect to your ISP, a serial of discovery process will occur to ask for a connection. Then a session will be created. Your user ID and password is authenticated via PAP or CHAP with RADIUS authentication system. And your IP address, DNS server, and other related information will usually be assigned by your ISP.
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
33..11..22 PPPPPPooEE//PPPPPPooAA
PPPoA, included in RFC1483, can be operated in either Logical Link Control-Subnetwork Access Protocol or VC-Mux mode. As a CPE device, Vigor router encapsulates the PPP session based for transport across the ADSL loop and your ISP’s Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (SDLAM).
To choose PPPoE or PPPoA as the accessing protocol of the internet, please select

PPPoE/PPPoA from the Internet Access menu. The following web page will be shown.

PPPoE/PPPoA Client Click Enable for activating this function. If you click Disable, this
function will be closed and all the settings that you adjusted in this page will be invalid.
DSL Modem Settings Set up the DSL parameters required by your ISP. These are vital for
building DSL connection to your ISP. Multi-PVC channel – The selections displayed here are determined by the page of Internet AccessMulti PVCs. Select M-PVCs
Channel means no selection will be chosen. VPI - Type in the value provided by ISP. VCI - Type in the value provided by ISP. Encapsulating Type - Drop down the list to choose the type
provided by ISP. Protocol - Drop down the list to choose the one provided by ISP. If you have already used Quick Start Wizard to set the protocol, then it is not necessary for you to change any settings in this group.
PPPoE Pass-through The router offers PPPoE dial-up connection. Besides, you also can
establish the PPPoE connection directly from local clients to your ISP via the Vigor router.
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
For Wired LAN – If you check this box, PCs on the same network can use another set of PPPoE session (different with the Host PC) to access into Internet. For Wireless LAN – If you check this box, PCs on the same network through wireless connection can use another set of PPPoE session (different with the Host PC) to access into Internet.
ISP Access Setup Enter your allocated username, password and authentication
parameters according to the information provided by your ISP. If you want to connect to Internet all the time, you can check Always
On. ISP Name – Type in the ISP Name provided by ISP in this field. Username – Type in the username provided by ISP in this field. Password – Type in the password provided by ISP in this field. PPP Authentication – Select PAP only or PAP or CHAP for PPP. Always On – Check this box if you want the router keeping
connecting to Internet forever. Idle Timeout – Set the timeout for breaking down the Internet after passing through the time without any action.
IP Address From ISP Usually ISP dynamically assigns IP address to you each time you
connect to it and request. In some case, your ISP provides service to assign you the same IP address whenever you request. In this case, you can fill in this IP address in the Fixed IP field. Please contact your ISP before you want to use this function. Fixed IP – Click Yes to use this function and type in a fixed IP address in the box. WAN IP Alias - If you have multiple public IP addresses and would like to utilize them on the WAN interface, please use WAN IP Alias. You can set up to 8 public IP addresses other than the current one you are using.
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
By checking the checkbox Join NAT IP Pool, data from NAT hosts will be round-robin forwarded on a session basis.
If you do not check Join NAT IP Pool, you can still use these public IP addresses for other purpose, such as DMZ host, Open Ports.
33..11..33 MMPPooAA
Default MAC Address Type in MAC address for the router. You can use Default MAC
Address or specify another MAC address for your necessity.
MAC Address – Type in the MAC address for the router manually.
Index (1-15) in Schedule Setup
You can type in four sets of time schedule for your request. All the schedules can be set previously in Application – Schedule web page and you can use the number that you have set in that web page.
After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to activate them.
MPoA is a specification that enables ATM services to be integrated with existing LANs, which use either Ethernet, token-ring or TCP/IP protocols. The goal of MPoA is to allow different LANs to send packets to each other via an ATM backbone.
Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
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