DrayTek Vigor130 User Manual

Vigor130 Series Users Guide
Vigor130 Series
VDSL2/ADSL2/2+ Modem
User’s Guide
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
Firmware version: V3.7.1
(For future update, please visit DrayTek web site)
Date: 5/06/2013
Copyright Information
Copyright Declarations
Copyright 2013 All rights reserved. This publication contains information that is protected by copyright. No part may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language without written permission from the copyright holders.
The following trademarks are used in this document:
z Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. z Windows, Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP, Vista and Explorer are
trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
z Apple and Mac OS are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. z Other products may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
Safety Instructions and Approval
Safety Instructions
z Read the installation guide thoroughly before you set up the modem. z The modem is a complicated electronic unit that may be repaired only be
authorized and qualified personnel. Do not try to open or repair the modem yourself.
z Do not place the modem in a damp or humid place, e.g. a bathroom. z The modem should be used in a sheltered area, within a temperature range of +5
to +40 Celsius.
z Do not expose the modem to direct sunlight or other heat sources. The housing
and electronic components may be damaged by direct sunlight or heat sources.
z Do not deploy the cable for LAN connection outdoor to prevent electronic shock
z Keep the package out of reach of children. z When you want to dispose of the modem, please follow local regulations on
conservation of the environment. We warrant to the original end user (purchaser) that the modem will be free from any defects in workmanship or materials for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase from the dealer. Please keep your purchase receipt in a safe place as it serves as proof of date of purchase. During the warranty period, and upon proof of purchase, should the product have indications of failure due to faulty workmanship and/or materials, we will, at our discretion, repair or replace the defective products or components, without charge for either parts or labor, to whatever extent we deem necessary tore-store the product to proper operating condition. Any replacement will consist of a new or re-manufactured functionally equivalent product of equal value, and will be offered solely at our discretion. This warranty will not apply if the product is modified, misused, tampered with, dam a ged by an act of God, or subjected to abnormal working conditions. The warranty does not cover the bundled or licensed software of other vendors. Defects which do not significantly affect the usability of the product will not be covered by the warranty. We reserve the right to re vi se the m a nual and onli ne documentation and to make changes from time to time in the contents hereof without obligation to notify any person of such revision or changes.
Be a Registered Owner
Firmware & Tools Updates
Web registration is preferred. You can register your Vigor modem via http://www.draytek.com.
Due to the continuous evolution of DrayTek technology, all modems will be regularly upgraded. Please consult the DrayTek web site for more information on newest firmware, tools and documents.
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
European Community Declarations
Manufacturer: DrayTek Corp.
Address: No. 26, Fu Shing Road, HuKou Township, HsinChu Industrial Park, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan 303
Product: Vigor130 DrayTek Corp. declares that Vigor130 is in compliance with the following essential requirements and other
relevant provisions of R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EEC. The product conforms to the requirements of Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive 2004/108/EC by
complying with the requirements set forth in EN55022/Class B and EN55024/Class B. The product conforms to the requirements of Low Voltage (LVD) Directive 2006/95/EC by complying with the
requirements set forth in EN60950-1.
Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or televisio n recept i on , whi ch can be determined by turning the equipment of f a nd on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:
z Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. z Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. z Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. z Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device may accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This product is designed for the DSL network throughout the EC region and Switzerland.
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss
Introduction .................................................................................................1
1.1 Web Configuration Buttons Explanation................................................................................. 1
1.2 LED Indicators and Connectors.............................................................................................. 2
1.3 Hardware Installation .............................................................................................................. 4
Basic Configuration ....................................................................................5
2.1 Accessing Web Page.............................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Changing Password................................................................................................................ 6
2.3 Quick Start Wizard.................................................................................................................. 7
2.3.1 Setting PPPoE/PPPoA Connection.................................................................................. 7
2.3.2 Setting MPoA/Static or Dynamic Connection................................................................. 10
2.4 Introducing Dashboard.......................................................................................................... 13
2.4.1 Virtual Panel ................................................................................................................... 13
2.4.2 Name with a Link............................................................................................................ 14
2.4.3 Quick Access for Common Used Menu.......................................................................... 14
2.4.4 GUI Map ......................................................................................................................... 15
2.4.5 Web Console.................................................................................................................. 15
2.4.6 Config Backup ................................................................................................................ 16
2.5 Online St atus......................................................................................................................... 17
2.5.1 Physical Connection.......................................................................................................17
2.5.2 Virtual WAN.................................................................................................................... 19
2.6 Saving Configuration............................................................................................................. 20
2.7 Registering Vigor Router....................................................................................................... 20
Advanced Configuration.................................................................................23
3.1 Internet Access...................................................................................................................... 23
3.1.1 Basics of Internet Protocol (IP) Network......................................................................... 23
3.1.2 General Setup................................................................................................................. 24
3.1.3 PPPoE/PPPoA................................................................................................................ 26
3.1.4 MPoA /Static or dynamic IP............................................................................................ 28
3.1.5 IPv6................................................................................................................................. 31
3.1.6 Multi-PVCs...................................................................................................................... 36
3.1.7 Multi-VLAN...................................................................................................................... 40
3.2 LAN ....................................................................................................................................... 42
3.2.1 Basics of LAN ................................................................................................................. 42
3.2.2 General Setup................................................................................................................. 44
3.2.3 Static Route.................................................................................................................... 49
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
3.2.4 Bind IP to MAC............................................................................................................... 53
3.3 NAT ....................................................................................................................................... 55
3.3.1 Port Redirection.............................................................................................................. 56
3.3.2 DMZ Host........................................................................................................................ 59
3.3.3 Open Ports...................................................................................................................... 62
3.4 Firewall.................................................................................................................................. 64
3.4.1 Basics for Firewall........................................................................................................... 64
3.4.2 General Setup................................................................................................................. 66
3.4.3 Filter Setup ..................................................................................................................... 70
3.4.4 DoS Defense .................................................................................................................. 77
3.5 Objects Settings....................................................................................................................81
3.5.1 IP Object......................................................................................................................... 81
3.5.2 IP Group ......................................................................................................................... 83
3.5.3 IPv6 Object..................................................................................................................... 85
3.5.4 IPv6 Group...................................................................................................................... 87
3.5.5 Service Type Object .......................................................................................................88
3.5.6 Service Type Group........................................................................................................90
3.5.7 Keyword Object .............................................................................................................. 92
3.5.8 Keyword Group............................................................................................................... 94
3.5.9 File Extension Object...................................................................................................... 95
3.6 CSM Profile........................................................................................................................... 96
3.6.1 URL Content Filter Profile............................................................................................... 97
3.7 Applications.........................................................................................................................101
3.7.1 Dynamic DNS............................................................................................................... 101
3.7.2 Schedule....................................................................................................................... 103
3.7.3 UPnP............................................................................................................................. 106
3.7.4 IGMP............................................................................................................................. 108
3.8 System Maintenance........................................................................................................... 109
3.8.1 System Status............................................................................................................... 109
3.8.2 TR-069.......................................................................................................................... 111
3.8.3 Administrator Password................................................................................................ 112
3.8.4 Configuration Backup ................................................................................................... 113
3.8.5 Syslog/Mail Alert........................................................................................................... 115
3.8.6 Time and Date.............................................................................................................. 117
3.8.7 Management................................................................................................................. 118
3.8.8 Reboot System............................................................................................................. 120
3.8.9 Firmware Upgrade........................................................................................................ 121
3.9 Diagnostics.......................................................................................................................... 122
3.9.1 Dial-out Triggering........................................................................................................ 122
3.9.2 Routing Table ............................................................................................................... 123
3.9.3 ARP Cache Table......................................................................................................... 124
3.9.4 IPv6 Neighbour Table................................................................................................... 124
3.9.5 DHCP Table.................................................................................................................. 125
3.9.6 NAT Sessions Table..................................................................................................... 126
3.9.7 Ping Diagnosis.............................................................................................................. 127
3.9.8 Data Flow Monitor......................................................................................................... 128
3.9.9 Trace Route.................................................................................................................. 130
3.9.10 TSPC Status............................................................................................................... 131
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
Application and Examples.......................................................................132
4.1 LAN – Created by Using NAT ............................................................................................. 132
Trouble Shooting......................................................................................135
5.1 Checking If the Hardware Status Is OK or Not....................................................................135
5.2 Checking If the Network Connection Settings on Your Computer Is OK or Not ................. 136
5.3 Pinging the Modem from Your Computer............................................................................ 138
5.4 Checking If the ISP Settings are OK or Not........................................................................ 139
5.5 Backing to Factory Default Setting If Necessary ................................................................ 139
5.6 Contacting Your Dealer....................................................................................................... 140
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
Vigor130 Series is a VDSL2/ADSL2/2+ modem. The object-based design used in SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection) firewall allows users to set
firewall policy with ease. It is flexible and makes your network be safe. By the way, DoS/DDoS prevention and URL content filter strengthen the security outside and control inside.
11..11 WWeebb CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn BBuuttttoonnss EExxppllaannaattiioonn
Several main buttons appeared on the web pages are defined as the following:
Save and apply current settings.
Cancel current settings and recover to the previous saved settings.
Clear all the selections and parameters settings, including selection from
drop-down list. All the values must be reset with factory default settings.
Add new settings for specified item.
Edit the settings for the selected item.
Delete the selected item with the corresponding settings.
Note: For the other buttons shown on the web pages, please refer to Chapter 4 for detailed explanation.
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
11..22 LLEEDD IInnddiiccaattoorrss aanndd CCoonnnneeccttoorrss
Before you use the Vigor modem, please get acquainted with the LED indicators and connectors first.
LED Status Explanation
Off The system is not ready or is failed. ACT Blinking The system is ready and can work normally.
On A normal connection is through its corresponding
Off LAN is disconnected. Blinking Data is transmitting (sending/receiving). On The DoS/DDoS function is active. DoS Blinking It will blink while detecting an attack. On DSL connection synchronized. DSL Blinking DSL connection is synchronizing.
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
Interface Description
DSL Connecter for accessing the Internet through VDSL2/ADSL2/2+. LAN Connecter for local networked devices.
Factory Reset Restore the default settings.
Usage: Turn on the modem. Press the button and keep for more than 10 seconds. Then the modem will restart with the factory default configuration.
ON/OFF: Power switch.
Connecter for a power adapter.
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
11..33 HHaarrddwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
This section will guide you to install the modem through hardware connection and configure the modem’s settings through web browser.
Before starting to configure the modem, you have to connect your devices correctly.
1. Connect the DSL interface to the MODEM port of external splitter with a DSL line
2. Connect the LAN port to your computer with a RJ-45 cable.
3. Connect one end of the power adapter to the Power port of this device. Connect the
other end to the wall outlet of electricity.
4. Power on the modem.
5. Check the POWER, ACT, LAN, DSL and INTERNET LEDs to assure network
(For the detailed information of LED status, please refer to section 1.2.)
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
For using the modem properly, it is necessary for you to change the password of web configuration for security and adjust primary basic settings.
22..11 AAcccceessssiinngg WWeebb PPaaggee
1. Make sure your PC connects to the modem correctly.
Notice: You may either simply set up your computer to get IP dynamically from the modem or set up the IP address of the computer to be the same subnet as the default IP address of Vigor modem For the detailed information, please refer to the later section - Trouble Shooting of the guide.
2. Open a web browser on your PC and type A pop-up window will
open to ask for username and password. Please type “admin/admin” as the username and password. Then click Login.
Notice: If you fail to access to the web configuration, please go to “Trouble Shooting” for detecting and solving your problem.
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
22..22 CChhaannggiinngg PPaasssswwoorrdd
Please change the password for the original security of the modem.
1. Access into the web user interface of Vigor130. The Main Screen will appear as
2. Go to System Maintenance page and choose Administrator Password/User
3. Enter the login password (the default is blank) on the field of Old Password. Type
New Password. Then click OK to continue.
4. Now, the password has been changed. Next time, use the new password to access the
Web User Interface for this modem.
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
22..33 QQuuiicckk SSttaarrtt WWiizzaarrdd
Notice: Quick Start Wizard for user operation is the same as for administrator’s operation.
The configuration provide here can help you to deploy and use the modem quickly.
22..33..11 SSeettttiinngg PPPPPPooEE//PPPPPPooAA CCoonnnneeccttiioonn
PPPoE stands for Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. It relies on two widely accepted standards: PPP and Ethernet. It connects users through an Ethernet to the Internet with a common broadband medium, such as a single DSL line, wireless device or cable modem. All the users over the Ethernet can share a common connection.
PPPoE is used for most of DSL modem users. All local users can share one PPPoE connection for accessing the Internet. Your service provider will provide you information about user name, password, and authentication mode.
If your ISP provides you the PPPoE connection, please select PPPoE for this modem.

1. Click Quick Start wizard.

2. The first screen of Quick Start Wizard is entering login password of the web user
interface. After typing the password, please click Next.
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
3. You can configure the modem to access the Internet with different protocol/modes such
as PPPoE/PPPoA or MPoA/Static or Dynamic IP. The modem supports the ADSL WAN interface for Internet access. In this case, choose PPPoE/PPPoA.
Available parameters are listed below:
Item Description For ADSL Only
You have to select an appropriate WAN connection type for connecting to the Internet through this modem according to the settings that your ISP provided.
Auto detect – Click it to detect suitable values below by the modem automatically.
Select an IP mode for this WAN interface. There are several available modes for Internet access such as PPPoE,
Stands for Virtual Path Identifier. It is an 8-bit header inside each ATM cell that indicates where the cell should be routed. The ATM, is a method of sending data in small packets of fixed sizes. It is used for transferring data to client computers.
Stands for Virtual Channel Identifier. It is a 16-bit field inside ATM cell’s header that indicates the cell’s next destination as it travels through the network. A virtual channel is a logical connection between two end devices on the network.
Fixed IP
IP Address Subnet Mask
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
Click Yes to specify a fixed IP for the modem. Otherwise, click No (Dynamic IP) to allow the modem choosing a dynamic IP. If you choose No, the following IP Address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway will not be changed.
Assign an IP address for the protocol that you select. Assign a subnet mask value for the protocol of
Item Description
MPoA/Static or Dynamic IP.
Default Gateway
Assign an IP address to the gateway for the protocol of
MPoA/Static or Dynamic IP. Primary DNS Second DNS
Assign an IP address to the primary DNS.
Assign an IP address to the secondary DNS.
4. After finished the above settings, click Next to access into next page.
Available parameters are listed below:
Item Description User Name
Assign a specific valid user name provided by the ISP. It
will be used to access Internet.
Assign a valid password provided by the ISP. It will be
used to access Internet.
Confirm Password
Retype the password.
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
5. Click Next for viewing summary of such connection.
6. Click Finish. The Quick Start Wizard Setup OK page will be displayed.
22..33..22 SSeettttiinngg MMPPooAA//SSttaattiicc oorr DDyynnaammiicc CCoonnnneeccttiioonn
1. Click Quick Start wizard.
2. The first screen of Quick Start Wizard is entering login password of the web user
interface. After typing the password, please click Next.
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
3. You can configure the modem to access the Internet with different protocol/modes such
as PPPoE/PPPoA or MPoA/Static or Dynamic IP. The modem supports the ADSL WAN interface for Internet access. In this case, choose MPoA/Static or Dynamic.
Available parameters are listed below:
Item Description For ADSL Only
You have to select an appropriate WAN connection type for
connecting to the Internet through this modem according to
the settings that your ISP provided.
Auto detect – Click it to detect suitable values below by the
modem automatically.
Select an IP mode for this WAN interface. There are several
available modes for Internet access such as PPPoE,
Stands for Virtual Path Identifier. It is an 8-bit header
inside each ATM cell that indicates where the cell should
be routed. The ATM, is a method of sending data in small
packets of fixed sizes. It is used for transferring data to
client computers.
Stands for Virtual Channel Identifier. It is a 16-bit field
inside ATM cell’s header that indicates the cell’s next
destination as it travels through the network. A virtual
channel is a logical connection between two end devices on
the network.
Fixed IP
IP Address Subnet Mask
Click Yes to specify a fixed IP for the modem. Otherwise,
click No (Dynamic IP) to allow the modem choosing a
dynamic IP. If you choose No, the following IP Address,
Subnet Mask and Default Gateway will not be changed.
Assign an IP address for the protocol that you select.
Assign a subnet mask value for the protocol of
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
Item Description
MPoA/Static or Dynamic IP. Default Gateway
Assign an IP address to the gateway for the protocol of
MPoA/Static or Dynamic IP. Primary DNS Second DNS
Assign an IP address to the primary DNS.
Assign an IP address to the secondary DNS.
4. Click Next for viewing summary of such connection.
5. Click Finish. The Quick Start Wizard Setup OK page will be displayed.
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
22..44 IInnttrroodduucciinngg DDaasshhbbooaarrdd
The Dashboard (home page) shows the connection status including System Information, IPv4 Internet Access, IPv6 Internet Access, Interface (physical connection), Security and Quick Access.
22..44..11 VViirrttuuaall PPaanneell
On the top of the Dashboard, a virtual panel (simulating the physical panel of the modem) displays the physical interface connection. It will be refreshed every five seconds.
Port Color
For detailed information about the LED display, refer to 1.2 LED Indicators and Connectors.
Black It means the modem or the function is not working. LED (left side) Green It means the modem or the function is working.
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
22..44..22 NNaammee wwiitthh aa LLiinnkk
A name with a link (e.g., Router Name, Current Time, WAN1/LAN and etc.) below means you can click it to open the configuration page for modification.
22..44..33 QQuuiicckk AAcccceessss ffoorr CCoommmmoonn UUsseedd MMeennuu
All the menu items can be accessed and arranged orderly on the left side of the main page for your request. However, some important and common used menu items which can be accessed in a quick way just for convenience.
Look at the right side of the Dashboard. You will find a group of common used functions grouped under Quick Access.
The function links of System Status, Dynamic DNS, TR-069, Schedule, Syslog/Mail Alert, and Firewall Object Setting are displayed here. Move your mouse cursor on any one of the links and click on it. The corresponding setting page will be open immediately.
Note that there is a plus ( LAN connection(s) used presently.
Host connected physically to the modem via LAN port(s) will be displayed with green circles in the field of Connected.
) icon located on the left side of LAN. Click it to review the
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
22..44..44 GGUUII MMaapp
All the functions the modem supports are listed with table clearly in this page. Users can click the function link to access into the setting page of the function for detailed configuration. Click the icon on the top of the main screen to display all the functions.
22..44..55 WWeebb CCoonnssoollee
It is not necessary to use the telnet command via DOS prompt. The changes made by using web console have the same effects as modified through web user interface. The functions/settings modified under Web Console also can be reviewed on the web user interface.
Click the Web Console icon on the top of the main screen to open the following screen.
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
22..44..66 CCoonnffiigg BBaacckkuupp
There is one way to store current used settings quickly by clicking the Config Backup icon. It allows you to backup current settings as a file. Such configuration file can be restored by using System Maintenance>>Configuration Backup.
Simply click the icon on the top of the main screen and a pop up dialog will appear.
Click Save to store the setting.
22..44..77 LLooggoouutt
Click the Logout icon to exit the web user interface.
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
22..55 OOnnlliinnee SSttaattuuss
22..55..11 PPhhyyssiiccaall CCoonnnneeccttiioonn
Such page displays the physical connection status such as LAN connection status, WAN connection status, ADSL information, and so on.
If you select PPPoE as the protocol, you will find out a link of Dial PPPoE or Drop PPPoE in the Online Status web page.The online status shows the system status, WAN status, ADSL Information and other status related to this modem within one page. If you select PPPoE/PPPoA as the protocol, you will find out a link of Dial PPPoE or Drop PPPoE in the Online Status web page.
PPhhyyssiiccaall CCoonnnneeccttiioonn ffoorr IIPPvv44 PPrroottooccooll
Detailed explanation is shown below:
Item Description LAN Status
WAN Status
Primary DNS-Display the primary DNS server address for
WAN interface.
Secondary DNS -Display the secondary DNS server
address for WAN interface.
IP Address-Display the IP address of the LAN interface.
TX Packets-Display the total transmitted packets at the
LAN interface.
RX Packets-Display the total received packets at the LAN
Enable – Yes in red means such interface is available but
not connected. Yes in green means such interface is
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
Item Description
Line – Display the physical connection of this interface.
Name – Display the name of the modem.
Mode - Display the type of WAN connection (e.g., PPPoE).
Up Time - Display the total uptime of the interface.
IP - Display the IP address of the WAN interface.
GW IP - Display the IP address of the default gateway.
TX Packets - Display the total transmitted packets at the
WAN interface.
TX Rate - Display the speed of transmitted octets at the
WAN interface.
RX Packets - Display the total number of received packets
at the WAN interface.
RX Rate - Display the speed of received octets at the WAN
ADSL Information
ATM Statistics – Display the ATM layer information.
TX Cells –Display the total number of ATM transmission
RX Cells –Display the total number of ATM received cells.
TX CRC errs – Display the total number of transmission
CRC errors.
RX CRC errs –Display the total number of CRC errors
ADSL Status –Display the ADSL layer information.
Mode – Display the type of ADSL mode, such as T1.413,
G.DMT, ADSL2+(G.992.5), and so on.
State – Display the ADSL connection status, such as
Up Speed – Display the upstream rate.
Down Speed – Display the downstream rate.
SNR Margin – Display number of SRR Margin.
Loop Att .- Display the number of Loop Attenuation.
PPhhyyssiiccaall CCoonnnneeccttiioonn ffoorr IIPPvv66 PPrroottooccooll
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
Detailed explanation (for IPv6) is shown below:
Item Description LAN Status
IP Address- Displays the IPv6 address of the LAN
TX Packets-Displays the total transmitted packets at the
LAN interface.
RX Packets-Displays the total received packets at the LAN
TX Bytes - Displays the speed of transmitted octets at the
LAN interface.
RX Bytes - Displays the speed of received octets at the
LAN interface.
WAN IPv6 Status
Enable – No in red means such interface is available but
not enabled. Yes in green means such interface is enabled.
No in red means such interface is not available.
Mode - Displays the type of WAN connection (e.g., TSPC).
Up Time - Displays the total uptime of the interface.
IP - Displays the IP address of the WAN interface.
Gateway IP - Displays the IP address of the default
Note: The words in green mean that the WAN connection of that interface (WAN1) is
ready for accessing Internet; the words in red mean that the WAN connection of that interface (WAN1) is not ready for accessing Internet.
22..55..22 VViirrttuuaall WWAANN
Such page displays the virtual WAN connection information. Virtual WAN are used by TR-069 management, VoIP service and so on. The Application field will list the purpose of such WAN connection.
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
Detailed explanation is shown below:
Item Description WAN Status
22..66 SSaavviinngg CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn
Each time you click OK on the web page for saving the configuration, you can find messages showing the system interaction with you.
Enable – Yes in red means such interface is available but
not enabled. Yes in green means such interface is enabled.
Line – Display the physical connection (Ethernet, or USB)
of this interface.
Name – Display the name of the modem.
Mode - Display the type of WAN connection (e.g., PPPoE).
Up Time - Display the total uptime of the interface.
IP - Displays the IP address of the WAN interface.
GW IP - Display the IP address of the default gateway.
TX Packets - Display the total transmitted packets at the
WAN interface.
TX Rate - Display the speed of transmitted octets at the
WAN interface.
RX Packets - Display the total number of received packets
at the WAN interface.
RX Rate - Display the speed of received octets at the WAN
Ready indicates the system is ready for you to input settings. Settings Saved means your settings are saved once you click Finish or OK button.
22..77 RReeggiisstteerriinngg VViiggoorr RRoouutteerr
You have finished the configuration of Quick Start Wizard and you can surf the Internet at any time. Now it is the time to register your Vigor modem to MyVigor website for getting more service. Please follow the steps below to finish the modem registration.
1 Again, login the web configuration interface of Vigor modem by typing
admin/admin” as User Name / Password.
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
2 Click Support Area>>Production Registration from the home page.
3 A Login page will be shown on the screen. Please type the account and password that
you created previously. And click Login. If not, please click Create an account now link first to create a new account. Then, back to this setting page.
4 The following page will be displayed after you logging in MyVigor. From this page,
please click Add or Product Registration.
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
5 When the following page appears, please type in Nickname (for the modem) and
choose the right registration date from the popup calendar (it appears when you click on the box of Registration Date). After adding the basic information for the modem, please click Submit.
6 When the following page appears, your modem information has been added to the
7 Now, you have finished the product registration. 8 After clicking OK, you will see the following page. Your modem has been registered to
myvigor website successfully.
Vigor130 Series User’s Guide
+ 118 hidden pages