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2.4.1 ip 2ndsubnet.............................................................................................................................. 8
2.4.2 ip 2ndaddr ................................................................................................................................. 9
2.4.3 ip 2ndmask.............................................................................................................................. 10
2.4.4 ip aux....................................................................................................................................... 11
2.4.5 ip addr ..................................................................................................................................... 12
2.4.6 ip arp ....................................................................................................................................... 13
2.4.7 ip dhcpc................................................................................................................................... 14
2.4.8 ip ping...................................................................................................................................... 15
2.4.9 ip tracert .................................................................................................................................. 16
2.4.10 ip telnet (for 2950 Series only).............................................................................................. 17
2.4.10 ip rip....................................................................................................................................... 18
2.4.11 ip route .................................................................................................................................. 19
2.4.12 ip igmp_proxy........................................................................................................................ 20
2.4.13 ip wanaddr............................................................................................................................. 21
2.4.14 ip wan2addr........................................................................................................................... 22
2.4.16 ip dmz (for 2700/2950 series only)........................................................................................ 23
2.4.17 ip dmzswitch (for 2700 series) .............................................................................................. 24
2.4.19 ip session .............................................................................................................................. 25
2.4.20 ip bandwidth.......................................................................................................................... 26
2.4.21 ip bindmac............................................................................................................................. 27
Click Start > Run and type Telnet in the Open box as below. Note that the IP
address in the example is the default address of the router. If you have changed the default,
enter the current IP address of the router.
Click OK. The Telnet terminal will be open. If an administrator password has not already been
assigned, follow the on-screen instructions to assign one.
After assigning a password, type ?. You will see a list of valid/common commands depending
on the router that your use.
Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1
1.2 Valid Commands
The valid commands will differ according to the router and the firmware version that you have.
At present, commands explained in this manual are for Vigor 2700 Series, Vigor 2800 SeriesVigor2910 Series and 2950 Series.
Valid Command Types for Vigor 2700 Series (F/W: V2.6.3_RC1)
upnp ddns exit ip ipf p2p
Im ddos urlf isdn log quit
srv sys register show mngt vpn
wan adsl voip port wol vigbrg
Valid Command Types for Vigor 2800 Series (F/W: V2.7.1_B4_Y01)
upnp ddns exit ip ipf p2p
Im ddos urlf isdn log quit
srv sys register show mngt vpn
wan adsl wl voip port wol
vigbrg portmaptime
Valid Command Types for Vigor 2910 Series (F/W: V3.0.2_RC1a)
upnp ddns exit ip ipf csm
ddos urlf isdn log quit srv
sys register show mngt vpn wan
wl voip port wol
Valid Command Types for Vigor 2950 Series (F/W: V3.0.0)
upnp ddns exit ip ipf csm
ddos urlf log quit srv sys
register show mngt vpn wan wl
Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1
22.. CCoommmmaannddss DDeessccrriippttiioonnss
2.1 upnp
2.1.1 upnp off
This command can close UPnP function.
>upnp off
UPNP say bye-bye
2.1.2 upnp on
This command can enable UPnP function.
>upnp on
UPNP start.
Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1
2.1.3 upnp nat
This command can display IGD NAT status.
> upnp nat
****************** IGD NAT Status ****************
InternalClient >><<, RemoteHost >><<
InternalPort >>21<<, ExternalPort >>21<<
PortMapProtocol >>TCP<<
The tmpvirtual server index >>0<<
PortMapLeaseDuration >>0<<, PortMapEnabled >>0<<
Ftp Example [MICROSOFT]
InternalClient >><<, RemoteHost >><<
InternalPort >>0<<, ExternalPort >>0<<
PortMapProtocol >>*<<
The tmpvirtual server index >>0<<
PortMapLeaseDuration >>0<<, PortMapEnabled >>0<<
2.1.4 upnp service
This command can display the information of the UPnP service.
> upnp service
>>>>> SERVICE TABLE1 <<<<<
serviceType urn:schemas-microsoft-com:service:OSInfo:1
serviceId urn:microsoft-com:serviceId:OSInfo1
SCPDURL /upnp/OSInfo.xml
controlURL /OSInfo1
eventURL /OSInfoEvent1
UDN uuid:f858949e-a0c6-4e4c-9eac-00507fd484f0
This command allows users to set the second IP address for your router.
ip 2ndaddr ?
ip 2ndaddr <2nd subnet IP address>
Syntax Description
? Display an IP address which allows users set as second subnet IP
2nd subnet IP addressSpecify an IP address. The system will set the one that you specified
as the second subnet IP address.
>ip 2ndaddr
% Set 2nd subnet IP address done!!!
Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1
2.4.3 ip 2ndmask
This command allows users to set the second IP address for your router.
ip 2ndmask ?
ip 2ndmask <2nd subnet mask>
Syntax Description
? Display a subnet mask address which allows users set as second
subnet mask.
2nd subnet IP addressSpecify a subnet mask. The system will set the one that you specified
as the second subnet mask.
>ip 2ndmask
% Set 2nd subnet mask done!!!
Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1
2.4.4 ip aux
This command allows users to set a specified WAN IP for joining into the NAT Pool. Basically,
the WAN IP has been added in WAN IP Alias but not joined to NAT Pool yet.
ip aux add [IP] [Join to NAT Pool]
ip aux remove [index]
Syntax Description
IP It means the auxiliary WAN IP address.
Join to NAT Pool 0 (disable) or 1 (enable)
[index] Type the index number of the table displayed on your screen.
>ip aux 1
When you type ip aux?, the current auxiliar WAN IP Address table will be shown as the
Index no. Status IP address NAT IP pool
1 Enable Yes
2 Enable No
3 Enable No
Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1
2.4.5 ip addr
This command allows users to set/add a specified LAN IP your router.
ip addr[IP address]
Syntax Description
IP address It means the LAN IP address.
>ip addr
% Set IP address OK !!!
Note: When the LAN IP address is changed, the start IP address of DHCP server are still the
same. To make the IP assignment of the DHCP server being consistent with this new IP address
(they should be in the same network segment), the IP address of the PC must be fixed with the
same LAN IP address (network segment) set by this command for accessing into the web
configurator of the router. Later, modify the start addresses for the DHCP server.
Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1
2.4.6 ip arp
ARP displays the matching condition for IP and MAC address.
ip arp add [IP address] [MAC address] [LAN or WAN]
ip arp del [IP address] [LAN or WAN]
ip arp flush
ip arp status
In which, arp add allows users to add a new IP address into the ARP table; arp del allows
users to remove an IP address; arp flush allows users to clear arp cache; arp status allows
users to review current status for the arp table.
Syntax Description
IP address It means the LAN IP address.
MAC address It means the MAC address of your router.
LAN or WAN It indicates the direction for the arp function.
>ip arp status
[ARP Table]
Index IP Address MAC Address
1 00-0E-A6-2A-D5-A1
Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1
2.4.7 ip dhcpc
This command is available for WAN DHCP.
ip dhcpc option
ip dhcpc release
ip dhcpc renew
ip dhcpc status
Syntax Description
option It is an optional setting for DHCP server.
release It means to release current WAN IP address.
renew It means to renew the WAN IP address and obtain another new one.
status It displays current status of DHCP client.
>ip dhcpc status
I/F#3 DHCP Client Status:
DHCP Server IP :
WAN Ipm :
WAN Netmask :
WAN Gateway :
Primary DNS :
Secondary DNS :
Leased Time : 259200
Leased Time T1 : 129600
Leased Time T2 : 226800
Leased Elapsed : 259194
Leased Elapsed T1 : 129594
Leased Elapsed T2 : 226794
Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1
2.4.8 ip ping
This command allows users to ping IP address of WAN1 or WAN2 for verifying if the WAN
connection is OK or not.
ip ping [IP address] [WAN1/WAN2]
Syntax Description
IP address It means the LAN IP address.
WAN1/WAN2 It means the WAN port that the above IP address passes through.
>ip ping WAN1
Pinging with 64 bytes of Data:
Receive reply from, time=0ms
Receive reply from, time=0ms
Receive reply from, time=0ms
Packets: Sent = 5, Received = 5, Lost = 0 <0% loss>
Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1
2.4.9 ip tracert
This command allows users to trace the routes from the router to the host.
ip tracert [Host/IP address] [WAN1/WAN2]
Syntax Description
IP address It means the target IP address.
WAN1/WAN It means the WAN port that the above IP address passes through.
This command allows users to telnet another server (terminal) in the LAN or WAN side. ip telnet [IP address] [Port]
Syntax Description
IP address It means the target IP address.
Port It means the LAN port that the above IP address passes through.
>ip telnet 3
Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1
2.4.10 ip rip
This command allows users to set the RIP (routing information protocol) of IP.
ip rip [0/1/2]
Syntax Description
0/1/2 0 means disable; 1 means first subnet and 2 means second subnet.
>ip rip 1
%% Set RIP 1
Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1
2.4.11 ip route
This command allows users to set static route.
ip route add [dst] [netmask][gateway][iface][rtype]
ip route del [dst] [netmask][rtype]
ip route status
Syntax Description
add It means to add an IP address as static route.
del It means to delete specified IP address.
status It means current status of static route.
dst It means the IP address of the destination.
netmask It means the netmask of the specified IP address.
gateway It means the gateway of the connected router.
iface It means the connection interface., 0 : LAN; 3: WAN1; 4: WAN2
rtype It means the type of the route, default : default route; static: static
> ip route add 3 static
> ip route status
Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, * - default, ~ - private
C~ is directly connected, IF0
S via, IF3
Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1
2.4.12 ip igmp_proxy
This command allows users to set
ip igmp_proxy [set|rset|status]
Syntax Description
set It means
reset It means
status it means
>ip igmp_proxy status
%% ip igmp_proxy [set|rset|status], IGMP Proxy is ON
%%% igmp_proxy LAN: state=1
igmp_proxy WAN:
%%% timer=0 timer=0
Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1
2.4.13 ip wanaddr
This command allows users to set WAN address for the router.
ip wanaddr [IP address][IP netmask][gateway ip]
Syntax Description
IP address It means the WAN IP address.
IP netmask It means the netmask of the specified IP address.
gateway ip It means the IP address for gateway.
>ip wanaddr
% Set WAN IP address OK!!!
Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1
2.4.14 ip wan2addr
This command allows users to set second WAN address for the router.
ip wan2addr [IP address][IP netmask]
Syntax Description
IP address It means the WAN IP address.
IP netmask It means the netmask of the specified IP address.
gateway ip It means the IP address for gateway.
>ip wan2addr
% Set WAN IP address OK!!!
Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1
2.4.16 ip dmz (for 2700/2950 series only)
Specify MAC address of certain device as the DMZ host.
ip dmz [mac]
Syntax Description
mac It means the MAC address of the device that you want to specify.
>ip dmz ?
% ip dmz <mac>, now : 00-00-00-00-00-00
> ip dmz 11-22-33-44-55-66
> ip dmz ?
% ip dmz <mac>, now : 11-22-33-44-55-66
Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1
2.4.17 ip dmzswitch (for 2700 series)
This command allows users to set DMZ mode.
ip dmzswitch off
ip dmzswitch private
ip dmzswitch active_trueip
Syntax Description
off It means to turn off DMZ function.
private It means to set DMZ as private IP.
active_truei It means to set the DMZ as active true IP DMZ.
>ip dmzswitch off
Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1
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