Power Supply 1
The PS150 and PS151 power supplies are designed to
provide power for Drake model SCT1860, SCT2860,
SCT3860, and SCT4860 transcoders when mounted in
the model RMT150 rack mounting tray. The PS150 can
power up to a full tray of 10 SCT1860s. The PS151 can
power a full tray of 10 of any mix of the transcoder models
listed above. Either power supply also provides an
interface between a PC or modem and the transcoders
via the RS232 DB9 connectors, providing remote
programming and monitoring capabilities.
Power Requirements: -------------------- 100 VAC to 240 VAC
(and -10%/+10% of end limits)
Frequency: ------------------------------------------------- 47-63 Hz
AC Input Power (max), PS150/PS151: ------105/150 Watts
Operating Temperature Range: ------------------- 0 to +50 0C
Internally Mounted (50 mm) Axial Fan
(12 VDC @ 140 mA): -------------------------- 12 CFM (ft3/min.)
Output Voltages, PS150/PS151:--- +3.3 VDC @ 5.0/10.0 A
+5 VDC @ 9.0/10.0 A
+12 VDC @ 1.5/3.0 A
Dimensions: (WxHxD): ---4.25in. W x 3.33in. H x 10.5in. D
Install the PS150 or PS151 in the RMT150 rack tray by positioning it at the
far right side of the tray as viewed from the front panel of the RMT150.
Before pushing into the final mounting location, make sure that the two
hooks located at the bottom of the rear panel on the power supply, hook
over the back edge of the RMT150 - these will secure the rear of the supply
after it has been pushed forward into its final position. Position the supply
so that the LCD and all pushbuttons are in their proper position in the front
panel of the RMT150 and that the buttons are protruding all the way through
the panel holes. Install the two screws, that are provided with the supply,
through the holes on either side of the display opening in the RMT150
front panel and into the threads of the power supply. Tighten snuggly.
Connect the power cables between the transcoders and the power supply.
Note that each power output connector on the supply is numbered, from 1
through 10. The unit ID of the connected transcoder will be determined by
which socket on the supply its power cable is plugged into. Normally, the
leftmost transcoder, as viewed from the front panel, will be number 1 with
transcoders connected in sequence to the right. The rightmost transcoder
will thus be plugged into socket number 10 on the supply. Note that
transcoders do not have to be connected in any specific numerical order
but the above method is preferred to make it easier to identify a particular
transcoder during setup, if necessary.
Carefully route the power cable for the front mounted fans between the
power supply and the adjacent transcoder and plug the fan cable into the
socket on the rear of the supply, just above the line cord.
Weight: -------------------------------------2.6 lbs. (PS150)
3.5 lbs. (PS151)
RS232 Out/In: ----------- (2) Type DB-9 interface connectors
DC Output: --------------- (10) Molex 39-31-0060
(Power supply assembly employs short circuit and
overvoltage protection).
AC Power Cord: --------- 54" with USA, 3 prong, 120 V plug
1. AC Input - The power supply accepts standard 100 to
240 VAC, 50/60 Hz inputs (and -10%/+10% of that voltage
range). A 120 V, USA standard cord is supplied.
2. DC Output - The polarized connectors provide 10 sets
of output connections for the compatible transcoder units.
3. RS232 Remote Control Interface - If the SCT
system transcoders are to be controlled from a PC via the
RS232 interface, the serial port cable from the PC should
be connected to the 'RS232 IN' connector on the supply.
The 'RS232 OUT' connector is used to connect to the
'RS232 IN' port on another PS150/151 or to a PS100 if
additional transcoders are to be controlled. This process
may be repeated until a maximum of 7 PS150/151s (70
transcoders max.) are connected. In addition, up to 63
SCT860s could also be controlled by the same connection if PS100s are also daisy changed in this connection.
When all cables are connected, plug the line cord into a nominal 120 VAC
■ To install the control software, place the CDROM in the PC CDROM tray. The
auto run routine should produce a menu providing three options:
1) Install SCT Control Program.
2) View SCT Control Program Instruction Manual, and other manuals for the
PS150/PS151, SCT1860, SCT2860, SCT3860, SCT4860, SCT860, SCT860E,
100 2365, and 100 2366.
3) Install Adobe Acrobat Reader.
To install the control software, choose the “Install SCT Control Program” option. If
the CDROM does not start automatically, Click on the "My Computer" icon on your
PC desktop, then click on the CDROM drive icon. To install the control program,
click on the setup.exe file on the CDROM. Follow the prompts and when the
program has been installed successfully, the "DRAKE DIGITAL, R.L. Drake SCT
Control Program" icon will appear on the PC desktop.
■ If you have Acrobat Reader installed on your system, you may view and/or
print the detailed program Instruction Manual by selecting option 2, "View SCT
Control Program Instruction Manual" from the auto run menu, or by clicking on the
Instruction Manual.pdf file on the CDROM. If Acrobat Reader is not installed
on your system, select option 3 from the auto run menu or click on the
rs405eng.exe file on the CDROM to install a complimentary copy.
WORLD WIDE WEB SITE: http://www.rldrake.com
TELEFAX: +1 (937) 806-1576
© Copyright 2005 R.L. Drake Co. P/N: 3852390B-10-2005
TM is a trademark of the R.L. Drake Company
Printed in the U.S.A.