Dragino LG02, OLG02 User Manual

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LG02/OLG02 LoRa Gateway User Manual
Document Version: 1.1
Firmware Version: LG02_LG08v5.0.1
Enrich content for ABP
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1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 What is LG02 & OLG02 ............................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Specifications .............................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Features ...................................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 System Structure ........................................................................................................................ 7
1.5 Applications ................................................................................................................................ 8
1.6 Hardware Variants ..................................................................................................................... 9
1.7 Install SIM card in 4G module ..................................................................................................... 9
2. Access LG02 ............................................................................................................................ 10
3. Typical Network Setup ............................................................................................................ 11
3.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................. 11
3.2 Use WAN port to access Internet .............................................................................................. 11
3.3 Access Internet as a WiFi Client. ............................................................................................... 12
3.4 Use built-in 4G modem for internet access .............................................................................. 14
3.5 Check Internet connection ........................................................................................................ 16
4. Example 1: Configure as a LoRaWAN gateway ......................................................................... 17
4.1 Create a gateway in TTN Server ............................................................................................... 17
4.2 Configure LG02 Gateway .......................................................................................................... 19
4.2.1 Configure to connect to LoRaWAN server ...................................................................... 19
4.2.2 Configure LG02’s RX frequency ....................................................................................... 20
4.3 Create LoRa End Node .............................................................................................................. 21
4.3.1 About Limited support for LoRaWAN ............................................................................. 21
4.3.2 Preparation ..................................................................................................................... 22
4.3.3 Test with ABP LoRa end node. ........................................................................................ 23
5. Example 2: Control the two radio to do transmit and receive in raw LoRa mode .................... 27
6. Example 3: Simple LoRa wireless example .............................................................................. 28
6.1 Installing LoRa Library .............................................................................................................. 28
6.2 Upload Sketch to LoRa Client .................................................................................................... 30
6.3 The gateway part ..................................................................................................................... 30
6.4 Check Result ................................................................................................................................. 31
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7. Linux System ........................................................................................................................... 32
7.1 SSH Access for Linux console .................................................................................................... 32
7.2 Edit and Transfer files ............................................................................................................... 33
7.3 File System ................................................................................................................................ 33
7.4 Package maintain system ......................................................................................................... 34
8. Upgrade Linux Firmware ......................................................................................................... 35
8.1 Upgrade via Web UI ................................................................................................................. 35
8.2 Upgrade via Linux console ........................................................................................................ 35
9. FAQ ......................................................................................................................................... 36
9.1 Why there is 433/868/915 version LoRa part? ......................................................................... 36
9.2 What is the frequency range of LG02 LoRa part? ..................................................................... 36
9.3 What does “Limited support on LoRaWAN”? ........................................................................... 36
9.4 Can I develop my own software for LG02? ............................................................................... 37
9.5 Can I make my own firmware for LG02? Where can I find the source code of LG02? .............. 37
9.6 On OTAA mode, if I use the other frequency, how should I modify in the library? ................... 37
9.7 How can I reset the device to factory default? ......................................................................... 38
9.8 More FAQs about general LoRa questions ............................................................................... 39
10. Trouble Shooting ..................................................................................................................... 40
10.1 I get kernel error when install new package, how to fix? .................................................... 40
10.2 How to recover the LG02 if firmware crash ......................................................................... 41
10.3 I configured LG02 for WiFi access and lost its IP. What to do now?..................................... 42
11. Order Info ............................................................................................................................... 43
12. Packing Info ............................................................................................................................ 43
13. Support ................................................................................................................................... 43
14. Reference ................................................................................................................................ 44
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1. Introduction
1.1 What is LG02 & OLG02
LG02 & OLG02 are an open source dual channels LoRa Gateway. It lets you bridge LoRa wireless
network to an IP network via WiFi, Ethernet, 3G or 4G cellular. The LoRa wireless allows users to
send data and reach extremely long ranges at low data-rates. It provides ultra-long range spread
spectrum communication and high interference immunity.
LG02 & OLG02 have rich internet connection method such as WiFi interface, Ethernet port and
USB host port. These Interfaces provide flexible methods for users to connect their sensor
networks to Internet.
LG02 & OLG02 can support the LoRaWAN protocol in single frequency and customized LoRa
transition protocol. The design of LG02 is use the Linux to directly control two sx1276/sx1278
LoRa modules which lets the LoRa can works in full duplex LoRa mode and increase the
communication efficiency.
LG02 can be used to provide a low cost IoT wireless solution to support 50~300 sensor nodes.
Except LoRaWAN mode, LG02 can support multiply working mode such as: LoRa repeater mode,
MQTT mode, TCP/IP Client mode, TCP/IP Server mode to fit different requirement for IoT
connection. Click this link for more info about the modes.
LG02 & OLG02 provide a low cost for your IoT network connection. Compare to the cost with
normal SX1301 LoRaWAN solution. LG02 & OLG02 is only of its 1/4 or less cost. This makes the
LG02 very suitable to set up small scale LoRa network or use it to extend the coverage of current
LoRaWAN network.
LG02 in an IoT Network
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1.2 Specifications
Hardware System:
Linux Part:
400Mhz ar9331 processor 64MB RAM 16MB Flash
10M/100M RJ45 Ports x 2 WiFi : 802.11 b/g/n LoRa Wireless Power Input: 12V DC USB 2.0 host connector x 1 USB 2.0 host internal interface x 1 2 x LoRa Interfaces
WiFi Spec:
IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Frenquency Band: 2.4 ~ 2.462GHz Tx power:
11n tx power : mcs7/15: 11db mcs0 : 17db 11b tx power: 18db 11g 54M tx power: 12db 11g 6M tx power: 18db
Wifi Sensitivity
11g 54M : -71dbm 11n 20M : -67dbm
LoRa Spec:
Frequency Range:
Band 1 (HF): 862 ~ 1020 Mhz
Band 2 (LF): 410 ~ 528 Mhz 168 dB maximum link budget. +20 dBm - 100 mW constant RF output vs. +14 dBm high efficiency PA. Programmable bit rate up to 300 kbps. High sensitivity: down to -148 dBm. Bullet-proof front end: IIP3 = -12.5 dBm. Excellent blocking immunity. Low RX current of 10.3 mA, 200 nA register retention. Fully integrated synthesizer with a resolution of 61 Hz. FSK, GFSK, MSK, GMSK, LoRaTM and OOK modulation. Built-in bit synchronizer for clock recovery.
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Preamble detection. 127 dB Dynamic Range RSSI. Automatic RF Sense and CAD with ultra-fast AFC. Packet engine up to 256 bytes with CRC. Built-in temperature sensor and low battery indicator.
Cellular 4G LTE (optional):
Quectel EC25 LTE module Micro SIM Slot Internal 4G Antenna + External 4G Sticker Antenna. Up to 150Mbps downlink and 50Mbps uplink data rates Worldwide LTE,UMTS/HSPA+ and GSM/GPRS/EDGE coverage MIMO technology meets demands for data rate and link reliability in modem
wireless communication systems
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1.3 Features
Open Source OpenWrt LEDE system Low power consumption Firmware upgrade via Web Software upgradable via network Flexible protocol to connect to IoT servers Auto-Provisioning Built-in web server Managed by Web GUI, SSH via LAN or WiFi Internet connection via LAN, WiFi, 3G or 4G Failsafe design provides robustly system 2 x SX1276/SX1278 LoRa modules Full–duplex LoRa transceiver Two receive channels, and one transmit channel Limited support in LoRaWAN/ Support Private LoRa protocol Support upto 300 nodes LoRa band available at 433/868/915/920 Mhz Max range in LoRa: 5~10 km. Density Area:>500m
1.4 System Structure
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1.5 Applications
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1.6 Hardware Variants
The LG02 and OLG02 use the same firmware and have the same feature in the software side. In
this document, we will use LG02 as the model number to explain the feature.
Indoor version for dual channel LoRa Gateway,
without 4G module
Indoor version for dual channel LoRa Gateway, include
4G module.
Outdoor version for dual channel LoRa Gateway
1.7 Install SIM card in 4G module
For LG02 & OLG02 4G version, the 4G module is inside the box, please open the box and use
below direction to install the SIM card
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2. Access LG02
Access and configure LG02
The LG02 is configured as a WiFi AP by factory default. User can access and configure the LG02
after connect to its WiFi network.
At the first boot of LG02, it will auto generate an unsecure
WiFi network call dragino-xxxxxx
User can use the laptop to connect to this WiFi network. The
laptop will get an IP address 10.130.1.xxx and the LG01 has the
default IP
Open a browser in the laptop and type
User will see the login interface of LG02. The account for Web Login is: User Name: root Password: dragino
Notice: In case the WiFi network is disabled, user can connect PC to LG02’s LAN port, the PC will get DHCP from LG02, and be able to access it.
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3. Typical Network Setup
3.1 Overview
LG02 supports flexible network set up for different environment. This section describes the
typical network topology can be set in LG02. The typical network set up includes:
WAN Port Internet Mode WiFi Client Mode WiFi AP Mode USB Dial Up Mode
3.2 Use WAN port to access Internet
By default, the LG02 set to use WAN port as network connection. When connect LG02s WAN
port to router, LG02 will get IP from router and have internet access. The network status can be
checked as below:
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3.3 Access Internet as a WiFi Client.
In the WiFi Client Mode, Dragino acts as a WiFi client and gets DHCP from uplink router via WiFi.
The step to set is as below:
In network -> Wireless, select Radio0 interface and scan.
Select the wireless AP and join:
In network->wireless page, disable WiFi AP network. Notice: After doing that, you will lose
connection if your computer connect to the LG02 via LG02’s wifi network.
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After successful associate, the WiFi network interface can be seen in the same page:
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3.4 Use built-in 4G modem for internet access
For the LG02 model with 4G version, user can configure the modem for internet access.
Step 1: Add New Interface
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