Dräger Multi-PID 2 User Manual

(0)191 490 1547
+44 (0)191 477 5371
Website: www.heattracing.co.uk
Dräger Multi-PID 2
Portable Photoionization Monitor
Instrument User manual Software Version 3.nn


For Your Safety ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
Notices and Warnings ......................................................................................................................................... 7
FCC Warning ..................................................................................................................... 8
The Multi-PID 2 Intrinsic Safety (I/S) Notice ........................................................................ 8
ATEX Directive and EMC Directive ................................................................................... 11
WARNING ....................................................................................................................... 12
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................... 15
About this Manual ............................................................................................................. 16
Warnings and Safety Practices ......................................................................................... 17
Approved Models of the Multi-PID 2 .................................................................................. 17
Excessive Heat and Cold .................................................................................................. 17
Intended Use .................................................................................................................... 18
Multi-PID 2 Overview ........................................................................................................ 18
General Operation ............................................................................................................ 20
Photoionization Detector ................................................................................................... 21
Unpacking Instrument ....................................................................................................... 23
Support Equipment and Consumables .............................................................................. 24
Using the Multi-PID 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Battery Charging .............................................................................................................. 26
Display ............................................................................................................................. 29
Multi-PID 2 User Menu ...................................................................................................... 30
Keys ................................................................................................................................. 32
Beginning Operation ......................................................................................................... 33
Preparing for Field Operation ............................................................................................ 40
Connecting Accessories .................................................................................................................................. 43
Computer ......................................................................................................................... 44
Pre-filter Tube Holder ....................................................................................................... 45
Pre-filters and Sample Collection Tubes ............................................................................ 46
Sample Line ..................................................................................................................... 46
Wrist Strap ....................................................................................................................... 47
DC Power Cord ............................................................................................................... 47
Belt Clip Holster ............................................................................................................... 47
11.7 eV UV Lamp ............................................................................................................. 48
Off-Line Charger .............................................................................................................. 50
Menu Functions .................................................................................................................................................. 53
User Interface – Basic Menu ............................................................................................. 54
Operation Modes .............................................................................................................. 54
Unit Setup Menu ............................................................................................................... 55
Memory slots Menu ........................................................................................................... 65
Data Log Options Menu .................................................................................................... 68
Clear values Menu ............................................................................................................. 70
Edit Alarms Menu .............................................................................................................. 70
Humidity Tube Menu ......................................................................................................... 70
Routine Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................ 71
Maintenance Intervals ........................................................................................................ 72
Calibration Technical Description ...................................................................................... 72
Calibration Introduction ..................................................................................................... 73
Calibration Using the Flow-Match Regulator ...................................................................... 76
Battery Charging ............................................................................................................... 78
Maintenance of the UV Lamp ............................................................................................. 80
Replacing the Sample Inlet Filter ....................................................................................... 84
Waste electrical and electronic equipment ......................................................................... 85
Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................................. 87
General Information ........................................................................................................... 88
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................ 89
General Questions ............................................................................................................ 91
Appendices .......................................................................................................................................................... 93
Specification ..................................................................................................................... 94
Installing Alternate AC Plug on the Battery Charger ........................................................... 96
Calibration Gas Supplier ................................................................................................... 96
Presets and Response Factors .......................................................................................... 97
Reference ....................................................................................................................... 103
Figure 1 – Multi-PID 2 ......................................................................................................... 18
Figure 2 – Multi-PID 2 Block Diagram ................................................................................. 20
Figure 3 – Photoionization Detector .................................................................................... 22
Figure 4 – Battery Pack Removal and Replacement ............................................................ 27
Figure 5 – Multi-PID 2 Display ............................................................................................ 29
Figure 6 – User Menu, GAS mode ...................................................................................... 30
Figure 7 – User Menu, TVOC mode ................................................................................... 31
Figure 8 – GAS mode Display ............................................................................................ 33
Figure 9 – Logging Off Mode Display ................................................................................. 34
Figure 10 – TAG Mode Display ........................................................................................... 35
Figure 11 – Interval Mode Display ....................................................................................... 35
Figure 12 – Tube Holder ..................................................................................................... 45
Figure 13 – Dräger Pre-filter Tubes ..................................................................................... 46
Figure 14 – Unit Setup Map ................................................................................................ 56
Figure 15 – Intervall time adjustment ................................................................................... 61
Figure 16 – Setting the Time ............................................................................................... 62
............................................................................................................................................ 66
Figure 17 – Function Memory Slots Settings ....................................................................... 67
Figure 18 – Calibration with Flow-Math ............................................................................... 76
Figure 19 – Removing the UV Lamp .................................................................................... 81
Figure 20 – Replacing the Inlet Filter ................................................................................... 85
Table 1 – System Alerts ................................................................................................................................ 37
Table 2 – Check List for Field Items .......................................................................................................... 40
Table 3 – Additional Field Items .................................................................................................................. 40
Table 4 – Averaging Intervals and Period STEL, TWA, and REAL Operation .............................. 61
Table 5 – Response Factors ........................................................................................................................ 97
Table 6 – Library Entries ............................................................................................................................. 100

For Your Safety

Strictly follow the Instructions for Use

Any use of this instrument requires a full understanding and strict adherence to these instructions. This instrument is only to be used for the purposes specified here (see “Intended Use” on page 18).


The Multi-PID 2 must be inspected and serviced by trained service personnel at regular intervals. Repair of the Multi-PID 2 may only be carried out by trained service personnel. Only authentic Dräger Safety spare parts may be used for mainte­nance. Observe chapter “Maintenance Intervals” on page 72.. We recommend that a service contract be obtained with the service of Dräger Safety and that all repairs are also carried out by them.

Use in areas subject to explosion hazards

This instrument and its components have been tested and approved according to the European Directives 94/9/ EC (ATEX Directive) and 2004/108/EC (The electromagnetic Compatibility Directive) and may be used only under the conditions explicitly specified in the EC Decla­ration of Conformity, see page 11. Modifications of components or the use of faulty or incomplete parts is not permitted. When making repairs to equipment or components of this type, the relevant national regulations must be adhered to.
For Your Safety
For Your Safety
Copyright Information
This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form whatsoever or translated into any language without the prior, written permission of Dräger Safety.
Registered names, trademarks, etc. used in this document, even when not specifically marked as such, are protected by law.

Notices and Warnings

Notices and Warnings
Notices and Warnings

FCC Warning

This instrument has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B Digital Device, pursuant to Subpart B, Class B of Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is opera­ted in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interfe­rence to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a resi­dential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at their expense.

The Multi-PID 2 Intrinsic Safety (I/S) Notice

The Multi-PID 2 is classified for use in class I, division 1, groups A, B, C, D hazardous locations. T4 (135
The Multi-PID 2 has been listed by MET Laboratories, Inc., to comply with Underwriters Laboratories cally Safe Apparatus and Associated Apparatus for use in Class I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C, D Hazardous (Classified) Locations, Sixth Edition when powered by 83 23 622 or 83 17 670 Battery Pack. The Multi-PID 2 is not intended to detect combustible levels of gases. The Multi-PID 2 is classified for use in atmospheres containig combu­stible levels of gases.
Inc. UL
C) rating.
913 Standard for Intrinsi-
These optional accessories may be used with the Multi-PID 2 in a hazardous location:
Name and Discription Part No.
Calibration Regulator 68 10 688 Wrist Strap 83 17 673 Belt-Clip Holster 83 17 677 Carrying Case 83 17 664 User’s Reference Card 90 23 770 Long Sample Probe 64 05 411 Short Sample Probe 64 05 412 Tube Holder 83 19 093 Dräger Tube, Carbon filter CH 24 101 Sampling Tube (Activated Charcoal, Type BIA) 67 33 011 PID Pre-Filter Tube Benzene 81 03 511 Dräger Tube, Humidity filter 81 03 531 NiMH battery pack 83 23 622 Ni/Cd battery pack 83 17 670
Notices and Warnings
WARNING: Do not use any other accessories with the Multi-PID 2 in a hazar­dous location, danger of an explosion!
Substitution of components may affect safety rating.
CAUTION: To reduce the risk of fire or injury to persons, read and follow these instructions:
All calibration, maintenance and servicing of this device, including battery charging, must be performed in a safe area away from hazardous locations. Disconnect all power before servicing.
There are no operator replaceable parts inside the Multi-PID 2 except the battery pack, UV lamp and sample inlet filter.
There are no operator serviceable par ts inside the Multi-PID 2.
Notices and Warnings
For replacement battery pack use only Par t No. 83 23 622 or 83 17 670.
Do not dispose of the battery pack in a fire. The cells may explode. The battery pack must be disposed of properly. Check with local codes for possible special disposal instruc­tions.
Do not open or mutilate the battery pack. If the Multi-PID 2 is used in a manner not specified, the protection provided by the Multi-PID 2 may be impaired.
Exercise care in handling battery packs in order not to short the terminals with conducting materials such as rings, bra­celets and keys. The battery or conductor may overheat and cause burns.
Do not defeat proper polarity orientation between the bat­tery pack and battery charger.
Charging the battery is only to be done in a nonhazardous area.
Charge the battery pack using the AC adapter provided with or identified for use with this product only in accordance with the instructions and limitations specified in this manual. For AC adapter use only Part No. 64 05 428 (115 Volt AC), Part No. 83 17 661 (220 Volt AC). When using the AC adap­ter do not block access to AC outlet in use with adapter. AC adapter is not to be used in a hazardous area.

ATEX Directive and EMC Directive

Notices and Warnings
Model: Multi-PID 2 Photoionization Monitor Certified Intrinsically Safe/Securite Intrinséque. Class I, Division 1, Groups A B C and D. Maximum surface temperature 135°C T4.
Model: Multi-PID 2 TRL: 03ATEX21031X EEx ib IIC T4 (Ta = 0°C to +40°C) Dräger Safety, D23560 Lübeck, Germany
WARNING - Substitution of components may impair intrinsic safe. Avertissement - La substitution de composants peut compromettre la securite intrinsique. To prevent ignition of flammable or combustible atmospheres, disconnect power before servicing. CAUTION - To reduce the risk of explosion, only use AC Adapter and Serial Port or recharge the batteries outside of the hazardous location. Avertissement - Afin de prevenir l’inflammation d’atmosphères dangereuses, ne charger les batteries que dans des emplacements designes non dangereux. Use only Dräger battery pack Part No. 8317670 or 8323622 .
Notices and Warnings


1. All calibration, maintenance and servicing of this device, including battery charging, must be performed in a safe area away from hazar­dous locations.
2. Disconnect all power before servicing.
3. Do not open UV Lamp Cap when unit is energized.
4. Only use the AC Adapter in a safe area away from hazardous loca­tions
5. Only use the Serial Port in a safe area away from hazardous locati­ons.
To reduce the risk of fire or injury to persons, read and follow these instructions:
1. There are no operator replaceable parts inside the Multi-PID 2 ex­cept the battery pack, UV lamp and sample inlet filter.
2. For replacement battery pack use only Dräger Part No. 83 23 622 or 83 17 670.
3. There are no operator serviceable parts inside the Multi-PID 2.
4. Do not dispose of the battery pack in a fire. The cells may explode. The battery pack must be disposed of properly. Check with local co­des for possible special disposal instructions.
5. Do not open or mutilate the battery pack. If the Multi-PID 2 is used in a manner not specified, the protection provided by the Multi-PID 2 may be impaired.
6. Exercise care in handling battery packs in order not to short the ter­minals with conducting materials such as rings, bracelets and keys. The battery or conductor may overheat and cause burns.
7. Do not defeat proper polarity orientation between the battery pack and battery charger.
8. Charge the battery pack using the AC adapter provided with or iden­tified for use with this product only in accordance with the instruc­tions and limitations specified in this manual. For AC adapter use only Part No. 64 05 428 (115 Volt AC), Part No. 83 17 661 (220 Volt AC)). When using the AC adapter do not block access to AC outlet in use with adapter. AC adapter is not to be used in a ha­zardous area.
These optional accessories may be used with the Multi-PID 2 in a hazardous location:
Name and Discription Part No.
Calibration Regulator 68 10 688 Wrist Strap 83 17 673 Belt-Clip Holster 83 17 677 Carrying Case 83 17 664 User’s Reference Card 90 23 770 Long Sample Probe 64 05 411 Short Sample Probe 64 05 412 Tube Holder 83 19 093 Dräger Tube, Carbon filter CH 24 101 Sampling Tube (Activated Charcoal, Type
BIA) PID Pre-Filter Tube Benzene 81 03 511 Dräger Tube, Humidity filter 81 03 531 NiMH battery pack 83 23 622 Ni/Cd battery pack 83 17 670
67 33 011
Notices and Warnings
Do not use any other accessories with the Multi-PID 2 in a hazardous location.
Notices and Warnings



About this Manual

This manual provides detailed instructions for setup, operation and maintenance of the Multi-PID 2 Portable Photoionization Monitor.
Before unpacking the instrument, please read Warnings and Safety Practices. This section describes possible hazards that might injure the user, damage the instrument or compromise its operation. Some general safety information is also provided.
To help you learn to use the Multi-PID 2 quickly, this manual is organi­zed by tasks beginning with: — Using the Multi-PID 2 in “Using the Multi-PID 2” on page 25.. — Accessories are covered in “Connecting Accessories” on
page 43..
— Routine maintenance is covered in “Routine Maintenance” on
page 71..
— Troubleshooting techniques are covered in “Troubleshooting” on
page 87..
The Multi-PID 2 manual uses a few conventions for key names on the keypad and for text that is shown on the display.
» Display Text «
Texts shown on the Multi-PID 2 display are written with quotation marks, e.g.
The names of soft keys are also written with quotation marks, e.g.
" select " .
In the text you will find various warnings and notes.
NOTE: A note indicates significant information.
» Enter current time « .
WARNING: A warning indicates an operation that could cause personal injury if precautions are not followed.
CAUTION: A caution indicates an operation that could cause instrument damage if precautions are not followed.

Warnings and Safety Practices

Please read the Notices and Warnings section of this user’s manual before operating the Multi-PID 2.

Approved Models of the Multi-PID 2

This manual provides operational information for all models of the Multi-PID 2. The Multi-PID 2 is intrinsically safe and approved for use in hazardous locations. Refer to the Notices and Warnings section of this manual for details of each approval.
Throughout the manual, notes are provided to inform you of any limita­tions of usage for the Multi-PID 2 models.
WARNING: If the Multi-PID 2 you are using is not specifically identified as intrinsically safe with a label on the Multi-PID 2, do not use it in a location where flammable concentrations of gases and vapors may exist.

Excessive Heat and Cold

WARNING: Do not expose the instrument to intense sunlight for prolonged periods. Exposure to excessive heat or cold may result in erroneous readings.

Intended Use

The Multi-PID 2 measures the concentration of airborne gases and vapors that can be ionized by a photoionization detector. The Multi-PID 2 automatically displays and can record these concen­trations.
In the TVOC mode the Multi-PID 2 does not distinguish between individual compounds.
The reading displayed represents the total concentration of all pho­toionizable chemicals present in the sample. The Multi-PID 2 is fac­tory-set to display concentration in units of ppm.
Benzene is selectively measured in GAS mode.
This measurement requires the use of the PID pre-filter tube benzene. The pre-filter tube adsorbs all substances with the exception of ben­zene. Only benzene passes into the detector.

Multi-PID 2 Overview

Figure 1 – Multi-PID 2
: 0.0 : 2.9
clear m
: 0
The Multi-PID 2 operates automatically. The Multi-PID 2 display updates itself once per second. You can read concentrations directly from the display. The Multi-PID 2 will perform short-term exposure limit (STEL), time­weighted average (TWA) and REAL calculations when it is in INTER­VAL mode. You can view any of these results in INTERVAL mode.
The Multi-PID 2 has two datalogging options, TAG and INTERVAL mode. TAG mode allows the user to manually tag and store readings during a walkthrough. Interval mode allows the user to datalog at sel­ectable intervals of 3 seconds to 900 seconds. In INTERVAL mode, the STEL, REAL and TWA are calculated. If you select INTERVAL mode, these values are automatically recorded in the Multi-PID 2’s memory. The Multi-PID 2 can log up to 12,000 ent­ries.
In TAG mode operation, the Multi-PID 2 prompts you to locate a site and then to record a background and sample readings for the site. You can record up to 12,000 manual entries. There is no averaging of data in TAG mode. Tags are set via the PC using the Dräger GasVi­sion software.
Recorded data can be reviewed on the display or downloaded to a computer. Data are recorded by date and time.
The Multi-PID 2 has 5 keys for instrument operation. The keys are used to set up and calibrate the Multi-PID 2. All information entered with the keys and stored in the Multi-PID 2’s memory is retained when the instrument is switched off. The clock and calendar continue to operate and do not need to be reset when the Multi-PID 2 is turned on.

General Operation

The Multi-PID 2 is a microprocessor-controlled air monitor for measu­ring the presence of photoionizable compounds in air at parts-per-mil­lion levels. The block diagram in Figure 2 shows the main components of the Multi-PID 2.
Sample OutSample In
Display and
I/O Connector
Electrocal Connections
Figure 2 – Multi-PID 2 Block Diagram
The microprocessor controls the components of the instrument and interprets and records the signal generated by the photoionization detector (PID). Recorded data and setup information entered into the microprocessor’s memory are retained when the Multi-PID 2 is turned off.
A pump continuously pulls the air under test through the Multi-PID 2’s PID. The Multi-PID 2 converts the concentration of photoionizable compounds in the sample into an electrical signal. The microproces­sor subtracts any background from the signal and divides this signal by a sensitivity obtained by calibrating with a standard gas of known concentration. This concentration appears on the Multi-PID 2’s dis­play and, depending on the values entered through the Multi-PID 2’s keypad, an alarm status may be displayed and an audio signal may be heard.
Gas Connections
The Multi-PID 2 can detect thousands of different types of airborne gases and vapors and its response depends on the characteristics as well as the concentration of each compound.
The Multi-PID 2 does not distinguish one type of compound from another, but displays a number indicating the total concentration of all photoionizable compounds in the sample.
A standard of isobutylene at a known concentration may be used for setting the sensitivity. If the Multi-PID 2 is calibrated with isobutylene, it displays concentrations in units equivalent to ppm of isobutylene. If isobutylene were the only photoionizable chemical in the sample, then the Multi-PID 2 would display its concentration directly.
The Multi-PID 2 responds more or less readily to other chemicals than it does to isobutylene. Because it has a medium sensitivity to isobuty­lene, this gas has been chosen as a reliable means of reporting an average concentration of total ionizable compounds present.
Gases other than isobutylene can be used to calibrate the Multi­PID 2. However, all response factors are based on an isobutylene calibration.

Photoionization Detector

The photoionization detector (PID) is shown in Figure 3. The PID mea­sures the concentration of photoionizable chemicals in the gas stream from the sample inlet and produces an electrical signal for the microprocessor.
A UV lamp generates photons which ionize specific molecules in the gas stream. The permanent air gases (argon, carbon dioxide, nitro­gen, oxygen, water vapor, etc.) require a relatively high energy for ioni­zation, and are not ionized by the UV photons. Many of the compounds considered pollutants, including most hydrocarbons, are ionized.
The gas stream is directed into the PID through a small port at the center of the UV lamp window and through a series of larger ports around the perimeter of the lamp window. This arrangement permits a high sample flow rate and short response time.
Sample Out
Lamp Power
UV Lamp
High Voltage Excitation
+125 Volt
Detector Cell
Sample In
UV Light
Counter Electrode
Figure 3 – Photoionization Detector
Lamp Driver
Light Sensor
UV Lamp
M + hn M+ + e
Measuring Electrode
Ionized Molecule
The ionized molecules in the detector cell are subjected to the electric field between the electrodes. This generates a current which is proportional to the concentration of the ionized molecules in the detector cell. An amplifier converts the current to a voltage which is then fed to the microprocessor.
The UV lamp is operated by a high voltage lamp driver circuit which injects its energy through plates in the lamp holder. The lamp driver power supply is controlled by the microprocessor based on a feedback signal from a light sensor on the driver circuit board.

Unpacking Instrument

Remove the Multi-PID 2 from its shipping box. The following accesso­ries are included with the Multi-PID 2:
1. Sample Probe
2. Instrument Manual
3. Multi-Tool
4. AC Adapter or AC Adapter with AC Line Cord
5. Wrist Strap
6. Replacement Sample Inlet Filters (25 pieces)
7. Reference Card
Ensure that all of these accessories have been included with the instrument. If any items are missing or damaged, contact Dräger Safety immediately.

Support Equipment and Consumables


For normal operation these items are required:
1. Calibration Gas Regulator (Part No. 68 10 688).
2. Calibration gas containing 100 ppm isobutylene (Part No. 68 10 687). Other concentrations of the calibration gas may be re­quired. This will depend on your application.
3. Zero air (clean dry air without any organic impurities) There are several alternatives for clean or zero air calibration: you
can use a bottle of clean air (certified as having not more than
0.1 ppm total hydrocarbons) connected directly to the instrument; the clean air can be transferred to a Tedlar bag which can then be connected to the instrument; clean, ambient air without detectable contamination; or, ambient air run first through the charcoal filter (Part No. CH 24 101).
4. If compound threshold limit values (TLVs) are exceeded, you should use a gas bag for sampling and calibration.
To determine the TLV of the compounds contained in the calibra­tion gas, refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) supplied with your calibration gas cylinder.

Field Operation

For field operation, the Multi-PID 2 Field Kit (Part No. 83 17 663) is available. The field kit includes a cable kit, a carrying case and a calibration regulator, and a spare battery pack.
Refer to the check list in on page 41 to ensure you have all the neces­sary accessories and equipment before beginning field operation.


The Multi-PID 2 may also be connected to a computer. The computer must be a Windows Use the cable kit (Part No. 83 17 667) to connect the Multi-PID 2 to the computer. Stored datas are evaluated using the Dräger GasVision software (Part No. 83 14 034).
-based PC.
WARNING: The Multi-PID 2 is not classified for use in hazar­dous locations when connected to a computer, danger of an explosion!.

Using the Multi-PID 2

Using the Multi-PID 2
Using the Multi-PID 2

Battery Charging

Before beginning operation of the Multi-PID 2, the battery pack must be charged. You can also remove the battery pack and replace it with a fully char­ged spare battery pack (Part No. 83 23 622 or 83 17 670).
NOTE: You must use the 220 V battery charger (Part No. 83 17 661) in order to comply with the requirements of the applicable Council Directives.

Removing and Replacing the Battery Pack

WARNING: Do not remove or recharge the battery pack in a hazardous location. danger of an explosion!
To remove the battery pack:
1. If the Multi-PID 2 has been turned on, turn it off by pressing the ON/OFF key for five seconds and then releasing it.
NOTE: If you do not turn the Multi-PID 2 off before removing the battery pack, you will reset the instrument and you will lose all logged data and setup parameters.
2. Locate the battery hatch on the back of the instrument. See Figure 4.
3. Loosen the two Phillips screws in the top of the battery hatch.
4. The battery hatch can now be removed.
5. Lift the battery pack out of the case and carefully disconnect the battery pack connector from the Multi-PID 2.
6. Attach the connector from the charged battery pack to the Multi-PID 2.
NOTE: The connector is polarized. It will only fit one way. Do not force the connection.
7. Place the battery pack in the Multi-PID 2 case. Ensure the battery wires are not pinched or strained.
8. Ensure the wrist strap ring is in proper position. This ring holds the wrist strap in place.
9. Replace the battery hatch and then replace the two screws. Do not overtighten the screws as you will damage the case.

Charging the Battery Pack

NOTE: Only use the AC adapter specified for use with the Multi-PID 2. Using another AC adapter will result in damage to the battery pack, the Multi-PID 2 or the adapter itself.
To charge the battery pack:
1. Plug the AC adapter into the jack located on the bottom of the Multi-PID 2.
2. Plug the AC adapter into an AC outlet. If you are using the Euro­pean AC adapter, ensure the correct plug is installed on the line cord. If it is not correct for the wall outlet in your area, then it must be replaced.
3. The Charge LED on the Multi-PID 2 indicates the charge state. Red indicates the battery is being charged. Green indicates the battery is fully charged and ready for use. It is normal for a fully charged battery to indicate it is charging (red light) when first plugged in. The Charge LED will turn green within a few minutes to indicate the battery is fully charged.
4. When the battery pack is fully charged, remove the AC adapter first from the wall outlet and then from the Multi-PID 2.
Using the Multi-PID 2
Figure 4 – Battery Pack Removal and Replacement
Using the Multi-PID 2
Charging a fully discharged battery pack will take approximately 4 hours.
Optionally you can use the off line charger (Part No. 64 05 404) to charge the battery pack when not installed in the Multi-PID 2.
If you are charging the battery pack in the instrument you can use all the features of the Multi-PID 2 while the battery pack is being char­ged.
Leaving the AC adapter connected to the Multi-PID 2 will not harm the battery or the AC adapter in any way. If the Multi-PID 2 is to be left unused for an extended period of time, leave it connected to the AC adapter so that the battery will be fully charged and ready for opera­tion.
On average a fully charged battery pack will provide 8 hours of conti­nuous operation. Battery life is shorter if the instrument is turned off and then on again repeatedly, or if the backlighting is turned on.


The Multi-PID 2 has a graphic display for reporting detected concen­tration and to guide you through configuration options. All functions of the Multi-PID 2 will be reported on the display.

Graphic Display

The Multi-PID 2 uses an 8 line graphic display. The display will always be used for reporting detected concentration. In order to accommo­date the range of concentrations the Multi-PID 2 can detect, the meter reading will be reported using one of two resolutions. A resolu­tion of 0.1 ppm will be used for concentrations below 100 ppm, and a resolution of 1 ppm will be used for concentrations above 100 ppm .
Multi-PID 2
9/3/2006 10:09
: 0.0
: 2.9
view clear menu
PPM : 0.1 0:05
Using the Multi-PID 2
Figure 5 – Multi-PID 2 Display
The display reports instantaneous concentration at all times when the pump is on. In Interval mode, the display will report instantaneous concentrations as well as REAL, STEL or TWA.
The Multi-PID 2 is designed for ease of use with a logically organized internal menu structure/user interface.
The Multi-PID 2 User Menu is shown in Figures 6 and 7. The Multi-PID 2 has three soft keys under the graphic LCD display,
which always show the available functions of the soft keys in any screen.
Using the Multi-PID 2

Multi-PID 2 User Menu

Unit Setup Switch to TVOC mode Data Log Options
back select
GAS mode
Unit Setup Switch to TVOC mode Data Log Options Clear values Edit Alarms Sample Collection
User Mode Units Clock Date format Backlight Language Passcode
Clear data log Download to PC
Unit Setup Switch to GAS mode Memory slots
back select
Logging Off Sample
Enter current time –– Enter current date
on off
English German
Change Passcode or lock / unlock instrument
Figure 6 – User Menu, GAS mode
STEL alarm: REAL alarm:
Enter sample liters
Enter new STEL Enter new REAL
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