Dräger Flame 5000 Technical Manual

Dräger Flame 5000
Colour CCTV Flame Detector
Technical Manual
Technical Manual
2 - 34
For Your Safety .................................................................................................................... 3
Intended Use .......................................................................................................................6
Operation .......................................................................................................................... 20
Maintenance ......................................................................................................................21
Fault Finding ..................................................................................................................... 23
Technical Specifi cations ................................................................................................... 24
Approvals ........................................................................................................................... 26
Accessories ....................................................................................................................... 27
Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity ............................................................................... 28
Approval Certifi cates ......................................................................................................... 29
For Your Safety
For Your Safety
Strictly follow the Instructions for Use
Any use of the device requires full understanding and strict observation of these instructions. The device is only to be
used for the purposes specifi ed herein. This manual should be carefully read by any individuals who have or will have
responsibility for using or maintaining this product.
The Dräger Flame Detector 5000 must be inspected and serviced at regular intervals and a record kept. Repair and
general over-haul of the device may only be carried out by trained service personnel. We recommend that a service
contract be obtained with Dräger Safety UK Ltd and that all repairs also be carried out by them.
Under no circumstances should the detector housing be opened in a hazardous area. Detectors contain no user-
serviceable parts and should never be opened, other than for access to the terminal compartment. Under no
circumstances should any components be substituted. Failure to comply with this requirement may invalidate the
hazardous area certifi cation or disturb the critical parameters of the Dräger Flame Detector 5000 resulting in damage
to the device or failure to detect fi res. Observe the chapter ‘Maintenance’.
Use in areas subject to explosion hazards
The Dräger Flame Detector 5000 is certifi ed for and intended for use in potentially hazardous areas. Equipment and
components which are used in explosion-hazard areas and which have been inspected and approved in accordance
with international or European explosion-protection regulations may be used only under the specifi ed conditions. The
equipment or components may not be modifi ed in any manner. Do not drill holes in any housing, as this will invalidate
the explosion protection.
Check that the materials used in the construction of this detector are compatible with the environment in which they
will operate, and that they will not be aff ected by any anticipated contaminants. The detector should not be used in an
oxygen enriched atmosphere.
The purpose of the Dräger Flame Detector 5000 is to detect a fl ame or fi re. It may be installed in areas that contain
potentially explosive atmospheres, thus it is vital for your safety and that of others that its functions are understood and
that every aspect of installation, commissioning and maintenance are carried out correctly.
This manual is intended to inform you of all aspects of the Dräger Flame Detector 5000. However, if you are in any
doubt about any part of these instructions, any function of the equipment, or any operating procedure, please contact
Dräger Safety or your local distributor.
For Your Safety
Information on power consumption and operating voltage of the detector can be found in the specifi cations section of
this manual. This should be read and taken into consideration when specifying cable core sizes to be used. In addition,
local regulations should be considered before wiring the system and installation should be completed by appopriately
trained personnel.
During system tests or maintenance, it is important that any control equipment is inhibited to avoid unwanted actuation
or alarms.
Dräger Safety UK Ltd.
For Your Safety
Safety Symbols used in this Manual
While reading this Manual, you will come across a number of warnings concerning some of the risks and dangers you
may face while using the device. These warnings contain “signal” words that will alert you to the degree of hazard you
may encounter. These words, and the hazard they describe, are as follows:
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in physical injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in damage to the product.
Intended Use
Intended Use
Dräger Flame Detector 5000
For use in an area which may contain potentially explosive atmostphere. Used to monitor and trigger the necessary
control actions upon the detection of fi re or fl ame in a given environment
Understanding t he System
Principle of Operation
The Dräger Flame Detector 5000 can operate ‘stand alone’ or can be integrated with an approved control system.
Detectors are typically located throughout the installation in order to achieve specifi c detection coverage and ensure
that site performance requirements are met. All detectors are capable of providing live colour video images and fi re
alarm/fault signalling to the control equipment. Each detector incorporates within a single unit an imaging device,
digital signal processing hardware, and fi rmware algorithms to process live video images and recognise fl ame
features. The detectors are capable of operating independently: external control equipment is not required for normal
functions. However, if an external controller is installed then certain additional features become available, such as
remote confi guration and fi rmware management. A remote operator can interrogate the detector and, during an alarm
situation, visually verify the hazard. Each detector can be individually confi gured to operate seperately as a Flame
detector only, or Video Surveillance camera, or as a combined unit.
Detector Overview
The detector unit is comprised of two primary components, the detector enclosure, and the detector assembly. The
detector assembly should not be disassembled or tampered with in any way. The detector is shipped pre-assembled
and comes complete with all parts required for installation, including the bracket but excluding the client mounting
support, glands and cabling.
Optical Test
The camera implements an optical check for faulty or contaminated optics. The check measures the contrast in images
captured from the video sensor. If the contrast falls below a certain level, the detector will signal an optical fault. Optical
testing in the Visual Flame Detector can also be verifi ed manually using the Dräger FS-5000. Another manual method
is simply to view the video from the detector, if the video-out is connected.
Detector Sensitivity
The Dräger Flame Detector 5000’s response to a fi re depends on the fuel source and how it is released, fi re size and
distance, orientation to the detector and local ambient conditions. The typical parameters can be made available by
contacting Dräger Safety UK Ltd.
Explosion-Protection Approval
The explosion-protection approvals are valid fo use of the device in gas/vapour-air mixture of combustible gases and
vapours under atmospheric conditions. The explosion-protection approvals are not valid for use in oxygen eriched
atmostpheres. In the case of unauthorised opening of the enclosure, the explosion-protection approval is void.
Intended Use
Do not open the enclosure in the presence of an explosive atmostphere.
All permits and proper site procedure and practises must be followed and the equipment must be isolated from the power supply before opening the enclosure in the field.
Field of View
The sensor can detect fi res of 0.1m2 or greater, at 44m within a 90° horizontal fi eld of view. The detector will only
respond to visible fl ames within the fi eld of view. Hence the detector will not to certain common sources of false alarms
such as refl ected fl are radiation. This also reduces the likelihood of cross-propagation of alarms caused by fi res or
combustion products of fi res burning out with the fi eld of view.
The detectors should be aligned to view the intended hazard taking into account any obstruction and congestion.
Software analysis of the actual detector coverage may be required to ensure adequate coverage of the hazards. This
analysis can also be used to optimise the number of detectors and the loop confi guration.
Visual Flame Detector does not have a traditional cone of vision like other IR fl ame detector’s. The detector’s fi eld of
view is a rectangular pyramidal shape and represents a radial projection of the detector’s rectangular sensing element.
The illustrations below show the Field of View and range for a fi re of 0.1m2.
-165˚ 180˚
Horizontal Field of View Vertical Field of View
Installation of the Dräger Flame Detector 5000
Installation of the Dräger Flame Detector 5000
In considering the application of the Dräger Flame Detector 5000 it is important to know of any conditions that may
prevent the detector from responding. The detector provides reliable response to visible fl ames within its fi eld of view,
and insensitivity to common false alarm sources.
Solid obstructions or a direct view of intense light sources may interfere with the detector sensitivity. Scaff olding or
tarpaulins in the detector’s fi eld of view may reduce coverage. Contamination of the detector window may result in a
reduction in sensitivity.
The detector provides a live colour video image for surveillance of the protected area. As with conventional video
cameras the detector should not face directly towards the sun or a brightly lit scene. In such conditions the detector’s
automatic exposure control would darken the image in order to avoid overexposure; the resulting picture may be too
dark for surveillance purposes. To obtain the best possible picture the detector should be facing away from the sun.
In the case of an off shore vessel or platform, the detector should ideally be placed facing inwards towards the plant
and with minimal view of the horizon.
The detector has a horizontal fi eld of view of 90° and a vertical fi eld of view of 65°. The location and orientation of the
detector in relation to the protected area determines the actual footprint. Achieving the desired coverage depends on
congestion within the protected space, the location of the detector(s) and the distance of the detector from the hazard.
It may be necessary to install more than one detector within an area in order to achieve adequate coverage.
The detector sensitivity, expressed as fi re size at a distance, is determined visually by the apparent size of the fi re. This
is a function of the fuel source, how it is released and distance from the detector to the fi re. The detector response
time is relatively independent of fuel type and/or distance.
In common with other forms of fl ame detection, the detector’s sensitivity is reduced and potentially blinded by dense
obscurants such as smoke, fog and other airborne particulates. The detector is insensitive to arc welding, however
should not be conducted within 1m of the detector.
Mechanical Install.
Detector Enclosure
The Draeger Flame Detector 5000’s electronics are housed in an enclosure certifi ed for use in a hazardous areas. The
enclosure comprises of:
Front enclosure cover (including the faceplate window)
Rear enclosure cover.
Enclosure body (with certifi cation label).
Mounting bracket.
The mounting bracket allows the detector’s vertical orientation to be adjusted from 0-45°, and allows a horizontal
rotation of ±45 °.
Installation of the Dräger Flame Detector 5000
Detector Enclosure with Bracket
Sighting requirements
Observe the following:
Ensure the mounting position is free from vibration or movement
Prevent accidental knocking or forcing out of alignment
Where snow or ice build-up is likely, the heater should be enabled
To ensure the best possible video image the detector should be facing away from the sun
Isolate as far as possible from local electrical interference sources
Ensure suffi cient detection to achieve adequate coverage for all likely hazards
Minimise exposure to contamination of the detector face plate
Ensure ease of maintenance access to detector (i.e. direct, ladder or scaff old access)
All these issues are of crucial importance to a successful installation, and they should be given great attention during
the detailed design, construction, and commissioning phases of the work.
Do not drill any holes in the housing as t his will invalidate t he explosion protection.
Do not open the enclosure in the presence of an explosive atmosphere.
Installation of the Dräger Flame Detector 5000
Exposure to Flare Radiation
Flame detectors are frequently used where hydrocarbon fi re hazards are expected; these are quite often processing
plants where a fl are stack is in use nearby. The detector should not have a direct view of the fl are.
Flexibility of mounting location
The detector requires a clear unobstructed view of the potential hazard. In order to avoid local obstructions, such
as pipe-work and cable trays, a 2m helix should be provided in the detector cable to allow local repositioning of the
Mounting Arrangements
Firm, vibration free mountings are essential for the operation of optical systems and the detector should, wherever
possible, be fi xed to rigid mountings.
Thermal Disruption
Thermal convection plumes and exhaust gas plumes generally exhibit a visual ‘mirage’ eff ect. In most cases this does
not aff ect detector operation or sensitivity. The detector does not respond to black body radiation near the exhaust.
Optical Contamination
There are many sources of contamination such as oil, water (deluge water, rain and sea-spray), snow, ice, and internal
misting. The design of the detector incorporates an internal heater in order to resist condensation and ice build-up.
Excessive contamination of the detector faceplate may result in an increased maintenance requirement and potentially
reduce the detector’s sensitivity.
Where detectors are mounted at low level, care should be taken to avoid contamination (such as water and oil) from
equipment above the detector. Care should be taken in sighting the detector to minimise the likelihood of such
Fog, smoke and other similar airborne contaminants aff ect the detector’s sensitivity by reducing the detector’s range.
Enclosed Areas
In enclosed areas, if dense smoke is expected to accumulate at the onset of the fi re, the detectors should be mounted
1-2m below the ceiling level.
The mounting bracket
The detector mounting bracket is designed to allow the detector to be mounted from a horizontal plane. The bracket
supplied with the detector and the dimensions of the fi xing holes are illustrated on the following page.
Installation of the Dräger Flame Detector 5000
Detector mounting bracket Detector mounting bracket dimensions
Dimensions shown in Millimeters
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