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November 22 , 2016
Firmware Version 5. 3L
Revision History
November 22, 2016
April 13, 2016
March 24, 2016
June 1, 2015
Minor Updates
Added steps to s et up Kenwood Radio
Keyed 202 Added
Initial ODOT Release
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NetGuardi an G5 Overview11
About This M anua l22
Shippi n g Li st32
Port Alloc ation3.16
Optional Accessories46
Hardw are I n stal l ation612
Tools Needed6.112
Power Connecti on6.313
LAN Connection6.415
Telco Connect ion6.517
Alarm and Control Relay Connections6.617
Alarm and Control Relay Connector Pinout Table (832A)6.6.118
Alarm and Control Relay Connector Pinout Table (864A)6.6.219
Discretes 1–24 Connector Pinout Diagram (832A)6.6.320
Analogs1–6/Discretes 25–32/Relays 1–8 Connector Pinout Diagram (832A)6.6.421
Discretes 1- 48 Connector Pinout Diagram (864A)6.6.522
Analogs 1-6/Discretes 49-64/Relays 1-8 Connector Pinout Diagram (864A)6.6.623
Analog Dipswitc hes6.6.724
Integrated Temperature and Battery Sensor (Optional)6.6.825
Data Ports6.726
Connecting NetGuardian Acc es s ories6.7.127
GLD/ECU Expansion Port (RS-485)6.7.227
Hardware Options6.827
Integrated 10/100BaseT Ethernet Switc h (Optional)6.8.128
Integrated T1/E 1 P ort6.8.228
GSM/GP RS or CDMA Wireless M odem Top Board (Optional)6.8.330
+12 or +24 VDC Sensor Power Supply6.8.431
Hardware Acc eleration (SSL/SS H)6.8.532
Integrated 8 Additional Serial Data Ports6.8.632
Analog Step Sizes
Wireless M odem Act i vation
D-Wire Sensor Inputs6.8.733
Optional 66 Block Connect or (832A)6.933
Connecting D-Wire Sensors
Optional 66 Block Connect or (864A)6.1036
Optional Hinged Wire-Wrap Back Panel6.1138
Lexan Wire-Wrap Cover6.11.139
Optional Hinged Pluggable Back P anel6.1240
Optional Hinged Amphenol Back P anel6.1343
Alarm and Control Relay Connector Pinout Tables (KDA 864)6.13.146
Bypassing Pass word6.1548
LCD Display749
Alarm and Control Status Mes s ages7.149
LCD Command Menu7.250
Sound off7.2.151
Run Config7.2.351
Alarm S pea ker852
Front Pan el LEDs953
Back Pa nel LEDs1054
Configuring the Ne tGua rdi an1155
RADIUS Authenticat ion (Available as of Firmware 5.0I)11.155
Connecting to the Ne tGua rdi an1255
... via Craft Port12.155
... via LAN12.257
TTY Interface1358
Est ablis hing an SSH Sess ion13.159
Unit Configuration13.259
Ethernet Port Setup13.2.159
T1/E1 W A N Sett i ngs
New! Backup Mode
SFP Fiber Connecti on (For Fiber Build Option)13.2.261
Edit P PP P ort13.2.362
Tune 202 Modem13.2.463
RADIUS Configuration13.2.564
New! - TTY Command Mode13.2.765
DSCP Configuration13.2.868
Monitoring the NetGuardian13.3.172
Monitoring Base Alarms
Monitoring Ping Targets
Monitoring and Operating Relays (Controls)
Monitoring Analogs
Monitoring Syst em A larms
Monitoring Data Port Ac t ivity
Monitoring the Accumulation Timer
Monitoring DSCP Devic es
Viewing Live Target Pings13.3.277
Proxy M enu13.3.378
Event Logging13.3.478
Back ing Up NetGuardian Configuration Data via FTP13.3.579
Reloading NetGuardian Configuration Data
Debug Input and Filter Options13.3.680
Reference S ection1481
Display Mapping14.181
System Al arms Dis play M ap14.1.184
SNMP Manager Functions14.288
SNMP Granular Trap Packets14.389
Trap SNMP Logic14.491
ASCII Conversion14.591
RADIUS Dictionary File (Available on Resource Disk )14.692
Frequently Asked Que stions1593
General FAQs15.193
SNMP FAQs15.295
Pager FAQs15.396
Techni ca l S up port1697
End User Li cense Agre ement1798
NetGuardian G5 Overview1
Fig. 1 . 1. The NetGuard ian has all t he to ols you nee d to manage you r remote site.
The NetGuardian G5 — The Intelligent RTU for Complete Site Management
The NetGuardi an G5 is a RoHS 5/6-complia nt, LAN-ba sed, SN MP/DCPx remote tel emetry unit. T he
NetG uardi an has all th e too ls you n eed t o manage yo ur remote site s, includi ng bu ilt-i n ala rm monit oring,
pag ing and e mai l capab ilities that can eliminate the ne ed fo r an al arm master.
With the Ne tGua rdi an, yo u can:
·Monito r 32 di screte a larms, 32 pi ng al arms, an d 8 analo g alarms
·Contro l remote site equ ipment via 8 terminal server ports an d 8 control rel ays
·Monito r your remote site f rom anywh ere using the NetGu ardia n's built -in Web Browser Interface.
·Report alarms to multi ple SNMP man agers or th e T/Mon NOC Alarm Monitoring System.
·Report alarms via LA N or dia l -up conn ection.
·A utomati cal ly send pager and email a larm noti f ications 24/7.
·Connect multiple concurren t users via Telne t ove r LA N to tel ecom switches, servers, radios,
PBX s an d oth er equ ipment.
·Monito r discrete and analog t hreshol d ala rms.
·Ping IP netwo rk devices and verify that th ey're onli ne and op erati ng.
·NEW! Backu p Mode: Redund ant L AN conn ectivi t y.
New: The NetGu ardian G 5 suppo rt s serial bau d rate s up t o 115 , 200, addi t ional RS485 for GLD/ECU
exp a nsion pol li ng port , trip le CPU speed for faster processing, optional b uilt-in 4-port switch (tie d to
NET2), optional external t emperature sensor, analog rea dings accurate to within +/- 1 %, du al 10 / 100
NICs (isolated ) repla cin g the 10BaseT NICs, SN MPv2 c, SNMPv2c Inform trap, an d SNMPv3.
TIP: This is the ba sic installation (hardware) manua l. For softwa re and web configuration manua ls,
ple a se refer to ap pro p ri at e manua l on th e Resource CD provi de d with yo u r un it , v isit
Stand-a l o n e local visibili ty
Y ou don't ne ed an alarm master unit to monito r your site with t he NetGuardian . With t he NetGua rdian's
bui lt-in Web Bro wser Interface, you can access the NetGu ardia n, view alarms and control remote site
devices from any comput er anywhere in your network.
24/7 pager and email alerts - no master needed
Out of the box, the NetGua rdian support s 24 / 7 pager and email repo rt ing. Send alarms directly to
mainte nance technician s in t he fi eld, eve n when no one's in th e offi ce.
Connect via LAN to telecom switc h es, s ervers, radios and more
Each of the NetGua rdian's eight serial ports can be i ndividuall y confi gured to serve as a craft port, a
channel port or a T CP o r UDP reach-through p ort, giving y ou LAN-based terminal server access to up t o
eig ht serial devices.
NEW - RADIUS Authenticatio n (As o f fi rmware v5.0I)
Tak e the securit y of your alarm remote s to t he ne xt leve l with RADIUS aut hentication. N ow t he
Net G uardian G 5 can in t eract w ith you r R ADIUS server , in t egrat in g it as part of your enterprise
Reports to multipl e SNMP managers and T/Mon NOC simultan eousl y
The NetGuardi an reports to both the T/Mon NOC Alarm Monito ring System and any SNMP manager.
Y ou can simultaneo usly fo rwa rd ala rms from the NetGu ardia n to T/ Mon NOC and multiple SNMP
managers at multiple IP addresses. Alarms can also be configured t o dispat ch to one, some, or al l
SNMP managers.
Fig. 1 . 2. You r Ne t Guardia n will come with a label o n the f ront panel that wi ll in clu de th e Produ ct Number,
Seria l Number, a nd MAC Addresses. This will help you if you ever n eed to contact DPS ab out your
device. Th e barcod e and seri al number can be used to f acilia t e your int ernal tracking.
About T h i s Manual2
There are t hree separate user manual s for t he NetGua rdian G5 : t he Hardware Manual (which you're
read ing now), the N GEditG5 U ser Manu al, and th e NetG uardi an G5 Web Interface User Manual.
This Hardwa re Manual prov ides instructions for hardware i nstallation and using t he TTY interface. The
NGEditG 5 and Web Interface User Manuals, inclu ded on th e NetGuard ian Resource CD, provide
instructio ns for configurin g the NetGu ardian using the Wind ows-based N GEditG 5 utility software o r t he
Web I nterface.
Ship p i n g L i st3
While unpacking the NetGuardian, plea s e make sure that all of the following items are included. If some parts are
missing, or if you ever need to order new parts, please refer to the part numbers liste d a nd call DPS Telecom at
(80 0) 622-3 314.
NetGuardia n 832A G5: D-PK-NETG5-12001 NetGuardian G5 Hardw are
NetGuardia n 864A G5: D-PK-NG864-1 2001 Manual D-UM-NETG5
NetGuardia n G5 Resource CD DB9M-DB9F Download Cable 6 ft.
(inclu d es manual s, MIBs, and softw are) D-PR-045-1 0-A-04
Two Ethernet Cables 14 ft. Telephone Cable 6 ft.
D-PR-923-10B-14 D-PR-045-1 0A-01
23" Ra ck Ears 19" Ra ck Ears
D-CS-325-10A-01 D-CS-325-1 0A-00
Eight 3/ 8" Ear Screws (F ) Four Stand ard Rack Screws (H)
2-000-60375-05 1-00 0-12500-0 6
Four Metric Rack Screws (G) Three 3/4 -Amp GMT Fuses (B)
2-000-80750-03 2-74 1-00750-0 0
Two Large Power Connector Plugs for Main Po wer (C)Four Cable Ties
2-820-00862-02(Sixteen with hing ed pan el)
4 Pin Ana l o g Conn ector (D)Pads (E)
A B C D E F G H Optional
Screws an d connectors a re packaged in a sealed hardware kit, s h o wn above
(Hardware kit contai n i n g a WAGO connector)
Optional Items
Two 3/4-Amp GMT Accesso ry Fuses (A)One Small Connector for Sensor Output
External Temperature Sensor20 ft. External Temp erature Sensor
Port Allocation3.1
Locate d on t he top of the unit in the back le f t corn er is the Port Allo cat i on Sti cker. Thi s sticker i nclude s
your part number (D-PK-NETG 5-### ##.# #### ), wh ich specifies your bu ild option. The table belo w i t lists
your port allo cation. T his label display s serial electrical inf ormation abo ut ea ch o f t he po rt s, fo r exa mpl e
if th e port hardware is config ured for RS232 , RS4 85, 202, e t c.
Optional Accessories4
Y ou can e xtend the capab ilities of th e NetG uardi an th rough accessory units that prov i de greate r discrete
ala rm capacity, remote audiovisual alarm not ificati on, v isual surv eill ance of remote sites, an d oth er
options. If you wo uld like to o rder an y of these accessories, or if you would like more in f ormation about
them, call DPS Telecom at (800) 622 -3314.
NetGuardia n Expans i o n (NetGuardian 832A/8 64A DX G5)
The NetGuardi an G5 expansions provide and additional 32 al arms for your NetGu ardian 83 2A model or
64 p oint s for your 864A, providi ng a t otal of 12 8 or 25 6 alarms with 3 expansio n uni t s. Each e xpansion
comes stand ard with an additional 8 con t rol rel ays and 8 analog inp uts, and is avai labl e with an optio nal
8 po rt hub. (Opt iona l builds are also avail able witho ut contro ls, anal ogs, or both.)
NetGuardia n Expans i o n (NetGuardian DX G4)
The NetGuardi an Ex pansion G4 provides an additi onal 48 discrete and 8 relay contro ls. Up t o thre e
NetG uardi an Ex pansions can be daisy-chained off on e N etGuardian, prov idin g a to t al of 176 discrete
and 32 analo g alarm point s.
NetGuardia n Expans i o n
The NetGuardi an 480 (NG480) Expansion provi des an addit iona l 80 alarms and 4 relays. With 80
discrete al arm inp u ts, yo u can ea sily fo rward al l the al a rms of a small to medi um-sized site.
NetGuardia n E16
A dding the N etGuardian E1 6 provides an ad diti onal 16 alarm points and 16 contro ls. One N etGuardian
E16 u nit may be used per NetGua rdian 832 A/864 A G5 re mote. In this config urati on, th e E16 must be t he
last un it in t he chain. Having only 1 seria l port, it cannot forward traff ic to a subsequ ent RTU.
General LCD Display (GLD)
The General LCD Display (GLD) is a small wall-mou nted remote termin al fo r the NetGuardia n. The LCD
display shows system status and a larm messages, and th e bui lt-in spe aker giv es an audible no t ice of
ala rms. Up to 1 2 GL Ds can be daisy-cha ined off th e NetG uardi an.
NetGuardia n Si teMON IPD-PK-CAMRA
The NetGuardi an Sit eMON provides security surveil lance o f remote sites. The SiteMON con nects to
either th e NetG uardi an's inte grated 10/ 100BaseT switch or a separate 1 0/100/10 00 switch. Site MON
images can be accessed d irectly f rom the Sit eMON 's Web Browser Inte rf ace or T/GFX. You can also
mount t he camera at harsh weather site s with t he wide-temp chassis design.
Hinged W i re-Wrap Bac k Panel
For 19" ra ck: D-PK-NGPAN-12002For 23" ra ck: D-PK-NGPAN-12006
The hinged wire-wrap b ack pan el provides wire-wrap con nection s for t he NetGua rdian's alarms and
control relays.
Plugga b l e Barrier Panel
For 19" ra ck: D-PK-NGPAN-12021For 23" ra ck: D-PK-NGPAN-12007
The pluggab le barrier p anel provides screw-lug barrie r plug connections for th e NetG uardi an's alarms
and con t rol relays.
Hinged Amphenol Back Panel
For 19" ra ck: D-PK-NGPAN-12027
The Hinged Amph en ol Back Panel easily allow s f or Upgrades fr om a KDA864 to a NetGuardian
NetGuardia n 3288 Test Fixture
Every DPS product is rigo rously tested before shi pping, and th e NetG uardi an Te st Box allows
techni cia ns to ve rify e very discrete a larm input, control rel ay, and volt age-b ased an alog alarm in put on a
NetG uardi an G5. Th is time-tested t ool i s no w a vailab le to you as the NetGuardia n 3288 Te st Fi xture
(known casuall y as the "NetG uardi an Te st Box"). With 32 di screte a larm toggles, 8 a nalog knobs, and 8
control relay LEDs, yo u can ve rify every alarm input and control output o n your N etGuardians in a
control led wa y.
Discrete A l arm Inputs:32 (e xpanda ble to 80, 128, or 176 in G5 model)
64 (e xpanda ble to 112, 160, or 2 08 in 864A model)
Analog Ala rms:8
Analog I np u t Ra n g e:(–94 t o 94 VDC or 4 to 20 mA)
Analog Accuracy:+/- 1% of A nal og Range (See Analog Step Sizes)
Control Relays:8 Form C (ex pandabl e to 1 6, 24, 32)
Maximum V o l tage:60 VDC/120 VAC
Maximum Current:1 Amp, AC/DC
Ping A larms: 32
Protocols:SNMPv1, SN MPv2 c, SNMPv3, DCPx, DCPf, TRIP, SNPP
with Hardware Accelera t ion b uild option).
Interfaces:9 RJ4 5 Yost serial ports (17 RJ45 p orts with th e 16S top board
2 RJ4 5 10/ 100 full-dupl ex Etherne t ports (1 port tie d int ernal ly to
- if switch opt ion is purchased)
1 RJ1 1 tel co j ack
2 50 -pin amphenol conn ectors (discretes, controls, and an alogs)
1 4-p in screw connector (analo gs)
With Fiber top -board build op t ion: 4 10/1 00/ 1000 copper Ethern et
ports AND 2- 1000 Ba se-X SFP Fibe r ports
With D-Wire top-boa rd buil d optio n: 1 RJ11 D-Wire port
With WAN top -board build op t ion: 1 Rj45 WAN port
Physical Dimensions:1 . 720" H x 17. 026" W x 8. 136"D (Ne t Guardian 83 2A)
(11.250"D with hinged Wire Wrap A dapt er)
1.720"H x 17.026"W x 9.636"D (N etG uardi an 864A)
(12.750"D with hinged Wire Wrap A dapt er)
Weight:4 lb s. 3 oz. (1.9 kg)
Mounting:19" or 23" ra ck
Power Input
Volta g e Options I n clude:–48 VDC nomin al (–3 6 to – 72 VDC)
(Optional) –24 VDC nominal (– 18 to –36 VDC)
(Optional) Wide Ra nge –24/–48 VDC (–18 to –58 VDC)
(Optional) +24V DC (+18 t o +36 VDC)
(Optional) +12V DC (+11 t o +18 VDC)
Current Draw :300 mA at 48 VDC (1 60 0 mA a t 24 VDC)
GMT Fuse:3/4 amp recommended
Sensor Power Output
Volta g e Output Options :+12 VDC
+24 VDC
Output Current:Up to 2 50 mA at ei t her +12 or +24 VDC
Input Current Draw :May in crea se b y 150 mA a t 48 VDC
GMT Fuse:3/4 amp re commende d
Modem:33.6 K int ernal
V i sual I n terface:LCD display
16 b icolor L EDs
5 un icolor L EDs (10 wi t h Switch Optio n)
Audible Notifica ti on :A larm speak er
Operating Temperature:32° to 140° F (0° to 60° C)
Storage Temp erature:-22° to 176° F (-30° t o 80° C)
Indus trial Temperature Option:-22° to 158° F (-30° t o 70° C)
Operating Humidity:0%– 95% n oncond ensing
MTBF:60 years
Windows Com p atibility:Windows 95, 9 8, NT, ME, X P, 2000 , Vista, 7 3 2/64 bit
*RoHS 5 Approved
Note: Th is equi pment ha s be en te sted and f ound to comply with the li mits for a Class A d igital device,
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rule s. Th ese limits are designed to provide reasona ble p rotectio n
aga inst harmful interfere nce when the equip men t is opera t ed in a commercial environmen t . This
equ ipment gene rates, uses, and can rad iate radio frequency energ y and, if not installed an d used i n
accordance with the instruction man ual, may cause harmful interfere nce to rad io communicatio ns.
Operation of thi s eq uipmen t in a re sid enti al are a is likely to cause h armful in t erfere nce in whi ch case the
user will be require d to correct th e interfere nce at hi s own exp ense.
Hardware Installation6
Tools Needed6.1
To install t he NetGuardian, you'll need the f ollowing t ools:
Phillip s No. 2 Sc rewdriverSmall Standa rd No. 2 Screwdriver
Wire Strippers/CutterWire Wrap Gun (if h i n g ed w i re wrap p anel is
Punch Down Tool (if 66 bloc ks are used)PC with NGEditG5 s o ftware
Fig. 6 . 2.1. T he NetGua rdian can be f lush or re ar-mounte d
The NetGuardi an moun t s in a 19" rack or a 23" ra ck using the pro vided ra ck ears for ea ch size. Two
rack ea r locations are provi ded. Attach the app ropriate rack ears in the flush-mount o r rear-mount
locati ons shown in F igure 6.2.1.
Note: Rack e ars can be rot ated 90° fo r wa ll mount ing or 180 º for othe r mou nting opt ions (not sho wn ).
The Grounding Lug o n th e bac k of the unit provides a perma n ent con n ection to
earth ground w h en con n ected. The Grounding Lu g must be used in order to
com ply with standards.
Grounding Lug and Sym bol
Power Connection6.3
Fig. 6 . 3.1. Power conne ctors an d fuse.
The NetGuardi an has two screw terminal ba rrier plug p ower connectors, located on th e left sid e of the
back p anel. (See F igure 6.3. 1.)
Before y o u connect a power supply to the NetGuardian, test the voltage of y o u r po wer supply:
·Connect the b lack common lead of a voltmeter to t he ground termina l of the ba t t ery, and connect
the re d l ea d of the v ol t mete r to th e ba tte ry 's –48 V DC termin al . The v ol t mete r shoul d rea d
between -36 and –7 2 VDC. I f t he readin g is outsid e this ran ge, test the p ower suppl y.
·I f yo u r N e tGuardia n h as the -24 VDC power conn e ctio n op t io n , th e n th e vo l tmete r shou ld rea d
between -18 and -36 VDC.
·I f yo u r N e tGuardia n h as the +12 VDC power conne ctio n op ti o n, the n the v o lt o meter shou l d re ad
between +11 a n d +18 VDC.
To connect the NetGuardian to a p o wer supply, follow these steps:
1. Remove th e fuse from the ba ck pan el of the N et G ua rd ia n. Do not reinsert the fuse until al l
connection s to the unit have been made.
2. Remove t he power conne ctor plug from Power Con nector A. Note tha t t he pl ug can b e inserted
into the power conn ector only one way - this en sure s that the barri er plug can o nly be rei nserted
with the correct polari ty.
Note: that the –48V terminal i s on the left and the GND terminal is o n th e right.
3. Use th e gro u nd i n g lu g to conne ct the un i t to ea rt h gro u n d. Th e g ro un d i n g lu g is nex t to th e
symbol. Insert the eyelet o f t he ea rt h ground cable between t he two bolts on the groundin g lug
(Gro und cab le no t includ ed).
4. Insert a battery ground int o the power con nector plug 's right terminal and t ighten th e screw
5. Insert a –48 VDC line to the plug's left term inal and tighten its screw.
6. Push the power connector pl ug fi rmly back i nto the po we r con nector. If the power fe ed is
The Grounding Lug o n th e bac k of the unit provides a perma n ent con n ection to
earth ground w h en con n ected. The Grounding Lu g must be used in order to
com ply with standards.
Grounding Lug and Sym bol
connected correctly, the LED by the conne ctor will li gh t GREEN. I f t he po larit y of the power feed
is reve rsed , t he LED will no t illuminate .
7. Repeat Steps 2–4 fo r Power Connector B.
8. Reinsert th e fuse to po wer th e N e tGuardia n . The fro nt pan e l LEDs will flash RED and GREEN.
To connect the NetGuardian to a p o wer supply using a WA GO conn ector, fol l o w these steps:
1. Remove the 2 fuses (A& B) from the ba ck pan el of the N etG u ard ia n. Do not reinsert the fuses until
all c o n n ection s to the unit have been made.
2. Remov e the WA GO powe r con nector. Note tha t t he pl ug can b e inserted in t o the power conn ector
onl y one way — t his ensures tha t t he barrier p lug can only be reinserte d with t he correct polarit y. Note
that the –4 8V termin al is on Slots 1 and 3 and the GND termin al is on Slots 2 and 4 when cou ntin g
from left t o right.
3. Use the gro u n di n g lu g to conn ect the un i t to e a rth gro u n d . Th e gro u nd i n g lu g is nex t to the
symbol.Insert the eyelet o f t he ea rt h ground cable between t he two bolts on the groundin g lug (Gro und
cable not i ncluded).
4. Insert a battery ground into the power connector plu g's slots 2 and 4 by pushi ng down on t op of t he
app ropriate slot of the WAGO conn ector with a screwdri ver and inserting the wi re int o the slo t , t hen
rele asing the screwdrive r. Insert a –48 VDC line to the plug's slots 1 and 3 using the same method a s
Inserting a -48 VDC Line i nto Sl ot
1 of WAGO Connector
Fig. 6 . 4.1. T wo 10/1 00 Ethernet ports (With Switch)
Fig. 6 . 4.2. T wo 10/1 00 Ethernet ports (Without Swi t ch)
RJ45 Et herne t Co nnection
6 Receive In – (RI–)
3 Receive In + (RI+)
2 Transmit Out – (TO–)
1 T ransm it O ut + (T O+)
Fig. 6 . 4.3 Etherne t port p inou t
5. Push the power conne cto r plug f irmly ba ck into t he po we r con nector. If the power fe ed is connected
correctly, the LED by the conn ector will ligh t GREEN. If t he po larit y of the power feed is rev ersed, th e
LED will not i lluminate.
6. Rein sert the fu ses to power the N e tGuardia n . Th e fro n t pa n el LEDs will fla sh RED and GREEN.
LAN Connec tion6.4
For enhanced security, t he NetGua rdian G5 has two 10 / 100 Ethernet po rts. Ea ch p ort has its own
separat e IP address and subn et, so you can safe ly conn ect one port to your private company L AN and
the othe r t o the public I ntern et.
There is no ro uting bet we en Net 1 and Net 2, th is ensures that both con nections are independe nt of
each other. By d efau lt, ou t bound da t a traff ic from the NetGuardian 832A wi ll be sent over Net 2. Only
outbound da t a tha t is specifically directed to Net 1, usually t he Company's LAN, will be sent t o Net 1. To
use bot h net wo rk interfaces, be sure Net1 and Net2 are on sep arate Subnet Masks.
To use o nly one o f t he network inte rf aces, set e ither Net1 or Net2 to IP add ress being u sed and set the
unu sed network IP subnet an d gateway t o 255 . 255.255 . 0. If your NetGuardian ha s the 4-port hub build
opti o n , u se N et 2 , whi ch is connected to the H u b . Both po rt s are stand ard RJ4 5 po rt s that ta k e standard
RJ45 Ethe rn et cable s. I f the IP conne ctio n i s OK, the LN K LED will lig h t SOLID GREEN when t he cabl e
is connected .
The NetGuardi an G5 un it with t he in t egrat ed switch comes with t wo physical 10/1 00 Ethernet ports. The
standa rd G5 uni t wi t hout t he switch comes equipped with two physical E t herne t ports. The switch is
internally t ied t o NET 2 and any one of it s four port s can be used fo r uplink.
Build Opti on: NetGuardian G 5 with G i gE Fiber Top Board
If your NetGuardian G5 was ordere d with t he G igE Fiber top bo ard, 1 000Ba se SFP inte rf ace must be
used. The SFP p orts are in t ernally con nected t o the 4 port switch and NET 2.
Fig. 6 . 4.4. Back panel o f Ne t Gu ardia n G5 with fiber
Telco Connection6.5
Fig. 6.5.1. Telco jack
The rear panel t elco ja ck (see F igure 6.5.1) connects the NetGuardi an internal mode m to a standa rd
pho ne line for dial-up access and pager alarm not ificati on.
RJ11 Phone Line Connection
3 Ring
2 Tip
Fig. 6 . 5.2 Telco jack pinout
The pinout fo r t he Te lco jack is shown i n Fig ure 6.5.2, above.
Alarm a n d Con trol Relay Connec tions6.6
Fig. 6.6.1. Alarm and control relay connectors
The NetGuardi an G5's discrete alarm inpu t s, control rel ay o utput s, and fi rst six anal og alarm inputs are
connected thro ugh the two 50-pi n connectors labeled "Discretes 1–24" and "Analog s 1– 6/Discretes 25–
32/Re lay s 1– 8" on t he back pan el. Analog alarm input s 7 a nd 8 are connected th rough the f our-pin
connector labeled "Anal ogs 7–8 . " (See Figure 6.6. 1.)
Note: The N etGuardian's 864 A's discrete alarm inputs, contro l rela y output s, and first six analog a larm
inp uts are conn ected through the t wo 50-pi n conne ctors la bele d "Discretes 1–4 8" an d "Analog s 1– 6/
Discretes 49–64/Relays 1–8 " on t he ba ck panel. Analog ala rm in puts 7 and 8 a re conne cted thro ugh the
four-p in conne ctor labele d "A nal ogs 7–8."
6.6.1Al arm and Control R elay Connector Pinout Table (832A)
Discretes 1–25
126ALM 13
1338ALM 2
227ALM 14
1439ALM 3
328ALM 15
1540ALM 4
429ALM 16
1641ALM 5
530ALM 17
1742ALM 6
631ALM 18
1843ALM 7
732ALM 19
1944ALM 8
833ALM 20
2045ALM 9
934ALM 21
2146ALM 10
1035ALM 22
2247ALM 11
1136ALM 23
2348ALM 12
1237ALM 24
Discretes 25–32
ALM 25
126ALM 26
227ALM 27
328ALM 28
429ALM 29
530ALM 30
631ALM 31
732ALM 32
833Control Relays 1–8
934CTRL 2
1742Analog s 1–6
+–ADC 1
1944ADC 2
2045ADC 3
2146ADC 4**
2247ADC 5**
2348ADC 6**
2550Analog s 7–8
A nalogs 7–8
ANA 7 –ANA 8 +
ANA 7 +ANA 8 –
Table 6.6.1.A. Alarm and con t rol relay connector p inout for G5
Table 6. 6.1.A shows the pinouts for th e 50-pin con nectors "Discretes 1–24 " and "Analog s 1– 6/Discretes
25– 32/Relays 1– 8," a nd the pinout f or the f our-pi n conne ctor "A nalogs 7–8. "
Note that th e N etGuardian's control relays can be set for eit her Normally Open or N ormally Cl osed
ope ratio n. By factory d efault, all contro l relays are set to N ormally Open. You can reset a ll relays for
Normally Closed o perat ion a t t he hardware lev el by resetti ng a j umper on t he NetGuardian circuit bo ard.
Y ou can a lso configure th e control relays individually, using e ither t he Web in t erface or the NGEditG5
software utility.
For instructions on resetting control rela ys for Normall y Closed opera t ion, see t he section t itle d
ADC** chann els 4, 5, 6, and 8 may be un ava ilab le fo r exte rnal use. These a nalog channels are
sometimes conf igure d in hardware for monitoring A and B po we r f eeds, internal te mpe rature, and
ext ernal tempera t ure. For details reg ardin g yo ur uni t 's hardware, plea se re f erence the product
description appen dix .
6.6.2Al arm and Control R elay Connector Pinout Table (864A)
Table 7.B. Al arm and relay connection pi nout s for Ne t Guardia n G5 864
RTN* is the a larm return pin. Alarms on standa rd units are dry closure or groun d closure. Most uni t s will
have RTN interna lly t ied t o GND. However, special ha rdware a ssemblie s may h ave RTN isolate d from
GND. For details regarding your unit's hardwa re, pl ease refe rence the prod uct descriptio n append ix.
ADC** chann els 4, 5, 6, and 8 may be un ava ilab le fo r exte rnal use. These a nalog channels are
sometimes conf igure d in hardware for monitoring A and B po we r f eeds, internal te mpe rature, and
ext ernal tempera t ure. For details reg ardin g yo ur uni t 's hardware, plea se re f erence the product
description appen dix .
RTN 25
RTN 26
RTN 27
RTN 28
RTN 29
RTN 30
RTN 31
RTN 32
ANA 1 +
ANA 2 +
ANA 3 +
ANA 4 +
ANA 5 +
ANA 6 +
ALM 25
ALM 26
ALM 27
ALM 28
ALM 29
ALM 30
ALM 31
ALM 32
ANA 1 –
ANA 2 –
ANA 3 –
ANA 4 –
ANA 5 –
ANA 6 –
Fig. Pinout Diagram for Discretes 25–32/Relays 1–8 conn ector
Fig. 6. 6.5. 1- Pinout Diagram for Discretes 1-48 Connector
RTN* is the a larm return pin. St anda rd configurations ha ve this pin t ied t o GND. While it is possible to
change thi s confi guration t o utilize di f f erent t ypes of ala rms (i.e. T T L, Open Co llector, Battery Closure),
the ha rd ware must be ordere d in tha t confi gu rat io n. I t is NOT field-adjustable.
RTN* is the a larm return pin. St anda rd configurations ha ve this pin t ied t o GND. While it is possible to
change thi s confi guration t o utilize di f f erent t ypes of ala rms (i.e. T T L, Open Co llector, Battery Closure),
the ha rd ware must be ordere d in tha t confi gu rat io n. I t is NOT field-adjustable.
Note: Figure 6.6.5 . 2 is a special pino ut for a particular b uild of the NetG uardi an 864A G5 with out control
rela y s. It on ly ap pl ie s to the foll owi ng part nu mber: D-PK-NG864-12022.00001
6.6.7Analog Dipswitches
You can acces s t he analog dipswitc hes via the sliding hatch panel on top of the unit
The analogs are con t rolled by the dipswitches accessibl e via the top sli ding panel. For milliamp sensor
ope ratio n (current l oop), t urn the dipswitch on by placing it in th e up (ON) position. F or vo ltage
ope ratio n, place the dipswitch in t he down (OFF) position.
WARNING: Do not put the dipswit ches in the upward, O N position (current l oop mode)
unless you are sure of the analog setting. Having the dipswitch on puts a 250 ohm
resistor across the input li nes. Any voltage beyond 5V or 20 mA will damage
Se nsor Function
Analog I nput
Internal Temperature
analog input 4
Power Feed A
analog input 5
Power Feed B
analog input 6
Ext ernal Temperature
analog input 8
Analog Step Si z es and Accuracy
Input Vol ta ge Rang e
Resolution (Step Si z e)
0-5 V
.0015 V
+/- .05V
5-14 V
.0038 V
+/- .14V
14-30 V
.0081 V
+/- .30V
30-70 V
.0182 V
70-90 V
.0231 V
6.6.8Integrated Temperature and Battery Sensor (Optional)
Fig. The e xternal t emperatu re sensor
The opti onal inte grated temperature and batte ry sensor monit ors the ambi ent temperatu re and the
NetG uardi an's power i nputs. Th is option is av ailable only if it was ordered with your N etGuardian. T he
integrat ed tempe rature sen sor measure s a ra nge of 32° F t o 140° F (0° C to 60° C) with in an accuracy
of ± 1°.
Table 6.6 . 6.A. Integrat ed sensor an alog chann els
Y our integrated sen sors each o ccupy one of the unit 's 8 analo g chann els. Table 6. 6.6.A lists the an alog
channels used fo r t he in t egrat ed temperature and batt ery sensor. Note that these opti ons are factory
pre-set, based o n your build o ptio ns and cannot be adjusted. Step Sizes
Analog Step Sizes:
Y our Analog s are accurat e to wit hin +/- 1 % of th e analog range.
Table 2.J . Analo g step sizes and accuracy
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