DPS KDA 864 User Manual

For Microsoft™ Windows XX™, Windows ME™, and Windows NT™
“Your Partners in Network Alarm Management”
October 22, 2001
Firmware: 3.1A
Revision History
10/23/01 - UM00C.08103 Split Quick Start UM01A.22100) and User Manual.
Added BAS function. Supports firmware version 3.1A.
This document contains proprietary information which is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be pho­tocopied without prior written consent of DPS Telecom.
All software and manuals are copyrighted by DPS Telecom. Said software and manuals may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or used to make a derivative work, by either mechanical, electronic or any other means, in whole or in part, without prior written consent from DPS Telecom, except as required by United States copyright laws.
© Copyright 2001, DPS Telecom
The material in this manual is for information purposes and is subject to change without notice. DPS Telecom shall not be liable for errors con­tained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual.
D-SW-709 UM00C.08102 March 2, 2001 www.dpstelecom.com
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Section 1-Software Details
Site Definition, Hardware Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.2-1.3
Primary Docking Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.6-1.11
Secondary Docking Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.12-1.13
Base and Satellite Units, Alarms and Relays . . . . . . .1.14-1.16
Base Ports and Polling Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.16-1.17
Connecting to the KDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.18-1.19
First Time Satellite Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.19
Monitoring the KDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.20-1.25
Section 2-Troubleshooting
LAN Traffic and Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.2
Spy Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.2-2.3
Display Protocol and Connecting Software . . . . . . . . . . . .2.4
Help and Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.4
Section 3-Expansion Cards
4 and 8 Channel TBOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.2
8 and 16 Channel Analog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.3
Analog Scaling Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.4-3.5
Exp 832 Alarms and Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.6-3.7
LR-24 and SR-24 Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.8
Building Access Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.9
Section 4-Appendix
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.3-4.8
Terms and Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.2
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.1-5.4
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Edit Site Definition
Site Number
Arbitrary number 1-9999999 used for reporting alarms to T/Mon masters.
Site Name
Up to 24 characters. Descriptive only, does not affect system oper­ation in any way.
Up to 30 characters. Descriptive only, does not affect system oper­ation in any way.
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This screen describes the physical configuration of a KDA shelf assembly, which is made up of interconnected boards and modules and is usually established when the unit is purchased. Entries on this page inform T/KdaW of this hard­ware configuration, and affect how it communicates with all elements of the system. It also determines what will be displayed on other T/KdaW screens, so it is essential to fill this page out accurately before proceeding to the Docking Ports, Base and Satellite editing screens, or connecting with a KDA device.
Firmware Type
T/KdaW supports the following firmware type and versions:
• Standard versions 2.1G and later
• Timestamp version 1.4B and later
• KDA-E2A version 1.0B and later
• KDA832-T8 version 2.0 and later Certain features may not be available in all versions; any ver-
sion limitations will be noted. T/KdaW detects the firmware type and version of a particular KDA device when it connects to it, and will notify the user of any incompatibilities.
The program installed on the base KDA processor chip may be
identified through the KDA part number or the version number inscribed on the chip:
• Part Number KDA-864-01, 05 or 11
• Chip Version 2.1x. or 2.2x
• Part Number KDA-864-03, 08 or 09
• Part Number KDA-864-E2-01
Hardware Setup
D-SW-709 UM00C.08103 October 22, 2001 www.dpstele.com
Docking Modules
Docking Module 1
Piggyback board plugged into the left rear corner of the base KDA, usually used for communicating with an alarm monitoring device such as T/Mon via a dedicated line. May be identified through the part number inscribed on the assembly:
• RS-232: Part Number D-PC-635-10A-00
• T202: Part Number D-PC-635-10A-00
• RS422/RS 485: Part Number D-PC-655-10A-00
• RS-232 to NIA: uses fixed connection from RS-232 docking module to a DPS Network Interface Adapter (NIA): Part Number D-PC-770-10A-0V.
• For Dual RS422 and 212 pad, select RS422 for Docking Module 1 and T212 for Docking Module 2.
Note: The NIA may be used only with Standard firmware versions
2.1i and later, or Timestamp ver­sion 1.4m and later.
D-SW-709 UM00C.08103 October 22, 2001 www.dpstele.com
Docking Module 2
Piggyback board plugged into the left rear corner of the base KDA, usually used for communicating via a dialup phone line with T/Mon or T/KdaW. May be identified through the part number inscribed on the assembly:
T212: Part Number
Modem Types:
• T212: dialup modem
• T212D: dialup modem and DTMF decoder
• T212X: external modem
Number of Satellites
Number of satellite KDAs installed.
Auxiliary Displays
Number of General LCD Display (GLD) units and LED Bars installed.
Expansion Cards
In Base Unit Type of expansion card installed in base, if any.
In Satellites Type of expansion card installed in satellites, if any. Only the relay cards LR24 and SR24 are supported in satellites.
Note: a Network Interface Adapter (NIA) is not considered an expansion card, but is a com­munications device set up under Docking Module.
D-SW-709 UM00C.08103 October 22, 2001 www.dpstele.com
Edit Docking Ports
Primary Docking Port
This screen defines detailed parameters for docking modules spec­ified on the Hardware Setup screen. Available fields depend upon the module type installed. Available protocols depend upon firmware type.
Docking Modules
RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, T202 or T202F
Protocol Options:
DCPF is normally used when reporting to a T/Mon master. Other DCP-type protocols would only be used in special application.
TBOS may be used when reporting to third-party TBOS masters.
E2A is used only when reporting to E2A masters.
ClrChan is used only when the KDA is being used as a commu­nications link into an external serial device. The external device is plugged into the primary port. All alarm reporting is through the secondary port. The Clear Channel is established by calling into the secondary port, which establishes a pass-through connection to the primary port.
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DCP-Type Protocol Settings
Responder Baud Must match interrogator port setting, nor-
mally 9600.
Responder Parity Must match interrogator port setting, nor-
mally NONE.
DCP Address Must match the base address being polled
by the master.
Periodic Full Updates When checked, the KDA will generate a
full alarm status report every 250 polls, as opposed to the normal report that only gives changes. The polling master may also request full status reports. DPS rec­ommends leaving this unchecked, let the master take care of it.
Report Satellite Failures When the KDA is monitored by a T/Mon
Workstation, the T/Mon will monitor the status of KDA and its alarms. When and if a unit fails, the Report Satellite Failure option will report which unit has the fail­ure. Satellite failures are reported on display 33. Satellite 1 is reported on point 25, satellite 2 on point 26, and satellite 3 on point 27.
RTS Lead Time Time, in milliseconds, after serial port
RTS handshaking is asserted that data bits start to be transmitted. Ordinarily does not have to be changed, but may be adjusted if communications timing problems are encountered or delay is needed for relay keying.
RTS Tail Time Time, in milliseconds, after serial port data
transmission stops that RTS handshaking is cleared. Ordinarily does not have to be changed, but may be adjusted if communi­cations timing problems are encountered or delay is needed for relay keying.
Relay 8 Response to RTS When checked, on-board relay 8 closes
when RTS is asserted. This may be used to key an external radio transmitter, etc.
D-SW-709 UM00C.08103 October 22, 2001 www.dpstele.com
TBOS Protocol Settings
Responder Baud Must match interrogator port setting,
normally 2400.
Responder Parity Must match interrogator port setting,
normally ODD.
Report Satellite Failures When checked, reports satellite failures
in bit 65.
RTS Lead Time Time, in milliseconds, after serial port
RTS handshaking is asserted that data bits start to be transmitted. Ordinarily does not have to be changed, but may be adjusted if communications timing prob­lems are encountered or delay is needed for relay keying.
RTS Tail Time Time, in milliseconds, after serial port
data transmission stops that RTS hand­shaking is cleared. Ordinarily does not have to be changed, but may be adjusted if communications timing problems are encountered or delay is needed for relay keying (see below).
Relay 8 Response to RTS When checked, on-board relay 8 closes
when RTS is asserted. This may be used to key an external radio transmitter, etc.
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E2A Protocol Settings
E2A Address The address entered here is effective only
if DIP switches on the KDA board are all set OFF. Address must match the base address being polled by the master. (Satellite E2A addresses are set up auto­matically.)
Respond with relay status Check for yes, leave unchecked for no.
Display number is 5 when Respond with
relay status box is no.
Generate COS on Clear Yes indicates the KDA will issue a
Change of State (COS) report when an alarm clears. No indicates it will not issue a report when an alarm clears.
ClrChan Protocol Settings
Baud Data rate to use with the craft port inter-
face, normally 1200.
Parity Use with the craft port interface on the
primary docking pad, normally NONE.
Word Length Use with the craft port interface on the
primary docking pad, normally 8.
Password Up to 15 characters.
D-SW-709 UM00C.08103 October 22, 2001 www.dpstele.com
Docking Module
RS-232 to NIA
SNMP Protocol Settings
Unit IP Address Enter the IP address of the KDA, ranging
from to
Subnet IP Mask Enter the Subnet IP Mask of the KDA,
ranging from to
Gateway IP Address Enter the Gateway IP Address of the
KDA, ranging from to
Trap Manager IPAddress Enter the IP address for TRAP reporting,
ranging from to
Unit ID Assign an ID number from 1 to 255 if
there are other units on the net.
Community Names Get* Enter the numbers or letters as
assigned by the network administrator.
Set* Enter the numbers or letters as assigned by the network administrator.
Trap* Enter the numbers or letters as assigned by the network administrator.
Granular Trapping When checked, reports system status
using unique identification for each alarm or relay.
Pass-Through Baud Rate Enter the pass-through baud rate, default
is OFF. Use when connecting to an external device through the pass-through port.
D-SW-709 UM00C.08103 October 22, 2001 www.dpstele.com
* The Get, Set, and Trap community names create a method of security for responding to SNMP requests. The SNMP Manager will only respond to those SNMP requests that possess the commu­nity name defined here. Refer to your SNMP Manager for any SNMP Community names being used.
UDP Protocol Settings
Unit IP Address Enter the IP address of the KDA,
ranging from to
Subnet IP Mask Enter the Subnet IP Mask of the
KDA, ranging from to
Gateway IP Address Enter the Gateway IP Address of the
KDA, ranging from to
Unit ID Assign an ID number from 1 to 255 if
there are other units on the net.
Pass-Through Baud Rate Enter the pass-through baud rate,
default is OFF. Use when connecting to an external device through the pass-through port.
D-SW-709 UM00C.08103 October 22, 2001 www.dpstele.com
Secondary Docking Port
This screen defines detailed parameters of the docking module 2 specified on the Hardware Setup screen. Defaults vary depending upon the modem type installed.
Secondary Port Configuration
Site Phone Number Enter the phone number to dial to call
into the KDA.
Primary Reporting Number Enter the primary phone number the
KDA should call to report alarms.
Secondary Reporting Number Enter the secondary phone number the
KDA should call to report alarms.
D-SW-709 UM00C.08103 October 22, 2001 www.dpstele.com
Modem Unit String Number of Rings enter the number of
rings that the KDA should wait before answering an incoming call.
Callout Delay Sets the minimum time that the KDAwill
wait after a previous dialout attempt to either call in a new alarm or call an alter­nate number if a previous alarm was not acknowledged.
Baud Select from OFF, 1200, 2400 or 9600,
normally set to 1200.
Status Report Interval The time period between periodic alarm
status reports dialed from the KDA to T/Mon. A value of 0 for both hours and minutes disables periodic status report­ing.
Dialout Alarm Reporting Determines when the KDA will use the
dialup link to report alarms (as opposed to normal reporting via fixed connection on the primary port). This entry works in conjunction with an entry on the Alarms definition page for each individual alarm:
• When NORMAL, calls whenever a DIALALARM occurs, as specified on the Alarms page.
• When BACKUP, calls only when the primary port has failed, may be enabled-or disabled for individual alarms on the Alarms page.
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Alarms, Relays and Expansion Cards
This page defines the alarms, relays and expansion cards on a base or satellite board that will be monitored and reported by the KDA. Screens will vary depending upon hardware setup.
See section 3 for expansion cards.
Base and Satellite Units
Description Any useful name that may be attached to the
alarm, up to 21 characters. This name is copied to KDA internal memory when con­nected to standard firmware versions and later, or Timestamp firmware version. It is used only in the T/KdaW program itself. If alarms are being reported via SNMP, alarm descriptions are obtained from this entry. It otherwise has no effect on system operation.
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Normally Closed Alarms are essentially detected as
changes in the position of a switch. The KDA assumes that conditions are normal when a switch is open and triggers an alarm when it closes. In some applications this is reversed and the alarm occurs when the switch opens. Check Normally Closed if you have any alarms that are wired up this way.
Normal Dialout Dial Alarms if NORMAL dialup alarm
reporting has been selected under Edit Docking Ports - Secondary Port, alarms checked here will be dialed when they occur (they will also respond to any polls received on the primary port).
Backup Dialout Enable Dial Backup if BACKUP dialup
alarm reporting has been selected under Edit Docking Ports - Secondary Ports, alarms checked here will be dialed when they occur if communication fails on the primary port.
When Firmware Qual Time is the time period that an
alarm must be active before the KDA will consider it to be valid and start to report it.
Range and resolution depends upon Qualification Units.
Qual Units time units — tenths of sec­onds, seconds or minutes — referred to by the Qualification Time entry. Units apply to groups of eight consecutive alarms.
Use Alarm 1 If you are physically located near a KDA,
you can acknowledge alarms directly to the device. Wire up a switch(usually a push button) as Alarm 1, and check this entry to tell the KDA to treat it as an ack.
Activate Relay 1 When checked, closes Relay 1 whenever
an alarm on COS occurs and keeps it closed until it is ack'ed. This is often used to sound a buzzer, etc.
Type is Timestamp or E2A
for local ack
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