The CXY4000 and CXO4000 microphone holders are made for
stereo mounting of DPA Compact Cardioid Microphones Type 4021,
4022 and 4023. The holder s are made of black anodized aluminum
and ethyl propylene rubber rings to ensure durability and st ability.
For flexibility, the holders also include a thread adapter for attach-
ment to most common microphone stands.
CXY4000 features mounting
of two DPA Compact Cardioid
microphones in a coincident
intensity difference XY stereo
CXO4000 features mounting
of two DPA Compact Cardioid
microphones in both a coincident
XY stereo configuration as well
as in a near coincident ORTF
combined time and intensity
difference stereo configuration.
Choose the two hook s in
the middle for XY stereo and
the two hooks on the side for
ORTF stereo.
The two main principles in our perception of stereo are differences
between left and right channels in time arrival and/or in intensity.
In XY stereo, two identical microphones are placed in approximately
the same point – they are coincident. No time dif ference is present
between them. The stereo perception is based upon level dif fer-
ences, therefore this setup uses directional microphones, as they
offer attenuation to the sides. They give a level difference when
mounted with an angle between them. Several angles are seen but
most commonly used is 90°, which also is t he case with the
CXY4000 and CXO4000 in XY configuration. Other angles will result
in a change in the recording angle and the perceived stereo width.
The XY setup is very convenient because it is compact and has a
great advantage in being completely mono compatible since no
comb filtering will appear when left and right are summed to mono.
ORTF stereo (Of fice de Radiodif fusion Television Française –
French Broadcasting Organization). A combination of level and time
difference is used to obtain the stereo perception. Two identical
microphones are placed in an interaural distance of 17cm (approxi-
mately 7”) and an angle of 110° between the capsules. This dis-
tance is chosen because of its relation to the human head
- the avergae distance between the ears – and provides a stable
image, even when moving the head.
The ORTF setup has a more precise localization, a wider stereo
spread and more of t he pleasant spaciousness and dept h that
spaced microphones provide around the recording. In listening
tests, the ORTF tends to be preferred over many other systems
using cardioid microphones because it features a better compro-
mise between localization accuracy, low angle distor tion, sound
image sharpness and the more subjective warmth in t he ambience.
In order to receive an aut hentic reproduction of the tot al sound
field (direct and ambient sound elements) it is extremely important
to use microphones that have a linear and clean of f-axis response.
Likewise it is a critical factor, that the microphone manufacturer is
able to deliver two microphones t hat are identical within a narrow
tolerance. DPA Microphones fulfills these demands.
Typical applications:
• When you need to be mono compatible
• When you want to boom in stereo.
• Various stereo applications for broadcast use
• When heavy windscreens are needed in a simple setup
• When the microphone setup needs to be out of sight
• Close miking pianos
• Overheads for drum kits
• Hor n or string sections
• Choir s
• Main pair or additional spot pair for small or big acoustic
• Ambient surround recordings