The manufacturer agrees that its products shall be free from
ping advice, buyer may return it directly to Dove Systems, San
age in case of any failure to meet the conditions of any warranty of
shipping schedule, nor will claims for labor, loss of profits, repairs,
pressed or implied, are made by the manufacturer in connections
defects in material or workmanship over a period of one year from
date of shipment from the factory. Said warranty will not apply if
equipment is used under conditions of service for which it is not
specifically intended. The manufacturer is not responsible for damage to its apparatus through improper installation, physical damage, or poor operating practice.
If any device is found unsatisfactory under the warranty,
the buyer should notify the manufacturer, and after receipt of ship-
Luis Obispo, CA, shipping prepaid. Such equipment will be replaced or put in proper operating condition, free of all charges except transportation. The correction of any defects by repair or
replacement by the manufacturer shall constitute fulfillment of all
obligations to the purchaser. Manufacturer does not assume
responsibility for unauthorized repairs to its apparatus, even
though defective.
Manufacturer shall not be liable for any consequential dam-
or other expenses incidental to replacement be allowed.
No other representation, guarantees or warranties, ex-
12 Channel DMX controller
with the manufacture and sale of its equipment. This warranty is
non-transferable and applies to the original buyer only.
© 2001
Dove Lighting Systems, Inc.
Dove Lighting Systems, Inc.
3563 Sueldo Street, Suite E
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 USA
Phone +1 805 541 8292
Fax +1 805 541 8293

Setting Default Patch.............................................................................................5
Patching Dimmers to Channels..............................................................................6
to selecting dimmers. Select the dimmer you wish to control (using
the up and down keys). Use the right arrow to move over to setting
ate control channel slider to full. For example, if you are building a
output of the IQ512 will follow the adjustments as you make them.
Quick Start.............................................................................................................3
Making A Scene!...................................................................................................4
Lights Out!.............................................................................................................4
Using the Menu......................................................................................................5
Clearing the Patch Table........................................................................................5
Patching Channels To Dimmers............................................................................6
LIMITED WARRANTY.......................................................................................8
Patching dimmers to channels also allows you to “set a
look” on a control channel. To do this, select Edit Patch Table ->
patch channel @ dimmer @ level. To set the first “look” on channel 1, leave channel 1 selected. Use the right arrow to move over
levels. Use the up and down keys to adjust the level of this dimmer. Once this dimmer is set, use the left key to move back to selecting dimmers. Use the up and down keys to select the next
dimmer to set. Use the right arrow key to move over to setting levels. Again, use the up and down keys to set the level. Repeat this
until the “look” for this channel is set. You can then either use the
left key to get out of the menu, or use the right key to move to the
next control channel.
You can watch the look being built by setting the appropri-
look on channel 1, set the channel 1 slider to full. As you patch
dimmers to channel 1, you’ll see the effect on stage. The DMX
When you start building the look for channel 2, bring channel 1 to
zero and set channel 2 to full.