I. Q. 192
3563 Sueldo Street, Suite E
San Luis Obispo, California 93401
(805) 541-8292
IQ192MAN.WPD Ver. 1.2 05-06-97

As soon as you have received your equipment, open the boxes and examine the
contents. If the equipment in the carton does not agree with your order or the packing
slip, contact the factory immediately and we will be happy to help you. If any damage is
noted, contact the carrier immediately to file a claim for damages. You can be sure that
when the equipment left the factory it was in good condition, thoroughly tested, and
properly packed.
The I.Q.192 is a twelve channel lighting control console with standard DMX-512 output.
AMX-192 and 0 to +10VDC analog outputs are optional. A special hold mode gives it
the capabilites of a two scene console. The console has a grandmaster, two
submasters, and twelve channel sliders. It can softpatch up to 192 dimmers. There are
four modes of operation: play; hold; assign; and patch.
Proper connection of electronic lighting control equipment is very important. The I.Q.192
has been designed to make it as simple as possible. The I.Q.192 must be connected to
the dimmer pack through a control cable. The cable uses five pin XLR connectors for
standard DMX control. Four pin XLR and DB15 connectors are used on units with
optional AMX and 0 to +10VDC outputs. See page 7 for a hookup diagram.
In DMX and AMX systems, dimmer packs are hooked to the controller in series: the
cable runs from the controller to the first pack, from the first pack to the second pack,
and so on. In 0 to +10VDC systems, the cable may split and fan out to several packs.
The I.Q.192 requires a power input of +12 to +15VDC. This is usually made through a
power supply adapter included with the unit. Also it may be made through pin 13 of the
DB15 on units so equipped.
When the unit is properly wired it may be energized and tested (very important!):
1. Press the button under the mode window until a red "1" appears in the window.
2. Press the button under the slider labeled "A" until a red "0" appears in the window.
3. Press the button under the slider labeled "GM". The red "0" will wink out and on again.
4. Press the button under the mode window until a red "P" appears in the window.
5. Push the faders labeled "GM", "A", and "B" up to the tops of their slots.
6. One by one, run the sliders labeled "1" through "12" up and down and watch the lights.
Although there are only twelve channels, the I.Q.192 sends data for 192 DMX or AMX
dimmers. Channel 1 sends data to dimmers 1, 13, 25, and so on. These assignments, called

a softpatch, may be changed. See page 3 for instructions.
The four modes of operation are selected via the mode pushbutton below the display.
The mode determines the functions of the buttons. The slide controls are active in all
modes except the hold mode. The display window indicates which mode the unit is in: P
for play; H for hold, A for assign, and a number (e.g. 1) for patch mode. Press the mode
button to cycle through the modes.
Play Mode
Play mode is identified by a "P" in the display window. The dimmers come up in
proportion to the levels of the channel sliders. The dimmers may be assigned to different
channels in patch mode (see below.) The buttons act as bumps; when a bump button is
pressed, the level for that slide control goes to full. When the button is released, it
returns to the slider setting.
The grandmaster and submasters are proportional master controls. The outputs of the
submasters and channels are in proportion to the level of the grandmaster; the outputs of
the channels are in proportion to the levels of the submasters. Channel and submaster
assignments may be changed in assign mode (see below.)
Hold Mode
Hold mode is identified by an "H" in the display window. In this mode, the output levels
being sent to the dimmers are frozen, allowing the user to set up the next "look" on the
sliders. After the new levels are set, the user may initiate a timed fade, a manual fade,
or step immediately to the new scene. This is called "two scene" operation.
A timed fade is begun by pressing one of the channel buttons. The fade time
corresponds to the channel number: pressing the channel 5 button starts a 5 second
fade. The LED indicator for that channel will light, showing the fade in progress. The
fade time may be changed during a fade simply by pressing a different channel button.
Pressing the grandmaster will finish the fade immediately. The console will return to
play mode and the indicator LED will go off when the fade is complete.
A manual fade is accomplished using the grandmaster slider. After setting the new
channel levels, bring the grandmaster slider down all the way to zero. The LED indicator
under the Grandmaster will light, indicating that the fader is active. Bring the slider to full
at the desired rate. When the slider reaches full, the indicator will go out and the console
will return to the play mode.