3563 Sueldo Street, Suite E
San Luis Obispo, California, 93401
CMMANUAL Ver. 3.1 7-21-92

As soon as you have received your equipment, open the boxes and examine the
contents. If any damage is noted, contact the carrier immediately to file a claim for
damages. You can be sure that when the equipment left the factory it was in good
condition and properly packed.
If you find the equipment to be in accordance with your order and the packing slip, and
also in good physical condition you may read on to the section covering SET-UP AND
CONNECTION. If for some reason the equipment in the carton does not agree with
your order or the packing slip, contact the factory immediately and we will be happy to
help you.
Remove all packing material from the carton and set the controller on a smooth flat
surface. Proper connection of electronic lighting control equipment is very important.
The Controlmaster has been designed to make it as simple as possible. The
Controlmaster controllers must be connected to the dimmer pack through a control cable.
The cable uses standard DB15 connectors and can be any length.
This is a one-scene, six-channel controller with a master. Each channel has a calibrated
linear slide control. The master fader controls all the channels and must be up to allow
any channel to go to full. The bump buttons located between the faders will flash each
channel to full output regardless of the setting of the crossfader or the master. The red
blackout switch will black out all channels when activated (down) and will override all
other controls.
The CM-SS is factory set for 0-10 volts output and requires power from the dimmer.
The control connector is wired so that the pin number is the channel number. Pin 15 is
common, pin 13 requires +12 to +30 volts for power, and pins 7 through 12 are not
The CM-SS is not diode protected so that it cannot be used in parallel with another
controller. Diode protection and an AC power supply can be added as options. Consult
the factory for these modifications.
This controller has a pair of calibrated linear slide controls for each channel. These
slide controls make up the two scenes X and Y. When the X-Y crossfader is moved up
to the X position, the X scene is active and the scene X controls affect the lights. When
the X-Y crossfader is down, or in the Y position, the Y scene controls affect the lights.
The Master control affects all channels in either scene. It is a true proportional grand
master and must be up to allow any channel full output. The bump buttons located

between the faders will flash each channel to full output regardless of the setting of the
crossfader or the master. The red blackout switch will black out all channels when
activated (down) and will override all other controls.
The CM-TS has a timer to allow a linear timed crossfade up to 2 minutes 40 seconds.
When the timer is set to zero (counter-clockwise) the crossfade follows the X-Y
crossfader. When a delayed crossfade is set, the crossfade progress will lag behind
the X-Y crossfader. If the timer is set fully clock-wise and the X-Y crossfader is pushed
quickly from scene X to scene Y, then a straight, smooth linear crossfade will be
completed in 2 minutes and 40 seconds. The crossfade can be stopped or reversed at
any time by moving the X-Y crossfader. The timed crossfade can be speeded up or
slowed down at any time by readjusting the timer control. The master is not affected by
the timer in the Y scene but is affected by the timer in the X scene. Therefore, a timed
master fade-up or down is possible in the X scene. The green LED light is the power
indicator. The LED indicators next to the X-Y crossfader track the crossfade. When
the top LED is bright and the bottom LED is off, the X scene is active. During a
crossfade, one LED will become dim while the other becomes bright. The master
control will fade both LED's just as it does the channels.
The CM-TS has a footswitch option which plugs into the accessory jack in the back and
allows remote crossfades and remote blackouts. The crossfader must be in Scene X
(up) in order for the footswitch to work. The left switch is the crossfade and the right is
the blackout. The crossfade timer is fully functional with this accessory.
The CM-TS controllers can be slaved together in a daisy-chain to control 12 or more
channels. Two or more controllers are connected together at the accessory jacks. The
first controller becomes the master with its master and X-Y crossfader controlling all the
slaves in the chain. The slave units' masters and X-Y crossfaders are inactive but the
timers are all independently functional. Call the factory for more information on
master/slave arrangement.
The control connector is wired so that the pin number is the channel number. Pin 15 is
common, pin 13 is +15 and pin 14 is -15 volts. The controller requires + and - 15 volts
from the dimmer or an optional AC power supply. The output voltage is adjustable from
5 to 12 volts. The low end is not adjustable. Output voltage is factory set to 0 to +10
Read the owners manual carefully. Learn its applications and limitations as well as the
specific potential hazards associated with the product.