March 7, 2003
Dove Lighting Systems, Inc.
3563 Sueldo Street Unit E
San Luis Obispo, Ca 93401
+1 805 541 8292 fax +1 805 541 8293
dove@dovesystems.com / www.dovesystems.com

As soon as you have received your equipment, open the boxes and examine the contents. If any
House light controllers are an easy to use adjunct to stage light controllers for systems in which stage
Acceptable back boxes include, but are not limited to, the following:
Dove Systems reserves the right to make improvements and/or changes to the product described in
this manual at any time without notice. Although every effort has been made to provide accurate information, Dove Systems is not responsible for inaccuracies due to oversight, product improvements
and/or changes not depicted in this manual, or misuse of the product due to misinterpretation of the
material presented in this manual.
damage is noted, contact the carrier immediately to file a claim for damages. You can be sure that
when the equipment left the factory it was in good condition and properly packed.
If you find the equipment to be in accordance with your order and the packing slip, and also in good
physical condition you may read on to the next section. If for some reason the equipment in the carton does not agree with your order or the packing slip, contact the factory immediately and we will be
happy to help you.
lights are not in constant use but house lights are. With take control and off buttons, these controllers
may be linked in series for any number of stations. The output is 0 (off) to +10VDC (on full). They require between +12 and +15VDC from the dimmer pack as a power supply; an optional power supply
is available for use with dimmers that do not provide it.
A Physical Installation
The panels fit into standard back boxes (not included) for flush mount or surface mount installation.
HLC-1 & HLC-2:
Carlon B225R
Hubbell Raco 680/681/683/685/691/7834
HLC-3 & HLC-4:
Carlon B355R/CB355R
Hubbell Raco 686/692/7846
Hubbell Raco 687/693/7645

B Electrical Installation
nal. Jump the wires from panel to panel to the dimmer pack, keeping the same color wire in the same
The dimmer pack may use any of several analog control input connectors. Often the connection chart
Multiconductor cable, 22 to 18 gauge, is recommended. One conductor for each output channel and
three additional conductors are required. For example, the HLC-6 requires 6+3= 9 conductors. The
HLC-1 requires 1+3=4 conductors.
Wiring connections are made to the terminal strip on the rear of the circuit card on the rear of the panel. Control panels may be bused (daisy chained) together by wiring two conductors into each termi-
terminal every time.
The HLC panel terminals are labeled as follows:
terminal 1 Common
terminal 2 +12V
terminal 3 Clear
terminal 4 Out 1
terminal 5 Out 2
terminal 6 Out 3
terminal 7 Out 4
terminal 8 Out 5
terminal 9 Out 6
terminal 10 Clr
terminal 11 Take
terminal 12 +12V
Terminals 10, 11, and 12 are not used in standard installations but may be used for remote preset
applications. The remote preset requires additional equipment and wiring. An example diagram is
provided at the rear of the manual, but it is recommended to consult the factory before attempting
is screened on the sheet metal. If not, check with the manufacturer to be sure. Dove dimmer packs
may have any of three connectors: terminal strip (labeled as to function); DB15M; and DB25M. The
analog 0 to +10VDC standard states that the connector on the dimmer pack is male. The connector
from the controller is female.
The DB15 is wired as follows:
pin 1 channel 1
pin 2 channel 2
. .
pin 13 +12VDC
. .
pin 15 common

The DB25 is wired as follows:
The control signal output from the panels is 0 to +10VDC referenced to signal common. The common
pin 1 channel 1
pin 2 channel 2
. .
. .
pin 24 channel 24
pin 25 common
conductor must be wired from panel to panel to the dimmer pack. Failure to do so will result in no
panels working, some panels not working, or some channels dimming as others are raised.
The panels require a power supply of between +12 and +15VDC. This is usually supplied by the dimmer pack. Several HLC-6 panels may draw more current than the dimmer pack can supply, resulting
in flickering lights. If the dimmer pack lacks a power supply or cannot supply enough power, a simple
"wall wart" type supply of +12V 500mA or more may be wired at any station or the dimmer end and
plugged into a wall receptacle.
The clear line is wired from panel to panel but is not used at the dimmer pack.
Each house light output channel may control more than one dimmer input. For instance, a HLC-1
may control dimmers 1 through 3. Simply loop these control inputs together at the dimmer pack.
Panels of differing sizes, for instance a HLC-6 and HLC-1, may be wired together such that the HLC-
6 provides discrete control for each channel while the HLC-1 controls all channels. In this case, do
not loop the inputs together at the dimmer. Use diodes from the output from the HLC-1 to as many
channels as desired. Diodes must be wired into the HLC-1 to prevent signals from the HLC-6 from
backfeeding to other channels. Refer to the diagram at the rear of the manual.
When all connections have been made, the system may be energized and tested. The green and red
LEDs on all panels will glow slightly. If both LEDs are off at any panel, check the power supply connection. If a green LED is on but the red one is off, press the off button.
Press the take control button at the first panel. The green LED will glow brightly, and the red one will
go out. Run up the master slider. Then run up some channel sliders and watch the house lights go
up. Press the off button and watch them go out. Repeat this process at the other stations.
The green and red LEDs glow dimly when another panel has control. When the take control button is
pressed, the green LED glows brightly and the red LED is off. When the off button is pressed, both
LEDs glow dimly.
The take control button seizes control from all other panels in the chain. The lights come up to the
levels set on the sliders at that panel only. The master slider is a proportional control: the lights come
up in proportion to the master level. For instance, if the master is at 50% and channel 1 at 80%, then
channel 1 comes up to 50%*80%=40%. The off button turns off all panels in the system as well as