DMX512 to NSI Microplex
model: DMX2MPX
technical data sheet
The DMX to Microplex interface is capable of converting DMX512 to
NSI, Leprecon or Lightronics versions of Microplex. Since each of
these manufactures uses unique timings the DMX to Microplex
interface provides jumpers to configure the Microplex output.
DMX512 input is received via 5 pin male XLR connector. Microplex output is via a 3 pin female XLR connector.
A "pass-thru" 5 pin female XLR is also provided for the DMX signal. LED indicators display DMX input signal,
power and a Mimic of Microplex channel 1. A three digit thumbwheel switch is provided to set the starting address
as well as access single channel diagnostic mode (601-728).
Input signal: 250 Kilobaud, 0.2 volts minimum, 12 volts maximum
Input circuit: ESD protected EIA-485 transceiver (LT1785)
Input connector: Gold plated 5 pin male (Neutrik D-1 series)
Input pass through: Gold plated 5 pin female (Neutrik D-1 series)
All five pins are passed through
Option jumpers:
JP1 DMX times out in 1 second (Default)
JP2 64 Channel Output (Default)
JP3 Fast Output (Default)
Output signal:
64 Channel
128 Channel
Hold last look
128 Channel Output
Slow Output
70 Hertz 37 Hertz
38 Hertz Output 20 Hertz Output
Out put circuit : Hi-speed operat ional am plif ier (LF34 7)
Output connector(s): Gold plated 3 pin f emale (Neutrik D-1 series)
Output Pinout Pin 1 Common
Pin 2 N/C
Pin 3 signal
Pow er input: 100 - 120 volts, 50/60 hertz, 12 w atts (208 - 240 volt optional)
Color: Top, bot t om and sides: Silver hammer t one.
Front and back: Black.
Size and w eight: 6.5" deep, 1 .7 " high, 6.5" w ide, 2.7 pounds (19” rack adapter available)
Doug Fleenor Design, Inc.
396 Corbett Canyon Road
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
(805) 481-9599 voice and FAX
(888) 4-DMX512 toll free (888) 436-9512
web site: http://www.dfd.com
e-mail: info@dfd.com