DMX512 Enhanced Combine Unit
model: 221E- 621E
technical data sheet
The DMX512 Combine unit solves the problem of combining
multiple DMX input signals into a single DMX output signal.
The most common configuration of the unit allows two
consoles to control a single set of dimmer s in a highest
takes precedence or pile on mode. Examples of where this
might be necessary include booth console/stage manager's
console, primary console/backup console, and where one
console controls intensity of a moving light fixture while a second console is used for color and/or position. Units
with up to six inputs are available. More than six inputs can be accommodated using a Master/Slave arrangement.
Units that patch and/or route the DMX dimmer channels are available for applications where two consoles control
a single dimmer rack with loads in separate rooms. Such units prevent the operator in room "A" from bringing up
the lights in room "B".
The c ustom possibilities based on the DMX512 Combine Unit are alm ost endless. We can accept Colortran
Multiplex (CMX) on one or both inputs as well as output CMX. We can concatenate the two DMX inputs to form
a 1024 dimmer look up table and output from that table in any order in DMX or CMX protocols. In fact we probably
haven't thought of all the possibilities for this versatile product. If you have a custom need, give us a call. We like
to talk with our customers.
Baud rate: 250 Kilobaud
Input circuit: EIA-485 receiver with 120 ohm termination between +data and -data
Input connectors: Gold plated 5 pin male (Neutrik D1 series) Terminal Block Optional
Output circuit: EIA-485 driver
Output connector: Gold plated 5 pin female (Neutrik D1 series) Terminal Block Optional
Input to output delay: 1/100 second average 1/50 second maximum
Power input: 100 - 120 volts, 50/60 hertz, 12 watts (208 - 240 volt optional)
Power cord: Attached 5' 18/3 cord with parallel blade w/ ground plug.
Color: Silver hammertone with black front and back panels.
Size and weight: 11.25" deep, 1.74" high, 8.25" wide, 4.9 pounds
*All specifications meet or exceed DMX512 requirements
Doug Fleenor Design, Inc.
396 Corbett Canyon Road
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
(805) 481-9599 voice and FAX
(888) 4-DMX512 toll free (888) 436-9512
web site: http://www.dfd.com
e-mail: info@dfd.com
DMX512 Combine Unit -- Selected Features
The following in f ormation is provided to assist you in determining if the DMX512 Com bine Unit would be of benefit in your
installation. If you have any questions, please feel free to call, write, or FAX us.
Only one fiftieth of a second delay. No visible delay. Bumps are fast. Fades are smooth
No user adjustments. Easy "fool proof" installation.
Chassis is 1/10" powder coated aluminum. Rugged and attractive for years of service.
Two 1/2" holes are provided for clamps, Easily mounts to truss or pipes.
Carry handle allows access to connector Output connectors are easy to release, even with gloves on.
release tabs.
DMX pinouts are printed on the unit. Assists in proper control wiring.
Uses standard 5 pin connectors. Assures reliable connectability
All integrated circuits are socketed. Eases field service
Power and input signal indicators Simplifies system trouble shooting.
Dimmer 1 output level mimic. Verifies data is being received correctly
Internal power supply. No "wall wart" transformer to break off or come unplugged
Internally jumpered "hold" feature. Allows unit to hold the last received levels indefinitely.
Mr. Fleenor is active in ESTA, PLASA and
In the lighting industry since 1979. We'll be here if you need us.
5 year warranty. Peace of mind.
Products are designed to latest specifications
The DMX512 Combine Unit is based on a 20 MHz high performance microcontroller. The program is
written in assembly language for maximum speed. The unit accepts any DMX signal: DMX512,
DMX512/1990, 4 or 8 uS mark-after-break. The unit may be ordered to accept Colortran Multiplex on
one or both inputs allowing the U ni t to ser ve as an CMX to DMX combiner /converter. The unit may be
ordered to output Colortran Multiplex allow ing the U nit to serv e as a DMX to C MX combiner /converter .
Meeting custom requirements is our specialty. If your needs are not met by a standard pr oduct, contact
us for a quotation on your specific challenge.
Doug Fleenor Design, Inc.
396 Corbett Canyon Road
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
(805) 481-9599 voice and FAX
(888) 4-DMX512 toll free (888) 436-9512
web site: http://www.dfd.com
e-mail: info@dfd.com