Remote Address Device w/ ZIPI
model: RAD-ZIPI
Operation Manual
The RAD-ZIPI is a hand-hel d battery pow ered devic e which can test and set the DMX add ress for Altman
Spectra PAR and the Color Kinetics Color Blast fixtures.
The RAD is powered by a standard 9 volt battery. The battery can be changed by removing the back
cover. Power is turned on or off using the slide switch.
To set a fixtures address:
The RAD-ZIPI is connected to the DMX input of the power supply which is driving the fixtures. Doug
Fleenor Design power supplies must be s et to "000" . ONLY f ixtur es to be set should be connected. All
fixtures connected to the pow er s upply w il l be set to the n ew addres s w hen the RAD-ZIPI [SET] button is
Turning the RAD-ZIPI on:
After connecting the RAD-ZIPI to the power supply's DMX input, turn on the RAD-ZIPI by us ing the slide
switch on the bottom. The display will show ZIP briefly. It will then show 001.
Setting a DMX address:
Set the desired DMX starting address for the fixture using the buttons located below each digit of the
display. The fixture will accept values from 1 - 510 inclusive. When the display shows the desired DMX
address, push the [SET] button on the RAD-ZIPI. The fixture's red LED's will turn on followed by a numb er
of brief flashes. The programming takes abo ut 3 seconds. After the p rogramming is complete, the power
to the fixture may need to be cycled.
Testing a fixture:
Test the fixture by press the [TEST] button on the RAD-ZIPI. The addres s display ed on the RAD-ZIPI will
be tested. The fixture should flash red, green, blue continuously. The address being tested may be
changed while the test is in progress. The RAD-ZIPI's di spla y di gits cha se duri ng the t esti ng op erati on to
show that you are in the test mode.
The test mode is exited by pushing the [TEST] button again or by pushing the [SET] button. Note that
pressing the [SET] button w il l cause the test to stop and the RAD-ZIPI w il l be gin pro gra mmin g th e fi x ture
to the addr es s s hown on the display.
Power saver feature:
If the RAD-ZIP I is l eft on and is not i n test mod e, it w ill go into a p ower s ave mo de after about 3 0 seconds
of inactivity . A se gment of the center di git's displ ay wil l bl ink in this mode . To ex it the pow er sav e mo de,
press any button once. This will cause the RAD-ZIPI to resume normal operation. The keystroke used
to get out of power save mode will be ignored.
Doug Fleenor Design, Inc.
396 Corbett Canyon Road
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
(805) 481-9599 voice and FAX
(888) 4-DMX 512 toll free (888) 436-9512
web site: http://www.dfd.com
e-mail: info@dfd.com