Installation and Operation Instructions
Model ES2 entry station
The ES2 is a stand-alone DMX snapshot recorder which can store two preset scenes or
“looks”. It can be used as a stand-alone master station or it can be configured as a
remote slave station in conjunction with another ES2 configured as a master station. It
can be used as a slave station with Doug Fleenor Design’s Preset 10-A, Preset 10-A2,
or Rerun stations.
In slave mode, the ES2 has two buttons which can be assigned to remotely trigger any
of the presets/shows on a master station. There is also a recessed button which is
used to record presets and to set fade times when the ES2 is configured as a master
Each button has an LED which illuminates while its associated preset/show is active.
The third indicator is a bi-color LED. It is green when the active preset/show on a
master station is other than the ones represented by the buttons on the ES2. It is red
when DMX is coming in from a control console. It is yellow while any preset is fading.
The bi-color LED turns off while one of the local presets is active and not fading.
Back box selection
Any standard single gang wall box with a depth of at least 1.5 inches can be used for
the ES2. Raco models 590 and 660 are typical selections.
The ES2 uses the same wiring conventions and methods as the Preset 10-A. A single
5 pin pluggable terminal block is used for all connections. Daisy-chain topology must
be used for the DMX512 signal. Multiple “home runs” are not acceptable for DMX512
signals. The cabling used for the DMX512 signal must be suitable for high speed digital
data. Examples include Belden 9729 and 9829.
Power to the station must be 9 - 15 volts either AC or DC. The ES2 current draw is
120mA. Cabling for the station power should be #16AWG. The low voltage power can
be run in the same conduit with the DMX512 cable.
Wiring to the 5 position terminal block is as shown below:
Terminal Label Function
C DMX512 common (shield)
- DMX512 data minus signal
+ DMX512 data plus signal
C Power common (tied to DMX512 common)
V Power positive voltage
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Jumper settings
Prior to installation, the two jumpers on the rear of the ES2 should be set for the
operation desired. The jumpers have the following functions:
Master Station Master Station with
Recording Disabled
JP1 Installed Removed Installed Removed
JP2 Removed Removed Installed Installed
Prior to installing the ES2 into the back box, verify that all cabling is secure and that no
wire or part of the station can short to the box. Secure the station to the wall box using
the two #6 screws included with the ES2.
Slave mode
Slave mode operation (default configuration)
Pressing a preset button on the ES2 triggers one of the presets on the master station.
The green LED next to the button will illuminate to indicate that the preset has been
selected. The bi-color LED will turn yellow while the system is fading from the prior
lighting preset to the newly selected preset. The bi-color LED will turn off when the fade
to the new levels is complete.
If a preset is selected on the master station which can not be triggered by the ES2, the
bi-color LED will illuminate green. This shows that a preset is active, but it is not one
which the ES2 can access.
Slave Station
(factory default)
Slave Station Button
Mapping Mode
If a DMX-based console is transmitting on the line, the bi-color LED will illuminate in red
to show that the station is locked out. The lighting is exclusively controlled by the
Assigning presets/shows to the ES2 buttons (slave mode)
The ES2 factory default configuration has the upper preset button (ON) assigned to
preset/show 1 and the lower button (OFF) assigned to preset/show preset/show 2. In
order to re-assign the buttons to alternate master station presets/shows, the ES2 must
not be mounted on the wall. This allows access to the programming jumper. The ES2
slave must also be connected to a master ES2, Preset 10, Preset 10-A2, or Rerun. Be
sure to verify the jumper settings on the master station. It should be set up as a master
for a multi-station installation. Perform the following steps to program the buttons:
1. Verify that the slave ES2 is operating normally before re-programming.
2. Remove jumper JP1 from the slave ES2 circuit board. All of the ES2 LEDs will
begin to flash. If they do not, this is an indication that the master is not set up
correctly or there is a wiring problem.
3. On the master station, select the preset/show which you wish to assign to an
ES2 button.
4. Back at the slave ES2, press the button to which you wish to assign the active
preset/show. The change is recorded into its memory. The assignments are
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