model dmx6rel1a
This DMX512 Relay Pack receives DMX512 and uses the dimmer levels to open or close dry contact relays. The relay
is closed when the level exceeds 60%. The relay is opened when the level falls below 40%.
Line Cord. The line cord is fitted with a parallel blade with ground (PBG) plug. If a different plug is required, cut
off the parallel blade connector and wire on the desired plug using the following color code: G reen = Ground,
Black = Hot, W hite = Neutral.
DMX Input. The DMX signal is applied to the male five-pin XLR connector.
DMX Output. The DMX signal is looped through to the female XLR connector to continue the signal run to other
devices. (All five pins are looped through).
Relay Outputs. Three relays are connected to each male 6-pin XLR style connector. Note: these connect ors
are the int ernat ionally accept ed 6 pin. Sw it chcraf t connect ors w ill not m at e w ith t hese connect ors. The
outside connector carries the contacts for the first three relays. The inside connector carries the contacts for
the second three relays.
The pin out s are:
Outside Connector Inside Connector
Pins 1/2 Relay 1 normally open Relay 4 normally open
Pins 3/4 Relay 2 normally open Relay 5 normally open
Pins 5/6 Relay 3 normally open Relay 6 normally open
Only t he normally open cont acts are brought out to the connector. The norm ally closed contacts are
available on terminal blocks inside the unit. A skilled technician can easily move the wires to bring out the
normally closed contacts. To do t his, unplug the unit , remove the rear panel, and slide off the cov er.
Starting Address. The starting address (the dimmer number that will control the first relay) is set using the three
switches on the front panel. Set the number to the starting address. A test mode is provided that closes the
relays regardless of the DMX input. Setting the address switch to 601 closes relay #1. Setting the address switch
to 602 closes relay #2.
Power Indicator. The red power indicator should illuminate whenever power is applied. If it fails to light, first
check that your outlet is good. If the unit is receiving power, the internal fuse may be blown. To check the fuse,
unplug the unit, remove the top cover. The line fuse is a 1/2 Amp fast blow.
Signal Indicator. The green signal indicator will illuminate when a DM X512 signal is received. The indicator will
flash when the unit is in test mode (address switch settings of 600- 696).
Relay 1 Indicator. The green relay 1 indicator will illuminate when the first relay is closed.
Power: 120 VAC 50/60 Hz 12 W atts (230 VAC optional)
Size: 6.5" wide, 1.7" high, 6.5" deep
Weight: 2.5 pounds
Contact ratings: 1 Amp
Isolation: 1000 volts DMX line to relay contacts
750 volts relay contact to relay contact
Color: Black front, back, top, and sides.
Clear iridite aluminum bottom chassis.