Model 125EE-WALL Enhanced2 DMX512 Isolated Splitter
Safety Notice:
There are no user serviceable parts in the Model 125EE-WALL splitter. Refer any service needs to a qualified
service technician.
The Enhanced Splitter includes all the features of our standard m odels with added protection to m eet the
needs of harsh operating conditions. As with our standard splitters, all outputs are isolated from the input and
from the other outputs by optical couplers. Every output has its own power supply and line driver. For
protection against electrical storms, the Enhanced Splitter adds four transient absorbers on the input, three
on each output, and one on the power line. To protect against miswiring, the Enhanced Splitter has fuses on
the DMX512 input and outputs that protect the Splitter against damaging voltages up to 120 volts. Indicators
on each output display termination and fuse status. Indicators on the input display signal present and valid
The 125EE-WALL is designed to be mounted on any flat surface. Signal wires are connected to the unit using
pluggable terminal block connectors.
The Enhanced Splitter allows connection of DMX receivers (dimmers, color changers, moving lights, etc.) in
a star configuration as opposed to a daisy chain configuration. In a s tar c onf igur ation, each control cable
is run to a central point, in this case the splitter. In a daisy chain configuration all the devices are connected
on one control cable, the output of one feeding the input of the next.
Line Cord. The splitter is fitted with a non-detachable line cord with a male parallel blade connection.
The splitter is designed to work on any voltage between 100 and 240 volts, 50 or 60 Hz. Alternate power
cords are available to adapt to local power outlets. If a choic e of line voltages are available, s ele cting t he
lower voltage will allow the splitter to run cooler.
DMX Input. The DMX signal is applied to the DMX IN terminal block connector.
DMX Outputs. The DMX signal is available on all five terminal block output connectors labeled A - E. Each
output is separately buffered. A short or failure on one output cannot affect another output.
Termination. For maximum reliability each DMX512 contr o l run needs to be terminated. The input to the
splitter is automatically terminated. Each output that is used needs to be terminated at the end of its control
run. Sometimes termination is built into the receiver. In other cases a terminator should be plugged into the
feed-through connector of the last device. Unused outputs do not need to be terminated.
Power Indicator. There is no separate power indicator. When power is applied all five fuse indicators should
DMX Indicator. The green DMX indicator will illuminate when a valid DMX512 signal is being received. The
DMX Validator
timings are outside the DMX512 specification range the DMX indicator will not illuminate.
circuit checks for proper break time, mark after break, and null start code. If any of these
Signal Indicator. The green signal indicator will illuminate when any signal is being received. This indicator
is useful if the splitter is being used for a digital protocol other than DMX512. It can also be useful in
troubleshooting a DMX512 system because it will show that a signal is being received but (unless the DMX
indicator is on) there is an error.
Un-Terminated Indicator. The UT indicator is a troubleshooting and warning feature. Doug Fleenor Design
believes that a number of DMX512 signal failures are due to improper termination. The UT indicator can help
alert the user to potential problems before they ruin the show.
The UT indicator will illuminate when there is no load on the output data lines. The UT circuit is most accurate
when there is no signal applied (some digital signals can cause the UT indicator to dim or go out even when
there is no termination).
The UT indicator can also be fooled by certain DMX512 receiver circuits. Some DMX input circuits have pull
ups on the data lines which can prevent the UT circuit from detecting the load termination. If you believe the
line is properly terminated but the UT indicator remains on, try powering down or bypassing the receivers on
that line.
Fuses. The Fuses indicator should be illuminated whenever power is applied to the splitter. If any of the three
output fuses on an output should fail, the Fuses indicator will extinguish. It is normal for the Fuses indicator
to change intensity slightly with various digital signals and with changes in output loading.
Baud rate: 0 to 250 Kilobaud
Input circuit: EIA-485 receiver protected by two self resetting fuses
120 ohm input terminator protected by a self resetting fuse
Four transorb diodes: two on +Data, two on -Data
Input signal: 0.5 volts minimum, 12 volts maximum
Input can withstand up to 240 volts without damage, transients up to 5KV
Output circuit: "Slew rate limited" EIA-485 driver protected by two 1/10 amp fuses
One transorb diode on +Data, one on -Data, and one on the LED
(Slew rate limited outputs reduce the errors caused by unterminated lines)
Output signal: EIA-485 driver yields an approximate 3 volt signal into 120 Ohms
Outputs can withstand up to 12 volts without damage, transients up to 5KV
Outputs can withstand up to 240 volts with only a blown fuse(s)
Connectors: 3 conductor pluggable terminal blocks
Isolation: 2500 volt optical coupler, 5000 volt split bobbin transformer
Power input: 90 - 240 volts, 50/60 hertz, 0.1 amp (24 watts)
Color: Silver hammertone
Size & Weight: 10.5" deep, 2.0" high, 8.5" wide, 4.9 pounds
Doug Fleenor Design, Inc.
396 Corbett Canyon Road
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
(805) 481-9599 voice and FAX
(888) 4-DMX512 toll free
web site: http://www.dfd.com