Double Power Technology GS918 User Manual

Internet Tablet GS918
Users Manual
Rea d this ma nual be fore in stall ation a nd use.
Important Safety lnstructions and Notices
We wo uld l ike you t o have a sa fe and en joyab le exp erien ce. Ple ase rea d the fol lowin g instruc tio ns and n otice s befor e using t he tabl et.
Avo id us ing the t ablet i n extre mely ho t, cold , dus ty, damp o r wet e nviro nment s. The t ablet i s not moi sture /wate r-res istan t. Avo id us ing the t ablet a round s ource s of wat er. Avo id dr oppin g or forc ibly pl acing t he tabl et ont o a hard su rface . Thi s may dam age the scr een or in terna l elect ronic c ompon ents. Do no t use alc ohol, t hinne r or benz ene to cle an the su rface o f the tab let. Use o nly cle aning p roduc ts desi gned for com puter t ablet d evice s Do no t use the t ablet w hile wa lking o r drivi ng. Exc essiv e use of ea rphon es at hig h volum e may l ead to he aring i mpair ment. Lim it earp hone us age, an d adjust th e vol ume to a mo derat e level w hen doi ng so. The i mages i n this ma nual ma y vary sl ightl y fro m the act ual pro duct.
Cha rge the t ablet b atery u nder an y the fol lowin g circu mstan ces:
1.T he batt ery lev el icon i ndica tes low p ower, by sh owing a d raine d, red ba ttery i con.
2.T he tabl et powe rs-of f aut omati cally, a nd con tinue s to do eve n after r estar ting.
3.O n-scr een key s do not wo rk. Do no t sudde nly dis conne ct the ta blet wh en for matti ng, upl oadin g or down loadi ng data. Thi s can lea d to prog ram err ors(e .g.,s ystem or sc reen “f reezi ng”.) Sta tic dis charg e in the ca ble, wh ile it is c on­nec ted to a co mpute r, may cor rupt fi les or dam age the m emory o f the tab let. Dis mantl ing the t ablet w ill voi d the man u­fac ture’ s war ranty. I f exp erien cing pro blems , revie w the Trou blesh ootin g secti on of th is manu al. The t ablet f uncti ons, ha rdwar e, soft ware, a nd war ranty i nform ation m ay be imp roved o r mod ified b y the man ufact urer or t heir re spec­tiv e owner s, and is s ubjec t to chan ge with out not ice.
Features/What’s In the Box
Fea tures
9"8 00X48 0 Capac itive t ouch- scree n, with m ulti- point tou ch fu nct ion. Wi- Fi . Pla y all for mats of m usic, v ideo an d pictu re file , Suppo rts res oluti on up to 10 80P. TF ca rd for da ta stor age and t ransf er. Ene rgy-s aving b right ness co ntrol a nd slee p funct ions. Sup ports m ultip le lang uages . USB 2 .0 high -spee d trans fer. APK p rogra m insta llati on usin g the Appl nstalle r. Sup ports f irmwa re upgr ades. G-S ensor f uncti on: Det ects th e envir onmen t, orie ntati on and po sitio n of the ta blet, t o provi de inpu t for v ariou s appli catio ns. Cam era: Fr ont (fa cing us er)0. 3MP
Wha t’s in th e Box
The D OPO GS9 18 9"Tabl et AC Ada pter Use r’s Ma nua l USB C able
Important Safety lnstructions and Notices
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Power/Lock Key
Increases/Decreases audio volume in either speakers or earphones.
Powers ON/OFF when held for about 3 seconds. Locks and unlocks the
tablet in Stand-by Mode.
Camera 0.3M camera on front of tablet (facing the user.)
HDMI 1080P HDMI Output.
Earphone Jack use with a standard 3.5mm stereo headphone jack.
MIC Jack
TF Card
Micro USB Port
Power Jack
Reset Button
Slot for a TransFlash card (also referred to as an Micro S card.)D
Connect to a computer via mini USB cable to transfer data (I.e. music,
video, photo, data files.)
Connects to an AC adapter.
Pre ss to res et the ta blet. T his r equir es a pape r-cli p or othe r small , nar row-t ipped i tem to in sert an d trigg er the re set. (B e caref ul not to ap ply exc essiv e press ure to th e butto n locat ed insi de the ta blet. )
Speaker Speaker
Basic Operations
Pow ering O N/OFF
To powe r ON/OF F the tab let, pr ess and h old the Pow er butt on for ab out 3 sec onds. W hen tur ning the t ablet O N, you wi ll go to th e initi al Star tup scr een and h ave the o ption o f unloc king it a nd goi ng to the H ome scr een, or d irect ly to the Cam era app , When tu rning O FF the ta blet, a win dow wil l open, v erify ing you r actio n.
Sta nd-by M ode
if yo u do not wa nt to pow er-of f the t ablet , you can opt t o deact ivate j ust the L CD scre en. Thi s wil l kee p the tab let in St and-b y mode. To de act ivate the s creen , quick ly pres s and rel ease th e Power but ton. Th e scr een wil l go blac k. To rea ctiva te, sim ply pre ss and re lease t he Powe r butto n again . (You m ay ha ve to u nlock t he tabl et in ord er to use it, d epend ing on yo ur secu rity se tting s.)
Touc hin g and Typi ng
The E M63 tab let scr een is de signe d for you to to uch it to m ove, se lect an d manip ulate inf ormat ion. To sele ct an i tem on th e scree n, simp ly tap it
onc e with yo ur fing ertip o r stylu s. Some i tems may r equir e you to” doubl e-tap ”. To type i nto on te xt fiel d(i.e .,whe n input ting you r name, o r a web add ress) ,tap th e text fie ld. The o n-s creen k eyboa rd will a ppear, and a llow yo u to type t he info rmati on you wis h to ente r.
Oth er comm on fing er gest ures in clude : Tou ch an d Hol d: Tou chi ng an d ke epi ng yo ur
Dra g: To move an o bject , or acti vate fun ct ion ali ty, Touc h and H ol d an it em u nti l it gl ow s, th en “dr ag ”it t o ano th er lo cat io n on th e sc ree n wit ho ut li fti ng you r fi nge r or st yl us.
fin ger on an o n-scr een ite m, unt il a ligh t glow ap pears aro und it, m ay acti vate a sep arate m enu or ot her opt ions fo r that it em. Thi s is oft en used f or dele ting an ite m from th e table t.
Swi pe/Sl ide: A mot ion oft en used t o move
thr ough me nus, pi cture s or mul tiple o ption s. This i s don e wit h a light t ap or fli ck of the fin ger/s tylus i nto the d ireci on you w ant the i tem, me nu or scr een to mo ve towa rd.
Dou ble-T ap: S ome i te ms wi ll re qu ire t wo ta ps
in or der to ac tivat e, zoom -in, zoo m-out .
Pin ch: In so me apps ( such as M aps, Br ower, and G aller y), you c an zoom i n and out b y
pla cing tw o finge rs on th e scree n at onc e, and pi nchin g the m toget her (to z oom out ) or spr eadin g them apa rt(to z oom in. )
Cha nging t he scre en orie ntati on
Fir st, mak s sure th e “Auto -rota te scre en”op tion is se lecte d in the Se tting s menu( Setti ngs> Acc essib ility ). With t his opt ion sel ected , the scr een wil l autom atica lly rot ate bas ed on the v ertic al/ hor izont al orie ntati on it is be ing hel d in. To“lo ck” an or ienta tion, s imple d esele ct the“ Auto- rotat e scr een” op tion.
Res ettin g the Tabl et
if th e table t is unre spons ive to ei ther to uch inp ut or fu nctio n keys, u se a pape rclip o r simil arly- sized pin a nd pres s the Res et butt on loca ted in th e reset ape rture . Thi s reset w ill cle ar the me mory an d reb oot the t ablet .(it is n ot the sa me as a fac tory res et; you r perso nal inf ormat ion, ap ps, set tings e tc. wil l be reta ined. )
Con servi ng Powe r
To cons erve ta blet ba ttery p ower, se t the bri ghtne ss and sl eep fun ction s at reas onable lev els. Th ese f uncti ons can b e found i n the Set tings m enu(S ettin gs>Di spay) .
Basic Operations/The Home Screen at a Glance
Cha rging t he Table t
It is b est to ch arge th e table t befor e the bat tery ico n is full y drain ed, or wh en the ta blet po p-up ind icate s that it n eeds ch argin g. To cha rge the tab let, pl ugin th e AC ad apt er to a c onven ient out let, th en plug -in the t ablet t o the AC ada pter. If th e table t is on, th e batte ry icon w ill pul se, sho wing tha t it is bei ng char ged. If i s fully c harge d when an ico n of a full b atter y is disp layed o n the scr een.
A comp lete ba ttery c harge w ill tak e app roxim ately 5 h ours. I t is norm al for th e table t to be w arm to th e touch a s it is bei ng char ged.
Connectin g to a Computer for File Transfer
The include d USB cable can be used to connect th e tablet to any P C computer, for the purpose of transf erring music, pict ure and other data files betwee n the two units.
Press and hol d your finger on the lock icon, and t wo options wil l appear. Drag it to the right, so that the c ircle clicks onto t he unlock icon. The tablet will be unlocked, and will proc eed to the Home screen. Drag it to th e left to go directl y to the Camera app. If you do nothin g, the tablet will r eturn to Standby mode.
Power On the ta blet
Upon pressi ng the Power button for about 3 sec onds to start the tab let, there will be a series of scre ens, and then you will see th is locked Start-up screen:
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+ 18 hidden pages