Than k you for y our purcha se of the D OPO 7"
Tab let
1. Do not use the tablet in extremely hot, cold, dusty or damp
2. Do not drop the tablet when using it.
3. Th e us ag e li fe o f ba tt er y is s ub je ct t o th e op er at in g
condition and environment.
4. Please charge the battery in the following instances:
A. Th e ic on o f ba tt er y le ve l sh ow s we ak
B. System powers off au to ma ti ca ll y, an d po we rs o ff again
after restarting
C. Keys do not work.
5. During the formatting or uploading/downloading, do not
disconnect the tablet from the PC. Disconnection during
updating or data transfer may damage files or the tablet.
6. Static discharge to the cable during connection to the
computer may corrupt files or the storage area of the tablet.
7. Th e im ag es i n th is m an ua l ma y va ry s li gh tl y fr om a ct ua l
8. Dismantling the tablet and will void the warranty.
Please check the trouble shooting section of this manual if
experiencing problems.
9. Our company reserves the right to improve the product.
Diffe re nt s of tw ar e an d ha rd wa re v er si on s mi gh t af fe ct t he
product performance and functions, therefore the product
shall be subject to change without further notice.
10. Please respect the copyright laws in your area.
11. Th e ta bl et i s eq ui pp ed w it h th e to uc h sc re en , so k ey s on
machine surface are for assistance only.
※ All warranty information, product features and
specifications are subject to change without notice.
Support video of AVI/ W MV /M P4 / MK V/ R M/ RM VB /T S/ F LV
format, up to 1080P.
Support Micro SD Card.
Support picture auto browse in PNG/JPG/BMP/JPEG/GIF
Energy-saving setting, brightness control and sleep.
Support multi languages.
Support Win2000 /Win XP/Vis ta s ys te m/ Wi n 7.
Support downloading files from internet.
USB2.0 high speed transfer
Support APK program installation.
Portable disk.
OTG function. Support play files from USB device, of which
the rated current should be lower than 500mA, via OTG port.
When play files saved in a hard disk, for the power
consumption is large, please connect an outer power.
5 EN
Support firmware upgrade.
G-Sensor function.
0.3M Cameras .
Support multi-point touch function
Support WIFI Wireless Connection
Introducing your device
Keys and interfaces on machine surface have functions
shown below:
Power and
lock key
Earphone jack To connect your earphone
Mini USB
Power jack
(DC input)
Vol+keyPress to increase the volume.
Vol-keyPress to decrease the volume.
TF card slotTo insert an TF card
Reset hole
0.3M Camera
Key to switch the tablet on or off.
Connect to a computer via a USB cable to transfer data(,
video, photos and other files).
Connect to a 5V output adapter
Press to reset the tablet.Insert a paper clip or other small
object with a narrow tip into this reset hole.
Basic Operations
How t o Power O n/Off the ta blet?
To power o n/off th e tab let , please press po wer k ey an d hol d for 3 S.
Thi s per iod w ill n eed several sec ond s, pl eas e wai t patientl y.
How t o tur n on/ off t he LC D?
Aft er po wer ing o n the tablet, if yo u are n ot wa tch ing v ideo, you can
sho rt pr ess p owe r key to turn off t he LC D to save powe r. To tur n on
the L CD, p lea se sh ort press power k ey ag ain .
Not e: The screen i s loc ked a lso w hen the screen is t urn ed off, to
unl ock t he sc ree n, please pull th e loc k ico n to un loc k icon .
Touc h & typ e
Use y our f ing ers t o manipulate ic ons , but ton s, me nus, the
ons cre en ke ybo ard, and other it ems o n the t ouc hsc reen. You ca n
als o cha nge t he sc reen's orient ati on.
To selec t or activate som eth ing , tou ch it .
To type so mething, such a s a nam e, pa ssw ord , or search terms ,
jus t tou ch wh ere y ou want to type. A keybo ard p ops up that lets
you t ype i nto t he fi eld.
Oth er co mmo n ges tures include :
a) Touch & h old : Touch & ho ld an i tem o n the s creen by tou chi ng it
and n ot li fti ng yo ur finger until a n act ion o ccu rs. F or example,
tou chi ng an i con o n home screen and h old i t, wh en th e del ete icon
is sh own o n the s cre en, dragging th e sel ect ed ic on to t his icon
can d ele te it f rom t he home screen. b ) Dra g: Touch & h old a n ite m
for a m ome nt an d the n, without lift ing y our f ing er, mo ve yo ur fi nge r
on th e scr een u nti l you reach the tar get p osi tio n. Fo r example, you
can d rag t o rep osi tion shortcut s on th e Hom e scr een .
c) Sw ipe o r sli de: Q uickly move you r fin ger a cro ss th e surface of
the s cre en, w ith out pausing whe n you f irs t tou ch (s o you don't drag
som eth ing i nst ead). For examp le, y ou ca n sli de a Ho me screen left
or ri ght t o vie w the o ther Home scree ns. d ) Dou ble -ta p: Tap qui ckly
twi ce on a w ebp age , map, or other scr een t o zoo m. Fo r exa mple,
dou ble tap a w ebp age in Browser to z oom i n, an d dou ble -tap again
to zo om ou t.
7 EN
e) Pi nch : In so me ap ps (such as Maps, B row ser, a nd Ga lle ry) , you
can z oom i n and o ut by p lacing two fing ers o n the s cre en at o nce
and p inc hin g the m together (to zo om ou t) or s pre adi ng them apart
(to z oom i n ).
f) Ro tat e the s cre en: On most scree ns, t he or ien tat ion of the screen
rot ate s wit h you r device as you tur n it. You ca n change this Dis pla y
set tin g.
Rel ate d set tin gs: Settings > De vic e > Dis pla y
How t o reset t he tabl et?
If yo ur ta ble t can not response to a ny fu nct ion k ey, please use p in to
pre ss th e res et bu tton in the reset h ole t o res et th e tab let.
How t o save po wer?
The b att ery i con o n the screen show s the r est v olu me of e lectricity.
To save th e power, in s yst em setting inte rfa ce, p lea se se t
Bri ght nes s and S leep to a reasona ble l eve l
How t o charg e the tab let?
Ple ase c har ge th e tablet timely b efo re th e bat ter y icon shows blan k.
The t abl et ca n be ch arged via the com man ded D C cha rge r. Whe n
the t abl et is o n, th e battery icon sh ows p uls e and s how s full when
the c har gin g is fi nished. The w hole charging p eri od ne ed 5 ho urs .
It is n orm al to f ind t hat the machine s urf ace i s war m und er charging
sta te.
G-s ensor
If do s ett ing s set ting→display→Au to- rot ate s cre en→on, the tablet
wil l swi tch t he sc reen orientat ion a uto mat ica lly when it is bein g
ota ted .
Con nect to C omput er and Fi le Tr ansfe r
you c an us e a USB c abl e to connect your t abl et to a W ind ows
com put er an d tra nsfer music, pi ctu res , and o the r files in both
dir ect ion s.
Getting Started
Home Sc reen at a Gla nce
Press power key and hold for 3S to power on the tablet, then
the screen is shown as the below:
Press the lock icon, pop up unlock icon on the screen, drag
the lock icon to unlock icon side, enter in home screen as
The home screen is the starting point for all of the features of
your tablet.
Home iconOpens Home. If you're viewing a left or
Back iconOpens the previous screen you were
Touch to search with Google browser.
right Home screen, opens the central
Home screen.
working in, even if it was in a different
app. Once you back up to the Home
screen, you can't go back any further
in your history.
8 EN
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