The software enables the operation of the loggers 100/110 on a PC running
Windows operating system via a vacant USB port. It undertakes the setting of the
logger and the readout/display and archiving of recorded data. The parameters
include all the functions available in the logger.
1Log-Graph software
The content gives an overview of all functions of the Log-Graph software. You will find
an index at the end of the manual.
DE Dostmann Electronic GmbH
1 Log-Graph
1.1 Contents
2 Introduction
2.1 Functional scope of the logger
2.2 Functional scope of the software
2.2.1 Logger settings
2.2.2 Logger status
2.2.3 Records
2.2.4 Actions
2.3 System requirements
2.4 Content of the software package
2.5 Installing the Log-Graph software
2.5.1 Installing the CD
2.5.2 Installing the downloads from the Internet
2.5.3 Installing the USB driver for logger operation on the USB port Installation Renaming the port
2.6 Communication between the PC and the logger
2.7 First connection of a device
3 Working with the Log-Graph software
3.1 Using the program menu
3.2 Using the device bar
3.3 Online view
3.4 Graph area
3.5 Status line
4 Basic settings for the software operation
5. Presentation of graphs and tables
5.1 Graph (without table)
5.2 Graph and table side by side
5.3 Table (without graph)
5.4 Functions for graph processing
5.4.1 Functions from the menu or the toolbar
5.4.2 Functions by using the mouse
5.4.3 Printing the graphs and the records
5.5 Window management
6. Log-Graph editor
6.1 Special editor functions in the active device window
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3Log-Graph software
Version overview
2 Introduction
This section describes the installation of the Log-Graph software and its use in
conjunction with the loggers 100/110.
The software enables the operation of the loggers 100/110 on a PC running
Windows operating system via a vacant USB port. It undertakes the setting of the
logger and the readout of recorded data and supports all the fonctions available in
the logger. The loggers 100 and 110 are distinguishable from each other by the fact
that the first one incorporates a pure temperature sensor while the second one has a
combined temperature and humidity sensor. The logger 100 only provides raw
temperature data, the logger 110 provides both temperature and humidity data from
which the dew point is calculated. An additional external temperature sensor may be
connected to both loggers via the vacant USB port.
The logger can only be operated using the buttons Start/Stop und Mode. The setting
of the logger and the readout of the recorded data must be performed via the LogGraph software on the PC.
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The connection of the logger to the PC is made, using an appropriate USB cable
plugged into an available USB Port. When connecting the logger, the USB port is
configured as a virtual COM port from 1-256 via the drivers installed. The logger is
handled by the Log-Graph software equal as a device on a serial port. This requires
the installation of Windows drivers which are located on the installation CD of LogGraph (installation see 2.7.3 "Installing the drivers").
The paragraphs 2.1 to 2.6 describe the properties of the logger and the software,
the paragraph 2.7 describes how to install the drivers and the software.
Properties of the logger and the software
2.1 Functional scope of the logger
The loggers 100/110 have the following properties:
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Temperature (internal) with a resolution of up to 0.1 ° C / ° F
Humidity (only 110) with a resolution of 0.1% RH
Connection for external temperature sensor (via the Logger-USB connector)
internal logger clock with date/ time
Up to 60,000 records with intervals of 1 sec to 24 hours
Display of Min / Max / Avg values via the Mode button or automatically
Limit value monitoring and display via the LED and the beeper
Start and stop via
a)Start/Stop button
b)Time indication
c)Duration or record number
Power saving functions
2.2 Functional scope of the software
The software is used to set the logger operating parameters, to read out and archive
the recorded data and display the operating status. The following functions are
2.2.1 Logger settings:
Read and set the real time clock in the logger
Display of the battery‘s charge state
Read and set the recording interval
Configure the memory (record number/circular memory)
Start and stop the recording
Start indications: time/button/Reed relay (option)/immediate startup and
Set the limit values and their handling (LED/beeper), alarm delay, alarm
Activate the external sensor
Units °C or °F
Power saving settings for the LCD display, the LEDs and the beeper
Update intervals for the LCD display, the LED flashes and the beeper
Button lock for the Mode button
Entry of up to eight user-defined names
2.2.2 Logger status:
Overview of the hardware and the logger ID
Overview of the operating status of the logger
Log entries of the limit value exceedings and the errors occurred
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Overview of all the parameters available in the logger
2.2.3 Records:
Instantaneous value display during the recording process
Readout of the recorded data
Presentation in tabular and graphic form
Adding of notes on existing records
Printing of records (table or graph)/notes as report
2.2.4 Operations:
Configuration of the USB port (automatic search)
Start and stop of the logger via PC
Reset to basic settings
Saving and loading of the logger settings
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2.3 System requirements
The software is designed to run on Windows-based PCs (from Win 98 onwards, Win
ME, 2000, XP, Vista, Win 7). The installation requires the following conditions:
• Standard PC from 386 onwards with a keyboard and mouse (or equivalent pointing
• CD-ROM drive (for installation), or Internet access (for installation)
• an available USB port
• Graphic resolution 800 x 600 or higher
• approx. 10 MB of free hard disk space for installation
• a logger LOG 100 or LOG 110
A 32-bit Windows® operating system (at least from Win98 onwards) or a more
modern Windows® operating system (32/64-bit) must be installed on the PC. Based
on our experience, a safe operation of the operating system installed is a
prerequisite for proper functioning of the Log-Graph software.
2.4 Content of the software package
The software package includes the following components
the installation routine German / English / French
the program German/English / French
help files German/English / French
the manual in PDF format German/English / French
drivers for use of the logger on the USB port
With a download of the software, the volume is identical. All the files mentioned
above are also included in Setup.exe.
The following manuals may be useful for an easy and fast installation as well as
commissioning of the Log-Graph software on the respective PC operating system:
- The Microsoft Windows® user guide corresponding to the operating system
- The instruction manual of the logger 100/110 corresponding to the device used
2.5 Communication between the PC and the logger
To communicate, the logger and the PC use a USB port which is configured as
serial COM port from 1-256 via the drivers (similar to a USB serial adapter). The
properties of this port match those of a serial port at 115200 baud, 8 data bits, 1
stop bit and no parity.
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Some functions can be tested using the additional program included in Windows
accessories "Hyper-terminal". These include the following functions:
"* IDN? "- gives a string with the IDs of the logger,
"* TST? - gives "0" if the logger is available, "-1" in case of communication problems
"* RST" - performs a soft reset of the logger.
In addition, many other commands are used in conjunction with certain parameters
to exchange data with the logger. Their explanation is not part of this documentation,
and would fill many more pages - this remark only completes the information
previously provided. Currently, there are no plans to disclose the commands and the
protocols hidden behind them.
The logger provides access to many internal parameters via a direct addressing of
the appropriate memory cell and reading of the data stored therein. Conversely, the
parameters may similarly be addressed and overwritten by the PC.
Besides the data transmitted, a checksum confirming the safety of the data
transmitted is also transmitted with each communication. The protocol itself is not
currently disclosed.
When downloading (reading out) the recorded data, a protocol encrypting the
transmission of a record in blocks of 5 bytes each (mode Penta) is used. During the
readout, all existing records are transmitted in one go as dump. The dump starts with
a header that contains the record number. Next come all the records. A checksum
also follows at the end of the entire transmission. This procedure is not currently
disclosed. Once launched, a dump can still be interrupted by the PC, however the
data are preserved in the logger.
In general, during the readout of records, no data is deleted from the logger, so that
the readout process can be repeated as often as you wish, as long as the records
have not been replaced by a newly launched record.
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2.6 First connection of a device
To commission the logger, proceed as described in the instruction manual (insert
the battery or remove the protective film). The logger is ready to operate and can
be connected to the PC.
Connect the logger to the PC via the USB connection cable.
When you connect the logger for the first time, there no drivers available. When the
computer is on or after connecting the logger, the operating system detects a "new
unknown hardware" and wants to install the necessary drivers. They are on the CD
or, if the software has already been installed, in the folder "Drivers" of the program
directory where the software was installed.
For this purpose, proceed as described in "Installing the USB driver".
Installing the drivers and the software
2.7 Installing the Log-Graph software
The Log-Graph software is delivered on CD or its newest version can be
downloaded from the Internet. To operate the logger on the PC, a driver that must be
installad prior to software operation in order for the software to function properly with
the logger, is necessary. The driver is also located on the CD.
If no logger 100/110 has previously been connected to the PC, the drivers first must
be installed.
2.7.1 Installing the CD
a) Insert the CD into your drive and close the drive door. With most systems, the CD
is automatically detected and the installation routine starts. If this is not the case,
launch the installation via the taskbar by using the sequence Start-> Run-> [Your CD
drive] -> Menu.exe.
b) Now, follow the instructions of the installation routine. During installation, a target
directory Programs\Log-Graph that can be changed if necessary is proposed to you.
c) The installation process creates a program group for the selected directory on
your PC and a program icon called "Log-Graph".
d) For a subsequent run, launch the program, for example, by double-clicking on the
program icon "Log-Graph" on the desktop or by using the sequence Start->
Programs-> [Selection: Log-Graph] -> Mouse click.
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e) In addition to the program "Log-Graph.exe, the online manuals, the help files and
other files needed for setup are located on the CD.
2.7.2 Installing the downloads from the Internet
a) After downloading, launch the installation via "Run". Setup.exe installs the
software and copies the drivers to a sub-directory "\Driver" of the selected program
b) Now, follow the instructions of the installation routine. During installation, a target
directory Programs\Log-Graph that can be changed if necessary is proposed to you.
c) The installation process creates a program group for the selected directory on
your PC and a program icon called "Log-Graph".
d) With a subsequent run, launch the program, for example, by double-clicking on the
program icon "Log-Graph" on the desktop or by using the sequence Start->
Programs-> [Selection: Log-Graph] -> Mouse click.
e) In addition to the program "Log-Graph.exe, the online manuals, the help files and
other files needed for setup are located on the CD.
2.7.3 Installing the USB driver for logger operation on the USB port
The loggers 100/110 need a driver included in the software CD for operation.
The drivers are not part of the delivery of the Windows operating system, so that no
"fully automatic installation" can be performed. The installation requires the
accompanying CD or the already installed version of Log-Graph for which the
necessary drivers are included in the program directory of Log-Graph.
Possibility a) the Log-Graph is already installed, the drivers are available on the PC
The drivers are located in the subdirectory "...\Driver" of the directory in which the
software was installed. For example, if the subdirectory looks like "C:
\Programme\Log-Graph\Driver" during an installation that meets the specifications
of the setup program, no CD will be required for installation, but the subdirectory will
have to be specified during installation.
If the CD is available, it may also be used as described in the following step.
Possibility b) the Log-Graph is not yet installed, the drivers are not yet available on the PC
The drivers are located on the installation CD of Log Graph. The latter is necessary
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to perform the following steps. Installation
Gerät anschließen
Schließen Sie Ihr Gerät an einen freien USB-Port Ihres PCs an (das Gerät muss
dazu betriebsbereit sein). Es erscheint eine Meldung, dass ein neues Gerät (Logger
100/110) gefunden wurde.
Connecting the device
Connect your device to a vacant USB port of your PC (the device must be
operational). A message appears indicating that a new device (logger 100/110) has
been detected.
Then, the installation program is automatically launched in order to load the required
The installation is performed in two steps:
First, a "USB Serial Converter" configuring a virtual serial port for connection to
the device is loaded.
Then, a "serial port" allowing you to operate the device from Log-Graph is
assigned to the USB serial converter.
First step
The first step is to install the "USB serial converter".
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Highlight the item , then click on "Next".
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Highlight the option , then click on "Next".
A new window appears, indicating the next stage of installation:
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First, highlight the option .
a) If you have the installation CD of Log-Graph, insert it now into the CD drive and
tick the box , then click on "Next".
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b) Alternatively, you can also specify the directory in which the drivers are located if
Log-Graph is already installed.
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For this purpose, tick the box
and then click on "
Browse". Select the directory in which you installed the Log-Graph program, then
"\Driver" and in this subdirectory "\CDM ...". If Log-Graph has been installed by
default, the directory reads as follows: "C: \Programs\Log-Graph\Driver\CDM... ".
"\CDM... " corresponds to the driver version and could, for example, read as
follows:" \CDM 2:02:04 WHQL Certified. Then click on "Next".
A new window appears, showing the installation process, then the result of the
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The first part of the installation is completed with an indication of successful
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installation. The driver that has just been installed has made available a serial port.
Second step
The second step is to assign the serial port. The process is similar to that described
above. First, the welcome screen in which the installation will be launched appears
Highlight the item , then click on "Next".
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Highlight the option "Install the software from a list or specific location", then
click on "Next".
A new window appears, indicating the next stage of installation:
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First, highlight the option "Search for the best driver in these locations".
a) If you have the installation CD of Log-Graph, insert it now into the CD drive and
tick the box "Search removable media (disk, CD, ...). Then click on "Next."
DE Dostmann Electronic GmbH
b) Alternatively, you can also specify the directory in which the drivers are located if
Log-Graph is already installed. For this purpose, click on "Browse" and select the
directory in which you installed the Log-Graph program, then "\Driver" and in this
subdirectory "\CDM ...". If Log-Graph has been installed by default, the directory
reads as follows: "C: \Programs\Log-Graph\Driver\CDM... ". "\CDM... " corresponds
to the driver version and could, for example, read as follows:" \CDM 2:02:04 WHQL
Certified. Then click on "Next".
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A new window appears, showing the installation process, then the result of the
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The device can now be used with the Log-Graph software.
The name of a serial port (from COM1 to COM 256) has been automatically
assigned to the USB port during the driver installation. Log-Graph automatically
detects the assigned port. You can also find it under System settings where the port
name can subsequently be changed. Renaming the port
Usually, the automatically assigned port name does not need not be changed.
However, if this is necessary, then you will find that name in "Device Manager" under
"Ports (COM & LPT)".
To get there, proceed as follows:
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