Dormont OF817-8H-B User Manual

For Commercial and Medical Applications
A W a tts Produ ct Ava ilable from :
A Su bsi di ary of W a tts W ate r Tec hno log ie s, Inc .
Job Name
Job Location
Model OF817-8H-B
OneFlow™ Anti-Scale System For Hot Water (Warewasher protection)
Connection Size: 1" (25mm)
Flow Rate: 8 gpm (80.4 lpm)
The OneFlow™ Anti-Scale System for hot water provides protection from scale formation on internal and external surfaces where the hot water feed line is being further heated (booster heater) or brought to steam (steam generator). The OneFlow™ system uses specially designed components to work in applications where the water is heated between 100°F – 150°F but has not yet been treated for scale control. These types of applications typically involve protecting and extending the life of equipment and instruments from the damaging effects of hard water scale. OneFlow™ prevents scale by transforming dissolved hardness minerals into harmless, inactive microscopic crystal particles. These crystals stay suspended in the water and are passed to drain thereby having a greatly reduced ability to react negative­ly, like dissolved hardness does, particularly in high temperature applications where scale formation is accelerated. The system requires very little maintenance, no backwashing, no salt and no electricity. Typical hardness problems, especially build-up of scale in boilers and steamers are no longer a concern. OneFlow™ is not a water softener. It does not add chemicals or remove any minerals. It is a scale prevention device with proven 3rd party laboratory test data and years of successful Commercial and Medical applications. OneFlow™ is the one water treatment device that effectively provides scale protec­tion and is a great alternative to other scale treatment devices.
Contractor’s P.O. No.
• Chemical free scale prevention and protection - converts
hardness minerals to harmless, inactive microscopic crystals
• Virtually maintenance free - No salt bags or other chemicals
to constantly add or maintain
• No control valve, no electricity and no wastewater
• System and components designed to work specifically with
hot water applications
• Uses environmentally friendly – “green” technology
• Improves efficiency of all hot water boosting or steam
generating equipment
Dormont product specifications in U.S. customary units and metric are approximate and are provided for reference only. For precise measurements, please contact Dormont Technical Service. Dormont reserves the right to change or modify product design, construction, specifications, or materials without prior notice and without incurring any obligation to make such changes and modifications on Dormont products previously or subsequently sold.
• Simple sizing and installation – all you need to know is pipe size and flow rate
• Built-in bypass valve provides flexibility for off-line service or
media replacement
• OneFlow™ does not add anything to the water
• Long life media requires replacement once every three years
• Effective retro-fit technology where scale control was not pre-
viously considered.
A Wa tts Product A vailable from:
A Su bsidi ary of W a tts Wa te r Techn ologi es, Inc.
Maximum Connection
Part # Model Flow Rate Sizes
DOR-OF817-8H-B OF817-8H 8 gpm (30.4 lpm) 1" (25mm) FNPT bypass
Replacement Media Media
DOR-OF8178RH OF817-8HRM Media must be replaced every 3 years
A OneFlow™ scale prevention system for hot water shall be installed on the hot water feed line just prior to the equipment it is intended to protect. The temperature of the hot water feed line should con­sistently range between 100°F – 150°F (or 38°C – 66°C) as all of the components are designed to work in this elevated temperature condition. The OneFlow™ system shall effectively reduce water hardness scale concerns thereby protecting heat-transfer and other surfaces from the negative effects of scale. The system shall be plumbed with a bypass valve to allow isolation of tank(s) and to allow the bypass of untreated hot water in the event that service or media replacement be necessary. The installation area should be
suitable in size for the tank(s) to be serviced without encumbrance
and for the tank to sit upright on a flat level surface. The system must not require backwashing, regeneration or any need to discharge water once put into service. The system must not require any chemical additives and must not require electricity for operation. The system must operate in an up-flow manner to mini-
mize any pressure drop.
Water Chemistry & Limitations:
pH 6.5 to 8.5 Hardness (max) 75 grains (1300 ppm CaCO3)
Temperature 100°F to 150°F (40°C to 70°C)
Chlorine < 3ppm
Iron 0.3 mg/l Manganese 0.05 mg/l Copper 1.3 mg/l Oil & H2S none allowed
Polyphosphate none allowed Silica (max) 10 ppm
G (clearance)
DVGW – German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas & Water
OneFlow™ meets standard W-512 for testing Physical Water Treatment devices for Scale Prevention and achieved an efficiency rating of 99.6% for scale prevention. OneFlow™ media and components have been tested and
certified for material safety to NSF/ANSI Standard 42 & 61.
Dimensions — Weights
Scale System Dimensions Weight Replacement Cartridges A B C D E F G H
Part Number in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm lbs. kgs UPC Code Part Number UPC Code
DOR-OF817-8H-B 20 508 18 5/8 472 8 1/2 216 1 3/8 36 10 254 2 51 6 152 4 1/4 108 15 6.8 662447105870 DOR-OF817-8HRM 662447105863
6015 Enterprise Drive, Export, PA 15632 •
OF800SeriesSpec, Rev. 0, 6-09