Table of Contents
1. Outline
2. Instrument
3. ID Setup
4. Wi-Fi IP Setup
5. Changing and confirming main IP Address FSIF-M0(WIFI)
6. T e mp e r atu r e / humi d ity m eas u r e ment
7. C o n n e c t i n g
digital input/output
1. Outline
There are many systems developed to monitor and control power, temperature,
and humidity of remote equipments
fulfill user’s purpose by offering upper level monitoring system and
TCP/IP communications and by providing communications among
various devices via Modbus/TCP or serial Modbus/TCP.
1.1 Characteristics
2. The instrument
. FSIF-M0 (WIFI) can be used to
- Wi-Fi
- T e mp e r a t u r e a n d h u m i d it y m e a s u r e me n t s
( R e q u ir e s e n s o r s a p p r o p r i a t e s e n s o r s )
- 1
Serial Port (RS-232,422,485)
- Digital
contact point
Input/output, monitoring and contact via
(2 channels each