Domo Tactical Communications NETNODE Users Manual

Document Number DS000034
User Manual
Phase 1 and 2 Units (software versions >V2.1)
Cobham Surveillance
The Cobham Centre - Solent Fusion 2 1100 Parkway Solent Business Park Whiteley Hampshire PO15 7AB +44 (0)1489 566 750
NETNode Phase 1 and 2 Units
User Manual
NETNode-V2.3 i DS000034 Unclassified
0. Preface
0.1. About this Document
This manual describes the operation of domo IP radio MESH systems. The manual is divided into three main sections.
Getting started and basic operation
This section describes to users how to deploy and use a domo IP Radio MESH system with its associated NETNode units in typical operational scenarios.
Advanced operation
This section describes the operation of the system in more detail, concentrating particularly on secondary functions such as importing mapping information and working with configurations.
Technical reference
This section provides technical specification and control protocol data and will be of interest to those integrating the MESH system into larger systems.
0.2. Who Should Read this Book
This document is meant for anyone interested in how the system can best be used, but it is of most benefit to:
Operators, who are in charge of the daily operation of the systems and infrastructure.
0.3. Assumed Knowledge
Throughout this book it is assumed that the reader has a thorough knowledge of:
Web Navigation and Browsers TCP/IP Network configuration
NETNode Phase 1 and 2 Units
User Manual
DS000034 Unclassified
Typographic Conventions Convention
TEXT in small capitals represents a specific key press on the console keyboard or hardware panel.
The + sign means “hold down the first key while pressing the second key”.
Press CTRL+C to abort
<Text> Serves as a placeholder for variable text that you will replace as appropriate to its context.
Use the filename <systemname>.sys for…
Text in bold emphasises a new word or term of significance.
We call this a protocol and its function is…
[-a] Text in these brackets indicates an optional component that can be left out.
Ls [-a]
NN This indicates a value entered on a numeric keypad.
45 on the numeric keypad
Successive menu selections are shown using arrows to indicate a sub­menu. In this example this would mean:
Select the Insert menu, then select
picture, then select from file.
Insertpicturefrom file
0.4. Typographic Conventions
This document uses these typographic conventions to identify text that has a special meaning:
0.5. Symbols
This document uses these symbols to highlight important information:
WARNING: A written notice given to a reader when a situation might result in personal injury or loss of life.
CAUTION: A written notice given when a situation might result in damage to or destruction of equipment or systems.
NOTE: A written notice given to draw the reader‟s attention to something or to supply additional information.
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Summary of Changes
New format
Add new features
Updates for V2.1 release
Address, FCC compliance
More Compliance statements
Intrinsic Safety inclusion.
FCC 15.19 Statement.
0.6. Trademarks
All trademarks or registered trademarks that appear in this document are the property of their respective owners.
0.7. Related Documents
You may also need to read:
0.8. Document History
This document was written and produced by Cobham Technical Communications Team.
This is a change controlled document. Each main page of this document displays a file name at the bottom left corner of the page. This is followed by a release number („V1.0‟ is the original). The revision date is also indicated in the table below.
Changes to any page will raise the revision status of the whole document.
NETNode Phase 1 and 2 Units
User Manual
DS000034 Unclassified
0. Preface ......................................................................................... i
0.1. About this Document ........................................................................................ i
0.2. Who Should Read this Book ............................................................................... i
0.3. Assumed Knowledge ......................................................................................... i
0.4. Typographic Conventions ................................................................................. ii
0.5. Symbols.......................................................................................................... ii
0.6. Trademarks ................................................................................................... iii
0.7. Related Documents ........................................................................................ iii
0.8. Document History ........................................................................................... iii
Contents ............................................................................................ iii
1. Introduction .............................................................................. 1-1
1.1. MESH Applications ........................................................................................ 1-1
1.2. domo MESH Features.................................................................................... 1-2
2. Getting Started and Basic Operation ........................................... 2-3
2.1. Which Model do I Have? ............................................................................... 2-3
2.2. Phase 1 Unit ................................................................................................ 2-4
2.3. Phase 2 Products .......................................................................................... 2-5
2.3.1. Plain Box Variant .................................................................................... 2-5
2.3.2. Robust Product ....................................................................................... 2-6
2.4. Basic Operating Principles ............................................................................. 2-7
2.5. Getting Started on the Bench (Phase 1 Unit) ................................................. 2-11
2.5.1. Cables and Connections ........................................................................ 2-11
2.6. Establishing Connection to a Node ............................................................... 2-12
2.6.1. Connecting the NETNode to your Computer using Serial (RS232) ............. 2-12
2.6.2. Starting the Control Software ................................................................ 2-13
2.6.3. Connecting the NETNode to your Computer using IP ............................... 2-15
2.7. Web-browser Username and Password ......................................................... 2-16
2.8. DC Power .................................................................................................. 2-18
2.9. Ethernet .................................................................................................... 2-19
2.10. Talkback audio (Phase 2 units only) ............................................................. 2-19
2.11. Video and Audio Input (if Option is Present) ................................................. 2-19
2.12. Antennas ................................................................................................... 2-20
2.13. Deploying the System ................................................................................. 2-21
2.13.1. Installation Notes ................................................................................. 2-21
2.13.2. Fixed position Applications .................................................................... 2-21
2.13.3. Vehicle Applications .............................................................................. 2-21
2.13.4. Diversity and Antenna Positioning .......................................................... 2-22
2.14. Battery / DC Power Considerations ............................................................... 2-23
3. Operation ................................................................................ 2-24
3.1. Connecting Up the NETNode ....................................................................... 2-24
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3.1.1. Connecting the Antennas ...................................................................... 2-24
3.1.2. Connecting to AC Supply ....................................................................... 2-24
3.1.3. Connection to DC Supply – Mesh Phase 1 & Phase 2 Robust Unit.............. 2-24
3.2. Starting Up and Shutting Down the NETNodes .............................................. 2-25
3.2.1. Powering up the NETNodes ................................................................... 2-25
3.2.2. Shutting Down the NETNodes ................................................................ 2-25
3.3. Basic Operation .......................................................................................... 2-26
3.3.1. About Enable Check Box ....................................................................... 2-28
3.3.2. About Frequency .................................................................................. 2-28
3.3.3. About Channel Bandwidth ..................................................................... 2-28
3.3.4. About Mesh ID ..................................................................................... 2-28
3.3.5. About Node ID ..................................................................................... 2-28
3.4. Connecting an IP Device to a NETNode ........................................................ 2-29
3.5. Connecting a Second IP Device to a NETNode .............................................. 2-30
3.6. Viewing a Network Camera ......................................................................... 2-31
3.7. Connecting a Composite Camera to a NETNode ............................................ 2-32
3.7.1. Integrated Video Encoding AVI option fitted (Composite Input) ................ 2-32
4. Advanced Procedures ............................................................... 2-34
4.1. Status Tab – Overview Pane ........................................................................ 2-34
4.1.1. Node ID ............................................................................................... 2-34
4.1.2. Unit Name ........................................................................................... 2-34
4.1.3. IP Address ........................................................................................... 2-34
4.1.4. Battery Voltage .................................................................................... 2-34
4.1.5. Show Details Check Box ........................................................................ 2-35
4.1.6. Signal Quality ....................................................................................... 2-36
4.1.7. SNR ..................................................................................................... 2-36
4.1.8. Level A ................................................................................................ 2-36
4.1.9. Level B ................................................................................................ 2-36
4.1.10. IP Rx Errs ............................................................................................ 2-37
4.2. Status Tab – Spectra Pane .......................................................................... 2-38
4.2.1. About the Spectra Displays .................................................................... 2-38
4.2.2. Interference ......................................................................................... 2-38
4.3. Status Tab – Maps Pane .............................................................................. 2-39
4.3.1. Radio Buttons ...................................................................................... 2-39
4.3.2. Node Information ................................................................................. 2-39
4.3.3. GPS Information ................................................................................... 2-39
4.3.4. Show Details Check Box ........................................................................ 2-40
4.3.5. Network Display ................................................................................... 2-40
4.3.6. Map Display ......................................................................................... 2-41
4.3.7. Manual Placement ................................................................................ 2-41
4.3.8. GPS Placement ..................................................................................... 2-42
4.3.9. Upload Map Data .................................................................................. 2-42
4.4. Global Settings Tab .................................................................................... 2-45
4.4.1. Unit Name ........................................................................................... 2-45
4.4.2. Control/Data Port ................................................................................. 2-45
4.4.3. Auxiliary Address .................................................................................. 2-46
4.4.4. Relay Only ........................................................................................... 2-47
4.4.5. Speed Units ......................................................................................... 2-47
4.4.6. Streaming Protocol ............................................................................... 2-47
4.4.7. DHCP Enable ........................................................................................ 2-47
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4.4.8. IP Address ........................................................................................... 2-47
4.4.9. Network Mask ...................................................................................... 2-48
4.4.10. Gateway .............................................................................................. 2-48
4.4.11. Update All Nodes .................................................................................. 2-48
4.4.12. Setting the clock (Phase 2 units only) ..................................................... 2-49
4.4.13. Format File System… ............................................................................ 2-49
4.4.14. Restore Defaults… ................................................................................ 2-50
4.4.15. Change Password… .............................................................................. 2-51
4.5. Configuration Tab – Transmitter Pane .......................................................... 2-52
4.5.1. Preview and Active Configuration ........................................................... 2-52
4.5.2. Enable Transmitter Check Box ............................................................... 2-53
4.5.3. Frequency ............................................................................................ 2-53
4.5.4. Channel Bandwidth ............................................................................... 2-53
4.5.5. Output Level High and Output Level Low ................................................ 2-53
4.5.6. Output Level Select .............................................................................. 2-53
4.6. Configuration Tab – Mesh Pane ................................................................... 2-54
4.6.1. Mesh ID ............................................................................................... 2-54
4.6.2. Node ID ............................................................................................... 2-54
4.6.3. IP Forward ........................................................................................... 2-54
4.7. Configuration Tab – Streamer Pane .............................................................. 2-54
4.7.1. Source Mask ........................................................................................ 2-55
4.7.2. Destination Mask .................................................................................. 2-56
4.7.3. Multicast Address ................................................................................. 2-56
4.7.4. SAP Address ......................................................................................... 2-57
4.7.5. Port ..................................................................................................... 2-57
4.7.6. Service Name ....................................................................................... 2-57
4.8. Configuration Tabs – Data RS232/RS485 Pane .............................................. 2-57
4.8.1. Data Mode ........................................................................................... 2-57
4.8.2. Baud Rate ............................................................................................ 2-58
4.8.3. Parity .................................................................................................. 2-58
4.8.4. IP Port and IP Address .......................................................................... 2-58
4.8.5. GPS Source .......................................................................................... 2-59
4.8.6. IP Data Scrambling ............................................................................... 2-60
4.8.7. Scrambling Key .................................................................................... 2-60
4.9. Configuration Tab – Record Pane ................................................................. 2-61
4.9.1. File length ............................................................................................ 2-61
4.9.2. Record ................................................................................................. 2-61
4.10. Configuration Tab – Audio Pane ................................................................... 2-61
4.10.1. Mode ................................................................................................... 2-62
4.10.2. Microphone Gain .................................................................................. 2-62
4.10.3. Headphone Gain ................................................................................... 2-62
4.10.4. Mute Level ........................................................................................... 2-62
4.11. Configuation Tab – VLAN Pane 1-8 .............................................................. 2-62
4.11.1. Tag ..................................................................................................... 2-62
4.11.2. IP address ........................................................................................... 2-62
4.11.3. Sub Mask ............................................................................................. 2-62
4.12. Information Tab ......................................................................................... 2-63
4.13. Encoder Tab .............................................................................................. 2-64
4.13.1. Encoder Preset ..................................................................................... 2-64
4.13.2. Video Lock ........................................................................................... 2-64
4.13.3. Audio Enable ........................................................................................ 2-64
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4.13.4. Scrambling ........................................................................................... 2-64
4.13.5. Scrambling Key .................................................................................... 2-65
5. Streaming over IP .................................................................... 5-66
5.1. General Info............................................................................................... 5-66
5.2. Multicast Streaming .................................................................................... 5-66
5.2.1. Streamer Operation .............................................................................. 5-66
5.2.2. Configuration Tab – Streamer Pane (Multicast Mode) ............................... 5-66
5.3. RTSP Streaming ......................................................................................... 5-69
5.4. Stream Recording and playback (v2.1) ......................................................... 5-69
5.4.1. Formatting ........................................................................................... 5-70
5.4.2. Recording ............................................................................................ 5-70
5.4.3. Playing back the recorded data .............................................................. 5-71
5.4.4. Transferring the files ............................................................................. 5-71
6. Configuring your NETNode for GPS ............................................ 6-72
6.1. General Information ................................................................................... 6-72
6.2. Connecting the GPS unit to the NETNode ..................................................... 6-72
6.2.1. 8-Way Garmin Plug (female) Pin Out ...................................................... 6-73
6.2.2. 15-Way High Density D-Type Plug (male) Pin Out ................................... 6-74
6.3. Configuring NETNode for GPS ...................................................................... 6-75
6.3.1. Displaying GPS location on map ............................................................. 6-77
7. VLAN Support (v2.4) ................................................................. 7-78
7.1. Configuring VLAN ....................................................................................... 7-78
7.2. Setting VLAN tagging and stripping on External ports .................................... 7-78
7.2.1. VLAN tagging ....................................................................................... 7-79
7.2.2. VLAN stripping ..................................................................................... 7-79
8. Interlink Mode .......................................................................... 8-81
8.1. Operation .................................................................................................. 8-81
8.2. Configuring Interlink Mode .......................................................................... 8-82
9. Mission Commander ................................................................. 9-84
10. LED Indicators ..................................................................... 10-85
10.1. NETNode Phase 1 Unit .............................................................................. 10-85
10.1.1. Top Led ............................................................................................. 10-85
10.1.2. Bottom Led ........................................................................................ 10-85
10.2. NETNode Phase 2 Robust Unit ................................................................... 10-85
10.3. NETNode Phase 2 Plain Box Unit ................................................................ 10-86
11. Connector Pin Outs (Phase 1) ............................................... 11-87
11.1. POWER – 2-way Female Amphenol Male Size 10 ......................................... 11-87
11.2. CTRL / DATA 19-way Female Amphenol Size 14 .......................................... 11-87
11.3. IP 4-way Female Amphenol Size 08............................................................ 11-87
11.4. AV 10-way Female Amphenol Size 12 ......................................................... 11-88
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12. Connector Pin Outs (Phase 2 Plain Box) ................................ 12-89
12.1. AV - 4-pin 0B LEMO Socket (TX and RX) ..................................................... 12-89
12.2. Data - 3-pin 0B LEMO Socket..................................................................... 12-89
12.3. Aux 15-way Female High Density D-Type ................................................... 12-90
12.4. RJ45 1 and 2 ............................................................................................ 12-90
12.5. A/V Input - 5-pin 0B LEMO socket (Only with A/V option) ............................ 12-90
12.6. T/B - 6-pin 0B LEMO socket (G-key) ........................................................... 12-91
12.7. RF Connectors .......................................................................................... 12-91
13. Phase 2 Robust Unit ............................................................ 13-92
13.1. Power Amphenol 38999 Series 3 11-98 6 way chassis plug .......................... 13-92
13.2. Camera Connector Amphenol 38999 Series 3 15-19 19 way chassis socket .... 13-92
13.3. Misc Connector Amphenol 38999 Series 3 13-35 22 way chassis socket ........ 13-93
13.4. RF Connectors .......................................................................................... 13-93
14. Control Protocols ................................................................. 14-94
15. Default Configurations ......................................................... 15-95
15.1. Default IP Address .................................................................................... 15-95
16. NETNode Specification ......................................................... 16-96
17. Warranty and Support ......................................................... 17-98
17.1. Warranty Cover ........................................................................................ 17-98
18. Safety, Compliance and Approvals ........................................ 18-99
18.1. Safe Operating Procedures ........................................................................ 18-99
18.2. EMC / Safety and Radio Approvals ............................................................. 18-99
18.3. CE marking .............................................................................................. 18-99
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1. Introduction
Cobham Surveillance domo has been supplying point to point high data rate digital video links for many years to security users. These links exhibit exceptional performance, enabling users to reliably exchange video data in extremely difficult RF transmission environments such as mobile links and links in dense urban areas. More recently domo has seen an increasing requirement to use the rugged transmission capabilities of COFDM to carry general purpose IP traffic.
There is now also a growing demand from domo customers to incorporate bi-directional capability in its solution, and also a MESH capability.
The traditional two frequency approach (Frequency Division Duplex or FDD) to enable bi­directionality is not convenient or appropriate in many applications; the use of separate frequencies makes frequency management difficult. Also FDD adds complexity, cost and weight with additional antennas, amps and circuitry.
The solution to this problem is a single frequency approach (Time Division Duplex or TDD) where all communicating nodes share the same frequency. This simplifies frequency management and circuitry implementation.
1.1. MESH Applications
Rapid deployment temporary surveillance Mini and Micro UAV communications. Radios to connect surveillance team vehicles. Special Forces data radios. Military vehicle radios. True real time surveillance / pursuit where an ad-hoc network is used relay imagery in a
fluid environment. This would apply equally to manned surveillance as to vehicle pursuit.
Next generation Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) where vehicles operate co-
FIST battlefield communication applications. Perimeter security applications.
Each MESH NETNode has two Ethernet interfaces to allow flexibility of connection. This, in conjunction with the radio link, provides the same functionality as a switched Ethernet hub.
The radio technology is based on the fundamentals of the acclaimed domo Solo4 rugged, robust and reliable transmission system giving an extremely secure and easily deployable bi­directional communication system.
AES BCRYPT1 encryption/decryption (AES128 & 256) is also supported on both forward and reverse paths of the MESH system. AES support is an optional software feature and may require an export license.
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1.2. domo MESH Features
Single frequency IP MESH Network
Reduces antennas, amplifiers, filters in a bi-directional unit
No central Node (genuine Mesh)
No single point of failure Makes a very adaptable
Rapid connection and disconnection
Nodes are able to connect into the network within 2 seconds without user
8 Nodes Maximum
8 nodes provides a good balance between capacity and latency
Very rugged RF link
Proven to be 5 to 10 times better than Wi-Fi per link
The MESH IP Radio product range has been specifically designed for government security and law enforcement users, the equipment will tune across frequencies that are only available to licensed government users. Non-government users should employ the equipment restricted to the license exempt bands only typically 1.389 to 1.399GHz, 2.400 to
2.483GHz and 5.725 to 5.875GHz.
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Made in the UK
2. Getting Started and Basic Operation
2.1. Which Model do I Have?
Each unit in the domo product range is marked with two panels.
Product Code Panel. Give product code and manufacturers information. CE and Serial Number Panel. Gives CE mark and product serial number.
Mesh systems are available in 3 different product enclosures. These enclosures are targeted to different user applications.
Phase 1 units are sold in waterproof milled aluminium boxes suitable for outdoor mounting.
Phase 2 units supersede the Phase 1 units. These are made in two variants; a plain box variant and a waterproof robust box variant. The plain box variant uses standard cable and connectors where possible. The robust variant is a milled aluminium enclosure and uses Amphenol connectors and bespoke Amphenol cables. These bespoke cables are supplied with the unit.
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Product Code
Accompanying items
(2.17 to 2.50GHz)
1W RF output
MESH link
(1 node)
1-off Control 2m (CA288)
1-off DC Power 5m (CA285)
1-off Ethernet 5m (CA284)
CD with operating software and manual
(5.5 to 6.0GHz)
1W RF output
MESH link
(1 node)
1-off Control 2m (CA288)
1-off DC Power 5m (CA285)
1-off Ethernet 5m (CA284)
CD with operating software and manual
Audio/Video Input option
Fitted inside the
1-off A/V cable 2m (CA286)
2.2. Phase 1 Unit
The domo product code can be referenced in the table below.
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Product Code
Accompanying items
(2.17 to 2.50GHz)
1W RF output
MESH link
(1 node)
1-off Control 2m (CA0001)
1-off DC Power brick (CA0023)
1-off Auxiliary cable(CA0474)
1W RF output
Note: Antennas are not included with this product.
2.3. Phase 2 Products
2.3.1. Plain Box Variant
The domo product code can be referenced in the table below.
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(1.15 to 1.40GHz)
MESH link
(1 node)
As NetNode-P-217250
(340 to 470MHz)
1W RF output
MESH link
(1 node)
As NetNode-P-217250
(4.40 to 5.00GHz)
1W RF output
MESH link
(1 node)
As NetNode-P-217250
Audio/Video Input option for Phase 2
Fitted inside the NETNode
1-off A/V cable 2m (CA0122)
Product Code
Accompanying items
(2.17 to 2.50GHz)
1W RF output
MESH link
(1 node)
1-off Control/Data 2m (CA406)
1-off DC/Ethernet 5m (CA403)
Note: Antennas are not included with this product.
2.3.2. Robust Product
The domo product code can be referenced in the table below.
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(1.15 to 1.40GHz)
1W RF output
MESH link
(1 node)
As NetNode-R-217250
(340 to 470MHz)
1W RF output
MESH link
(1 node)
As NetNode-R-217250
(4.40 to 5.00GHz)
1W RF output
MESH link
(1 node)
As NetNode-R-217250
Audio/Video Input option for Phase 2
Fitted inside the NETNode
1-off A/V cable 2m (CA0477)
IP PTZ Camera
IP PTZ Camera
Note: Antennas are not included with this product.
2.4. Basic Operating Principles
As an example a basic system is illustrated with two IP cameras contributing into a Private LAN using the MESH system. Each MESH NETNode behaves as a switched hub providing two physical Ethernet ports, and a connection onto the mesh radio link.
All NETNode units are connected to each other as a wireless IP network. The Mesh system arbitrates which node transmits at any given time avoiding any conflict.
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The nodes are able to seamlessly connect into the network without user intervention. The only key parameters that need to be preloaded into the units are the encryption keys and the frequency.
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SOLO system Mesh system
Camera Car
Behind house
Police command
Police command
Central command
Central command
Mesh could also be used to quickly deploy a multiple node surveillance system around an area of interest. The NETNode units could be used to contribute Video or IP data such as stills photography or sensor data.
The NETNode can accept video from a standard composite (PAL/NTSC) camera or an IP camera can be connected through the MESH Network. To connect a standard composite video signal into a MESH NETNode the NETNode-AVI-UP option must be fitted into the NETNode.
The MESH is able to support 3 or 4 full quality video links through the one frequency – if 3 nodes were to contribute video simultaneously then the bit-rate for each link would have to be adjusted to roughly 700kbps per video service. Full frame rate video can be supported at 700kbps but at reduced resolution – typically ½ resolution or SIF resolution would be selected. Higher resolutions could also be supported – even up to full resolution but typically not at full frame rate.
A 4 or 5 Node Mesh network (when configured to operate in 3.5MHz bandwidth mode) can have up to 3Mbps of data capacity available for transmission of information between the Nodes IF every Node can see every other Node and the link quality between all the nodes is good. Note that if information needs to be transmitted through a chain of Nodes or if the link quality is not good then the useful information rate available in the Mesh reduces.
NOTE: Some Phase 2 Mesh Nodes (4.4 to 5GHz) units and post Sep 2010 delivery (2.17 to
2.50GHz) Mesh NETNodes can support a 5MHz bandwidth that allows up to 5.5Mbps of useable data in the Mesh Network. To discover if your unit supports 5MHz bandwidth you can look at the Board Type in the Information Pane of the web browser interface. See Section 4.12 Information Tab for details on how to discover the Board Type.
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The MESH can also be used to facilitate range extension. Nodes can communicate through a chain.
In this example the MESH system is used to provide a video link back through a chain to a command vehicle. Using either the Talkback feature (Phase 2 NETNodes) or an external VOIP codec all the operatives could also be listening and communicating over the network.
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2.5. Getting Started on the Bench (Phase 1 Unit)
2.5.1. Cables and Connections
This section describes how to connect the following domo model numbers.
NETNodeIP1W-217250 (2.17 to 2.50GHz) NETNode-AVI-UP (option)
The pictures below show the Phase1 domo NETNode product.
A domo MESH Phase 1 NETNode and a Phase 2 Plain box NETNode is supplied with the following cables:
IP via Ethernet x 1 Control 2m x1 DC Power 5m x1 AV 2m x1 (if the NET-AVI-UP option is ordered)
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A domo MESH Phase 2 Weatherproof NETNode is supplied with the following cables:
IP via Ethernet x 1 and DC Power is combined Part Number CA0403 Control 2m x1 Part Number CA0406 AV 2m x1 (if the NET-AVI-UP2R option is ordered) Part Number CA0477
A domo MESH Phase 2 Plain NETNode is supplied with the following cables:
Standard 12V Power Block Part Number CA0023 Control cable 2m x1 Part Number CA0001 Special Control / Data Cable Part number CA0474 AV 2m x1 (if the NET-AVI-UP2P option is ordered) Part Number CA0122
Before deploying domo MESH NETNode units in the field it is strongly advised to test the products in a bench environment in order to gain familiarity with the product.
The DC power supply must be set to 12.5V and assume up to 2.5A of current draw.
2.6. Establishing Connection to a Node
Once a user has connected to a unit and established a NETNode on their network operating the system is easy.
The procedure to establish communication with a node varies depending on whether the User wishes to connect the MESH to a network running DHCP or whether the user wishes to run with static IP addresses.
If your network has no DHCP server you will need to assign a fixed IP address for the NETNode using a serial RS232 interface. If you have a DHCP server the NETNode will automatically acquire an IP address and you can connect straight via IP. You may still wish to change the DHCP IP address to a fixed IP address using the browser.
2.6.1. Connecting the NETNode to your Computer using Serial (RS232)
The first time you set up a NETNode with no DHCP you‟ll be connecting using a serial RS232 interface.
You‟ll only have to do this once – every other time you‟ll hook up to the NETNode using an IP interface using a web browser.
On a Phase 1 Unit
1. Connect the Amphenol 19-way plug (m) from CA0288-5 cable to the Amphenol 19-way
jack (f) on the NETNode labelled CTRL/DATA.
NETNode Phase 1 and 2 Units
User Manual
DS000034 Unclassified
2. Now, connect the RS232 D-Type 9-way plug (f) to your computer‟s RS232 9-way jack
Caution: There are two D-Type 9-way plugs on the CA0288-5 cable – ensure you select the RS232 version by checking the label attached to the shell of the plug. The other is RS485.
On a Phase 2 Robust Unit
3. Connect the Amphenol plug (m) from CA0406 cable to the Amphenol jack (f) on the
NETNode labelled CTRL/DATA.
4. Now, connect the RS232 D-Type 9-way plug (f) to your computer‟s RS232 9-way jack
Caution: There are two D-Type 9-way plugs on the CA0406 cable – ensure you select the RS232 version by checking the label attached to the shell of the plug. The other is RS485.
On a Phase 2 Plain box Unit
6. Connect the 15-way HD D-Type plug (m) from CA0474 cable to the 15-way D-Type jack
(f) on the NETNode labelled AUX.
7. Now, connect the RS232 D-Type 9-way plug (f) to your computer‟s RS232 9-way jack
Caution: There are two D-Type 9-way plugs on the CA0474 cable – ensure you select the RS232 version by checking the label attached to the shell of the plug. The other is RS485.
2.6.2. Starting the Control Software
The procedure to establish communication with a node varies depending on whether the network is running a DHCP server or whether the user wishes to run with static IP addresses.
If the network is running DHCP and the NETNode unit is set to defaults, the unit will acquire an address via DHCP. To find out the IP address a PC running the Node Finder PC application must be connected to the same network as the Mesh NETNode.
Starting the Nodefinder application will identify the IP address of any and all mesh nodes on the Network. To find out which unit this is unplug the IP connection to the unit and refresh Node Finder (F5). The entry that disappears is the node in question.
If the User‟s Network does not support DHCP or the unit has the wrong fixed IP address, then a PC running the Node Finder PC application must be connected via RS232 using the data cable (CA288 (Phase1) or CA0406 (Phase 2 Robust) between the port on the PC and the Control port on the MESH node.
On a Phase2 Plain box Mesh connect the PC to the AUX port using the CA0474 cable. The RS232 control 9-way D-type must be used.
NETNode Phase 1 and 2 Units
User Manual
DS000034 Unclassified
Select Ethernet or RS232
IP address of any unit on the Network
To set the IP address via RS232 select the correct PC RS232 port from the tools->network setting menu.
If the NETNode unit is connected to a network that supports DHCP then leave the DHCP option box checked. If the network does not support DHCP then a valid static IP address must be entered and the DHCP box unchecked.
Note: Click „Apply‟ after changing any configuration setting
NETNode Phase 1 and 2 Units
User Manual
DS000034 Unclassified
Once a valid IP address is set it may also be changed in the WEB browser.
Now that the IP address is established the web-server should be used to configure frequency and output power. Once the node is on the User network any Web-browser can be used to browse to the Mesh NETNode to configure and control the node or to browse network status. The unit can be browsed by entering the relevant IP address in the web-browser.
2.6.3. Connecting the NETNode to your Computer using IP
For the rest of the set up of the NETNode you‟ll be connecting using an IP interface and a web browser.
On a Phase 1 Unit
9. Connect the Amphenol 19-way plug (m) from CA0288-5 cable to the Amphenol 19-way
jack (f) on the NETNode labelled CTRL/DATA.
10. Now, connect the RJ45 8-way plug (m) to your computer‟s RJ45 8-way jack (f).
On a Phase 2 Robust unit
11. Connect the Amphenol plug (m) from CA0403cable to the Amphenol jack (f) on the
NETNode labelled Power/IP. (This cable also includes the DC power banana plugs.)
12. Now connect the RJ45 8-way plug (m) to your laptop‟s RJ45 8-way jack (f).
13. Ensure you know the IP address of the computer you have attached.
On a Phase 2 Plain box unit
On a Phase 2 Plain box unit simply connect to one of the RJ45 panel mount sockets labelled 1 or 2 on the NETNode unit. It does not matter which socket you use.
NETNode Phase 1 and 2 Units
User Manual
DS000034 Unclassified
2.7. Web-browser Username and Password
The web-browser will prompt for a Username and Password on the first connection.
Username should be left blank
The default password is „meshweb‟
The status page will be displayed upon successfully entering the Username and Password.
Navigate to the Configuration page by clicking the Configuration Tab.
NETNode Phase 1 and 2 Units
User Manual
DS000034 Unclassified
For the units to function in a single network the following must be set correctly:
1. All units must be set to the same frequency
2. All units must have the same channel bandwidth set
3. All units must have their Transmit enabled
4. All units must have the same mesh ID
5. Each unit should be assigned a different node ID (0-7).
6. If encryption is enabled then the encryption type and keys must match.
Set Output level select to „Low‟ and set Enable „ON‟ by „ticking‟ the check box.
Note: Click „Apply‟ after changing any configuration setting
Check that the Frequency is valid for the operation of the unit – specific country regulations will determine the frequencies available for operation. Note that 2400 to 2480MHz is licence exempt in most of the world.
NETNode Phase 1 and 2 Units
User Manual
DS000034 Unclassified
Mesh Node Power
12 Volts Mesh Node
12 Volts
Power down the Unit.
Repeat the procedure for a second node – making sure that the frequency is always set to be identical.
Domo suggests configuring the system on the bench as outlined below.
The DC power must be set to 12.5V and assume up to 2.5A current draw.
Don‟t connect the Ethernet ports of both units simultaneously to your network when they are both operating as you will create a loop in and out of your IP network. This may affect your network performance and prevent access to either node for about 1 minute.
Connect one MESH node unit to your network and the other MESH node to an IP camera or a standalone PC. The IP Camera or the standalone PC will then be connected to your network through the MESH network.
2.8. DC Power
The NETNode can be powered from a nominal 12V DC supply or an AC to DC adapted supply.
Locate, push and twist to lock the Amphenol connector on the Power cable into the socket labelled POWER, taking care to align the connectors. Connect the banana connectors on the other end of the cable to a suitable DC source.
The 12V DC input has the following characteristics.
Input Voltage Range – 12V to 15V, not reverse voltage protected on Phase 1 Units Current draw – 1.2A to 2A at 12V (capacity dependant), the power draw is very dynamic
and you should use at least a 2.5A rated supply.
CAUTION: Early units were NOT reverse voltage protected. Take extreme care when connecting power to this unit. DO NOT OVER VOLTAGE THE UNIT (Use 15V absolute MAX)
NETNode Phase 1 and 2 Units
User Manual
DS000034 Unclassified
Video BNC
75 ohm composite video source, PAL or NTSC software selectable
Audio Plugs
Line / Microphone level audio, switchable.
Line level -2dBu clip level low impedance source (< 600 ohm)
Microphone level 12, 24, 36 and 48dB preamp stages software switchable
2.9. Ethernet
Locate, push and twist to lock the Amphenol connector into the socket labelled „IP‟, taking
care to align the connectors. When using a plain box Mesh Node simply insert a RJ45 network cable into one of the 2 RJ45 Ethernet sockets.
2.10. Talkback audio (Phase 2 units only)
Connect headset to T/B 6-way Lemo.
Microphone power is provided on the audio connectors at approximately 3V (suitable for Electret microphones)
2.11. Video and Audio Input (if Option is Present)
Locate, push and twist to lock the Amphenol connector into the socket labelled „AV‟, taking care to align the connectors. If using a plain box Mesh unit simply push fit the Lemo connector. Connect the video and audio sources.
Microphone power is provided on the audio connectors at approximately 3V (suitable for Electret microphones)
Typically the video source should be a small colour or black and white CCD camera.
Typically the audio source should be an Electret microphone.
NETNode Phase 1 and 2 Units
User Manual
DS000034 Unclassified
RF Spec
Model Number ending ­034047
Model Number ending ­115140
Model Number ending ­217250
Model Number ending ­440500
Model Number ending ­550600
Output Frequency
2.170 to 2.50GHz
4.40 to 5.0GHz
5.6 to 5.9GHz
Output Bandwidth
Output Power
1W (nominal)
1W (nominal)
1W (nominal)
0.5W (nominal)
1W (nominal)
Output Impedance
50 ohm
50 ohm
50 ohm
50 ohm
50 ohm
2.12. Antennas
Note: It is important only to power up the NETNode unit with the Antennas fitted.
Both antennas must be connected for normal operation. The units are supplied with different types of panel mounted connectors. The phase 1 units are supplied with panel mounted TNC connectors which carries the RF input and output. The antenna should be connected by screwing it onto the TNC, but care should be taken to not over tighten the connector.
The phase 2 plain box mesh units are supplied with panel mounted SMA connectors which carry the RF input and output. The antenna should be connected by screwing it onto the TNC, but care should be taken to not over tighten the connector.
The phase 2 robust box mesh units are supplied with panel mounted N-Type connectors which carry the RF input and output. The antenna should be connected by screwing it onto the TNC, but care should be taken to not over tighten the connector.
The units have the following RF output characteristics.
* Some later Phase 2 NETNode units at these frequencies can support 5MHz. Units supplied after November 2010.
Note: It is recommended that the antennas be connected directly to the transmitter unit. The use of RF cables at this point will degrade the performance of the system.
NETNode Phase 1 and 2 Units
User Manual
DS000034 Unclassified
Antenna model number
Mobile body worn application
1.00 to 1.40GHz - ANTBCL
2.28 to 2.50GHz - ANTBCS
Mobile vehicle application
1.00 to 1.40GHz – ANT4L
2.20 to 2.50GHz - ANT4S
5.60 to 5.90GHz – ANT4-560590
Long range point to point link
1.00 to 1.40GHz – ANT12L
2.28 to 2.50GHz – ANT12S
5.60 to 5.90GHz – ANT14-560590
The optimum choice of antenna will vary according to application. The following table gives some suggestions for suitable transmit antennas with the associated domo part number.
Other antennas for more specialist applications, such as aircraft use or covert surveillance use are available on request from domo.
Some of the antennas will require connector adaptors (Inter series RF adaptors) to connect the antennas directly to the product.
2.13. Deploying the System
All external connection to the MESH products should be made, as described in the previous sections, before proceeding to power on the system.
2.13.1. Installation Notes
This section gives guidelines for how to install the MESH node in the following applications.
2.13.2. Fixed position Applications
The Phase 1 and Phase 2 robust NETNode units are designed to be waterproof allowing them to be installed outdoors.
2.13.3. Vehicle Applications
Interconnection between the unit and any antenna should be kept as short as possible, but where this is not possible, special attention should be taken to use only low loss cables. An appropriate cable might be RG213C/U. It is essential to minimise the distance between the unit and the antenna. Mounting holes are provided.
Power conversion will be required for 24V vehicles.
The video input can be connected across long video cable lengths so remotely mounted cameras should pose no problem.
The unit is self-cooling; however it should be mounted in a ventilated environment. Forced air cooling is not required.
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